:- module(ping, []). :- use_module(library(stomp)). :- use_module(library(main)). :- use_module(library(option)). /** A simple demo and performance evaluation To run, update the connection details below in this file and in pong.pl. Now run in one terminal swipl pong.pl and in another one e.g., time swipl ping.pl --count=1000 Timing on Ubuntu 20.04 on an AMD3950X system is about 0.4ms per iteration. Note that each iteration implies two exchanges as the pong part just echos without decrementing. This settles a send and receive and about 0.2ms. The server is RabbitMQ on Ubuntu using the STOMP plugin. Note that this compare fairly poorly to e.g., [rclswi](https://github.com/SWI-Prolog/rclswi), using the ROS2 middleware which performs roughly 7 times better. @license This code is in the public domain */ :- initialization(main, main). main(Argv) :- connect(Connection), argv_options(Argv, _, Options), option(count(Count), Options, 10), stomp_send_json(Connection, '/queue/pong', _{}, _{pong:Count}), thread_get_message(_). connect(Connection) :- stomp_connection('':32772, '/', _{'heart-beat': '5000,5000', login: guest, passcode: guest }, on_frame, Connection), stomp_connect(Connection). on_frame(connected, Connection, _Header, _Body) :- stomp_subscribe(Connection, '/queue/ping', 0, _{}). on_frame(message, Connection, _Header, _{ping:Count}) :- debug(ping, 'Got ~D', [Count]), ( Count == 0 -> thread_send_message(main, done) ; Count1 is Count-1, stomp_send_json(Connection, '/queue/pong', _{}, _{pong:Count1}) ).