% This LaTeX document was generated using the LaTeX backend of PlDoc, % The SWI-Prolog documentation system \begin{summarylist}{ll} \predicatesummary{add_to_heap}{4}{Adds Key with priority Priority to Heap0, constructing a new heap in Heap.} \predicatesummary{delete_from_heap}{4}{Deletes Key from Heap0, leaving its priority in Priority and the resulting data structure in Heap.} \predicatesummary{empty_heap}{1}{True if Heap is an empty heap.} \predicatesummary{get_from_heap}{4}{Retrieves the minimum-priority pair Priority-Key from Heap0.} \predicatesummary{heap_size}{2}{Determines the number of elements in Heap.} \predicatesummary{heap_to_list}{2}{Constructs a list List of Priority-Element terms, ordered by (ascending) priority.} \predicatesummary{is_heap}{1}{Returns true if X is a heap.} \predicatesummary{list_to_heap}{2}{If List is a list of Priority-Element terms, constructs a heap out of List.} \predicatesummary{merge_heaps}{3}{Merge the two heaps Heap0 and Heap1 in Heap.} \predicatesummary{min_of_heap}{3}{Unifies Key with the minimum-priority element of Heap and Priority with its priority value.} \predicatesummary{min_of_heap}{5}{Gets the two minimum-priority elements from Heap.} \predicatesummary{singleton_heap}{3}{True if Heap is a heap with the single element Priority-Key.} \end{summarylist}