#chapter Relations Between (Graphical) Objects The first part of this chapter discusses lines connecting two graphical objects implemented by the classes connection, link, handle and graphical. The second part discusses general PCE maintained binary relations between objects. Besides the material described in this chapter, the following is relevant for handling relations between objects: # class graphical The section on relations discusses methods for handling connection objects from the viewpoint of the connected objects. # class hyper A hyper is a general binary relation object which facilates communication (=passing messages) between the connected objects. The first cluster (connection/link/handle) describe a line that is automatically updated if either of the connected graphical objects' geometry or <-device changes. The connection object describes the *instance*. A link is a generic description for a group of connections, defining both the appearance and the association with handles. A handle object is a named connection-point that may be attached to a graphical or a graphical's class. In the second cluster, a constraint is an instantiation of a relation object. A relation describes the properties its individual constraints. #end chapter #class connection #end class #class link #end class #class handle #end class #class constraint #end class #class relation #end class #class identity #end class #class spatial #end class