%------------------------------------------------------------------------ % Program that might be gining wrong results. % % Model T = {}, F = {p,q,r,s}. %------------------------------------------------------------------------ :- dynamic rule/2. :- table interp_g/1. interp([]). interp([tnot(G)|Gs]) :- tnot(interp_g(G)),interp(Gs). interp([G|Gs]) :- interp_g(G),interp(Gs). interp_g(G) :- rule(G,B),interp(B). %------------------------------------------------------------------------------- test :- new_program, query(Goal), interp_g(Goal), fail. test :- ( interp_g(p) -> ( tnot(interp_g(p)) -> writeln('i(p) is undefined') ; writeln('i(p) is true') ) ; writeln('i(p) is false (OK)') ), ( interp_g(q) -> ( tnot(interp_g(q)) -> writeln('i(q) is undefined') ; writeln('i(q) is true') ) ; writeln('i(q) is false (OK)') ), ( interp_g(r) -> ( tnot(interp_g(r)) -> writeln('i(r) is undefined') ; writeln('i(r) is true') ) ; writeln('i(r) is false (OK)') ), ( interp_g(s) -> ( tnot(interp_g(s)) -> writeln('i(r) is undefined') ; writeln('i(s) is true') ) ; writeln('i(s) is false (OK)') ), fail. test :- writeln('Program interp6 finished execution...'). %------------------------------------------------------------------------------- new_program :- cleanup, assert(query(s)), assert(rule(p,[tnot(q),r])), assert(rule(p,[q])), assert(rule(s,[tnot(r),q])), assert(rule(q,[tnot(s),p])). cleanup :- retractall(query(_)), retractall(rule(_,_)), abolish_all_tables.