% This LaTeX document was generated using the LaTeX backend of PlDoc, % The SWI-Prolog documentation system \begin{summarylist}{ll} \predicatesummary{called_by}{2}{If this succeeds, the cross-referencer assumes Goal may call any of the goals in ListOfCalled.} \predicatesummary{called_by}{4}{True when Called is a list of callable terms called from Goal, handled by the predicate Module:Goal and executed in the context of the module Context.} \predicatesummary{hook}{1}{True if Goal is a hook that is called spontaneously (e.g., from foreign code).} \predicatesummary{meta_goal}{2}{Define meta-predicates.} \predicatesummary{xref_called}{3}{True when By is called from Called in Source.} \predicatesummary{xref_called}{4}{True when By is called from Called in Source.} \predicatesummary{xref_called}{5}{True when By is called from Called in Source.} \predicatesummary{xref_clean}{1}{Reset the database for the given source.} \predicatesummary{xref_comment}{3}{Is true when Source has a section comment with Title and Comment.} \predicatesummary{xref_comment}{4}{Is true when Head in Source has the given PlDoc comment.} \predicatesummary{xref_current_source}{1}{Check what sources have been analysed.} \predicatesummary{xref_defined}{3}{Test if Goal is accessible in Source.} \predicatesummary{xref_definition_line}{2}{If the 3th argument of xref_defined contains line info, return this in Line.} \predicatesummary{xref_done}{2}{Cross-reference executed at Time.} \predicatesummary{xref_exported}{2}{True when Source exports Head.} \predicatesummary{xref_hook}{1}{Definition of known hooks.} \predicatesummary{xref_meta}{2}{True when Called is a list of terms called from Head.} \predicatesummary{xref_meta}{3}{True when Head calls Called in Source.} \predicatesummary{xref_meta_src}{3}{True when Called is a list of terms called from Head.} \predicatesummary{xref_mode}{3}{Is true when Source provides a predicate with Mode and determinism.} \predicatesummary{xref_module}{2}{True if Module is defined in Source.} \predicatesummary{xref_op}{2}{Give the operators active inside the module.} \predicatesummary{xref_option}{2}{True when Source was processed using Option.} \predicatesummary{xref_prolog_flag}{4}{True when Flag is set to Value at Line in Source.} \predicatesummary{xref_public_list}{3}{Find meta-information about File.} \predicatesummary{xref_public_list}{4}{Find meta-information about File.} \predicatesummary{xref_public_list}{6}{Find meta-information about File.} \predicatesummary{xref_public_list}{7}{Find meta-information about File.} \predicatesummary{xref_source}{1}{Generate the cross-reference data for Source if not already done and the source is not modified.} \predicatesummary{xref_source}{2}{Generate the cross-reference data for Source if not already done and the source is not modified.} \predicatesummary{xref_source_file}{3}{Find named source file from Spec, relative to Src.} \predicatesummary{xref_source_file}{4}{Find named source file from Spec, relative to Src.} \predicatesummary{xref_uses_file}{3}{True when Source tries to load a file using Spec.} \end{summarylist}