7.11 Tabling predicate reference

:- table(:Specification)
Prepare the predicates specified by Specification for tabled execution. Specification is a comma-list, each member specifying tabled execution for a specific predicate. The individual specification is either a predicate indicator (name/arity or name//arity) or head specifying tabling with answer subsumption.

Although table/1 is normally used as a directive, SWI-Prolog allows calling it as a runtime predicate to prepare an existing predicate for tabled execution. The predicate untable/1 can be used to remove the tabling instrumentation from a predicate.

The example below prepares the predicate edge/2 and the non-terminal statement//1 for tabled execution.

:- table edge/2, statement//1.

Below is an example declaring a predicate to use tabling with answer subsumption. Answer subsumption or mode directed tabling is discussed in section 7.3.

:- table connection(_,_,min).

Additional tabling options can be provided using a term as/2, which can be applied to a single specification or a comma list of specifications. The options themselves are a comma-list of one or more of the following atoms:

Default. Create a table for each call variant.
Instead of creating a new table for each call variant, check whether there is a completed table for a more general goal and if this is the case extract the answers from this table. See section 7.5.
Declare that the table shall be shared between threads. See section 7.9
Declare that the table shall be local to the calling thread. See section 7.9
Declare that the table depends on other tables and incremental dynamic predicates. See section 7.7.
Declare that the predicate is dynamic. Often used together with incremental.

This syntax is closely related to the table declarations used in XSB Prolog. Where in XSB as is an operator with priority above the priority of the comma, it is an operator with priority below the comma in SWI-Prolog. Therefore, multiple predicates or options must be enclosed in parenthesis. For example:

:- table p/1 as subsumptive.
:- table (q/1, r/2) as subsumptive.
The tnot/1 predicate implements tabled negation. This predicate realises Well Founded Semantics. See section 7.6 for details.
Handles tabled negation for non-ground (floundering) Goal as well as non tabled goals. If Goal is ground and tabled not_exists/1 calls tnot/1. Otherwise it used tabled_call(Goal) to create a table and subsequently uses tnot/1 on the created table.

Logically, not_exists(p(X)) is defined as tnot(&existX(p(X)))

Note that each Goal variant populates a table for tabled_call/1. Applications may need to abolish such tables to limit memory usage or guarantee consistency‘after the world changed'.

Helper predicate for not_exists/1. Defined as below. The helper is public because application may need to abolish its tables.
:- table tabled_call/1 as variant.
tabled_call(Goal) :- call(Goal).
current_table(:Variant, -Trie)
True when Trie is the answer table for Variant.
Remove the tables and tabling instrumentation for the specified predicates. Specification is compatible with table/1, although tabling with answer subsumption may be removed using a name/arity specification. The untable/1 predicate is first of all intended for examining the effect of various tabling scenarios on a particuar program interactively from the toplevel.

Note that although using untable/1 followed by table/1 may be used to flush all tables associated with the given predicate(s), flushing tables should be done using one of the table abolish predicates both for better performance and compatibility with other Prolog implementations: abolish_all_tables/0, abolish_private_tables/0, abolish_shared_tables/0, abolish_module_tables/1 or abolish_table_subgoals/1. For example, to remove all tables for p/3 , run the goal below. The predicate functor/3 may be used to create a head term from a given name and arity.

?- abolish_table_subgoals(p(_,_,_)).
Remove all tables, both private and shared (see section 7.9). Since the introduction of incremental tabling (see section 7.7) abolishing tables is rarely required to maintain consistency of the tables with a changed environment. Tables may be abolished regardless of the current state of the table. Incomplete tables are flagged for destruction when they are completed. See section 7.9.1 for the semantics of destroying shared tables and the following predicates for destroying a subset of the tables: abolish_private_tables/0, abolish_shared_tables/0, abolish_table_subgoals/1 and abolish_module_tables/1.
Abolish all tables that are private to this thread.
Abolish all tables that are shared between threads. See also section 7.9.1
Abolish all tables that unify with SubGoal. Tables that have undefined answers that depend of the abolished table are abolished as well (recursively). For example, given the program below, abolish_table_subgoals(und) will also abolish the table for p/0 because its answer refers to und/0 .
p :- und.
und :- tnot(und).
Remove all tables that belong to predicates in Module.
Similar to abolish_all_tables/0, but does not abolish incremental tables as their consistency is maintained by the system. Options:
Action is one of skip or error. If Action is skip, do not delete the table.bugXSB marks such tables for deletion after completion. That is not yet implemented.