% This LaTeX document was generated using the LaTeX backend of PlDoc, % The SWI-Prolog documentation system \begin{summarylist}{ll} \predicatesummary{current_encoding}{1}{True if Name is the name of a supported encoding.} \predicatesummary{current_type}{3}{True when Type is a currently defined type and Var satisfies Type of the body term Body succeeds.} \predicatesummary{domain_error}{2}{The argument is of the proper type, but has a value that is outside the supported values.} \predicatesummary{existence_error}{2}{Culprit is of the correct type and correct domain, but there is no existing (external) resource of type ObjectType that is represented by it.} \predicatesummary{existence_error}{3}{Culprit is of the correct type and correct domain, but there is no existing (external) resource of type ObjectType that is represented by it in the provided set.} \predicatesummary{has_type}{2}{True if Term satisfies Type.} \predicatesummary{instantiation_error}{1}{An argument is under-instantiated.} \predicatesummary{is_of_type}{2}{True if Term satisfies Type.} \predicatesummary{must_be}{2}{True if Term satisfies the type constraints for Type.} \predicatesummary{permission_error}{3}{It is not allowed to perform Operation on (whatever is represented by) Culprit that is of the given PermissionType (in fact, the ISO Standard is confusing and vague about these terms' meaning).} \predicatesummary{representation_error}{1}{A representation error indicates a limitation of the implementation.} \predicatesummary{resource_error}{1}{A goal cannot be completed due to lack of resources.} \predicatesummary{syntax_error}{1}{A text has invalid syntax.} \predicatesummary{type_error}{2}{Tell the user that Culprit is not of the expected ValidType.} \predicatesummary{uninstantiation_error}{1}{An argument is over-instantiated.} \end{summarylist}