/* Part of SWI-Prolog Author: Jan Wielemaker E-mail: jan@swi-prolog.org WWW: http://www.swi-prolog.org Copyright (c) 2021, SWI-Prolog Solutions b.v. All rights reserved. Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS "AS IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT OWNER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. */ :- module(test_transact_mono_lazy, [ test_transact_mono_lazy/0 ]). :- use_module(library(plunit)). :- use_module(library(increval)). :- use_module(library(apply)). :- use_module(library(debug)). :- use_module(library(prolog_code)). :- use_module(library(tables)). /** Test transactions with lazy monotonic tabling */ test_transact_mono_lazy :- run_tests([ test_transact_mono_lazy_1, test_transact_mono_lazy_2, test_transact_mono_lazy_3, test_transact_mono_lazy_4, test_transact_mono_lazy_5 ]). :- meta_predicate init(0), cleanup(:), queued_answers(:,-,-), expect(?, 0, +), expect_valid(0), expect_invalid(0), expect_forced(0), mono_is_forced(0), expect_queued_answers(:, +). % ================================================================ % Elementary testing :- begin_tests(test_transact_mono_lazy_1). % these tests are shared with test_transact_incr_1, except that some of % the tables nicely remain valid thanks to the answer trailing. :- dynamic d/1 as monotonic. :- table p/1 as (monotonic,lazy). p(X) :- d(X). % Commits have no impact test(commit, [cleanup(cleanup([d/1]))]) :- assertz(d(1)), expect(X, p(X), [1]), transaction(( assertz(d(2)), expect(X, p(X), [1,2]) )), expect_valid(p(_)), expect(X, p(X), [1,2]). % a new answer due to an assert is trailed and % removed as part of the rollback. test(rollback, [cleanup(cleanup([d/1]))]) :- assertz(d(1)), expect(X, p(X), [1]), \+ transaction(( assertz(d(2)), expect(X, p(X), [1,2]), fail )), expect_valid(p(_)), expect(X, p(X), [1]). % snapshots must behave the same (and are easier, so % we continue with them) test(snapshot, [cleanup(cleanup([d/1]))]) :- assertz(d(1)), expect(X, p(X), [1]), snapshot(( assertz(d(2)), expect(X, p(X), [1,2]) )), expect_valid(p(_)), expect(X, p(X), [1]). % A table that is evaluated inside a transaction while it % has no dependencies on modified predicates remains valid test(snapshot, [cleanup(cleanup([d/1]))]) :- assertz(d(1)), assertz(d(2)), snapshot(( expect(X, p(X), [1,2]) )), expect_valid(p(_)), expect(X, p(X), [1,2]). % a table reevaluated inside a transaction while the % dependencies are untouched in the transaction remains % valid. test(snapshot, [cleanup(cleanup([d/1]))]) :- assertz(d(1)), expect(X, p(X), [1]), assertz(d(2)), snapshot(( expect_invalid(p(_)), expect(X, p(X), [1,2]) )), expect_valid(p(_)), expect(X, p(X), [1,2]). % A table that is evaluated inside a transaction, then % updated based on data changed must be invalidated. test(snapshot, [cleanup(cleanup([d/1]))]) :- assertz(d(1)), assertz(d(2)), snapshot(( expect(X, p(X), [1,2]), assertz(d(3)), expect(X, p(X), [1,2,3]) )), expect_valid(p(_)), expect(X, p(X), [1,2]). :- end_tests(test_transact_mono_lazy_1). :- begin_tests(test_transact_mono_lazy_2). % these tests are shared with test_transact_incr_1, except that some of % the tables nicely remain valid thanks to the answer trailing. :- dynamic d/1 as monotonic. :- table p/1 as (monotonic,lazy). p(X) :- d(X). % A retract inside the table should invalidate the table test(retract, [cleanup(cleanup([d/1]))]) :- assertz(d(1)), assertz(d(2)), snapshot(( expect(X, p(X), [1,2]), retract(d(2)), expect(X, p(X), [1]) )), expect_invalid(p(_)), expect(X, p(X), [1,2]). % Re-evaluation inside a transaction of old data is % fine. test(outside_assert, [cleanup(cleanup([d/1]))]) :- assertz(d(1)), init(p(_)), assertz(d(2)), snapshot(( expect_invalid(p(_)), expect(X, p(X), [1,2]) )), expect_valid(p(_)), expect(X, p(X), [1,2]). % A mixed assert inside and outside the transaction and % reevaluation inside invalidates our table. test(mixed_assert, [cleanup(cleanup([d/1]))]) :- init(p(_)), assertz(d(1)), expect_invalid(p(_)), snapshot(( assert(d(2)), expect(X, p(X), [1,2]) )), expect_invalid(p(_)), expect(X, p(X), [1]). :- end_tests(test_transact_mono_lazy_2). :- begin_tests(test_transact_mono_lazy_3). :- dynamic (da/1,db/1) as monotonic. :- table p/1 as (monotonic,lazy). p(X) :- da(A), db(B), X is A+B. % Re-evaluation inside a transaction of old data is % fine unless there is another dependency test(outside_assert, [cleanup(cleanup([da/1,db/1]))]) :- assertz(da(1)), assertz(db(10)), init(p(_)), assertz(da(2)), snapshot(( expect_invalid(p(_)), assertz(db(100)), expect(X, p(X), [11,12,101,102]) )), expect_invalid(p(_)), expect(X, p(X), [11,12]). :- end_tests(test_transact_mono_lazy_3). :- begin_tests(test_transact_mono_lazy_4). :- dynamic (da/1,db/1) as monotonic. :- table p/1 as (monotonic,lazy). p(X) :- da(A), ( A >= 10 -> db(B), X is A+B ; X = A ). % two dependencies. Now the dependency to the modified db/1 % has been added, so we must invalidate. test(new_dependencies, [cleanup(cleanup([da/1,db/1]))]) :- assertz(da(1)), init(p(_)), assertz(da(10)), snapshot(( expect_invalid(p(_)), assertz(db(100)), expect(X, p(X), [1,110]) )), expect_invalid(p(_)), expect(X, p(X), [1]). :- end_tests(test_transact_mono_lazy_4). :- begin_tests(test_transact_mono_lazy_5). :- dynamic (da/1,db/1) as monotonic. :- table (p/1,q/1,r/1) as (monotonic,lazy). p(X) :- q(X). p(X) :- r(X). q(X) :- da(X). r(X) :- db(X), X < 10. test(already_forced_1, [cleanup(cleanup([da/1,db/1]))]) :- cleanup([da/1,db/1]), init(p(_)), snapshot(( assert(db(11)), retract(db(11)), % forced reeval for p/1 assert(da(1)), assert(da(2)), % clean monotonic update for q/1 expect(X, p(X), [1,2]) )), expect(X, p(X), []). test(already_forced_2, [cleanup(cleanup([da/1,db/1]))]) :- cleanup([da/1,db/1]), init(p(_)), assert(db(11)), snapshot(( assert(da(1)), assert(da(2)), expect(X, p(X), [1,2]), retract(db(11)), expect(X, p(X), [1,2]) )), expect(X, p(X), []). :- end_tests(test_transact_mono_lazy_5). /******************************* * TEST HELPERS * *******************************/ init(P) :- forall(P, true). cleanup(M:List) :- abolish_all_tables, maplist(cleanup(M), List). cleanup(M, PI) :- pi_head(PI, Head), retractall(M:Head). expect(Templ, Goal, Answer) :- findall(Templ, Goal, R0), sort(R0, R), sort(Answer, Answer1), assertion(R == Answer1). expect_valid(Goal) :- assertion(\+ incr_is_invalid(Goal)). expect_invalid(Goal) :- assertion(incr_is_invalid(Goal)). expect_forced(Goal) :- assertion(mono_is_forced(Goal)). mono_is_forced(Goal) :- get_call(Goal, ATrie, _Templ), '$idg_forced'(ATrie). queued_answers(To, From, Count) :- get_calls(To, DstTrie, _Ret), '$idg_mono_affects_lazy'(DstTrie, SrcTrie, _Dep, _DepRef, Answers), '$tbl_table_status'(SrcTrie, _Status, From0, _Skeleton), unqualify(To, From0, From), length(Answers, Count). unqualify(M:_, M:From, From) :- !. unqualify(_, From, From). expect_queued_answers(To, Expected0) :- findall(From-Count, queued_answers(To, From, Count), Pairs1), sort(Pairs1, Found), sort(Expected0, Expected), assertion(Found =@= Expected).