/* Part of XPCE --- The SWI-Prolog GUI toolkit Author: Jan Wielemaker and Anjo Anjewierden E-mail: jan@swi.psy.uva.nl WWW: http://www.swi.psy.uva.nl/projects/xpce/ Copyright (c) 1996-2011, University of Amsterdam All rights reserved. Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS "AS IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT OWNER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. */ #include #include #define HIDDEN_TAB_SHRINK 3 /******************************** * CREATE * ********************************/ static status initialiseTab(Tab t, Name name) { assign(t, label_offset, ZERO); assign(t, status, NAME_onTop); assign(t, size, DEFAULT); initialiseDialogGroup((DialogGroup) t, name, DEFAULT); succeed; } /******************************* * COMPUTE * *******************************/ static status computeLabelTab(Tab t) { if ( notNil(t->label) && t->label != NAME_ && notNil(t->label_size) ) { int w, h; Size minsize = getClassVariableValueObject(t, NAME_labelSize); int ex = valInt(getExFont(t->label_font)); compute_label_size_dialog_group((DialogGroup) t, &w, &h); if ( instanceOfObject(t->label, ClassCharArray) ) h += 2+HIDDEN_TAB_SHRINK; w += 2*ex; w = max(w, valInt(minsize->w)); h = max(h, valInt(minsize->h)); if ( t->label_size != minsize ) setSize(t->label_size, toInt(w), toInt(h)); else /* do not write the class-variable! */ assign(t, label_size, newObject(ClassSize, toInt(w), toInt(h), EAV)); } succeed; } static status computeTab(Tab t) { if ( notNil(t->request_compute) ) { int x, y, w, h; Area a = t->area; obtainClassVariablesObject(t); computeLabelTab(t); computeGraphicalsDevice((Device) t); if ( isDefault(t->size) ) /* implicit size */ { Cell cell; clearArea(a); for_cell(cell, t->graphicals) { Graphical gr = cell->value; unionNormalisedArea(a, gr->area); } relativeMoveArea(a, t->offset); w = valInt(a->w) + 2 * valInt(t->gap->w); h = valInt(a->h) + 2 * valInt(t->gap->h); } else /* explicit size */ { w = valInt(t->size->w); h = valInt(t->size->h); } h += valInt(t->label_size->h); x = valInt(t->offset->x); y = valInt(t->offset->y) - valInt(t->label_size->h); CHANGING_GRAPHICAL(t, assign(a, x, toInt(x)); assign(a, y, toInt(y)); assign(a, w, toInt(w)); assign(a, h, toInt(h))); assign(t, request_compute, NIL); } succeed; } /******************************* * GEOMETRY * *******************************/ static status geometryTab(Tab t, Int x, Int y, Int w, Int h) { if ( notDefault(w) || notDefault(h) ) { Any size; if ( isDefault(w) ) w = getWidthGraphical((Graphical) t); if ( isDefault(h) ) h = getHeightGraphical((Graphical) t); size = newObject(ClassSize, w, h, EAV); qadSendv(t, NAME_size, 1, &size); } geometryDevice((Device) t, x, y, w, h); requestComputeGraphical(t, DEFAULT); succeed; } /******************************* * NAME/LABEL * *******************************/ status changedLabelImageTab(Tab t) { Elevation e = getClassVariableValueObject(t, NAME_elevation); Int eh = e->height; BoolObj old = t->displayed; t->displayed = ON; changedImageGraphical(t, t->label_offset, ZERO, t->label_size->w, add(t->label_size->h, eh)); t->displayed = old; succeed; } static status ChangedLabelTab(Tab t) { Int lw, lh; if ( isDefault(t->label_size) ) { lw = lh = ZERO; } else { lw = t->label_size->w; lh = t->label_size->h; } changedLabelImageTab(t); assign(t, request_compute, ON); computeTab(t); changedLabelImageTab(t); if ( notDefault(t->label_size) && ( t->label_size->w != lw || t->label_size->h != lh ) && instanceOfObject(t->device, ClassTabStack) ) { send(t->device, NAME_layoutLabels, EAV); } succeed; } static status labelOffsetTab(Tab t, Int offset) { if ( t->label_offset != offset ) { int chl, chr; chl = valInt(t->label_offset); chr = chl + valInt(t->label_size->w); assign(t, label_offset, offset); if ( valInt(offset) < chl ) chl = valInt(offset); /* shift left */ else chr = valInt(offset) + valInt(t->label_size->w); /* shift right */ changedImageGraphical(t, toInt(chl), ZERO, toInt(chr), t->label_size->h); } succeed; } /* - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Hack! Maybe we should make hidden tabs non-displayed, and make the tab_stack handle the redraw? - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - */ static status statusTab(Tab t, Name stat) { assignGraphical(t, NAME_status, stat); displayedGraphical(t, stat == NAME_hidden ? OFF : ON); succeed; } /******************************** * REDRAW * ********************************/ #define GOTO(p, a, b) p->x = (a), p->y = (b), p++ #define RMOVE(p, dx, dy) p->x = p[-1].x + (dx), p->y = p[-1].y + (dy), p++ #define LOWER_LABEL 2 static status RedrawAreaTab(Tab t, Area a) { int x, y, w, h; Elevation e = getClassVariableValueObject(t, NAME_elevation); int lh = valInt(t->label_size->h); int lw = valInt(t->label_size->w)-1; int loff = valInt(t->label_offset); int eh = valInt(e->height); int ex = valInt(getExFont(t->label_font)); int r = 1; /* radius of label corners */ int lflags = (t->active == OFF ? LABEL_INACTIVE : 0); initialiseDeviceGraphical(t, &x, &y, &w, &h); w -= 1; h -= 1; if ( t->status == NAME_onTop ) { ipoint pts[10]; IPoint p = pts; if ( loff == 0 ) { GOTO(p, x, y+r); /* top-left of label */ } else { GOTO(p, x, y+lh); /* top-left of contents */ RMOVE(p, loff, 0); RMOVE(p, 0, -lh+r); /* top-left of label */ } RMOVE(p, r, -r); RMOVE(p, lw-2*r, 0); /* top-right of label */ RMOVE(p, r, r); RMOVE(p, 0, lh-r); GOTO(p, x+w, y+lh); RMOVE(p, 0, h-lh); RMOVE(p, -w, 0); r_3d_rectangular_polygon(p-pts, pts, e, DRAW_3D_FILLED|DRAW_3D_CLOSED); RedrawLabelDialogGroup((DialogGroup)t, 0, x+loff+ex, y+HIDDEN_TAB_SHRINK+LOWER_LABEL, lw-2*ex, lh-HIDDEN_TAB_SHRINK, t->label_format, NAME_center, lflags); { Cell cell; Int ax = a->x, ay = a->y; Point offset = t->offset; int ox = valInt(offset->x); int oy = valInt(offset->y); assign(a, x, toInt(valInt(a->x) - ox)); assign(a, y, toInt(valInt(a->y) - oy)); r_offset(ox, oy); d_clip(x+eh, y+eh, w-2*eh, h-2*eh); /* check if needed! */ for_cell(cell, t->graphicals) RedrawArea(cell->value, a); d_clip_done(); r_offset(-ox, -oy); assign(a, x, ax); assign(a, y, ay); } } else /* if ( t->status == NAME_hidden ) */ { ipoint pts[6]; IPoint p = pts; Colour obg = r_background(DEFAULT); static Real dot9; if ( !dot9 ) { dot9 = CtoReal(0.85); lockObject(dot9, ON); } y += HIDDEN_TAB_SHRINK; lh -= HIDDEN_TAB_SHRINK; r_fill(x+loff+1, y, lw-1, lh, getReduceColour(obg, dot9)); GOTO(p, x+loff, y+lh); /* bottom-left */ RMOVE(p, 0, -lh+r+1); /* top-left */ RMOVE(p, r, -r); RMOVE(p, lw-2*r, 0); /* top-right */ RMOVE(p, r, r); RMOVE(p, 0, lh-r); /* bottom-right */ r_3d_rectangular_polygon(p-pts, pts, e, DRAW_3D_FILLED); RedrawLabelDialogGroup((DialogGroup)t, 0, x+loff+ex, y+LOWER_LABEL, lw-2*ex, lh, t->label_format, NAME_center, lflags); } return RedrawAreaGraphical(t, a); } /******************************* * EVENT * *******************************/ static status inEventAreaTab(Tab t, Int X, Int Y) { int x = valInt(X) - valInt(t->offset->x); int y = valInt(Y) - valInt(t->offset->y); if ( y < 0 ) /* tab-bar */ { if ( y > -valInt(t->label_size->h) && x > valInt(t->label_offset) && x < valInt(t->label_offset) + valInt(t->label_size->w) ) succeed; } else { if ( t->status == NAME_onTop ) succeed; } fail; } static status eventTab(Tab t, EventObj ev) { Int X, Y; int x, y; get_xy_event(ev, t, OFF, &X, &Y); x = valInt(X), y = valInt(Y); if ( y < 0 ) /* tab-bar */ { if ( y > -valInt(t->label_size->h) && x > valInt(t->label_offset) && x < valInt(t->label_offset) + valInt(t->label_size->w) ) { if ( postNamedEvent(ev, (Graphical)t, DEFAULT, NAME_labelEvent) ) succeed; } fail; /* pass to next one */ } if ( t->status == NAME_onTop ) return eventDialogGroup((DialogGroup) t, ev); fail; } static status labelEventTab(Tab t, EventObj ev) { if ( isAEvent(ev, NAME_msLeftDown) && t->active != OFF ) { send(t->device, NAME_onTop, t, EAV); succeed; } fail; } static status flashTab(Tab t, Area a, Int time) { if ( notDefault(a) ) return flashDevice((Device)t, a, DEFAULT); a = answerObject(ClassArea, t->label_offset, neg(t->label_size->h), t->label_size->w, t->label_size->h, EAV); flashDevice((Device)t, a, DEFAULT); doneObject(a); succeed; } static status advanceTab(Tab t, Graphical gr, BoolObj propagate, Name direction) { if ( isDefault(propagate) ) propagate = OFF; return advanceDevice((Device)t, gr, propagate, direction); } static status activeTab(Tab t, BoolObj active) { if ( t->active != active ) { assign(t, active, active); qadSendv(t, NAME_ChangedLabel, 0, NULL); } succeed; } /******************************* * CLASS DECLARATION * *******************************/ /* Type declaractions */ static char *T_geometry[] = { "x=[int]", "y=[int]", "width=[int]", "height=[int]" }; static char *T_flash[] = { "area=[area]", "time=[int]" }; static char *T_advance[] = { "from=[graphical]*", "propagate=[bool]", "direction=[{forwards,backwards}]" }; /* Instance Variables */ static vardecl var_tab[] = { IV(NAME_labelSize, "size", IV_GET, NAME_layout, "Size of the label-box"), SV(NAME_labelOffset, "int", IV_GET|IV_STORE, labelOffsetTab, NAME_layout, "X-Offset of label-box"), SV(NAME_status, "{on_top,hidden}", IV_GET|IV_STORE, statusTab, NAME_appearance, "Currently displayed status"), IV(NAME_previousTop, "name*", IV_NONE, NAME_update, "Name of tab on top before me"), SV(NAME_labelFormat, "{left,center,right}", IV_GET|IV_STORE|IV_REDEFINE, labelFormatDialogGroup, NAME_appearance, "Alignment of label in box") }; /* Send Methods */ static senddecl send_tab[] = { SM(NAME_initialise, 1, "name=[name]", initialiseTab, DEFAULT, "Create a new tab-entry"), SM(NAME_geometry, 4, T_geometry, geometryTab, DEFAULT, "Move/resize tab"), SM(NAME_event, 1, "event", eventTab, NAME_event, "Process event"), SM(NAME_labelEvent, 1, "event", labelEventTab, NAME_event, "Process event event on label"), SM(NAME_flash, 2, T_flash, flashTab, NAME_report, "Flash label of the tab"), SM(NAME_position, 1, "point", positionGraphical, NAME_area, "Top-left corner of tab"), SM(NAME_x, 1, "int", xGraphical, NAME_area, "Left-side of tab"), SM(NAME_y, 1, "int", yGraphical, NAME_area, "Top-side of tab"), SM(NAME_compute, 0, NULL, computeTab, NAME_update, "Recompute area"), SM(NAME_advance, 3, T_advance, advanceTab, NAME_focus, "Advance keyboard focus to next item"), SM(NAME_active, 1, "bool", activeTab, NAME_event, "Enable/disable the tab"), SM(NAME_ChangedLabel, 0, NULL, ChangedLabelTab, NAME_update, "Add label-area to the update") }; /* Get Methods */ static getdecl get_tab[] = { GM(NAME_position, 0, "point", NULL, getPositionGraphical, NAME_area, "Top-left corner of tab"), GM(NAME_x, 0, "int", NULL, getXGraphical, NAME_area, "Left-side of tab"), GM(NAME_y, 0, "int", NULL, getYGraphical, NAME_area, "Top-side of tab") }; /* Resources */ static classvardecl rc_tab[] = { RC(NAME_elevation, "elevation", "when(@colour_display, " /* concat */ "1, " /* concat */ "elevation(tab, 2, relief := @grey50_image, shadow := black))", "Elevation above environment"), RC(NAME_inactiveColour, "colour|pixmap*", "@nil", NULL), RC(NAME_gap, "size", "size(15, 8)", "Distance between items in X and Y"), RC(NAME_labelFont, "font", "normal", "Font used to display the label"), RC(NAME_labelFormat, "{left,center,right}", "left", "Alignment of label in box"), RC(NAME_labelSize, "size", "size(50, 24)", "Size of box for label") }; /* Class Declaration */ ClassDecl(tab_decls, var_tab, send_tab, get_tab, rc_tab, ARGC_INHERIT, NULL, "$Rev$"); status makeClassTab(Class class) { declareClass(class, &tab_decls); setRedrawFunctionClass(class, RedrawAreaTab); setInEventAreaFunctionClass(class, inEventAreaTab); succeed; }