13.1 Loading and initializing Prolog

The WASM SWI-Prolog distribution consists of three files:

This is the main file that must be loaded using a <script> element. It defines a global function SWIPL that loads the other components and gives access to the SWI-Prolog system.
This is the actual WASM binary containing the compiled C code of the core, foreign packages and required libraries.
This data contains a file system that is mounted on /swipl. It contains the Prolog startup code and libraries.

Below is the skeleton for getting access to the Prolog system. We first define the global Module object, optionally with configuration parameters. We use a global variable because some of the Emscripten configuration parameters require access to the Module. SWIPL returns a Promise that resolves when the WASM system is loaded and initialized. This sets Module.prolog to an instance of the class Prolog that provides a high level interface from JavaScript.

let Prolog;
const Module = {
  // Provide options for customization

SWIPL(Module).then((module) =>
{ Prolog = Module.prolog;

  // Start using Prolog

Module defines customization properties for the Emscripten module as well as for Prolog. We highlight the important properties below.

An Array of String objects that define the commandline arguments for initializing Prolog. argv[0] is not part of this array. Few arguments are useful in this context. The -q may be used to suppress the Prolog banner.
A Function that is used to translate swipl-web.wasm and swipl-web.data into a (relative) URL. Default is to find these resources in the same directory of the server. For example, to load swipl-web.wasm and swipl-web.data from /wasm use
var Module = {
  locateFile: (file) => '/wasm/' + file
A Function that is called when Prolog writes to user_output or user_input. It is passed two arguments: a String containing the text to emit and one of the constant strings "stdout" or "stderr" to indicate the output stream. This uses the Emscripten Module.FS.init option to rebind the output and error streams, providing behaviour that is similar to the Emscripten properties print and printErr. However, our passed string contains the newline character and the handler is called when Prolog flushes the output. Normally the callback should insert a <span> element that has (at least) the following style:
.stderr, .stdout {
  white-space: pre-wrap;
  font-family: monospace;
  overflow-wrap: anywhere;

Here is a simple implementation of print(), assuming the document has a <div id="output"> node.

function print(line, cls)
{ const output = document.getElementById("output");
  const node   = document.createElement('span');

  node.className = cls;
  node.textContent = line;

13.1.1 Loading Prolog files

The WASM build ships with the Prolog library and thus Prolog libraries can be loaded as normal using use_module/1, etc., for example, we can include the lists library using this directive. Note that the normal autoloading of library code works in the WASM version.

:- use_module(library(lists)).

When Prolog is in asynchronous mode, i.e., called through Prolog.forEach(), we can also load code from a URL. For example, we can load the CHAT80 demo program directly from GitHub using236The \c continues the quoted atom from the next line after removing leading white space.

?- consult('https://raw.githubusercontent.com/JanWielemaker/\c

Larger files can be loaded as .qlf files. See section 4.3.3 and qcompile/2. Notably we can create a single qlf file from an application using the include(user) option. Below we create a .qlf file from CHAT80. The resulting chat80.qlf can be loaded from a URL using consult/1 as above.

?- qcompile('chat80.pl', [include(user)]).

There are three ways to load Prolog code from JavaScript: (1) loading from a string, (2) loading from <script> elements and (3) loading from URL. Note that all the loading methods return a Promise that is resolved when loading the data is completed.

Promise Prolog.load_string(String, Id)
Load Prolog code from String, pretending it was loaded from the file Id. The Id is optional. When omitted it generates /string/1, /string/2, ... .
Promise Prolog.load_scripts()
Load all scripts from the current docement that have their type set to text/prolog. The file reference for the loaded script is /script/Id, where Id is derived from (1) the id of the script, (2) the name of the script or (3) being the nth Prolog script in the document. When resolved, the promise returns an array with the names of the loaded scripts.
Promise Prolog.consult(...Sources)
Load the given Sources. Each source is either a file from the local file system, e.g., library(lists) or a URL. The sources are downloaded and processed sequentially. This uses Prolog.forEach() calling load_files/1. The returned Promise returns 1 on success.