---++ SWI-Prolog documentation server Welcome to the SWI-Prolog documentation server. This server provides an integrated search facility to the SWI-Prolog Reference Manual, Package documentation as well as documented libraries. ---++ Using this server Search all documentation using the search-box at the top-left corner. For example, try: == load xml == ---++ Experimental server! This server is experimental. The UI has not been evaluated nor tested extensively. We modified most of the library sources to satisfy the PlDoc structured documentation conventions using a simple =sed= script. The material has been reviewed and corrected very partially. Many libraries are not yet fully documented in the source. ---++ Running the server locally You can install this server locally using the out-of-the-box 5.6.18 release of SWI-Prolog from http://www.swi-prolog.org. The directory holding the server setup is in =|doc/packages/examples/pldoc|= If you have reusable libraries, document them according to the PlDoc structured comment specification and make sure they are loaded into the server. This makes your libraries searchable in the same interface.