from hyperon import * from hyperon.ext import register_atoms import requests import json ''' This is the very preliminary wrapper to the Kotlin-based MeTTa compiler, Jetta. For this gate to work, Jetta should be installed via clonning and running Application.kt of `server` subproject. ''' default_url_base = '' class JettaServerError(RuntimeError): pass def jetta(j_space_id: str, code: str, url=None): """ The very basic caller to Jetta server with purely Python interface. """ if url is None: url = default_url_base r = + "/" + j_space_id, data=code) if r.status_code != 200: raise JettaServerError(f"Status code: {r.status_code}") r = json.loads(r.content.decode()) if not r['isSuccess']: raise JettaServerError(r['messages']) if r['type'] == 'java.lang.Integer': r['result'] = int(r['result']) return r['result'] def _err_msg(expr, msg): if not isinstance(expr, Atom): expr = ValueAtom(str(expr)) if not isinstance(msg, Atom): msg = ValueAtom(str(msg)) return [E(S('Error'), expr, E(S('JettaCompileError'), msg))] def jetta_unwrap_atom(j_space_a: Atom, code_a: Atom, url_a=ValueAtom(None)): """ The caller to Jetta server with atom wrapping and unwrapping. This is needed to pass MeTTa expressions to `jetta` as well as to convert JettaServerError into ordinary MeTTa Error atom without Python error log. """ j_space = j_space_a.get_object().value if isinstance(code_a, GroundedAtom): code_a = code_a.get_object().value if not isinstance(code_a, str): code_a = repr(code_a) url = url_a.get_object().value try: result = jetta(j_space, code_a, url) return [Atoms.UNIT if result is None else ValueAtom(result)] except JettaServerError as e: return _err_msg(code_a, e) #return [E(S('Error'), ValueAtom(code), # E(S('JettaCompileError'), ValueAtom(str(e))))] def compile(metta: MeTTa, j_space_a, func_a, arity=None): j_space = j_space_a.get_object().content if arity is not None: arity = arity.get_object().content if isinstance(func_a, GroundedAtom): func = str(func_a.get_object().content) elif not isinstance(func_a, SymbolAtom): return _err_msg(func_a, "compile expects a function name") else: func = repr(func_a) typ = E(S(':'), S(func), V('t')) ) typ = list(typ) assert len(typ) < 2, "Non-deterministic types are not supported yet" # TODO: different arities can be tried if len(typ) == 0: typ = "" if arity is None: return _err_msg(E(S('compile'), j_space_a, func_a), "If type is not defined, arity should be provided" ) #return [E(S('Error'), E(S('compile'), j_space_a, func_a), # E(S('JettaCompileError'), ValueAtom("If type is not defined, arity should be provided")))] else: typ = typ[0]['t'] arity = len(typ.get_children()) - 2 typ = f"(: {func} {repr(typ)})" f_args = E(S(func), *[V(f'x{i}') for i in range(arity)]) res = E(S('='), f_args, V('__r')) ) res = list(res) assert len(res) == 1, "Functions with one equality are allowed for now" code = "(= " + repr(f_args) + "\n " +\ repr(res[0]['__r']) + ")" code = typ + "\n" + code # TODO: check if compilation is successful jetta(j_space, code) #TODO: doesn't work for passing expressions (e.g. lambdas) funcAtom = OperationAtom(func, lambda *args: jetta_unwrap_atom(j_space_a, E(func_a, *args)), unwrap=False) metta.register_atom(func+'-gnd', funcAtom) return [Atoms.UNIT] def jetta_space(url=default_url_base): r = assert r.status_code == 200, "Failed to create jetta space" return r.content.decode() @register_atoms(pass_metta=True) def jettaspace_atoms(metta: MeTTa): newJSpaceAtom = OperationAtom('new-jetta-space', jetta_space) jettaAtom = OperationAtom('jetta', jetta_unwrap_atom, unwrap=False) compileAtom = OperationAtom('compile', lambda *args: compile(metta, *args), unwrap=False) return { r"new-jetta-space": newJSpaceAtom, r"jetta": jettaAtom, r"compile": compileAtom }