:- module(ex1, [ connect/1 ]). :- use_module(user:library(stomp)). % make available on toplevel :- use_module(library(stomp)). /** Simple STOMP example This file allows some simple interaction with STOMP. For example: ``` swipl ex1.pl ?- connect(C). C = 'a09b8dea-de39-11eb-8887-cbf5d67759f6'. ?- stomp_send($C, '/queue/test', _{}, "hello"). X = 'a09b8dea-de39-11eb-8887-cbf5d67759f6'. 26 ?- Received "hello" ``` @license This code is in the public domain */ % :- debug(stomp(_)). % :- debug(ex1). connect(Connection) :- stomp_connection('':32772, '/', _{'heart-beat': '5000,5000', login: guest, passcode: guest }, on_frame, Connection), stomp_connect(Connection). :- det((on_frame/4)). on_frame(connected, Connection, _Header, _Body) => Destination = '/queue/test', stomp_subscribe(Connection, Destination, 0, _{}). on_frame(message, Connection, Header, Body) => debug(ex1, 'message from connection ~p~n~p~n~p', [Connection, Header, Body]), format('Received ~p~n', [Body]). on_frame(disconnected, Connection, _Header, _Body) => debug(ex1, 'on_disconnected from connection ~p', [Connection]), stomp_teardown(Connection). on_frame(error, Connection, Header, Body) => debug(ex1, 'on_error from connection ~p~n~p~n~p', [Connection, Header, Body]). on_frame(heartbeat_timeout, Connection, _Header, _Body) => debug(ex1, 'on_heartbeat_timeout from connection ~p', [Connection]), stomp_teardown(Connection). on_frame(Event, Connection, _Header, _Body) => debug(ex1, 'Unknown event ~p on connection ~p', [Event, Connection]).