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<h1 id="sec:clp"><a id="sec:8"><span class="sec-nr">8</span> <span class="sec-title">Constraint 
Logic Programming</span></a></h1>

<a id="sec:clp"></a>
<a id="idx:CLP:2164"></a><a id="idx:constraintprogramming:2165"></a>This 
chapter describes the extensions primarily designed to support
<b>constraint logic programming</b>&nbsp;(CLP), an important declarative 
programming paradigm with countless practical applications.

<p>CLP(<var>X</var>) stands for constraint logic programming over the 
domain&nbsp;<var>X</var>. Plain Prolog can be regarded as&nbsp;CLP(<var>H</var>), 
where <var>H</var> stands for
<i>Herbrand&nbsp;terms</i><a id="idx:Herbrandterm:2166"></a>. Over this 
<a class="pred" href="compare.html#=/2">=/2</a> and <a id="idx:dif2:2167"></a><a class="pred" href="coroutining.html#dif/2">dif/2</a> 
are the most important constraints that express, respectively, equality 
and disequality of&nbsp;terms. Plain Prolog can thus be regarded as a 
special&nbsp;case of&nbsp;CLP.

<p>There are dedicated constraint solvers for several important domains:

<ul class="latex">
<li>CLP(FD) for <b>integers</b> (<a class="sec" href="clpfd.html#sec:A.9">section 
<li>CLP(B) for <b>Boolean</b> variables (<a class="sec" href="clpb.html#sec:A.8">section 
<li>CLP(Q) for <b>rational</b> numbers (<a class="sec" href="clpqr.html#sec:A.10">section 
<li>CLP(R) for <b>floating point</b> numbers (<a class="sec" href="clpqr.html#sec:A.10">section 

<p>In addition, CHR (<a class="sec" href="chr.html#sec:9">chapter 9</a>) 
provides a general purpose constraint handling language to reason over 
user-defined constraints.

<p>Constraints blend in naturally into Prolog programs, and behave 
exactly like plain Prolog predicates in those cases that can also be 
expressed without constraints. However, there are two key differences 
between constraints and plain Prolog predicates:

<ul class="latex">
<li>Constraints can <i>delay</i> checks until their truth can be safely 
decided. This feature can significantly increase the
<i>generality</i> of your programs, and preserves their relational 

<li>Constraints can take into account everything you state about the 
entities you reason about, independent of the order in which you state 
it, both <i>before</i> and also <i>during</i> any search for concrete 
solutions. Using available information to prune parts of the search 
space is called constraint
<em>propagation</em><a id="idx:propagation:2168"></a>, and it is 
performed automatically by the available constraint solvers for their 
respective domains. This feature can significantly increase the
<i>performance</i> of your programs.

<p>Due to these two key advantages over plain Prolog, CLP has become an 
extremely important declarative programming paradigm in practice.

<p>Among its most important and typical instances is CLP(FD), constraint 
logic programming over&nbsp;<i>integers</i>. For example, using 
constraints, you can state in the most general way that a variable&nbsp;<var>X</var> 
is an integer greater than&nbsp;0. If, later, <var>X</var> is bound to a 
concrete integer, the constraint solver automatically ensures this. If 
you in addition constrain&nbsp;<var>X</var> to integers less than&nbsp;3, 
the constraint solver combines the existing knowledge to infer that <var>X</var> 
is either 1 or&nbsp;2 (see below). To obtain concrete values for&nbsp;<var>X</var>, 
you can ask the solver to <em>label</em>&nbsp;<var>X</var> and produce 1 
and 2 on backtracking. See&nbsp;<a class="sec" href="clpfd.html#sec:A.9">section 

<pre class="code">
?- use_module(library(clpfd)).

?- X #&gt; 0, X #&lt; 3.
X in 1..2.

?- X #&gt; 0, X #&lt; 3, indomain(X).
X = 1 ;
X = 2.

<p>Contrast this with plain Prolog, which has no efficient means to deal 
with (integer) <var>X &gt; 0</var> and <var>X &lt; 3</var>. At best it 
could translate <var>X &gt; 0</var> to <code>between(1, infinite, X)</code> 
and a similar primitive for <var>X &lt; 3</var>. If the two are combined 
it has no choice but to generate and test over this infinite 
two-dimensional space.

<p>Using constraints therefore makes your program more
<em>declarative</em><a id="idx:declarative:2169"></a> in that it frees 
you from some procedural aspects and limitations of Prolog.

<p>When working with constraints, keep in mind the following:

<ul class="latex">
<li>As with plain Prolog, <a class="pred" href="control.html#!/0">!/0</a> 
also destroys the declarative semantics of constraints. A cut after a 
goal that is delayed may prematurely prune the search space, because the 
truth of delayed goals is not yet established. There are several ways to 
avoid cuts in constraint logic programs, retaining both generality and 
determinism of your programs. See for example <a id="idx:zcompare3:2170"></a><a class="pred" href="clpfd.html#zcompare/3">zcompare/3</a>.
<li>Term-copying operations (<a id="idx:assertz1:2171"></a><a class="pred" href="db.html#assertz/1">assertz/1</a>, <a id="idx:retract1:2172"></a><a class="pred" href="db.html#retract/1">retract/1</a>, <a id="idx:findall3:2173"></a><a class="pred" href="allsolutions.html#findall/3">findall/3</a>,
<a id="idx:copyterm2:2174"></a><a class="pred" href="manipterm.html#copy_term/2">copy_term/2</a>, 
etc.) generally also copy constraints. The effect varies from ok, silent 
copying of huge constraint networks to violations of the internal 
consistency of constraint networks. As a rule of thumb, copying terms 
holding attributes must be deprecated. If you need to reason about a 
term that is involved in constraints, use <a id="idx:copyterm3:2175"></a><a class="pred" href="attvar.html#copy_term/3">copy_term/3</a> 
to obtain the constraints as Prolog goals, and use these goals for 
further processing.

<p>All of the mentioned constraint solvers are implemented using the 
attributed variables interface described in&nbsp;<a class="sec" href="attvar.html#sec:8.1">section 
8.1</a>. These are lower-level predicates that are mainly intended for 
library authors, not for typical Prolog programmers.

<div style="text-align:center">

<h2>Section Index</h2>

<div class="toc">
<div class="toc-h2"><a class="sec" href="attvar.html"><span class="sec-nr">8.1</span> <span class="sec-title">Attributed 
<div class="toc-h3"><a class="sec" href="attvar.html#sec:8.1.1"><span class="sec-nr">8.1.1</span> <span class="sec-title">Attribute 
manipulation predicates</span></a></div>
<div class="toc-h3"><a class="sec" href="attvar.html#sec:8.1.2"><span class="sec-nr">8.1.2</span> <span class="sec-title">Attributed 
variable hooks</span></a></div>
<div class="toc-h3"><a class="sec" href="attvar.html#sec:8.1.3"><span class="sec-nr">8.1.3</span> <span class="sec-title">Operations 
on terms with attributed variables</span></a></div>
<div class="toc-h3"><a class="sec" href="attvar.html#sec:8.1.4"><span class="sec-nr">8.1.4</span> <span class="sec-title">Special 
purpose predicates for attributes</span></a></div>
<div class="toc-h2"><a class="sec" href="coroutining.html"><span class="sec-nr">8.2</span> <span class="sec-title">Coroutining</span></a></div>