#chapter Dialogs and Menus This chapter describes the PCE classes to build dialogue boxes. The classes used to build dialogue boxes are a specialisation of the generic graphics classes of XPCE. Class dialog and class dialog_item add automatic layout and protocols to deal with keyboard accelerators, `applying changes' and restoring the dialog box. #end chapter #class dialog #exclude ->unlink #end class #class dialog_item #exclude ->unlink #end class #class button #end class #class label #end class #class text_item #end class #class slider #end class %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %%%% CLASS MENU %%%% %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% #class menu #exclude ->unlink #description group modified This section describes methods that support dialog boxes for editing (object) attributes. See `dialog ->apply' and `dialog ->restore' for a general description of this mechanism. #end description #end class #class menu_item #end class #class popup #end class #class menu_bar #end class #class dialog_group #end class #class tab #end class #class tab_stack #end class