/* Part of SWI-Prolog Author: Douglas R. Miles, ... E-mail: logicmoo@gmail.com WWW: http://www.logicmoo.org Copyright (c) 2016,2017,2021, LogicMOO Basic Tools All rights reserved. Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS "AS IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT OWNER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. */ :- module(each_call_cleanup, [ each_call_cleanup/3, % +Setup, +Goal, +Cleanup each_call_catcher_cleanup/4, % +Setup, +Goal, ?Catcher, +Cleanup redo_call_cleanup/3, % +Setup, +Goal, +Cleanup trusted_redo_call_cleanup/3 % +Setup, +Goal, +Cleanup ]). /** Utility LOGICMOO EACH CALL Before a clause does a redo it allows code to be called. To execute between calls during backtracking. Allows us to put code before and after a clause. Utility LOGICMOO_EACH_CALL_CLEANUP Works together with Each Call to allow code before and after a clause for backtracking. - @author Douglas R. Miles - @license LGPL @see https://groups.google.com/forum/#!searchin/comp.lang.prolog/redo_call_cleanup%7Csort:relevance/comp.lang.prolog/frH_4RzMAHg/2bBub5t6AwAJ */ :- set_module(class(library)). :- meta_predicate redo_call_cleanup(0,0,0), call_then_cut(0), each_call_catcher_cleanup(0,0,?,0), each_call_cleanup(0,0,0), trusted_redo_call_cleanup(0,0,0). % call_then_cut(G):- call((G,(deterministic(true)->!;true))) call_then_cut(G):- prolog_current_choice(CP), prolog_choice_attribute(CP,parent,PC), prolog_choice_attribute(PC,frame,Frame),prolog_frame_attribute(Frame,goal,PG), prolog_choice_attribute(CP,frame,CFrame),prolog_frame_attribute(CFrame,goal,CG),nop(dmsg(call_then_cut(PG,CG))), call((G,(deterministic(true)->prolog_cut_to(PC);true))). :- module_transparent(pt1/1). :- module_transparent(pt2/1). /* ?- undo((write(foo), nl)), !, (X=1; X=2). X = 1 ; X = 2. foo ?- undo(writeln('done!')), (X=1; X=2), writeln(side_effect=X) undo(writeln(removing_side_effect=X)). X = 1 ; X = 2. done! ?- undo(writeln('done!')), (X=1; X=2). X = 1 ; X = 2. done! skip_tracing(G):- setup_call_cleanup_redo(notrace,G,trace). undo(writeln('done!')), (X=1; X=2), writeln(side_effect=X) undo(writeln(removing_side_effect=X)). */ %! redo_call_cleanup(:Setup, :Goal, :Cleanup). % % @warn Setup/Cleanup do not share variables. % If that is needed, use each_call_cleanup/3 redo_call_cleanup(Setup,Goal,Cleanup):- assertion(each_call_cleanup:unshared_vars(Setup,Goal,Cleanup)), trusted_redo_call_cleanup(Setup,Goal,Cleanup). trusted_redo_call_cleanup(Setup,Goal,Cleanup):- HdnCleanup = mquietly(Cleanup), setup_call_cleanup(Setup, ((Goal,deterministic(DET)), (notrace(DET == true) -> ! ; ((HdnCleanup,notrace(nb_setarg(1,HdnCleanup,true))); (Setup,notrace(nb_setarg(1,HdnCleanup,Cleanup)),notrace(fail))))), HdnCleanup). :- '$hide'(trusted_redo_call_cleanup/3). %! each_call_catcher_cleanup(:Setup, :Goal, +Catcher, :Cleanup). % % Call Setup before Goal like normal but *also* before each Goal is redone. % Also call Cleanup *each* time Goal is finished % @bug Goal does not share variables with Setup/Cleanup Pairs each_call_catcher_cleanup(Setup, Goal, Catcher, Cleanup):- setup_call_catcher_cleanup(true, each_call_cleanup(Setup, Goal, Cleanup), Catcher, true). :- thread_local(ecc:'$each_call_cleanup'/2). :- thread_local(ecc:'$each_call_undo'/2). %! each_call_cleanup(:Setup, :Goal, :Cleanup). % % Call Setup before Goal like normal but *also* before each Goal is redone. % Also call Cleanup *each* time Goal is finished % @bug Goal does not share variables with Setup/Cleanup Pairs each_call_cleanup(Setup,Goal,Cleanup):- ((ground(Setup);ground(Cleanup)) -> trusted_redo_call_cleanup(Setup,Goal,Cleanup); setup_call_cleanup( asserta((ecc:'$each_call_cleanup'(Setup,Cleanup)),HND), trusted_redo_call_cleanup(pt1(HND),Goal,pt2(HND)), (pt2(HND),erase(HND)))). /******************************* * UTILITIES * *******************************/ :- public(ecc_throw_failure/1). ecc_throw_failure(Why):- throw(error(assertion_error(Why),_)). pt1(HND) :- clause(ecc:'$each_call_cleanup'(Setup,Cleanup),true,HND) -> ('$sig_atomic'(Setup) -> asserta(ecc:'$each_call_undo'(HND,Cleanup)) ; ecc_throw_failure(failed_setup(Setup))) ; ecc_throw_failure(pt1(HND)). pt2(HND) :- retract(ecc:'$each_call_undo'(HND,Cleanup)) -> ('$sig_atomic'(Cleanup)->true ;ecc_throw_failure(failed_cleanup(Cleanup))); ecc_throw_failure(failed('$each_call_undo'(HND))). :- if(true). :- system:import(each_call_cleanup/3). :- system:import(each_call_catcher_cleanup/4). :- system:import(redo_call_cleanup/3). :- system:import(pt1/1). :- system:import(pt2/1). :- endif. % Only checks for shared vars (not shared structures) % @TODO what if someone got tricky with setarging? unshared_vars(Setup,_,_):- ground(Setup),!. unshared_vars(Setup,Goal,Cleanup):- term_variables(Setup,SVs), term_variables(Cleanup,CVs), ( CVs==[] -> true; unshared_set(SVs,CVs)), term_variables(Goal,GVs), ( GVs==[] -> true; (unshared_set(SVs,GVs), unshared_set(CVs,GVs))). unshared_set([],_). unshared_set([E1|Set1],Set2):- not_in_identical(E1,Set2), unshared_set(Set1,Set2). not_in_identical(X, [Y|Ys]) :- X \== Y, not_in_identical(X, Ys).