use crate::*; use crate::space::grounding::GroundingSpace; //use crate::Atom; use std::fmt::{Display, Debug}; use std::{fmt, clone}; use ndarray::Array1; pub const SEGMENT:usize = 10; pub const MATCH_RATIO: f32 = 0.95; static mut NODE_ID:u32 = 0; static mut LINK_ID:u32 = 0; #[derive(PartialEq)] pub enum NodeEdge{ Node, Edge, Other, } pub enum SensoryType{ OTHER, SENSORY, ACTION, REACTION, } #[derive(PartialEq, Clone, Debug)] pub struct MemoryNode { Node_ID: u32, Link_IDs: Vec<u32>, Key_Code: Vec<f32>, Name: String, } impl MemoryNode { /// Constructs new empty node. pub fn new() -> Self { Self{ Node_ID: 0, Link_IDs: Vec::new(), Key_Code: Vec::new(), Name: String::from(""), } } pub fn node_edge_() -> NodeEdge { NodeEdge::Node } } impl Grounded for MemoryNode { fn type_(&self) -> Atom { rust_type_atom::<MemoryNode>() } fn execute(&self, args: &mut Vec<Atom>) -> Result<Vec<Atom>, ExecError>{ execute_not_executable(self) } fn match_(&self, other: &Atom) -> matcher::MatchResultIter { match_by_equality(self, other) } } impl fmt::Display for MemoryNode { fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter) -> fmt::Result { write!(f, "{}", &self.Name) } } #[derive(PartialEq, Clone, Debug)] pub struct LinksEdge { Edge_ID: u32, Source_Node_ID: u32, Dist_Node_ID: u32, Weights: Vec<f32>, Name: String, Source_Name: String, Dist_Name: String, } impl LinksEdge { /// Constructs new empty node. pub fn new() -> Self { Self{ Edge_ID: 0, Source_Node_ID: 0, Dist_Node_ID: 0, Weights: Vec::new(), Name: String::from(""), Source_Name: String::from(""), Dist_Name: String::from(""), } } pub fn node_edge_() -> NodeEdge { NodeEdge::Edge } } impl Grounded for LinksEdge { fn type_(&self) -> Atom { rust_type_atom::<LinksEdge>() } fn execute(&self, args: &mut Vec<Atom>) -> Result<Vec<Atom>, ExecError>{ execute_not_executable(self) } fn match_(&self, other: &Atom) -> matcher::MatchResultIter { match_by_equality(self, other) } } impl fmt::Display for LinksEdge { fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter) -> fmt::Result { write!(f, "{}", &self.Name) } } pub struct GraphKB { Nodes: Vec<MemoryNode>, Links: Vec<LinksEdge>, } impl GraphKB { pub fn find_linked_edges(memory_space: & GroundingSpace, find_node_atom: &Atom) -> Vec<Atom> { let mut vec_atoms = Vec::new(); let vec_link_ids = find_node_atom.as_gnd::<MemoryNode>().unwrap().Link_IDs.clone(); let temp_node = LinksEdge::new(); let mut temp_atom = Atom::gnd(temp_node.clone()); for edge_id in vec_link_ids{ println!("id {}", edge_id); for next_edge in &(*memory_space.borrow_vec()) { temp_atom = (*next_edge).clone(); let temp_type_atom = temp_atom.as_gnd::<LinksEdge>(); match temp_type_atom { Some(temp_type_atom)=> { if temp_atom.as_gnd::<LinksEdge>().unwrap().Edge_ID == edge_id { vec_atoms.push(temp_atom.clone()); } }, None => { }, } } } vec_atoms.sort_by(|a, b| a.as_gnd::<LinksEdge>().unwrap().Weights[0].partial_cmp(&b.as_gnd::<LinksEdge>().unwrap().Weights[0]).unwrap()); return vec_atoms } pub fn identify_code_in_memory(memory_space: & mut GroundingSpace, new_node_atom: &Atom) -> Atom { let mut temp_atom_new = (*new_node_atom).clone(); let temp_node = MemoryNode::new(); let mut temp_atom_next_old = Atom::gnd(temp_node.clone()); let mut temp_atom_next_new = Atom::gnd(temp_node.clone()); let mut is_found = false; let mut node_id = 0; let mut temp_type_node = NodeEdge::Node; for next_atom in & (*memory_space.borrow_vec()) { temp_atom_next_old = (*next_atom).clone(); let temp_type_atom = temp_atom_next_old.as_gnd::<MemoryNode>(); match temp_type_atom { Some(temp_type_atom)=> { temp_type_node = NodeEdge::Node; if GraphKB::match_ratio(next_atom, new_node_atom) >= MATCH_RATIO { temp_atom_next_new = (*next_atom).clone(); GraphKB::calc_wieght_increase(& mut temp_atom_next_new.as_gnd_mut::<MemoryNode>().unwrap().Key_Code, 1.01); is_found = true; temp_type_node = NodeEdge::Node; break; } }, None => { temp_type_node = NodeEdge::Other; }, } } let temp_type_atom = temp_atom_new.as_gnd::<MemoryNode>(); match temp_type_atom { Some(temp_type_atom)=> {temp_type_node = NodeEdge::Node;}, None => { temp_type_node = NodeEdge::Other; }, } match temp_type_node { NodeEdge::Node => { if is_found { node_id = temp_atom_next_new.as_gnd::<MemoryNode>().unwrap().Node_ID; memory_space.replace(&temp_atom_next_old, temp_atom_next_new.clone()); return temp_atom_next_new } node_id = GraphKB::plus_NODE_ID(); temp_atom_new.as_gnd_mut::<MemoryNode>().unwrap().Node_ID = node_id; GraphKB::calc_wieght_increase(& mut temp_atom_new.as_gnd_mut::<MemoryNode>().unwrap().Key_Code, 1.01); memory_space.add(temp_atom_new.clone()); return temp_atom_new }, _ => {return (*new_node_atom).clone()}, } } pub fn set_link_for_nodes(link_space: &mut GroundingSpace, prev: & Atom, next: & Atom, link_name: &String) -> Vec<Atom> { let mut vec_atoms = Vec::new(); //first is Link, second is Prev Node, third is Next Node let mut temp_atom_prev = (*prev).clone(); let mut temp_atom_next = (*next).clone(); let temp_node = LinksEdge::new(); let mut temp_atom_next_old = Atom::gnd(temp_node.clone()); let mut temp_atom_next_new = Atom::gnd(temp_node.clone()); let mut is_found = false; let mut edge_id = 0; let mut temp_type_node = NodeEdge::Edge; for next_edge in &(*link_space.borrow_vec()) { temp_atom_next_old = (*next_edge).clone(); let temp_type_atom = temp_atom_next_old.as_gnd::<LinksEdge>(); match temp_type_atom { Some(temp_type_atom)=> { temp_type_node = NodeEdge::Edge; if (next_edge.as_gnd::<LinksEdge>().unwrap().Source_Node_ID == prev.as_gnd::<MemoryNode>().unwrap().Node_ID) && (next_edge.as_gnd::<LinksEdge>().unwrap().Dist_Node_ID == next.as_gnd::<MemoryNode>().unwrap().Node_ID) { temp_atom_next_new = (*next_edge).clone(); GraphKB::calc_wieght_increase(&mut temp_atom_next_new.as_gnd_mut::<LinksEdge>().unwrap().Weights, 1.01); is_found = true; break; } }, None => { temp_type_node = NodeEdge::Other; }, } } match temp_type_node { NodeEdge::Edge => { if is_found { edge_id = temp_atom_next_new.as_gnd::<LinksEdge>().unwrap().Edge_ID; link_space.replace(&temp_atom_next_old, temp_atom_next_new.clone()); vec_atoms.push(temp_atom_next_new); vec_atoms.push(temp_atom_prev); vec_atoms.push(temp_atom_next); return vec_atoms } }, _ => { }, } let mut Link_new_node = LinksEdge::new(); edge_id = GraphKB::plus_LINK_ID(); Link_new_node.Edge_ID = edge_id; Link_new_node.Source_Node_ID = prev.as_gnd::<MemoryNode>().unwrap().Node_ID; Link_new_node.Dist_Node_ID = next.as_gnd::<MemoryNode>().unwrap().Node_ID; Link_new_node.Weights= vec![0.01; SEGMENT]; Link_new_node.Name = (*link_name).clone(); let Link_new_node_atom = Atom::gnd(Link_new_node); link_space.add(Link_new_node_atom.clone()); temp_atom_prev.as_gnd_mut::<MemoryNode>().unwrap().Link_IDs.push(edge_id); temp_atom_next.as_gnd_mut::<MemoryNode>().unwrap().Link_IDs.push(edge_id); link_space.replace(prev, temp_atom_prev.clone()); link_space.replace(next, temp_atom_next.clone()); vec_atoms.push(Link_new_node_atom); vec_atoms.push(temp_atom_prev); vec_atoms.push(temp_atom_next); return vec_atoms } pub fn calc_wieght_increase(weights: & mut Vec<f32>, update_value: f32){ for i in weights { *i *= update_value; } } pub fn plus_NODE_ID() ->u32 { unsafe { NODE_ID += 1; NODE_ID } } pub fn plus_LINK_ID() ->u32 { unsafe { LINK_ID += 1; LINK_ID } } pub fn match_ratio(data: &Atom, pattern: &Atom) -> f32 { let a = Array1::from(data.as_gnd::<MemoryNode>().unwrap().Key_Code.clone()); let b = Array1::from(pattern.as_gnd::<MemoryNode>().unwrap().Key_Code.clone()); let diff = &a-&b; let match_ratio = 1.-(diff.sum()/(diff.len() as f32)).abs(); match_ratio } pub fn find_link_by_name(memory_space: & GroundingSpace, link_name: &String) -> Result<Atom, String> { let temp_link = LinksEdge::new(); let mut temp_atom = Atom::gnd(temp_link.clone()); for next_edge in &(*memory_space.borrow_vec()) { temp_atom = (*next_edge).clone(); let temp_type_atom = temp_atom.as_gnd::<LinksEdge>(); match temp_type_atom { Some(temp_type_atom)=> { println!("(*link_name) {}", (*link_name)); println!("Name {}", temp_atom.as_gnd::<LinksEdge>().unwrap().Name); if temp_atom.as_gnd::<LinksEdge>().unwrap().Name == (*link_name) { return Ok(temp_atom.clone()) } }, None => { }, } } return Err(String::from("Link not found!")) } pub fn find_node_by_name(memory_space: & GroundingSpace, node_name: &String) -> Result<Atom, String> { let temp_node = MemoryNode::new(); let mut temp_atom = Atom::gnd(temp_node.clone()); for next_node in &(*memory_space.borrow_vec()) { temp_atom = (*next_node).clone(); let temp_type_atom = temp_atom.as_gnd::<MemoryNode>(); match temp_type_atom { Some(temp_type_atom)=> { if temp_atom.as_gnd::<MemoryNode>().unwrap().Name == (*node_name) { return Ok(temp_atom.clone()) } }, None => { }, } } return Err(String::from("Node not found!")) } pub fn parse_link_node(input_atom: &Atom, input_type: NodeEdge) -> Result<Vec<Atom>, String> { if let Atom::Expression(expr_atom) = input_atom { let exr_atom_vec = expr_atom.children(); if exr_atom_vec.len() == 2 { let atom_type = exr_atom_vec.get(0).unwrap(); println!("atom_type {}", atom_type); if (atom_type.to_string() == "LinksEdge" && input_type == NodeEdge::Edge) || (atom_type.to_string() == "MemoryNode" && input_type == NodeEdge::Node) { let atom_link_node = exr_atom_vec.get(1).unwrap(); println!("atom_link_node {}", atom_link_node); let mut vec_atoms = Vec::new(); vec_atoms.push((*atom_type).clone()); vec_atoms.push((*atom_link_node).clone()); return Ok(vec_atoms) } } } return Err(String::from("Atom not Link Node expression!")) } pub fn create_link_nodes_by_names(memory_space: & mut GroundingSpace, input_vec: &Vec<String>) -> Result<Vec<Atom>, String,> { let mut vec_atoms_temp = Vec::new(); let mut error_mes = String::from("Could not create Link with Nodes."); if input_vec.len() == 3 { let node1_name = input_vec.get(1).unwrap(); let res_node1_find = GraphKB::find_node_by_name(memory_space, &node1_name); match res_node1_find { Ok(node1_atom_find)=>{ vec_atoms_temp.push(node1_atom_find); }, Err(error)=>{ let mut new_node1 = MemoryNode::new(); let code1: Vec<f32> = vec![11.; SEGMENT]; new_node1.Name = (*node1_name).clone(); new_node1.Key_Code = code1; println!("new_node1.Name {:?}", new_node1.Name); let mut new_atom_node1 = Atom::gnd(new_node1.clone()); new_atom_node1 = GraphKB::identify_code_in_memory(memory_space, & new_atom_node1); vec_atoms_temp.push(new_atom_node1.clone()); println!("new_atom_node1 {:?}", new_atom_node1); } } let node2_name = input_vec.get(2).unwrap(); let res_node2_find = GraphKB::find_node_by_name(memory_space, &node2_name); match res_node2_find { Ok(node2_atom_find)=>{ vec_atoms_temp.push(node2_atom_find); }, Err(error)=>{ let mut new_node2 = MemoryNode::new(); let code2: Vec<f32> = vec![22.; SEGMENT]; new_node2.Name = (*node2_name).clone(); new_node2.Key_Code = code2; println!("new_node2.Name {:?}", new_node2.Name); let mut new_atom_node2 = Atom::gnd(new_node2.clone()); new_atom_node2 = GraphKB::identify_code_in_memory(memory_space, & new_atom_node2); vec_atoms_temp.push(new_atom_node2.clone()); println!("new_atom_node2 {:?}", new_atom_node2); } } let link_name = input_vec.get(0).unwrap(); let vec_atoms = GraphKB::set_link_for_nodes(memory_space, & vec_atoms_temp.get(0).unwrap(), & vec_atoms_temp.get(1).unwrap(), link_name); if vec_atoms.len() == 3 { println!("new_atom_link {:?}", vec_atoms.get(0).unwrap().as_gnd::<LinksEdge>().unwrap().Name); return Ok(vec_atoms) } else {return Err(error_mes)} } else {return Err(error_mes)} } pub fn parse_graph(memory_space: & GroundingSpace, input_atom: &Atom, output_vec: &mut Vec<String>) -> Result<Vec<Atom>, String,> { let mut vec_atoms_temp = Vec::new(); let mut error_mes = String::from("No Link with nodes found! Please use create_link_nodes_by_names() function."); if let Atom::Expression(expr_atom) = input_atom { println!("expr_atom {:?}", expr_atom); let expr_atom_vec = expr_atom.children(); if expr_atom_vec.len() == 3 { let res_link = GraphKB::parse_link_node(expr_atom_vec.get(0).unwrap(),NodeEdge::Edge); match res_link { Ok(link_atom_vec)=>{ let link_name = (link_atom_vec.get(1).unwrap()).to_string(); output_vec.push(link_name.clone()); let res_link_find = GraphKB::find_link_by_name(memory_space, &link_name); match res_link_find { Ok(link_atom_find)=>{ vec_atoms_temp.push(link_atom_find.clone()); }, Err(error)=>{} } }, Err(error)=>{ error_mes = String::from("Link Expression is not valid."); return Err(error_mes) } } let res_node1 = GraphKB::parse_link_node(expr_atom_vec.get(1).unwrap(),NodeEdge::Node); match res_node1 { Ok(node1_atom_vec)=>{ let node1_name = (node1_atom_vec.get(1).unwrap()).to_string(); output_vec.push(node1_name.clone()); let res_node1_find = GraphKB::find_node_by_name(memory_space, &node1_name); match res_node1_find { Ok(node1_atom_find)=>{ vec_atoms_temp.push(node1_atom_find.clone()); }, Err(error)=>{} } }, Err(error)=>{ error_mes = String::from("Node1 Expression is not valid."); return Err(error_mes)} } let res_node2 = GraphKB::parse_link_node(expr_atom_vec.get(2).unwrap(),NodeEdge::Node); match res_node2 { Ok(node2_atom_vec)=>{ let node2_name = (node2_atom_vec.get(1).unwrap()).to_string(); output_vec.push(node2_name.clone()); let res_node2_find = GraphKB::find_node_by_name(memory_space, &node2_name); match res_node2_find { Ok(node2_atom_find)=>{ vec_atoms_temp.push(node2_atom_find.clone()); }, Err(error)=>{} } }, Err(error)=>{ error_mes = String::from("Node2 Expression is not valid."); return Err(error_mes)} } if vec_atoms_temp.len() == 3{ return Ok(vec_atoms_temp) } } else {error_mes = String::from("This is not Link with Nodes Atom.");} } else {error_mes = String::from("This is not Expression Atom.");} return Err(error_mes) } } #[cfg(test)] mod tests { use super::*; use crate::child_ai::graph_kb::GraphKB; use crate::metta::interpreter; use crate::metta::text::*; #[test] pub fn test_save_node_edge(){ // Create test Space, Grounded Atoms for Link, Nodes. Save Atoms in Space and set Link. let mut Memory_space = GroundingSpace::new(); let code1: Vec<f32> = vec![1.; SEGMENT]; let mut new_node = MemoryNode::new(); new_node.Name = String::from("Node1"); new_node.Key_Code = code1; println!("new_node {}", new_node.type_()); let mut new_node_atom = Atom::gnd(new_node.clone()); let mut result_atom = GraphKB::identify_code_in_memory(&mut Memory_space, & new_node_atom); let result_atom1 = result_atom.clone(); let code2: Vec<f32> = vec![2.; SEGMENT]; new_node.Name = String::from("Node2"); new_node.Key_Code = code2; new_node_atom = Atom::gnd(new_node.clone()); result_atom = GraphKB::identify_code_in_memory(&mut Memory_space, & new_node_atom); let result_atom2 = result_atom.clone(); let mut vec_atoms = Vec::new(); let link_name = result_atom1.as_gnd::<MemoryNode>().unwrap().Name.clone() +(&result_atom2.as_gnd::<MemoryNode>().unwrap().Name); vec_atoms = GraphKB::set_link_for_nodes(&mut Memory_space, & result_atom1, & result_atom2, &link_name); let mut link_atom = vec_atoms.get_mut(0).unwrap(); let old_atom = link_atom.clone(); (*link_atom).as_gnd_mut::<LinksEdge>().unwrap().Name = String::from("Link1"); Memory_space.replace(&old_atom, (*link_atom).clone()); // Test for "Expression Atoms for Graph knowledge base" Pull Request. let mut space = GroundingSpace::new(); space = Memory_space.clone(); // test case when Grounded Atoms (Link1, Node1, Node2) exist. //let program = "((LinksEdge Link1) (MemoryNode Node1) (MemoryNode Node2))"; // test case when Grounded Atoms (Link11, Node11, Node22) don't exist. let program = "((LinksEdge Link11) (MemoryNode Node11) (MemoryNode Node22))"; let parse_res = parse_atoms(program); let parse_atom = parse_res.get(0).unwrap(); let mut names_vec = Vec::new(); let res_graph = GraphKB::parse_graph(&space, &parse_atom, &mut names_vec); match res_graph { Ok(vec_atom_graph)=>{ let expr_atom_graph = Atom::expr(vec_atom_graph.clone()); space.add(expr_atom_graph.clone()); println!("Expression Grounded Atom Found and added to Space: {:?}", expr_atom_graph); }, Err(error_graph)=>{ println!("parse_graph message: {:?}", error_graph); let res_vec_atoms = GraphKB::create_link_nodes_by_names(& mut space, &names_vec); match res_vec_atoms { Ok(vec_atom_graph)=>{ let expr_atom_graph = Atom::expr(vec_atom_graph.clone()); space.add(expr_atom_graph.clone()); println!("Expression Grounded Atom Created and added to Space: {:?}", expr_atom_graph); }, Err(error_graph)=>{ println!("create_link_nodes_by_names: {:?}", error_graph); } } } } // Test findning linked nodes. let link_name = String::from("link_name"); vec_atoms = GraphKB::set_link_for_nodes(&mut Memory_space, vec_atoms.get(1).unwrap(), vec_atoms.get(1).unwrap(), &link_name); let result_atom_find = vec_atoms.get(1).unwrap(); let node_id = result_atom_find.as_gnd::<MemoryNode>().unwrap().Node_ID; let vec_link_ids = result_atom_find.as_gnd::<MemoryNode>().unwrap().Link_IDs.clone(); vec_atoms = GraphKB::find_linked_edges(& Memory_space, & result_atom_find); let atom1 = vec_atoms.get(0).unwrap(); let source_id = atom1.as_gnd::<LinksEdge>().unwrap().Source_Node_ID; println!("source_id {}", source_id); let dist_id = atom1.as_gnd::<LinksEdge>().unwrap().Dist_Node_ID; println!("dist_id {}", dist_id); } // function for parsing testing from, analog of similar in Python fn parse_atoms(program: &str) -> Vec<Atom> { let tokenizer = Tokenizer::new(); let mut parser = SExprParser::new(program); let mut result = Vec::new(); while let Some(atom) = parser.parse(&tokenizer) { result.push(atom.clone()); println!("parse_atoms {}", atom); } result } fn get_atom_type(atom: &Atom)->String{ match atom { Atom::Expression(atom)=>{return String::from("Expression")}, Atom::Symbol(atom)=>{return String::from("Symbol")}, Atom::Variable(atom)=>{return String::from("Variable")}, Atom::Grounded(atom)=>{return String::from("Grounded")}, _=>{return String::from("Other")} } } }