!(pragma! compile full) (: is-variable (-> Atom Bool)) (= (is-variable $x) (== (get-metatype $x) Variable)) (: lazy-or (-> Bool Atom Bool)) (= (lazy-or False $x) $x) (= (lazy-or True $x) True) (: is-expression (-> Atom Bool)) (= (is-expression $x) (== (get-metatype $x) Expression)) (: is-closed (-> Atom Bool)) (= (is-closed $x) (if (is-variable $x) False (if (== () $x) True (if (is-expression $x) (and (let $head (car-atom $x) (is-closed $head)) (let $tail (cdr-atom $x) (is-closed $tail))) True)))) ;; KB !(bind! &kb (new-space)) !(add-atom &kb (: axiom (nums 2 3))) !(add-atom &kb (: rule1 (-> (nums $x $y) (rule1output $x $y)))) !(add-atom &kb (: rule (-> (rule1output $x $y) (-> (⍃ $x $y) (less $x $y))))) ; !(add-atom &kb ; (: rule ; (-> (⍃ $x $y) ; (-> (rule1output $x $y) ; (less $x $y))))) ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;; DTL Backward chaining Curried ;; ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; (: bc (-> $a hyperon::space::DynSpace Nat $a)) ;; Base case (= (bc (: $prf $ccln) $space $_1) (match $space (: $prf $ccln) (: $prf $ccln))) ;; if conclusion equals (⍃ $X $Y), then return (: CPU (⍃ $X $Y)) ;; if $x and $Y are fully grounded and (< $X $Y) (= (bc (: CPU (⍃ $X $Y)) $space $_2) (if (and (and (is-closed $X) (is-closed $Y)) (< $X $Y)) (: CPU (⍃ $X $Y)) (empty))) ;; Recursive step (= (bc (: ($prfabs $prfarg) $ccln) $space (S $k)) (let* (((: $prfabs (-> $prms $ccln)) (bc (: $prfabs (-> $prms $ccln)) $space $k)) ((: $prfarg $prms) (bc (: $prfarg $prms) $space $k))) (: ($prfabs $prfarg) $ccln))) !(pragma! e trace) !(pragma! e-args debug) ; Test !(bc (: CPU (⍃ 2 3)) &kb Z) !(bc (: CPU (⍃ 4 3)) &kb Z) ; !(pragma! eval debug) ;! ( rtrace! (bc (: $prf (less $x $y)) (S (S (S Z))))) !(bc (: $prf (less $x $y)) &kb (S (S (S Z))))