/* Part of SWI-Prolog Author: Jan Wielemaker This example code is in the public domain */ :- module(subcommand, [ pipe_through_command/3 % +Command, +In, -Out ]). :- use_module(library(unix)). % pipe_through_command(+Command, +In, -Out) % % Pipe text In through command Command and put the output of command % in Out. % % Example: % % ?- pipe_through_command(tr('a-z', 'A-Z'), hello, X) % % X = 'HELLO' pipe_through_command(Command, In, Out) :- pipe(ChildIn, MeOut), pipe(MeIn, ChildOut), fork(Pid), ( Pid == child, close(MeOut), close(MeIn), dup(ChildIn, 0), dup(ChildOut, 1), close(ChildIn), close(ChildOut), exec(Command) ; close(ChildIn), close(ChildOut), write(MeOut, In), close(MeOut), read_input(MeIn, Out), close(MeIn), wait(Pid, _Status) % avoid zombi ). read_input(In, Atom) :- get_code(In, C0), read_input(C0, In, Codes), atom_codes(Atom, Codes). read_input(-1, _, []) :- !. read_input(C, In, [C|T]) :- get_code(In, C1), read_input(C1, In, T).