/* Part of XPCE --- The SWI-Prolog GUI toolkit Author: Jan Wielemaker and Anjo Anjewierden E-mail: jan@swi.psy.uva.nl WWW: http://www.swi.psy.uva.nl/projects/xpce/ Copyright (c) 1985-2002, University of Amsterdam All rights reserved. Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS "AS IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT OWNER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. */ #include #include #include static status initialiseDialog(Dialog d, Name name, Size size, DisplayObj display) { TileObj t; Any border; initialiseWindow((PceWindow) d, name, size, display); assign(d, gap, newObject(ClassSize, EAV)); copySize(d->gap, getClassVariableValueObject(d, NAME_gap)); assign(d, size_given, NAME_none); if ( instanceOfObject((border=getClassVariableValueObject(d, NAME_border)), ClassSize) ) { assign(d, border, newObject(ClassSize, EAV)); copySize(d->border, border); } else assign(d, border, DEFAULT); t = getTileWindow((PceWindow) d); assign(t, horShrink, ZERO); assign(t, verShrink, ZERO); assign(t, horStretch, ZERO); assign(t, verStretch, ZERO); succeed; } static status displayDialog(Dialog d, Graphical item, Point pos) { if ( displayDevice(d, item, pos) ) { if ( instanceOfObject(item, ClassDialogItem) ) d->graphicals->current = d->graphicals->tail; if ( isNil(d->keyboard_focus) && send(item, NAME_WantsKeyboardFocus, EAV) ) keyboardFocusWindow((PceWindow) d, item); succeed; } fail; } static status appendDialog(Dialog d, Graphical item, Name where) { return appendDialogItemDevice((Device) d, item, where); } static status layoutDialog(Dialog d, Size size) { return layoutDialogDevice((Device) d, d->gap, size, d->border); } static status ComputeDesiredSizeDialog(Dialog d) { Name given; TRY(send(d, NAME_layout, EAV)); if ( isNil(d->keyboard_focus) ) send(d, NAME_advance, NIL, EAV); /* select first text item */ ComputeGraphical(d); if ( (given=d->size_given) != NAME_both ) { Int w, h; int empty; if ( (empty=emptyChain(d->graphicals)) ) { Size sz = getClassVariableValueObject(d, NAME_size); w = sz->w; h = sz->h; } else { Area a = d->bounding_box; Size border = (notDefault(d->border) ? d->border : d->gap); w = toInt(valInt(a->x) + valInt(a->w) + valInt(border->w)); h = toInt(valInt(a->y) + valInt(a->h) + valInt(border->h)); } if ( given == NAME_width ) w = DEFAULT; else if ( given == NAME_height ) h = DEFAULT; send(d, NAME_set, DEFAULT, DEFAULT, w, h, EAV); } succeed; } #define WIDTH_GIVEN 1 #define HEIGTH_GIVEN 2 static status setDialog(Dialog d, Int x, Int y, Int w, Int h) { static Name given_names[] = { NAME_none, NAME_width, NAME_height, NAME_both }; int given; for(given = 0; given < 4; given++) { if ( given_names[given] == d->size_given ) break; } if ( given == 4 ) /* just in case */ given = 0; if ( notDefault(w) ) given |= WIDTH_GIVEN; if ( notDefault(h) ) given |= HEIGTH_GIVEN; assign(d, size_given, given_names[given]); return setGraphical((Graphical) d, x, y, w, h); } static status widthDialog(Dialog d, Int w) { return setDialog(d, DEFAULT, DEFAULT, w, DEFAULT); } static status heightDialog(Dialog d, Int h) { return setDialog(d, DEFAULT, DEFAULT, DEFAULT, h); } static status sizeDialog(Dialog d, Size size) { return setDialog(d, DEFAULT, DEFAULT, size->w, size->h); } static Size getBorderDialog(Dialog d) { if ( notDefault(d->border) ) answer(d->border); else answer(d->gap); } /******************************** * MISCELLANEAUS * ********************************/ static Graphical getMemberDialog(Dialog d, Any obj) { if ( isName(obj) ) return getMemberDevice((Device) d, (Name) obj); if ( ((Graphical)obj)->device == (Device) d ) answer(obj); fail; } static status memberDialog(Dialog d, Any obj) { return getMemberDialog(d, obj) != FAIL ? SUCCEED : FAIL; } static Chain getMembersDialog(Dialog d) { answer(d->graphicals); } static status deleteDialog(Dialog d, Graphical gr) { return freeObject(gr); } static status caretDialog(Dialog d, Graphical gr) { return keyboardFocusWindow((PceWindow) d, gr); } static status activeDialog(Dialog d, BoolObj val) { assign(d, sensitive, val); succeed; } static BoolObj getActiveDialog(Dialog d) { answer(d->sensitive); } /******************************** * COMMUNICATION * ********************************/ static status defaultButtonDialog(Dialog d, Button b) { Cell cell; for_cell(cell, d->graphicals) { Button b2 = cell->value; if ( instanceOfObject(b2, ClassButton) ) assign(b2, default_button, b == b2 ? ON : OFF); } succeed; } static status applyDialog(Dialog d, BoolObj always) { DialogItem di; Graphical defb; for_chain(d->graphicals, di, send(di, NAME_apply, always, EAV)); if ( (defb = get(d, NAME_defaultButton, EAV)) ) send(defb, NAME_active, OFF, EAV); succeed; } static status restoreDialog(Dialog d) { DialogItem di; Graphical defb; for_chain(d->graphicals, di, send(di, NAME_restore, EAV)); if ( (defb = get(d, NAME_defaultButton, EAV)) ) send(defb, NAME_active, OFF, EAV); succeed; } static status modifiedItemDialog(Dialog d, Graphical gr, BoolObj m) { Button b; if ( (b = qadGetv(d, NAME_defaultButton, 0, NULL)) ) { send(b, NAME_active, ON, EAV); if ( send(b, NAME_isApply, EAV) ) succeed; } fail; } /******************************** * REPORT * ********************************/ static Any getReportToDialog(Dialog d) { Any reporter; if ( (reporter = get(d, NAME_member, NAME_reporter, EAV)) ) answer(reporter); answer(getReportToVisual((VisualObj) d)); } /******************************* * ACCELERATORS * *******************************/ static status assignAcceletatorsDialog(Dialog d) { return assignAccelerators(d->graphicals, CtoName("\\e"), NAME_label); } /******************************* * CLASS DECLARATION * *******************************/ /* Type declarations */ static char *T_display[] = { "graphical", "at=[point]" }; static char *T_modifiedItem[] = { "item=graphical", "modified=bool" }; static char *T_append[] = { "item=graphical", "relative_to_last=[{below,right,next_row}]" }; static char *T_initialise[] = { "label=[name]", "size=[size]", "display=[display]" }; /* Instance Variables */ static vardecl var_dialog[] = { IV(NAME_gap, "size", IV_SEND, NAME_layout, "Distance in X and Y direction between items"), IV(NAME_border, "[size]", IV_BOTH, NAME_layout, "Free area around contents"), IV(NAME_sizeGiven, "{none,width,height,both}", IV_NONE, NAME_layout, "User specified explicit width/height") }; /* Send Methods */ static senddecl send_dialog[] = { SM(NAME_initialise, 3, T_initialise, initialiseDialog, DEFAULT, "Create from label, size and display"), SM(NAME_defaultButton, 1, "member:button*", defaultButtonDialog, NAME_accelerator, "Button connected to `RET'"), SM(NAME_assignAccelerators, 0, NULL, assignAcceletatorsDialog, NAME_accelerator, "Assign accelerators for the dialog_item objects"), SM(NAME_active, 1, "bool", activeDialog, NAME_active, "(DE)activate the entire window"), SM(NAME_apply, 1, "always=[bool]", applyDialog, NAME_apply, "->apply all changed items"), SM(NAME_modifiedItem, 2, T_modifiedItem, modifiedItemDialog, NAME_apply, "Indicates item has changed state"), SM(NAME_restore, 0, NULL, restoreDialog, NAME_apply, "->restore all items to their <-default"), SM(NAME_size, 1, "size", sizeDialog, NAME_area, "Give dialog an explicit size"), SM(NAME_width, 1, "0..", widthDialog, NAME_area, "Give dialog an explicit width"), SM(NAME_height, 1, "0..", heightDialog, NAME_area, "Give dialog an explicit height"), SM(NAME_caret, 1, "member:graphical", caretDialog, NAME_focus, "Assign the caret to an input object"), SM(NAME_ComputeDesiredSize, 0, NULL, ComputeDesiredSizeDialog, NAME_layout, "Compute the desired size"), SM(NAME_layout, 1, "size=[size]", layoutDialog, NAME_layout, "(Re)compute layout of dialog_items"), SM(NAME_append, 2, T_append, appendDialog, NAME_organisation, "Append dialog_item {below,right,next_row} last"), SM(NAME_delete, 1, "member:graphical", deleteDialog, NAME_organisation, "Delete (named) dialog item"), SM(NAME_display, 2, T_display, displayDialog, NAME_organisation, "Display a graphical (or item) at point"), SM(NAME_member, 1, "name|dialog_item", memberDialog, NAME_organisation, "Test if dialog_item or name is a member") }; /* Get Methods */ static getdecl get_dialog[] = { GM(NAME_active, 0, "bool", NULL, getActiveDialog, NAME_active, "Equivalent to Window <-sensitive"), GM(NAME_member, 1, "graphical", "name|graphical", getMemberDialog, NAME_organisation, "Find named dialog_item"), GM(NAME_members, 0, "chain", NULL, getMembersDialog, NAME_organisation, "Equivalent to <-graphicals"), GM(NAME_reportTo, 0, "graphical|frame", NULL, getReportToDialog, NAME_report, "<-member: reporter or <-contained_in"), GM(NAME_border, 0, "size", NULL, getBorderDialog, NAME_layout, "<-border or <-gap") }; /* Resources */ static classvardecl rc_dialog[] = { RC(NAME_gap, "size", "size(15,8)", "Distance between items in X and Y"), RC(NAME_border, "[size]", "@default", "Distance between contents and edge"), RC(NAME_background, RC_REFINE, "@_dialog_bg", NULL) }; /* Class Declaration */ static Name dialog_termnames[] = { NAME_name }; ClassDecl(dialog_decls, var_dialog, send_dialog, get_dialog, rc_dialog, 1, dialog_termnames, "$Rev$"); status makeClassDialog(Class class) { return declareClass(class, &dialog_decls); }