:- module(pong, []). :- use_module(library(stomp)). :- use_module(library(main)). :- use_module(library(debug)). :- initialization(main, main). /** The Pong client This client is the Pong end of the PingPong. It listens on `/queue/pong` and echos all each `pong:Count` with a `ping:Count` on `/queue/ping`. This client is setup to automatically reconnect. This implies that if the connection to the server dies it will try to reconnect. @license This code is in the public domain */ % configure debugging levels :- set_prolog_flag(message_context, [thread,time]), % prolog_ide(thread_monitor), debug(pong(connection)), % debug(pong(heartbeat)), % debug(stomp(heartbeat)), % debug(stomp(receive)), debug(stomp(connection)). main(_) :- connect(_), thread_get_message(_). connect(Connection) :- stomp_connection('':32772, '/', _{'heart-beat': '5000,5000', login: guest, passcode: guest }, on_frame, Connection, [ reconnect(true), connect_timeout(infinite) ]), stomp_connect(Connection). on_frame(connected, Connection, _Header, _Body) :- debug(pong(connection), 'Extablised connection', []), stomp_subscribe(Connection, '/queue/pong', 0, _{}). on_frame(disconnected, _Connection, _Header, _Body) :- debug(pong(connection), 'Lost connection', []). on_frame(heartbeat_timeout, _Connection, _Header, _Body) :- debug(pong(connection), 'heartbeat timeout', []). on_frame(heartbeat, _Connection, _Header, _Body) :- debug(pong(heartbeat), 'heartbeat', []). on_frame(message, Connection, _Header, _{pong:Count}) :- debug(pong, 'Got ~D', [Count]), stomp_send_json(Connection, '/queue/ping', _{}, _{ping:Count}).