/* Part of SWI-Prolog Author: Jan Wielemaker E-mail: jan@swi-prolog.org WWW: http://www.swi-prolog.org Copyright (c) 2022, SWI-Prolog Solutions b.v. All rights reserved. Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS "AS IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT OWNER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. */ :- module(test_thread_signals, [ test_thread_signals/0 ]). :- use_module(library(plunit)). :- use_module(library(apply)). :- use_module(library(debug)). :- use_module(library(prolog_stack)). /** Test thread_signal/2 and related primitives. */ test_thread_signals :- run_tests([ signal_api, signal_catch, signal_nested, signal_exceptions ]). :- meta_predicate signal(:), ready(:), signal_self(:), normally(0). :- begin_tests(signal_api, [sto(rational_trees)]). test(pending, Pending == []) :- sig_pending(Pending). test(pending, Pending == [true]) :- thread_self(Me), sig_atomic(( thread_signal(Me, true), sig_pending(Pending))). test(remove, Removed == []) :- sig_remove(_, Removed). test(remove, Removed == [true]) :- thread_self(Me), sig_atomic(( thread_signal(Me, true), sig_remove(X, Removed), sig_pending(Pending))), assertion(var(X)), assertion(Pending == []). test(remove, Removed == []) :- thread_self(Me), sig_atomic(( thread_signal(Me, true), sig_remove(false, Removed), sig_pending(Pending))), assertion(Pending == [true]). test(remove, Removed == [false]) :- thread_self(Me), sig_atomic(( thread_signal(Me, false), thread_signal(Me, true), sig_remove(false, Removed), sig_pending(Pending))), assertion(Pending == [true]). test(remove, Removed == [false]) :- thread_self(Me), sig_atomic(( thread_signal(Me, true), thread_signal(Me, false), sig_remove(false, Removed), sig_pending(Pending))), assertion(Pending == [true]). test(remove, Removed == [false]) :- thread_self(Me), sig_atomic(( thread_signal(Me, true), thread_signal(Me, false), thread_signal(Me, ok), sig_remove(false, Removed), sig_pending(Pending))), assertion(Pending == [true,ok]). ok. test(backtrack, X == 42) :- b_setval(test_signals_v1, 0), thread_self(Me), thread_signal(Me, b_setval(test_signals_v1, 42)), b_getval(test_signals_v1, X). :- end_tests(signal_api). :- begin_tests(signal_catch, [sto(rational_trees)]). % catch/3 processes signals during recovery test(recover) :- catch(throw(error), _, processes_signals). test(atomic) :- sig_atomic(assertion(\+ processes_signals)). test(cleanup) :- setup_call_cleanup( \+ processes_signals, processes_signals, \+ processes_signals). test(signal) :- thread_self(Me), thread_signal(Me, assertion(\+ processes_signals)). :- end_tests(signal_catch). %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% :- begin_tests(signal_nested, [sto(rational_trees)]). % two nested catch calls and trigger two signals. We test two cases. In % the first, the inner recover is not atomic and should normally be % interrupted by the pending signal. In nested_atomic, the inner catch/3 % recover is atomic and thus executed. :- dynamic caught/1. % there is no _guarantee_ the second signal arrives in time. test(nested_likely) :- retractall(caught(_)), signal(b-[ throw(b(1)), throw(a(2)) ]), catch(a_non_atomic, a(X), r(X)), findall(C, retract(caught(C)), CL), normally(CL==[2]). % The _=_ below and in a_atomic allow this test to work on systems without % OS-level signals, since pending signals are only checked at the call port, % not the exit port, and a bare true would get optimized away. a_non_atomic :- catch((b, _=_), b(X), r(X)), sleep(1). % here we have a guarantee as we signal ourselves inside % sig_atomic/1. test(nested_sure, CL==[2]) :- retractall(caught(_)), catch(a_non_atomic_2, a(X), r(X)), findall(C, retract(caught(C)), CL). a_non_atomic_2 :- catch(b_2, b(X), r(X)), sleep(1). b_2 :- signal_self([throw(b(1)),throw(a(2))]), sleep(1). test(nested_atomic, CL==[1,2]) :- retractall(caught(_)), signal(b-[ throw(b(1)), throw(a(2)) ]), catch(a_atomic, a(X), r(X)), findall(C, retract(caught(C)), CL). a_atomic :- catch((b, _=_), b(X), sig_atomic(r(X))), sleep(1). b :- ready(b), sleep(1). r(X) :- assert(caught(X)). :- end_tests(signal_nested). %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% :- begin_tests(signal_exceptions, [sto(rational_trees)]). % This test illustrates blocking to make sure the signals are only % processed inside run_guarded/0. run_guarded/0 waits until it is % interrupted with an exception. The signal handler blocks sig/1 signals % until run_guarded/0 re-enables them. :- dynamic ball/1. test(chained, Balls == Expected) :- Max = 10, numlist(1, Max, Expected), b_setval(test_signals_done, false), sig_block(sig(_)), ex(Max), % sleep(0.01), run, findall(B, retract(ball(B)), Balls). run :- b_getval(test_signals_done, true), !. run :- E = ball(_), catch(run_guarded, E, (assertz(E), run)). run_guarded :- sig_unblock(sig(_)), loop(10 000), no_lco. no_lco. sig(done) => b_setval(test_signals_done, true). sig(N) => sig_pending(Pending), debug(interrupt, 'Got ~p, pending: ~p', [sig(N), Pending]), prolog_current_frame(Frame), current_module(M), ( prolog_frame_attribute(Frame, parent_goal, M:run_guarded) -> sig_block(sig(_)), throw(ball(N)) ; ansi_format(warning, 'run_guarded/0 not running~n', []) ). ex(N):- thread_self(Me), thread_create(s(N, Me), _, [detached(true)]). s(N, Me) :- forall(between(1, N, I), ( ( maybe(0.5) -> sleep(0.01) ; true ), thread_signal(Me, sig(I)))), thread_signal(Me, sig(done)). loop(_) :- b_getval(test_signals_done, true), !. loop(N) :- N > 0, !, N2 is N - 1, sleep(0.001), loop(N2). loop(_). :- end_tests(signal_exceptions). /******************************* * UTILS * *******************************/ %! processes_signals is semidet. % % True if the calling thread processes signals it receives. :- thread_local signalled/0. processes_signals :- thread_self(Me), retractall(signalled), thread_signal(Me, assert(signalled)), loop(10), retract(signalled). loop(N) :- N > 0, !, N2 is N - 1, loop(N2). loop(_). %! signal(+Spec) is det. % % Send some thread signals according to Spec. The core patterns of % spec are: % % - Number-Signals % Delay Number seconds and send Signals % - Ready-Signals % Wait for a call to ready(Read) and send Signals. % - Signals % Send Signals. % % Multiple patterns may be put in a list and `Signals` is either a % single signal or a list of signals. Multiple signals are send as % quickly as possible, usually resulting in building up a signal % queue. :- dynamic is_ready/2. signal(M:List) :- retractall(is_ready(_,_)), thread_self(To), thread_create(signal(List, To, M), _, [detached(true)]). signal([], _, _) => true. signal([H|T], To, M) => signal(H, To, M), signal(T, To, M). signal(Delay-Signals, To, M), number(Delay) => sleep(Delay), signal(Signals, To, M). signal(Ready-Signals, To, M), ground(Ready) => thread_wait(is_ready(M, Ready), [ retry_every(10), wait_preds([is_ready/2]) ]), retractall(is_ready(M, Ready)), signal(Signals, To, M). signal(Signal, To, M), callable(Signal) => thread_signal(To, sig(M, Signal)). sig(M, Signal) :- ( debugging(interrupt(pending)) -> sig_pending(Pending), maplist(arg(2), Pending, User), format('Got ~p; Pending: ~p~n', [Signal, User]) ; true ), ( debugging(interrupt(backtrace)) -> backtrace(10) ; true ), call(M:Signal). %! ready(:Term) % % Claim Term to be ready ready(M:Term) :- assert(is_ready(M, Term)). %! signal_self(:Signals) is det. % % Signal myself. Make sure the specified signals are queued, so they % arrive at the same time. signal_self(M:Signals) :- thread_self(To), sig_atomic(signal_self(Signals, To, M)). signal_self([], _, _) => true. signal_self([H|T], To, M) => signal_self(H, To, M), signal_self(T, To, M). signal_self(Signal, To, M), callable(Signal) => thread_signal(To, sig(M, Signal)). %! normally(:Goal) % % Goal is normally true, but may fail in exceptional cases. normally(Goal) :- getenv('SWIPL_TEST_FAIL_ON_UNLIKELY', y), !, assertion(Goal). normally(Goal) :- call(Goal), !. normally(Goal) :- print_message(warning, normally(Goal)). :- multifile prolog:message//1. prolog:message(normally(Goal)) --> [ 'Test assertion failed: ~p (ignored)'-[Goal], nl, 'Set SWIPL_TEST_FAIL_ON_UNLIKELY=y to turn this into a test failure'-[] ].