13.2 Calling Prolog from JavaScript

The Prolog class provides several methods for calling Prolog from JavaScript.

Boolean Prolog.call(Goal)
Processes a Prolog goal represented as a String and returns true or false. This simple calling pattern is intended for trivial goals such as setting a Prolog flag. For example, the call below limits the Prolog stacks to 10Mb.
Prolog.call("set_prolog_flag(stack_limit, 10 000 000)");
Query Prolog.query(Goal)
Query Prolog.query(Goal, Input)
Create a Prolog query from a String, optionally binding Prolog variables embedded in Goal from properties of the Object Input. The returned object is an instance of class Query. This instance can be used as a JavaScript iterator. The value returned in each iteration is an Object with properties for each variable in Goal that is not in Input and does not start with an underscore. For example, we can iterate over the members of a list like below. Further details on class Query are provided in section 13.2.1. The translation of data between Prolog and JavaScript is described in section 13.2.2.
for(let r of Prolog.query("member(Elem,List)",
                          {List: ["aap", "noot", "mies"]}))
{ console.log(r.Elem);

This interface is also practical for calling (fast) Prolog predicates to compute a single answer from an input using the Query.once() method. Assuming a Prolog predicate fib/2 that computes the nth Fibonacci number, we can call this using the code below. Note that if the fib/2 fails or raises an exception the object returned by Query.once() does not contain the Out key and thus our function returns undefined.

function fib(in, out)
{ return Prolog.query("fib(In,Out)", {In:in}).once().Out;

The .query() method is indented for fast queries that do not require the yield mechanism, i.e., the execution should not require asynchronous operations and the browser is not responsive during the execution.

Promise Prolog.forEach(Goal)
Promise Prolog.forEach(Goal, OnAnswer)
Promise Prolog.forEach(Goal, Input)
Promise Prolog.forEach(Goal, Input, OnAnswer)
This method executes Goal asynchronously. This implies that Goal may execute asynchronous operations and the browser remains responsive while executing Goal. Goal and Input are processed as with .query(). For each answer, OnAnswer is a Function that is called with a Object that holds the bindings for the output arguments of Goal.

The returned Promise is resolved when the query completes. The value passed to the .then() method of the Promise is the number of answers if OnAnswer is provided or an Array of answers if OnAnswer is omitted. If Goal raises an exception the Promise is rejected.

Multiple calls to Prolog can be activated at any time. Prolog processes such queries in LIFO (Last In, First Out) mode. If queries need to be processed sequentially use JavaScript await or the Promise.finally() method to wait for completion.

13.2.1 The JavaScript class Query

The method Prolog.query() returns an instance of the JavaScript class Query that may be used to explore the solutions of the query. The Query class implements the JavaScript iterator protocol.

Object Query.next()
Implements the iterator protocol. This returns an object holding the keys done and value. If exception handling is enabled it returns an object {done:true, error:true, message:String}.
Object Query.once()
Close the query after the first answer. Returns the .value of the object returned by .next() on success and the complete object on failure or error. In addition, on a logical result (no error), a field success is added with a boolean value. Thus, the return value may contain these keys:
Query succeeded. Objects holds a key for each output variable. In addition the success key is set to true.
Query failed. Note that the binding keys all start with an uppercase letter and this is thus not ambiguous.
{error:true, message:String}
Query raised an exception.
Object Query.close()
Closes the query. This can be used inside the iterator to stop further enumeration.

13.2.2 Translating data between JavaScript and Prolog

JavaScript and Prolog are both dynamically typed languages. The WASM module defines a faithful translation between JavaScript data and Prolog data that aims at completeness as well as keeping the data representation clean in the common cases. We describe the translation in two descriptions because round tripping does not always result in the original object. Translating JavaScript data to Prolog

This section describes how data from JavaScript is translated into Prolog. The interface is primarily designed for passing JavaScript data as typically used to a natural Prolog representation. In addition a number of classes are provided to create Prolog specific data structures such as strings (as opposed to atoms), variables, compound terms, etc.

Translate to a Prolog integer or floating point number.
Translate to a Prolog integer.
Translate to a Prolog atom. Use new Prolog.String(text) to create a Prolog string. See below.
Translate to one of the Prolog atoms true or false.
Translate the Prolog atom undefined.
Translate the Prolog atom null.
Translate to a Prolog list.
Objects holding the key $:Type
Such objects are converted depending on the value for this key. The interface defines classes to simplify creating such objects.
Represent a Prolog string. The key v holds the text. May be created using new Prolog.string(text). May be created using new Prolog.String(text).
Represent a Prolog rational number. The keys n and d represent the numerator and denominator. For example, to represent 1r3, use {$:"r", n:1, d:3}. May be created using new Prolog.Rational(n, d), where n and d can be JavaScript numbers or big integers.
Represent a Prolog compound term. The object should hold exactly one key whose value is an array that holds the argument values. For example a term point(1,2) is constructed using {$:"t", point:[1,2]}. May be created using new Prolog.Compound(functor, args)
Represent a variable. If the key v is present this identifies the variable. Two variables processed in the same translation with the same identifier represent the same Prolog variable. If the v key is omitted the variable will be unique. May be created using new Prolog.Var(id).
Represent a Prolog list. As a JavaScript Array we only need this typed object to create a partial list. The v key contains the “normal'' elements and the key tail contains the tail of the list. May be created using new Prolog.List(array, tail).
Object of class Object
Plain JavaScript objects are translated into a Prolog dict. Note that JavaScript object keys are always strings and (thus) all dict keys are atoms. This, {1:"one"} is translated into _{'1': one}.
Instances of ArrayBuffer are translated into a Prolog string that consists of characters in the range 0 ... 255.
Objects of a one class not being Object
Instances of non-plain JavaScript objects are translated into a Prolog blob. Such objects are written as <js_Class(id)>. The Prolog interface allows for passing the objects back and calling methods on them. See section 13.3. Translating Prolog data to JavaScript

Most of the translation from Prolog data to JavaScript is the reverse of the translation described in section In some cases however reverse translation is ambiguous. For example, both 42 and 42n (a JavaScript BigInt) translate to a simple Prolog integer. The other way around, as JavaScript Number is a float, both Prolog 42 and 42.0 translate to 42 in JavaScript.

Translate to a JavaScript Prolog.Variable instance where the identifier is a unique number of each unique variable.
Translate to a JavaScript Number when possible or BigInt otherwise. Currently JavaScript Number can represent integers upto 2^53 precisely.
Translate to a JavaScript Prolog.Rational instance.
Translate to a JavaScript Number.
Translate to a JavaScript String.
Translate to a JavaScript Prolog.String instance.
When a proper list create a JavaScript Array, otherwise create a JavaScript Prolog.List instance.
Compound term
Create a JavaScript Prolog.Compound instance.
Create a plain JavaScript Object with the same keys. If the dict has a non-var tag, add a $tag property.