# A STOMP client for SWI-Prolog A [STOMP](http://stomp.github.io) client. This package provides `library(stomp)` for a standard SWI-Prolog installation. The initial implementation is based on https://github.com/honnix/stompl by Hongxin Liang which provided a SWI-Prolog add-on by the name `stompl`. ## Supported STOMP versions STOMP versions 1.0, 1.1 and 1.2 are supported. ## Example ``` :- module(ex, []). :- use_module(library(stomp)). connect(Connection) :- stomp_connection('':32772, '/', _{'heart-beat': '5000,5000', login: guest, passcode: guest }, on_frame, Connection), stomp_connect(Connection). on_frame(connected, Connection, _Header, _Body) :- ... on_frame(message, Connection, Header, Body) :- ... on_frame(disconnected, Connection, _Header, _Body) :- ... on_frame(error, Connection, Header, Body) :- ... on_frame(heartbeat_timeout, Connection, _Header, _Body) :- ... % Sending messages ... stomp_send_json(Connection, '/queue/test', _{hello: "World"}). ``` For more examples, please check source code under `examples` directory. ## License Licensed under the BSD-2 license