PCE version 4C hlp_buffer first_fragment last_fragmenteditorsmodifiedundo_buffer_sizesyntax generationrequest_renumberfileOIxC hlp_fragment text_buffernextpreviousstylelabelOIxRIC hlp_header text_buffernextpreviousstylelabelOIxRIOIxRIOIxRIOIxRIOIxRIOIxRIOI xRIOI xRIOI xRIOI xRIOI xRIOIxRIOIxRIOIxRIOIxRIOIxRIOIxRIOIxRIOIxRIOIxRIOIxRIOIxRIOIxRIOIxRIOIxRIOIxRIOIxRIOIxRIOIxRIOI xRIOI!xRIOI"xRIOI#xRIOI$xRIOI%xRIOI&xRIOI'xRIOI(xRIOI)xRIOI*xRIOI+xRIOI,xRIOI-xRIOI.xRIOI/xRIOI0xRIOI1xRIOI2xRIOI3xRIOI4xRIOI5xRIOI6xRIOI7xRIOI8xRIOI9xRIOI:xRIOI;xRIOIxRIOI?xRIOI@xRIOIAxRIOIBxRIOICxRIOIDxRIOIExRIOIFxRIOIGxRIOIHxRIOIIxRIOIJxRIOIKxRIOILxRInRIKNbuttonN16s RIJNbuttonN15h RIINbuttonN14Z RIHNbuttonN13JRIGNbuttonN12;RIFNbuttonN112RIENbuttonN10& RIDNbuttonN9 RICNbuttonN8 RIBNbuttonN7þRIANbuttonN6ïRI@NbuttonN5ÞRI?NbuttonN4ØRI>NbuttonNdeclare_emacs_modeÅRI=NbuttonN2´RI_mode.pl and load this file if it has read access to the file. This file will normally contain a custom extension to the mode bracketed by :- emacs_extend_mode(Name, Binding). :- emacs_end_mode. 3. Settings (preferences) Your editor is an important productivity tool that should match your expectations. The most important expectation concerns key-bindings (accelerarors). XPCEs default accelerators are based on (GNU-)Emacs on Unix systems. On Windows system the most important CUA (Common User Access) bindings replace part of the Emacs bindings. This default is controlled by the class variable key_binding.style which may be specified in your ~/.xpce/Defaults. For example, to use Emacs style on WIndows use the following declaration. key_binding.style: emacs The preferences file can be access through menus on the XPCE manual tool, SWI-Prolog help tool and, on Windows, on the plwin.exe console menu. 4. Predicates 3.1. :- declare_emacs_mode/3 3.2. :- emacs_begin_mode/5 3.3. :- emacs_extend_mode/2 3.4. :- emacs_end_mode/0 4.1. :- declare_emacs_mode/3 :- declare_emacs_mode(+ModeName, +File, +ListOfFileNamePatterns) Declares PceEmacs mode `ModeName' to be defined on the specified file. `File' is in the format required by :- pce_autoload/2, and accepts all file specifications applicable to Prolog's :- use_module/1 directive. 'ListOfFileNamePatterns' is a Prolog list of GNU regular expressions. This mode will be loaded automatically if a file is loaded whose name matches any of the regular expressions from this list. See also @emacs_mode_list. 4.2. :- emacs_begin_mode/5 :- emacs_begin_mode(+ModeName, +SuperModeName, +Summary, +Bindings, +Syntax). Define a new PceEmacs mode. emacs_begin_mode/5 with emacs_end_mode/0 form a pair like pce_begin_class/3 and pce_end_class/0. It starts the definition of an XPCE class named emacs__mode. `Bindings' is a Prolog list of expressions of the form: = { + } where =:: key() | button(