% This LaTeX document was generated using the LaTeX backend of PlDoc, % The SWI-Prolog documentation system \section{Supporting JSON} \label{sec:jsonsupport} From \url{http://json.org}, " JSON (JavaScript Object Notation) is a lightweight data-interchange format. It is easy for humans to read and write. It is easy for machines to parse and generate. It is based on a subset of the JavaScript Programming Language, Standard ECMA-262 3rd Edition - December 1999. JSON is a text format that is completely language independent but uses conventions that are familiar to programmers of the C-family of languages, including C, C++, C\#, Java, JavaScript, Perl, Python, and many others. These properties make JSON an ideal data-interchange language." Although JSON is nowadays used a lot outside the context of web applications, SWI-Prolog's support for JSON started life as part of the HTTP package. SWI-Prolog supports two Prolog representations for JSON terms. The first and oldest map JSON objects to a term \verb$json(PropertyList)$ and use the \verb$@$ functor to disambiguate e.g. \const{null} from the string \verb$"null"$, leading to \verb$@(null)$. As of SWI-Prolog version 7, JSON objects may be represented using \textit{dict} objects and JSON strings using Prolog strings. Predicates following this convention are suffixed with \verb$_dict$, e.g. \predref{json_read_dict}{2}. For example, given the JSON document \begin{code} { "name": "Bob", "children": ["Mary", "John"], "age":42, "married": true } \end{code} we get either (using \predref{json_read}{2}): \begin{code} json([name='Bob', children=['Mary', 'John'], age=42, married= @(true)]). \end{code} or (using \predref{json_read_dict}{2}): \begin{code} _{age:42, children:["Mary", "John"], married:true, name:"Bob"} \end{code} The SWI-Prolog JSON interface consists of three libraries: \begin{itemize} \item \file{library(http/json)} provides support for the core JSON object serialization and parsing. \item \file{library(http/json_convert)} converts between the primary representation of JSON terms in Prolog and more application oriented Prolog terms. E.g. \verb$point(X,Y)$ vs. \verb$object([x=X,y=Y])$. \item \file{library(http/http_json)} hooks the conversion libraries into the HTTP client and server libraries. \subsection{library(http/json): Reading and writing JSON serialization} \label{sec:json} \begin{tags} \tag{author} Jan Wielemaker\mtag{See also}- \file{http_json.pl} links JSON to the HTTP client and server modules. \\- \file{json_convert.pl} converts JSON Prolog terms to more comfortable terms. \end{tags} This module supports reading and writing JSON objects. This library supports two Prolog representations (the \textit{new} representation is only supported in SWI-Prolog version 7 and later): \begin{itemize} \item The \textbf{classical} representation is provided by \predref{json_read}{3} and \predref{json_write}{3}. This represents a JSON object as \verb$json(NameValueList)$, a JSON string as an atom and the JSON constants \const{null}, \const{true} and \const{false} as @(null), @(true) and @false. \item The \textbf{new} representation is provided by \predref{json_read_dict}{3} and \predref{json_write_dict}{3}. This represents a JSON object as a dict, a JSON string as a Prolog string and the JSON constants using the Prolog atoms \const{null}, \const{true} and \const{false}. \end{itemize} \vspace{0.7cm} \begin{description} \predicate[det]{atom_json_term}{3}{?Atom, ?JSONTerm, +Options} Convert between textual representation and a JSON term. In \textit{write} mode (\arg{JSONTerm} to \arg{Atom}), the option \begin{description} \termitem{as}{Type} defines the output type, which is one of \const{atom} (default), \const{string}, \const{codes} or \const{chars}. \end{description} \predicate[det]{json_read}{2}{+Stream, -Term} \nodescription \predicate[det]{json_read}{3}{+Stream, -Term, +Options} Read next JSON value from \arg{Stream} into a Prolog term. The canonical representation for \arg{Term} is: \begin{itemize} \item A JSON object is mapped to a term \verb$json(NameValueList)$, where NameValueList is a list of Name=Value. Name is an atom created from the JSON string. \item A JSON array is mapped to a Prolog list of JSON values. \item A JSON string is mapped to a Prolog atom \item A JSON number is mapped to a Prolog number \item The JSON constants \const{true} and \const{false} are mapped -like JPL- to @(true) and @(false). \item The JSON constant \const{null} is mapped to the Prolog term @(null) \end{itemize} Here is a complete example in JSON and its corresponding Prolog term. \begin{code} { "name":"Demo term", "created": { "day":null, "month":"December", "year":2007 }, "confirmed":true, "members":[1,2,3] } \end{code} \begin{code} json([ name='Demo term', created=json([day= @null, month='December', year=2007]), confirmed= @true, members=[1, 2, 3] ]) \end{code} The following options are processed: \begin{description} \termitem{null}{+NullTerm} \arg{Term} used to represent JSON \const{null}. Default @(null) \termitem{true}{+TrueTerm} \arg{Term} used to represent JSON \const{true}. Default @(true) \termitem{false}{+FalseTerm} \arg{Term} used to represent JSON \const{false}. Default @(false) \termitem{end_of_file}{+ErrorOrTerm} If end of file is reached after skipping white space but before any input is processed take the following action (default \const{error}): \begin{itemize} \item If \arg{ErrorOrTerm} \Sequal{} \const{error}, throw an unexpected end of file syntax error \item Otherwise return \arg{ErrorOrTerm}. \end{itemize} Returning an status term is required to process \href{https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/JSON_streaming\#Concatenated_JSON}{Concatenated JSON}. Suggested values are \verb$@(eof)$ or \verb$end_of_file$. \termitem{value_string_as}{+Type} Prolog type used for strings used as value. Default is \const{atom}. The alternative is \const{string}, producing a packed string object. Please note that \const{codes} or \const{chars} would produce ambiguous output and are therefore not supported. \end{description} \begin{tags} \tag{See also} \predref{json_read_dict}{3} to read a JSON term using the version 7 extended data types. \end{tags} \predicate[det]{json_write}{2}{+Stream, +Term} \nodescription \predicate[det]{json_write}{3}{+Stream, +Term, +Options} Write a JSON term to \arg{Stream}. The JSON object is of the same format as produced by \predref{json_read}{2}, though we allow for some more flexibility with regard to pairs in objects. All of Name=Value, Name-Value and Name(Value) produce the same output. Values can be of the form \#(\arg{Term}), which causes \arg{Term} to be \textit{stringified} if it is not an atom or string. Stringification is based on \predref{term_string}{2}. Rational numbers are emitted as floating point numbers. The hook \predref{json_write_hook}{4} can be used to realize domain specific alternatives. The version 7 \textit{dict} type is supported as well. Optionally, if the dict has a \textit{tag}, a property "type":"tag" can be added to the object. This behaviour can be controlled using the \const{tag} option (see below). For example: \begin{code} ?- json_write(current_output, point{x:1,y:2}). { "x":1, "y":2 } \end{code} \begin{code} ?- json_write(current_output, point{x:1,y:2}, [tag(type)]). { "type":"point", "x":1, "y":2 } \end{code} In addition to the options recognised by \predref{json_read}{3}, we process the following options are recognised: \begin{description} \termitem{width}{+Width} \arg{Width} in which we try to format the result. Too long lines switch from \textit{horizontal} to \textit{vertical} layout for better readability. If performance is critical and human readability is not an issue use \arg{Width} = 0, which causes a single-line output. \termitem{step}{+Step} Indentation increnment for next level. Default is 2. \termitem{tab}{+TabDistance} Distance between tab-stops. If equal to Step, layout is generated with one tab per level. \termitem{serialize_unknown}{+Boolean} If \const{true} (default \const{false}), serialize unknown terms and print them as a JSON string. The default raises a type error. Note that this option only makes sense if you can guarantee that the passed value is not an otherwise valid Prolog reporesentation of a Prolog term. \end{description} If a string is emitted, the sequence \verb$$ element. \predicate[semidet,multifile]{json_write_hook}{4}{+Term, +Stream, +State, +Options} Hook that can be used to emit a JSON representation for \arg{Term} to \arg{Stream}. If the predicate succeeds it \textbf{must} have written a \textbf{valid} JSON data element and if it fails it may not have produced any output. This facility may be used to map arbitrary Prolog terms to JSON. It was added to manage the precision with which floating point numbers are emitted. Note that this hook is shared by all users of this library. It is generally adviced to map a unique compound term to avoid interference with normal output. \begin{arguments} \arg{State} & and \arg{Options} are opaque handles to the current output state and settings. Future versions may provide documented access to these terms. Currently it is adviced to ignore these arguments. \\ \end{arguments} \predicate[semidet,multifile]{json_dict_pairs}{2}{+Dict, -Pairs} This hook may be used to order the keys of an object. If it fails, \predref{dict_pairs}{3} is used which produces an ordered list of keys. \predicate[semidet]{is_json_term}{1}{@Term} \nodescription \predicate[semidet]{is_json_term}{2}{@Term, +Options} True if \arg{Term} is a json term. \arg{Options} are the same as for \predref{json_read}{2}, defining the Prolog representation for the JSON \const{true}, \const{false} and \const{null} constants. \predicate[det]{json_read_dict}{2}{+Stream, -Dict} \nodescription \predicate[det]{json_read_dict}{3}{+Stream, -Dict, +Options} Read a JSON object, returning objects as a dicts. The representation depends on the options, where the default is: \begin{itemize} \item String values are mapped to Prolog strings \item JSON \const{true}, \const{false} and \const{null} are represented using these Prolog atoms. \item JSON objects are mapped to dicts. \item Optionally, a \const{type} field in an object assigns a tag for the dict. \end{itemize} The predicate \predref{json_read_dict}{3} processes the same options as \predref{json_read}{3}, but with different defaults. In addition, it processes the \const{tag} option. See \predref{json_read}{3} for details about the shared options. \begin{description} \termitem{tag}{+Name} When converting to/from a dict, map the indicated JSON attribute to the dict \textit{tag}. No mapping is performed if \arg{Name} is the empty atom ('', default). See \predref{json_read_dict}{2} and \predref{json_write_dict}{2}. \termitem{default_tag}{+Tag} Provide the default tag if the above \const{tag} option does not apply. \termitem{null}{+NullTerm} Default the atom \const{null}. \termitem{true}{+TrueTerm} Default the atom \const{true}. \termitem{false}{+FalseTerm} Default the atom \const{false} \termitem{end_of_file}{+ErrorOrTerm} Action on reading end-of-file. See \predref{json_read}{3} for details. \termitem{value_string_as}{+Type} Prolog type used for strings used as value. Default is \const{string}. The alternative is \const{atom}, producing a packed string object. \end{description} \predicate[det]{json_write_dict}{2}{+Stream, +Dict} \nodescription \predicate[det]{json_write_dict}{3}{+Stream, +Dict, +Options} Write a JSON term, represented using dicts. This is the same as \predref{json_write}{3}, but assuming the default representation of JSON objects as dicts. \predicate[det]{atom_json_dict}{3}{+Atom, -JSONDict, +Options} \nodescription \predicate[det]{atom_json_dict}{3}{-Text, +JSONDict, +Options} Convert between textual representation and a JSON term represented as a dict. \arg{Options} are as for \predref{json_read}{3}. In \textit{write} mode, the addtional option \begin{description} \termitem{as}{Type} defines the output type, which is one of \const{atom}, \const{string} or \const{codes}. \end{description} \end{description} \subsection{library(http/json_convert): Convert between JSON terms and Prolog application terms} \label{sec:jsonconvert} \begin{tags} \mtag{To be done}- Ignore extra fields. Using a partial list of \textit{extra}? \\- Consider a sensible default for handling JSON \const{null}. Conversion to Prolog could translate @null into a variable if the desired type is not \const{any}. Conversion to JSON could map variables to \const{null}, though this may be unsafe. If the Prolog term is known to be non-ground and JSON @null is a sensible mapping, we can also use this simple snipit to deal with that fact. \begin{code} term_variables(Term, Vars), maplist(=(@null), Vars). \end{code} \end{tags} The idea behind this module is to provide a flexible high-level mapping between Prolog terms as you would like to see them in your application and the standard representation of a JSON object as a Prolog term. For example, an X-Y point may be represented in JSON as \verb${"x":25, "y":50}$. Represented in Prolog this becomes \verb$json([x=25,y=50])$, but this is a pretty non-natural representation from the Prolog point of view. This module allows for defining records (just like \file{library(record)}) that provide transparent two-way transformation between the two representations. \begin{code} :- json_object point(x:integer, y:integer). \end{code} This declaration causes \predref{prolog_to_json}{2} to translate the native Prolog representation into a JSON Term: \begin{code} ?- prolog_to_json(point(25,50), X). X = json([x=25, y=50]) \end{code} A \predref{json_object}{1} declaration can define multiple objects separated by a comma (,), similar to the \predref{dynamic}{1} directive. Optionally, a declaration can be qualified using a module. The conversion predicates \predref{prolog_to_json}{2} and \predref{json_to_prolog}{2} first try a conversion associated with the calling module. If not successful, they try conversions associated with the module \const{user}. JSON objects have no \textit{type}. This can be solved by adding an extra field to the JSON object, e.g. \verb${"type":"point", "x":25, "y":50}$. As Prolog records are typed by their functor we need some notation to handle this gracefully. This is achieved by adding +Fields to the declaration. I.e. \begin{code} :- json_object point(x:integer, y:integer) + [type=point]. \end{code} Using this declaration, the conversion becomes: \begin{code} ?- prolog_to_json(point(25,50), X). X = json([x=25, y=50, type=point]) \end{code} The predicate \predref{json_to_prolog}{2} is often used after \predref{http_read_json}{2} and \predref{prolog_to_json}{2} before \predref{reply_json}{1}. For now we consider them separate predicates because the transformation may be too general, too slow or not needed for dedicated applications. Using a separate step also simplifies debugging this rather complicated process.\vspace{0.7cm} \begin{description} \predicate[multifile]{current_json_object}{3}{Term, Module, Fields} Multifile predicate computed from the \predref{json_object}{1} declarations. \arg{Term} is the most general Prolog term representing the object. \arg{Module} is the module in which the object is defined and \arg{Fields} is a list of \verb$f(Name, Type, Default, Var)$, ordered by Name. Var is the corresponding variable in \arg{Term}. \predicate{json_object}{1}{+Declaration} Declare a JSON object. The declaration takes the same format as using in \predref{record}{1} from \file{library(record)}. E.g. \begin{code} ?- json_object point(x:int, y:int, z:int=0). \end{code} The type arguments are either types as know to \file{library(error)} or functor names of other JSON objects. The constant \const{any} indicates an untyped argument. If this is a JSON term, it becomes subject to \predref{json_to_prolog}{2}. I.e., using the type \verb$list(any)$ causes the conversion to be executed on each element of the list. If a field has a default, the default is used if the field is not specified in the JSON object. Extending the record type definition, types can be of the form (Type1\Sbar{}Type2). The type \const{null} means that the field may \textit{not} be present. Conversion of JSON to Prolog applies if all non-defaulted arguments can be found in the JSON object. If multiple rules match, the term with the highest arity gets preference. \predicate[semidet]{prolog_bool_to_json}{2}{+Prolog, -JSON} \arg{JSON} is the \arg{JSON} boolean for \arg{Prolog}. It is a flexible the \arg{Prolog} notation for thruth-value, accepting one of \const{true}, \const{on} or \verb$1$ for @true and one of \const{false}, \const{fail}, \const{off} or \verb$0$ for @false. \begin{tags} \tag{Errors} instantiation_error if \arg{Prolog} is unbound. \end{tags} \predicate[det]{prolog_to_json}{2}{:Term, -JSONObject} Translate a Prolog application \arg{Term} into a JSON object term. This transformation is based on \Sneck{} \predref{json_object}{1} declarations. If a \predref{json_object}{1} declaration declares a field of type \const{boolean}, commonly used thruth-values in Prolog are converted to JSON booleans. Boolean translation accepts one of \const{true}, \const{on}, \verb$1$, @true, \const{false}, \const{fail}, \const{off} or \verb$0$, @false. \begin{tags} \mtag{Errors}- \verb$type_error(json_term, X)$ \\- instantiation_error \end{tags} \predicate[det]{json_to_prolog}{2}{+JSON, -Term} Translate a \arg{JSON} term into an application term. This transformation is based on \Sneck{} \predref{json_object}{1} declarations. An efficient transformation is non-trivial, but we rely on the assumption that, although the order of fields in \arg{JSON} terms is irrelevant and can therefore vary a lot, practical applications will normally generate the \arg{JSON} objects in a consistent order. If a field in a json_object is declared of type \const{boolean}, @true and @false are translated to \const{true} or \const{false}, the most commonly used Prolog representation for truth-values. \end{description} \subsection{library(http/http_json): HTTP JSON Plugin module} \label{sec:httpjson} \begin{tags} \mtag{See also}- JSON Requests are discussed in \url{http://json.org/JSONRequest.html} \\- \file{json.pl} describes how JSON objects are represented in Prolog terms. \\- \file{json_convert.pl} converts between more natural Prolog terms and json terms. \end{tags} Most code doesn't need to use this directly; instead use \file{library(http/http_server)}, which combines this library with the typical HTTP libraries that most servers need. This module adds hooks to several parts of the HTTP libraries, making them JSON-aware. Notably: \begin{itemize} \item Make \predref{http_read_data}{3} convert \verb$application/json$ and \verb$application/jsonrequest$ content to a JSON term. \item Cause \predref{http_open}{3} to accept \verb$post(json(Term))$ to issue a POST request with JSON content. \item Provide HTTP server and client utility predicates for reading and replying JSON: \begin{shortlist} \item \predref{http_read_json}{2} \item \predref{http_read_json}{3} \item \predref{http_read_json_dict}{2} \item \predref{http_read_json_dict}{3} \item \predref{reply_json}{1} \item \predref{reply_json}{2} \item \predref{reply_json_dict}{1} \item \predref{reply_json_dict}{2} \end{shortlist} \item Reply to exceptions in the server using an JSON document rather then HTML if the \verb$Accept$ header prefers application/json over text/html. \end{itemize} Typically JSON is used by Prolog HTTP servers. This module supports two JSON representations: the classical representation and the new representation supported by the SWI-Prolog version 7 extended data types. Below is a skeleton for handling a JSON request, answering in JSON using the classical interface. \begin{code} handle(Request) :- http_read_json(Request, JSONIn), json_to_prolog(JSONIn, PrologIn), (PrologIn, PrologOut), % application body prolog_to_json(PrologOut, JSONOut), reply_json(JSONOut). \end{code} When using dicts, the conversion step is generally not needed and the code becomes: \begin{code} handle(Request) :- http_read_json_dict(Request, DictIn), (DictIn, DictOut), reply_json(DictOut). \end{code} This module also integrates JSON support into the http client provided by \file{http_client.pl}. Posting a JSON query and processing the JSON reply (or any other reply understood by \predref{http_read_data}{3}) is as simple as below, where Term is a JSON term as described in \file{json.pl} and reply is of the same format if the server replies with JSON. \begin{code} ..., http_post(URL, json(Term), Reply, []) \end{code} \vspace{0.7cm} \begin{description} \qpredicate[multifile]{http_client}{http_convert_data}{4}{+In, +Fields, -Data, +Options}Hook implementation that supports reading JSON documents. It processes the following option: \begin{description} \termitem{json_object}{+As} Where \arg{As} is one of \const{term} or \const{dict}. If the value is \const{dict}, \predref{json_read_dict}{3} is used. \end{description} \predicate[semidet]{is_json_content_type}{1}{+ContentType} True if \arg{ContentType} is a header value (either parsed or as atom/string) that denotes a JSON value. \predicate[semidet,multifile]{json_type}{1}{?MediaType} True if \arg{MediaType} is a JSON media type. \qpredref{http_json}{json_type}{1} is a multifile predicate and may be extended to facilitate non-conforming clients. \begin{arguments} \arg{MediaType} & is a term \arg{Type}/\arg{SubType}, where both \arg{Type} and \arg{SubType} are atoms. \\ \end{arguments} \qpredicate[semidet,multifile]{http}{post_data_hook}{3}{+Data, +Out:stream, +HdrExtra}Hook implementation that allows \predref{http_post_data}{3} posting JSON objects using one of the forms below. \begin{code} http_post(URL, json(Term), Reply, Options) http_post(URL, json(Term, Options), Reply, Options) \end{code} If Options are passed, these are handed to \predref{json_write}{3}. In addition, this option is processed: \begin{description} \termitem{json_object}{As} If \arg{As} is \const{dict}, \predref{json_write_dict}{3} is used to write the output. This is default if \verb$json(Dict)$ is passed. \end{description} \begin{tags} \tag{To be done} avoid creation of intermediate data using chunked output. \end{tags} \predicate[det]{http_read_json}{2}{+Request, -JSON} \nodescription \predicate[det]{http_read_json}{3}{+Request, -JSON, +Options} Extract \arg{JSON} data posted to this HTTP request. \arg{Options} are passed to \predref{json_read}{3}. In addition, this option is processed: \begin{description} \termitem{json_object}{+As} One of \const{term} (default) to generate a classical Prolog term or \const{dict} to exploit the SWI-Prolog version 7 data type extensions. See \predref{json_read_dict}{3}. \end{description} \begin{tags} \mtag{Errors}- \verb$domain_error(mimetype, Found)$ if the mimetype is not known (see \predref{json_type}{1}). \\- \verb$domain_error(method, Method)$ if the request method is not a \verb$POST$, \verb$PUT$ or \verb$PATCH$. \end{tags} \predicate[det]{http_read_json_dict}{2}{+Request, -Dict} \nodescription \predicate[det]{http_read_json_dict}{3}{+Request, -Dict, +Options} Similar to \predref{http_read_json}{2},3, but by default uses the version 7 extended datatypes. \predicate[det]{reply_json}{1}{+JSONTerm} \nodescription \predicate[det]{reply_json}{2}{+JSONTerm, +Options} Formulate a JSON HTTP reply. See \predref{json_write}{2} for details. The processed options are listed below. Remaining options are forwarded to \predref{json_write}{3}. \begin{description} \termitem{content_type}{+Type} The default \verb$Content-type$ is \verb$application/json; charset=UTF8$. \verb$charset=UTF8$ should not be required because JSON is defined to be UTF-8 encoded, but some clients insist on it. \termitem{status}{+Code} The default status is 200. REST API functions may use other values from the 2XX range, such as 201 (created). \termitem{json_object}{+As} One of \const{term} (classical json representation) or \const{dict} to use the new dict representation. If omitted and Term is a dict, \const{dict} is assumed. SWI-Prolog Version 7. \end{description} \predicate[det]{reply_json_dict}{1}{+JSONTerm} \nodescription \predicate[det]{reply_json_dict}{2}{+JSONTerm, +Options} As \predref{reply_json}{1} and \predref{reply_json}{2}, but assumes the new dict based data representation. Note that this is the default if the outer object is a dict. This predicate is needed to serialize a list of objects correctly and provides consistency with \predref{http_read_json_dict}{2} and friends. \end{description} \end{itemize}