This file contains some examples of defining and using the C++ proxy. Each example consists of a .pl and .cpp file. To run the examples, verify and possibly adjust the file that tell the system where the Prolog libraries are to be found and how to compile an executable from a C++ program. To compile an example, load the .pl file in Prolog and run the command below. This generates the proxy code and compiles the client. The client has the same base-name as the .pl and .cpp files. On Windows it has the .exe extension. To simplify debugging the compilation of the client in Windows swipl.exe must be used to preserver the C compiler error messages. ?- make_client. To run the demo start the server using the command below and the start the client in a separate window. All the clients are simple console applications printing some results. ?- start_server. As only one server can live in a Prolog process, stop the Prolog server before trying the next demo.