Translating Circumscription to Disjunctive Logic Programming:
[Using the software]
a bugfix for version 2.0 (April 5, 2007)
now uses a linear translation from prioritized circumscription to
disjunctive logic programs. (March 19, 2007)
A set of diagnosis benchmarks
used in [OJ, 2007] available (March 19, 2007)
Using the Software
circ2dlp is used as follows,
usage: circ2dlp <options> <file> [-m
<minimized:different:priorities> -v <varying> -f <fixed>]
Default behaviour is that all atoms are falsified with the highest
priority, unless explicitly given a priority for minimization or
stated to be varying or fixed.
Different priorities are separated with a colon, and a lower priority
for a certain atom overrides a higher one (see
here for examples).
Default behaviour can be changed using
option --vary . Notice however, that invisible atoms
that lparse produces (atoms that have no name in the symbol
table) always have the default behaviour being minimized with highest
priority and --vary option cannot be applied to programs
containing invisible atoms, as the semantics of invisible atoms becomes
unclear. Wildcards can be used when giving the set of minimized,
varying and fixed atoms or predicates: ? matches any one character, *
any character or characters and [ ] one of the characters
included inside the brackets.
Command line options for circ2dlp are the following:
-h or --help -- print help message
-t -- human readable output
--dlv -- output in dlv syntax
--vary -- vary all atoms by default
--version -- print version information
circ2dlp can also be used to programs containing
negation. Then the translation yields the
〈P_1>...>P_k,V,F〉 -minimal models of
the Gelfond-Lifschitz reduct of the original program Π, that is,
the 〈P_1>...>P_k,V,F〉-stable models of
Π in a sense.
For instance, circ2dlp is used as follows in order to compute
all 〈P,V,F〉-minimal models of program.lp :
lparse --dlp program.lp > program.sm
circ2dlp program.sm -v [atoms in V] -f [atoms in F] | gnt 0
or (when using dlv )
circ2dlp --dlv program.sm -v [atoms in V] -f [atoms in F] | dlv -n=0
More examples of the usage of circ2dlp can be found here.
Disclaimer: The software below is provided on "as is" basis,
without warranties of any kind or fitness for a particular purpose.
The copyright for circ2dlp is held by Emilia Oikarinen and for
dencode , lpcat and lplist by Tomi Janhunen.
You may freely use this software for academic and research purposes but not
redistribute it.
Current version
circ2dlp-2.1 has been designed to be used with GnT
(version 2.1 for lparse-1.0.14) and the front-end lparse
(version 1.0.14 or later). In addition,
there is a support for producing an input file for dlv .
Old versions
- circ2dlp-2.0, a
preliminary version of the linear translation for prioritized
- circ2dlp-1.1
is designed to be used with
(version 2.1) and
(pre 1.0.14).
Note that it is possible to switch between old (pre 1.0.14)
and new formats using dencode.
- Version 1.1 has no direct support for prioritized
circumscription. Lifschitz' scheme is implemented as a script
prio_circ2dlp (README).
- lpcat (concatenates two
programs, version 1.5)
- lplist (outputs program in
textual format, version 1.3)
lparse-1.0.17 produces warning messages of the form
2: Warning: 0: lower bound (-2147483647) in an extended rule
section is bigger than the upper bound (135097400)
There are spurious warnings and can be neglected. A way to get rid of
these messages is to use the -Wnone option of
lparse-1.0.17 .
The newest versions of
lparse (1.0.14 and higher)
produce disjunctive rules with a new code (number 8) which is not
understood by GnT . This results in error messages
gnt2: error in input
Therefore circ2dlp should be used with a special
compilation of
GnT for lparse 1.0.14 .
circ2dlp (2.0 and higher) assumes input in the new
lparse format, and circ2dlp (1.1) in the old
format. If the input file for circ2dlp is in the wrong
format, it results in an error message:
circ2dlp: unknown rule type .
This can be circumvented with the help of
which switches between old (pre 1.0.14) and new (1.0.14 and higher)
formats of lparse (options -o and
-n ).
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Latest update: 05 April 2007.
Emilia Oikarinen