: test the equivalence of the given two logic programs
: verifying if a program has a particular stable model
: generate a random 3-SAT instance as a logic program
: drop random rules from a program
: generate random planar graphs using the SGB library
(version 20020130-1)
This software has been designed to be used with smodels
(versions 2.*) and the front-end lparse
which are
are available here.
is used as follows in order to check
the equivalence of program1.lp
and program2.lp
lparse program1.lp > program1.sm
lparse program2.lp > program2.sm
lpeq program1.sm program2.sm | smodels 1
lpeq program2.sm program1.sm | smodels 1
When given the option -c
(resp. -s
produces a program for testing the classical
(resp. strong) equivalence of the programs given as input. In this
case, you have to invoke lparse
(using only versions
1.0.11 and later) using the command line option -d
The other programs are more or less subsidiary (invoked by the scripts we have used in the experiments).
is used as follows:
lparse program.lp > program.sm
testsm program.sm list_of_atoms | smodels 1
The program adds a compute statement to the program which requires the given atoms to be true.
rsat [-sseed] [-r] [-d] vars_per_clause vars clauses
Generates an random 3-SAT instance encoded as a logic program. Option
enables several occurrences of the same variable in a
clause. Variables are distinct by default. Option -d
produces a disjunctive logic program.
drop [-v] [-sseed] [-nnumber of rules] program
Drops randomly the given number of rules from the program. The
internal format of smodels
is used. Given the option
, the program is printed in a textual format.
planar number_of_nodes seed
Produces a random planar graph containing the given number of nodes (consult Stanford GraphBase library for details).
Separate programs: lpeq (version 1.13), testsm (version 1.5), rsat-1.7 (version 1.7), drop (version 1.4), planar-1.1 (version 1.1)
Shell scripts (some experiments): queens_test, queens_times.sh, general_test, running_times.sh, naive.sh, README
Logic programs (used in experiments); queens.lp, queens_choice.lp, color.lp, hc.lp
All in one: lpeq.tgz
: test the equivalence of the given two
disjunctive logic programs
This software has been designed to be used with GnT
and the front-end lparse
which are
are available here.
is used as follows in order to check
the equivalence of program1.lp
and program2.lp
lparse --dlp program1.lp > program1.sm
lparse --dlp program2.lp > program2.sm
dlpeq program1.sm program2.sm | gnt 1
dlpeq program2.sm program1.sm | gnt 1
dlpeq -p 1 program1.sm program2.sm | gnt 1
dlpeq -p 1 program2.sm program1.sm | gnt 1
dlpeq -p 2 program1.sm program2.sm | gnt 1
dlpeq -p 2 program2.sm program1.sm | gnt 1