# Starting image FROM ubuntu:22.04 # Install prerequisites ARG DEBIAN_FRONTEND=noninteractive RUN apt update RUN apt install -y python3 python3-pip libpython3-dev git RUN apt install -y sudo git curl gcc cmake RUN apt install -y python3-venv time wget vim bc # Create user ENV USER=user RUN useradd -m -G sudo -p "" user RUN chsh -s /bin/bash user # SWI packages no longer need the user's user #USER ${USER} ENV HOME=/home/${USER} WORKDIR ${HOME} # Install MeTTaLog ENV METTALOG_DIR="${HOME}/metta-wam" ENV PATH="${PATH}:${METTALOG_DIR}" WORKDIR ${HOME} # RUN git clone https://github.com/trueagi-io/metta-wam.git RUN mkdir -p "${METTALOG_DIR}" WORKDIR ${METTALOG_DIR} # This COPY is in case we have made local changes # so we dont have to commit to Github to test them out COPY ./ ./ # get rid of copied venv that is probably using a whole different python anyways RUN rm -rf ./venv/ COPY ./INSTALL.sh ./INSTALL.sh RUN ./INSTALL.sh --easy #RUN swipl -l src/main/metta_interp.pl -g qcompile_mettalog