% This LaTeX document was generated using the LaTeX backend of PlDoc, % The SWI-Prolog documentation system \section{library(readline): GNU readline interface} \label{sec:readline} \begin{tags} \tag{license} Although the interface is BSD-licensed, the GNU readline library itself is covered by the GPL (General Public License). This implies that loading this library in an application makes all code loaded into the application subject to the GPL conditions. \end{tags} This library binds GNU libreadline to SWI-Prolog. The GNU readline library provides emacs and vi based editing of queries on the Prolog toplevel, including TAB-based completion and history. This library is by default loaded into an interactive Prolog process that is connected to a (Unix) terminal. Loading can be stopped by setting the Prolog flag \const{readline} to \const{false}.\vspace{0.7cm} \begin{description} \predicate[det]{rl_read_init_file}{1}{+File} Read a GNU readline config file. See the GNU readline manual for details. \predicate[det]{rl_add_history}{1}{+Line} Add a line to the history. \predicate[det]{rl_write_history}{1}{+File} Save the history to \arg{File}. This can be reloaded in a next session using \predref{rl_read_history}{1}. \predicate[det]{rl_read_history}{1}{+File} Read a saved history from \arg{File}. \end{description}