# Examples for handling Google's Protocol Buffers ## Makefile The Makefile contains a grab-bag of simple rules, to make running some of the examples easier. The default goal is `check`. Other convenience goals exist - see the `.PHONY` rule to see what they are ## Installing protobuf (on Ubuntu) You can use the Ubuntu package `protobuf-compiler`, but it's dated Jul 31, 2018. Instead, you can clone from https://github.com/protocolbuffers/protobuf and build using the instructions in `protobuf/src/README.md`. For the `./configure` command you may wish to use `./configure --prefix=$HOME/.local` and `make -j4` (where "4" should be replaced by the number of cores on your machine). To install the Python support: 'python3 -m pip install protobuf`; you might wish to add `--user`, or do this in a virtual env. ## vector_demo.pl Contains code snippets that correspond to the documentation in ../protobufs_overview.md. There are also some basic tests in here. TODO: separate out the tests into a proper test suite.