!(import! &self motto) !(bind! &bioaiagent (Agent bio_ai/bio_ai_agent.msa)) ;!(llm &bioaiagent (user "Find the transcripts of gene ENSG00000206014")) ;!(llm &bioaiagent (user "Get properties of gene ENSG00000279139")) ;!(llm &bioaiagent (user "What are the proteins that gene ENSG00000133710 codes for")) ;!(llm &bioaiagent (user "Find the Gene Ontology (GO) categories associated with protein Q13461")) ;!(llm &bioaiagent (user "Find the GO categories associated with gene ENSG00000186790")) ;!(llm &bioaiagent (user "Find the GO categories associated with gene FOXE3")) ;!(llm &bioaiagent (user "Find biological process GO categories associated with gene ENSG00000186790")) ;!(llm &bioaiagent (user "Find biological process Gene Ontology categories associated with gene FOXE3")) ;!(llm &bioaiagent (user "Find pathways that gene ENSG00000000938 is a subset of")) ;!(llm &bioaiagent (user "Find pathways that gene F13A1 is a subset of")) ;!(llm &bioaiagent (user "Find parent pathways of the pathways that FGR gene is a subset of")) ;!(llm &bioaiagent (user "Find parent pathways of the pathways that ENSG00000000938 gene is a subset of")) ;!(llm &bioaiagent (user "What variants have eqtl association with gene HBM")) ;!(llm &bioaiagent (user "What variants have eqtl association with gene ENSG00000206177")) ;!(llm &bioaiagent (user "What variants have eqtl association with gene HBM and return the properties of the association")) ;!(llm &bioaiagent (user "What variants have eqtl association with gene ENSG00000206177 and return the properties of the association")) ;!(llm &bioaiagent (user "Get properties of gene SNORD39")) ;!(llm &bioaiagent (user "Find the transcripts of gene LINC01409")) ;!(llm &bioaiagent (user "Find molecular function GO categories associated with gene FOXE3")) ;!(llm &bioaiagent (user "Find molecular function GO categories associated with gene ENSG00000186790")) ;!(llm &bioaiagent (user "Get q-value of the eqtl association of rs547895390 variant and the gene ENSG00000206177")) ;!(llm &bioaiagent (user "What variants have eqtl association with gene HBM and return the Minor Allele Frequency of the association")) ;!(llm &bioaiagent (user "What variants have eqtl association with gene ENSG00000206177 and return the biological context of the association")) ;!(llm &bioaiagent (user "What genes have eqtl association with variant rs547895390, return the properties of the association")) ;!(llm &bioaiagent (user "What biological process does the ontology term GO:0045087 represent?")) !(llm &bioaiagent (user "What type of evidence supports the association between the protein identified as Q9NQ38 and the Gene Ontology term GO:1902572?"))