% This LaTeX document was generated using the LaTeX backend of PlDoc, % The SWI-Prolog documentation system \begin{summarylist}{ll} \predicatesummary{check}{0}{Run all consistency checks defined by checker/2.} \predicatesummary{checker}{2}{Register code validation routines.} \predicatesummary{list_autoload}{0}{Report predicates that may be auto-loaded.} \predicatesummary{list_cross_module_calls}{0}{List calls from one module to another using Module:Goal where the callee is not defined exported, public or multifile, i.e., where the callee should be considered _private_.} \predicatesummary{list_format_errors}{0}{List argument errors for format/2,3.} \predicatesummary{list_format_errors}{1}{List argument errors for format/2,3.} \predicatesummary{list_rationals}{0}{List rational numbers that appear in clauses.} \predicatesummary{list_rationals}{1}{List rational numbers that appear in clauses.} \predicatesummary{list_redefined}{0}{Lists predicates that are defined in the global module =user= as well as in a normal module; that is, predicates for which the local definition overrules the global default definition.} \predicatesummary{list_strings}{0}{List strings that appear in clauses.} \predicatesummary{list_strings}{1}{List strings that appear in clauses.} \predicatesummary{list_trivial_fails}{0}{List goals that trivially fail because there is no matching clause.} \predicatesummary{list_trivial_fails}{1}{List goals that trivially fail because there is no matching clause.} \predicatesummary{list_undefined}{0}{Report undefined predicates.} \predicatesummary{list_undefined}{1}{Report undefined predicates.} \predicatesummary{list_void_declarations}{0}{List predicates that have declared attributes, but no clauses.} \predicatesummary{string_predicate}{1}{Multifile hook to disable list_strings/0 on the given predicate.} \predicatesummary{trivial_fail_goal}{1}{Multifile hook that tells list_trivial_fails/0 to accept Goal as valid.} \predicatesummary{valid_string_goal}{1}{Multifile hook that qualifies Goal as valid for list_strings/0.} \end{summarylist}