package family; import java.util.Map; import org.jpl7.JPL; import org.jpl7.Query; import org.jpl7.Term; public class Family { public static void main(String argv[]) { // JPL.setTraditional(); // Query.hasSolution("use_module(library(jpl))"); // only because we call e.g. jpl_pl_syntax/1 below Term swi = Query.oneSolution("current_prolog_flag(version_data,Swi)").get("Swi"); System.out.println("swipl.version = " + swi.arg(1) + "" + swi.arg(2) + "." + swi.arg(3)); System.out.println("swipl.syntax = " + Query.oneSolution("jpl_pl_syntax(Syntax)").get("Syntax")); System.out.println("swipl.home = " + Query.oneSolution("current_prolog_flag(home,Home)").get("Home").name()); System.out.println("jpl.jar = " + JPL.version_string()); System.out.println("jpl.dll = " + org.jpl7.fli.Prolog.get_c_lib_version()); System.out.println(" = " + Query.oneSolution("jpl_pl_lib_version(V)").get("V").name()); // String t1 = "consult('')"; System.out.println(t1 + " " + (Query.hasSolution(t1) ? "succeeded" : "failed")); // String t2 = "child_of(joe, ralf)"; System.out.println(t2 + " is " + (Query.hasSolution(t2) ? "provable" : "not provable")); // String t3 = "descendent_of(steve, ralf)"; System.out.println(t3 + " is " + (Query.hasSolution(t3) ? "provable" : "not provable")); // String t4 = "descendent_of(X, ralf)"; System.out.println("first solution of " + t4 + ": X = " + Query.oneSolution(t4).get("X")); Map[] ss4 = Query.allSolutions(t4); System.out.println("all solutions of " + t4); for (int i = 0; i < ss4.length; i++) { System.out.println("X = " + ss4[i].get("X")); } System.out.println("each solution of " + t4); Query q4 = new Query(t4); while (q4.hasMoreSolutions()) { Map s4 = q4.nextSolution(); System.out.println("X = " + s4.get("X")); } // String t5 = "descendent_of(X,Y)"; Query q5 = new Query(t5); System.out.println("each solution of " + t5); while (q5.hasMoreSolutions()) { Map s5 = q5.nextSolution(); System.out.println("X = " + s5.get("X") + ", Y = " + s5.get("Y")); } } }