(: If (-> Bool Atom Atom)) (= (If True $then) $then) (= (If False $then) (let $x 0 (let $x 1 $x))) (: If (-> Bool Atom Atom Atom)) (= (If $cond $then $else) (if $cond $then $else)) (: sequential (-> Expression %Undefined%)) (= (sequential $1) (superpose $1)) (: do (-> Expression %Undefined%)) (= (do $1) (case $1 ())) (= (max $1 $2) (if (> $1 $2) $1 $2)) (= (min $1 $2) (if (< $1 $2) $1 $2)) (= (abs $x) (If (< $x 0) (- 0 $x) $x)) (= (TupleConcat $Ev1 $Ev2) (collapse (superpose ((superpose $Ev1) (superpose $Ev2))))) ;; Truth functions (= (Truth_c2w $c) (/ $c (- 1 $c))) (= (Truth_w2c $w) (/ $w (+ $w 1))) (= (Truth_Deduction ($f1 $c1) ($f2 $c2)) ((* $f1 $f2) (* (* $f1 $f2) (* $c1 $c2)))) (= (Truth_Abduction ($f1 $c1) ($f2 $c2)) ($f2 (Truth_w2c (* (* $f1 $c1) $c2)))) (= (Truth_Induction $T1 $T2) (Truth_Abduction $T2 $T1)) (= (Truth_Revision ($f1 $c1) ($f2 $c2)) (let* (($w1 (Truth_c2w $c1)) ($w2 (Truth_c2w $c2)) ($w (+ $w1 $w2)) ($f (/ (+ (* $w1 $f1) (* $w2 $f2)) $w)) ($c (Truth_w2c $w))) ((min 1.00 $f) (min 0.99 (max (max $c $c1) $c2))))) ;; Inference rules ; NAL-1/5 (selected subset) (= (|- ($T $T1) ($T $T2)) ($T (Truth_Revision $T1 $T2))) (= (|- (($a --> $b) $T1) (($b --> $c) $T2)) (($a --> $c) (Truth_Deduction $T1 $T2))) (= (|- (($a --> $b) $T1) (($a --> $c) $T2)) (($c --> $b) (Truth_Induction $T1 $T2))) (= (|- (($a --> $c) $T1) (($b --> $c) $T2)) (($b --> $a) (Truth_Abduction $T1 $T2))) (= (|- (($a ==> $b) $T1) (($b ==> $c) $T2)) (($a ==> $c) (Truth_Deduction $T1 $T2))) (= (|- (($a ==> $b) $T1) (($a ==> $c) $T2)) (($c ==> $b) (Truth_Induction $T1 $T2))) (= (|- (($a ==> $c) $T1) (($b ==> $c) $T2)) (($b ==> $a) (Truth_Abduction $T1 $T2))) (= (|- ($A $T1) (($A ==> $B) $T2)) ($B (Truth_Deduction $T1 $T2))) (= (|- ($A $T1) ((($A && $B) ==> $C) $T2)) (($B ==> $C) (Truth_Deduction $T1 $T2))) (= (|- ($B $T1) (($A ==> $B) $T2)) ($A (Truth_Abduction $T1 $T2))) ; NAL-4 (selected subset) (= (|- ((($A x $B) --> $R) $T1) ((($C x $B) --> $R) $T2)) (($C --> $A) (Truth_Abduction $T1 $T2))) (= (|- ((($A x $B) --> $R) $T1) ((($A x $C) --> $R) $T2)) (($C --> $B) (Truth_Abduction $T1 $T2))) (= (|- (($R --> ($A x $B)) $T1) (($R --> ($C x $B)) $T2)) (($C --> $A) (Truth_Induction $T1 $T2))) (= (|- (($R --> ($A x $B)) $T1) (($R --> ($A x $C)) $T2)) (($C --> $B) (Truth_Induction $T1 $T2))) (= (|- ((($A x $B) --> $R) $T1) (($C --> $A) $T2)) ((($C x $B) --> $R) (Truth_Deduction $T1 $T2))) (= (|- ((($A x $B) --> $R) $T1) (($A --> $C) $T2)) ((($C x $B) --> $R) (Truth_Induction $T1 $T2))) (= (|- ((($A x $B) --> $R) $T1) (($C --> $B) $T2)) ((($A x $C) --> $R) (Truth_Deduction $T1 $T2))) (= (|- ((($A x $B) --> $R) $T1) (($B --> $C) $T2)) ((($A x $C) --> $R) (Truth_Induction $T1 $T2))) (= (|- (($R --> ($A x $B)) $T1) (($A --> $C) $T2)) (($R --> ($C x $B)) (Truth_Deduction $T1 $T2))) (= (|- (($R --> ($A x $B)) $T1) (($C --> $A) $T2)) (($R --> ($C x $B)) (Truth_Abduction $T1 $T2))) (= (|- (($R --> ($A x $B)) $T1) (($B --> $C) $T2)) (($R --> ($A x $C)) (Truth_Deduction $T1 $T2))) (= (|- (($R --> ($A x $B)) $T1) (($C --> $B) $T2)) (($R --> ($A x $C)) (Truth_Abduction $T1 $T2))) ;Whether evidence was just counted once (= (StampDisjoint $Ev1 $Ev2) (== () (collapse (let* (($x (superpose $Ev1)) ($y (superpose $Ev2))) (case (== $x $y) ((True overlap))))))) ;; Exhaustive-until-depth deriver (= (Derive $beliefs $depth $maxdepth) (If (> $depth $maxdepth) $beliefs (let $derivations (collapse (let* (((Sentence $x $Ev1) (superpose $beliefs)) ((Sentence $y $Ev2) (superpose $beliefs)) ($stamp (TupleConcat $Ev1 $Ev2))) (If (StampDisjoint $Ev1 $Ev2) (case (|- $x $y) ((($T $TV) (Sentence ($T $TV) $stamp))))))) (Derive (TupleConcat $beliefs $derivations) (+ $depth 1) $maxdepth)))) ;retrieve the best candidate (= (BestCandidate $evaluateCandidateFunction $bestCandidate $tuple) (If (== $tuple ()) $bestCandidate (let* (($head (car-atom $tuple)) ($tail (cdr-atom $tuple))) (If (> ($evaluateCandidateFunction $head) ($evaluateCandidateFunction $bestCandidate)) (BestCandidate $evaluateCandidateFunction $head $tail) (BestCandidate $evaluateCandidateFunction $bestCandidate $tail))))) ;candidate evaluation based on confidence (= (ConfidenceRank (($f $c) $Ev)) $c) (= (ConfidenceRank ()) 0) ;pose a question of a certain term to the system on some knowledge base (= (Question $kb $term $steps) (BestCandidate ConfidenceRank () (collapse (let $x (Derive $kb 1 $steps) (case (superpose $x) (((Sentence ($T $TV) $Ev) (case (== $T $term) ((True ($TV $Ev))))))))))) (flonum-print-precision 17) !(Question ((Sentence (((ExtSet garfield) --> cat) (1.0 0.9)) (1)) (Sentence (((cat x sky) --> like) (1.0 0.9)) (2)) (Sentence ((sky --> (IntSet blue)) (1.0 0.9)) (3)) (Sentence (((((ExtSet garfield) x (IntSet blue)) --> like) ==> ((ExtSet garfield) --> artist)) (1.0 0.9)) (4)) ) ((ExtSet garfield) --> artist) 3)