#chapter Data Organisation Classes This chapter describes the XPCE classes that deal with the organisation of arbitrary data objects and tables. These classes are: chain Single-linked list. vector Array of elements. Dynamic allocation. sheet Mapping, normally name/value pairs. hash_table Mapping, fast lookup. chain_table Mapping 1 to N. fast lookup. table Multicolumn table with key-fields. tuple Pair of objects. Note that their are two other chapters dealing with data: primitive data objects (strings, identifiers, numbers, booleans, etc.) and datatypes to support graphical objects (points, cursors, fonts, etc.). #end chapter %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %%%% CLASS CHAIN %%%% %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% #class chain #description group current This section describe operations that exploit or modify the `current' cell. This mechanism is obsolete. The relavant methods are retained for backward compatibility only. #end description #description group cell This section describes methods that operate directly on the cells of the linked list. Cells are no true objects and their reference is therefore passes as an integer. These methods are not intended for general usage. #end description #end class #class vector #end class #class sheet #end class #class hash_table #end class #class chain_table #end class #class table #end class #class tuple #end class