;; !(do-77-queries) ;; Load the VSPACE python space ;; to start in MeTTaLog use ./MeTTa 8-FlybaseQuestions.metta --repl !(extend-py! mettalog) !(fb-info!) ;; MeTTaLog only: !(ensure-loaded! whole_flybase) ;; define some queries ;; Query: Find the Gene Symbols and Summary Texts for Genes Involved in a Specific Disease (query-info "Show the gene symbols and summary texts for genes that are associated with a particular disease model." (gene-symbols-and-summaries $Disease $GeneSymbol $SummaryText) (, (disease_model_annotations! $FBgn $GeneSymbol $_ $_ $Disease $_ $_ $_ $_ $_ $_ $_) (automated_gene_summaries! $FBgn $SummaryText)) ) ;; Query: Identify Alleles and Their Phenotypes for a Specific Gene (query-info "List all alleles and their associated phenotypes for a given gene symbol." (alleles-and-phenotypes $GeneSymbol $AlleleSymbol $Phenotype) (, (fbal_to_fbgn! $_ $AlleleSymbol $_ $GeneSymbol) (allele_phenotypic! $AlleleSymbol $_ $Phenotype $_)) ) ;; Query: Retrieve Gene Interaction Information and Corresponding Publications (query-info "Find interactions between genes and the related publications." (gene-interactions-and-publications $GeneSymbol1 $GeneSymbol2 $InteractionType $Publication) (, (gene_genetic_interactions! $StartingGeneSymbols $_ $InteractingGeneSymbols $_ $InteractionType $PublicationFBrf) (fb-member! $GeneSymbol1 $StartingGeneSymbols) (fb-member! $GeneSymbol2 $InteractingGeneSymbols) (fbrf_pmid_pmcid_doi! $PublicationFBrf $Publication $_ $_ $_ $_ $_)) ) ;; Query: Associate Gene Symbols with Their Orthologous Human Genes and Diseases (query-info "Link Drosophila genes to their human orthologs and associated diseases." (gene-orthologs-and-diseases $OrgGeneSymbol $HumanGeneSymbol $Disease) (, (dmel_human_orthologs_disease! $_ $OrgGeneSymbol $_ $_ $HumanGeneSymbol $_ $_ $DiseaseIDs) (fb-member! $DiseaseID $DiseaseIDs) (disease_model_annotations! $_ $_ $HumanGeneSymbol $_ $Disease $_ $_ $_ $_ $_ $_ $_)) ) ;; Query: Count the Number of Known RNA Processing Related Genes and Select Those with Less Than 2 Instances (query-info "Find the number of known RNA processing related genes and select those with less than 2 instances." (genes-rna-process-<-two $GeneSymbol $RNAProcess $NumberOf) (, (gene_rpkm_matrix! $GeneSymbol $_ $_ $RNAProcess $_) (number-of (gene_rpkm_matrix! $GeneSymbol $_ $_ $RNAProcess $_) $NumberOf) (< $NumberOf 2)) ) ;; Query: Identify Genes with More Than 4 Physical Interactions (query-info "Identify genes that have more than 4 physical interactions." (genes-physical-interactions-more-than-four $GeneSymbol $PhysicalInteraction $NumberOf) (, (physical_interactions_mitab! $GeneSymbol $_ $_ $PhysicalInteraction $_ $_ $_) (number-of (physical_interactions_mitab! $GeneSymbol $_ $_ $PhysicalInteraction $_ $_ $_) $NumberOf) (> $NumberOf 4)) ) ;; Query: Count Genes Associated with Specific Diseases and Select Those with More Than 3 Associations (query-info "Count genes associated with specific diseases and select those with more than 3 associations." (genes-disease-associations-more-than-three $GeneSymbol $Disease $NumberOf) (, (disease_model_annotations! $GeneSymbol $_ $_ $_ $_ $_ $_ $Disease $_ $_ $_) (number-of (disease_model_annotations! $GeneSymbol $_ $_ $_ $_ $_ $_ $Disease $_ $_ $_) $NumberOf) (> $NumberOf 3)) ) ;; Query: Find the Number of Gene Synonyms and Select Those with Less Than 5 Synonyms (query-info "Find the number of synonyms for genes and select those with less than 5 synonyms." (genes-synonyms-<-five $GeneSymbol $Synonym $NumberOf) (, (fb_synonym! $GeneSymbol $_ $_ $Synonym $_) (number-of (fb_synonym! $GeneSymbol $_ $_ $Synonym $_) $NumberOf) (< $NumberOf 5)) ) ;; Query: Count Genes Involved in Gene Regulation and Exclude Those with Less Than 2 Instances (query-info "Count genes involved in gene regulation and exclude those with less than 2 instances." (genes-regulation-not-<-two $GeneSymbol $GeneRegulation $NumberOf) (, (gene_functional_complementation! $GeneSymbol $_ $_ $GeneRegulation $_ $_) (number-of (gene_functional_complementation! $GeneSymbol $_ $_ $GeneRegulation $_ $_) $NumberOf) (not (< $NumberOf 2))) ) ;; Query: Identify Genes with Allelic Variants and Select Those with More Than 6 Variants (query-info "Identify genes with allelic variants and select those with more than 6 variants." (genes-allelic-variants-more-than-six $GeneSymbol $AlleleSymbol $NumberOf) (, (allele_genetic_interactions! $AlleleSymbol $_ $_ $_ $GeneSymbol) (number-of (allele_genetic_interactions! $AlleleSymbol $_ $_ $_ $GeneSymbol) $NumberOf) (> $NumberOf 6)) ) ;; Query: Find All Known Paralogs of a Specific Gene and Their Expression Levels (query-info "Display all paralogs of a given gene and their mean expression levels." (gene-paralogs-and-expression $GeneSymbol $ParalogSymbol $MeanExpression) (, (dmel_paralogs! $_ $GeneSymbol $_ $ParalogSymbol $_) (scRNA-Seq_gene_expression! $ParalogSymbol $_ $MeanExpression $_)) ) ;; Query: Correlate Gene Expression with Specific Stages of Tissue Development (query-info "Find genes with their expression levels at various stages of tissue development." (gene-expression-by-stage $GeneSymbol $TissueStage $MeanExpression) (, (scRNA-Seq_gene_expression! $_ $_ $_ $_ $TissueStage $_ $MeanExpression $_) (dmel_gene_sequence_ontology_annotations! $GeneSymbol $_ $_)) ) ;; Query: Associate Genetic Map Positions with Corresponding Enzyme Activities (query-info "Relate genetic map positions to the enzyme activities of associated genes." (map-position-and-enzyme-activity $MapPosition $GeneSymbol $EnzymeActivity) (, (cyto-genetic-seq! $_ $MapPosition $_ $_) (Dmel_enzyme! $GeneSymbol $_ $_ $_ $EnzymeActivity)) ) ;; Query: Link Alleles with Their Genetic and Physical Interactions (query-info "Connect alleles to their genetic interactions and the physical interactions they are involved in." (allele-genetic-and-physical-interactions $AlleleSymbol $GeneticInteraction $PhysicalInteraction) (, (allele_genetic_interactions! $AlleleSymbol $_ $GeneticInteraction $_) (physical_interactions_mitab! $_ $_ $_ $_ $_ $PhysicalInteraction)) ) ;; Query: Find cDNA Clones Related to Specific Diseases (query-info "Identify cDNA clones linked to genes associated with certain diseases." (cDNA-clones-and-diseases $CloneName $Disease) (, (cDNA_clone! $_ $_ $CloneName $_) (disease_model_annotations! $_ $_ $_ $_ $Disease $_) ) ) ;; Query: Determine Disease Models Based on Specific Gene Sequences (query-info "Ascertain disease models associated with particular gene sequences." (gene-sequences-and-disease-models $Sequence $DiseaseModel) (, (dmel_gene_sequence_ontology_annotations! $_ $_ $_ $Sequence) (disease_model_annotations! $_ $_ $_ $_ $DiseaseModel $_)) ) ;; Query: Associate Gene Symbols with Known Allele Phenotypes and Interactions (query-info "Connect gene symbols with the phenotypes and interactions of their alleles." (gene-alleles-phenotypes-and-interactions $GeneSymbol $AllelePhenotype $Interaction) (, (fbal_to_fbgn! $_ $_ $_ $GeneSymbol) (allele_phenotypic! $_ $_ $AllelePhenotype $_) (allele_genetic_interactions! $_ $AllelePhenotype $Interaction $_)) ) ;; Query: Link Gene Symbols with Their Enzyme Functions and Synonyms (query-info "Relate gene symbols to their enzyme functions and any known synonyms." (gene-enzyme-functions-and-synonyms $GeneSymbol $EnzymeFunction $Synonym) (, (Dmel_enzyme! $GeneSymbol $_ $_ $EnzymeFunction $_) (fb_synonym! $_ $_ $GeneSymbol $_ $Synonym) ) ) ;; Query: Associate Gene Expression with Specific Cell Types (query-info "Correlate gene expression levels with specific cell types." (gene-expression-and-cell-type $GeneSymbol $CellType $ExpressionLevel) (, (scRNA-Seq_gene_expression! $_ $_ $_ $_ $_ $_ $CellType $_ $ExpressionLevel) (dmel_gene_sequence_ontology_annotations! $GeneSymbol $_ $_)) ) ;; Query: Identify Genes with Specific Protein Isoforms and Their Disease Associations (query-info "Find genes that have specific protein isoforms and their links to diseases." (genes-protein-isoforms-and-diseases $GeneSymbol $ProteinIsoform $Disease) (, (dmel_unique_protein_isoforms! $_ $GeneSymbol $_ $ProteinIsoform) (disease_model_annotations! $_ $_ $_ $_ $_ $_ $_ $_ $_ $Disease)) ) ;; Query: Relate Genomic Clones to Their Expression in Different Tissues (query-info "Connect genomic clones to their expression profiles in various tissues." (clones-and-tissue-expression $CloneName $TissueType $ExpressionLevel) (, (genomic_clone! $_ $_ $CloneName $_) (gene_rpkm_report! $_ $_ $_ $_ $TissueType $_ $ExpressionLevel)) ) ;; Query: Find Genes Involved in Specific Pathways and Their Genetic Interactions (query-info "Identify genes that are part of certain pathways and their genetic interactions." (genes-in-pathways-and-interactions $Pathway $GeneSymbol $Interaction) (, (pathway_group! $_ $_ $Pathway $_) (gene_genetic_interactions! $_ $GeneSymbol $_ $Interaction $_)) ) ;; Query: Determine the Expression of Specific Genes in Different Tissues and Stages (query-info "Find the mean expression of specific genes across different tissues and developmental stages." (gene-expression-across-tissues-and-stages $GeneSymbol $Tissue $Stage $MeanExpression) (, (scRNA-Seq_gene_expression! $PubID $_ $_ $_ $Tissue $Stage $_ $ClusterID $_ $_ $_ $GeneID $GeneSymbol $MeanExpression $_) (fbgn_annotation_ID! $GeneSymbol $_ $GeneID $_ $_ $_ $_)) ) ;; Query: Relate cDNA Clones to Their Corresponding Genes and Accessions (query-info "Link cDNA clones to their corresponding genes and accessions." (cdna-clone-gene-link $CloneName $GeneSymbol $CDNAaccession) (, (cDNA_clone! $_ $_ $CloneName $_ $CDNAaccession $_) (fbgn_annotation_ID! $GeneSymbol $_ $_ $_ $_ $_)) ) ;; Query: Associate Alleles with Genetic Interactions and References (query-info "Find genetic interactions involving specific alleles and their references." (allele-genetic-interactions-and-references $AlleleSymbol $Interaction $Reference) (, (allele_genetic_interactions! $AlleleSymbol $_ $Interaction $_ $Reference) (fbrf_pmid_pmcid_doi! $Reference $_ $_ $_ $_ $_ $_)) ) ;; Query: Explore Paralogous Genes and Their Genomic Locations (query-info "Identify paralogous genes and their genomic locations." (gene-paralogs-and-locations $GeneSymbol $ParalogGeneSymbol $Location) (, (dmel_paralogs! $GeneID $GeneSymbol $_ $Location $_ $_ $Paralog_FBgn $Paralog_GeneSymbol $_ $_ $_ $_) (fbgn_annotation_ID! $GeneSymbol $_ $GeneID $_ $_ $_)) ) ;; Query: Trace Genes to Their Synonyms and Organism Abbreviations (query-info "Trace genes to their synonyms and organism abbreviations." (gene-synonyms-and-organisms $GeneSymbol $Synonym $OrganismAbbreviation) (, (fb_synonym! $_ $OrganismAbbreviation $GeneSymbol $_ $Synonym $_ $_) (gene_map_table! $OrganismAbbreviation $GeneSymbol $_ $_ $_ $_ $_)) ) ;; Query: Link Gene Annotations with Corresponding Protein Accessions (query-info "Connect gene annotations with their respective protein accessions." (gene-annotations-and-protein-accessions $GeneSymbol $AnnotationID $ProteinAccession) (, (fbgn_annotation_ID! $GeneSymbol $_ $_ $AnnotationID $_ $_) (fbgn_NAseq_Uniprot! $GeneSymbol $_ $_ $_ $_ $ProteinAccession $_ $_ $_)) ) ;; Query: Correlate Gene Expression with Specific RNA and Protein Data (query-info "Correlate gene expression levels with RNA and protein data." (gene-expression-rna-protein-correlation $GeneSymbol $ExpressionValue $RNAaccession $ProteinAccession) (, (gene_rpkm_matrix! $_ $GeneSymbol $_ $_ $ExpressionValue $_) (fbgn_NAseq_Uniprot! $GeneSymbol $_ $_ $RNAaccession $_ $ProteinAccession $_ $_ $_)) ) ;; Query: Associate Genes with Disease Models and Relevant Alleles (query-info "Associate genes with disease models and the alleles used in these models." (genes-disease-models-and-alleles $GeneSymbol $Disease $AlleleSymbol) (, (disease_model_annotations! $GeneID $GeneSymbol $_ $_ $Disease $_ $_ $_ $AlleleSymbol $_ $_ $_ $_) (fbal_to_fbgn! $GeneID $AlleleSymbol $_ $GeneSymbol)) ) ;; Query: Match Genes with Their Corresponding Publication References (query-info "Match genes with their corresponding publication references." (gene-publication-matches $GeneSymbol $Publication) (, (fbgn_annotation_ID! $GeneSymbol $_ $_ $_ $_ $_) (entity_publication! $_ $GeneSymbol $Publication $_)) ) ;; Query: Find Alleles and Their Interactions with Genes (query-info "Find alleles and their interactions with specific genes." (alleles-and-gene-interactions $AlleleSymbol $GeneSymbol $Interaction) (, (allele_genetic_interactions! $AlleleSymbol $_ $Interaction $_ $_) (fbal_to_fbgn! $_ $AlleleSymbol $_ $GeneSymbol)) ) ;; Query: Associate Genes with Pathways, Disease Models, and Human Orthologs (query-info "Link genes to their associated pathways, disease models, and human orthologs." (genes-pathways-diseases-orthologs $GeneSymbol $Pathway $Disease $HumanOrtholog) (, (gene_groups_HGNC! $GeneSymbol $_ $_ $Pathway) (disease_model_annotations! $GeneSymbol $_ $_ $_ $Disease) (dmel_human_orthologs_disease! $GeneSymbol $_ $_ $HumanOrtholog)) ) ;; Query: Link Alleles to Phenotypes, Genetic Interactions, and Publications (query-info "Connect alleles to their phenotypes, genetic interactions, and related publications." (alleles-phenotypes-interactions-publications $AlleleSymbol $Phenotype $Interaction $Publication) (, (allele_phenotypic! $AlleleSymbol $_ $Phenotype) (allele_genetic_interactions! $AlleleSymbol $_ $Interaction) (fbrf_pmid_pmcid_doi! $Interaction $Publication $_ $_ $_)) ) ;; Query: Correlate Gene Expressions with cDNA Clones and Protein Accessions (query-info "Correlate gene expressions with corresponding cDNA clones and protein accessions." (gene-expression-cdna-protein $GeneSymbol $ExpressionValue $CloneName $ProteinAccession) (, (gene_rpkm_matrix! $GeneSymbol $_ $_ $ExpressionValue) (cDNA_clone! $_ $_ $CloneName $_) (fbgn_NAseq_Uniprot! $GeneSymbol $_ $_ $ProteinAccession)) ) ;; Query: Determine Gene Functions and Map them to Genetic and Physical Interactions (query-info "Determine gene functions and map them to genetic and physical interactions." (gene-functions-genetic-physical-interactions $GeneSymbol $Function $GeneticInteraction $PhysicalInteraction) (, (automated_gene_summaries! $GeneSymbol $Function) (gene_genetic_interactions! $GeneSymbol $_ $_ $GeneticInteraction) (physical_interactions_mitab! $_ $_ $GeneSymbol $PhysicalInteraction)) ) ;; Query: Explore Gene Synonyms, Genetic Map Positions, and Disease Associations (query-info "Explore gene synonyms, genetic map positions, and disease associations." (gene-synonyms-map-diseases $GeneSymbol $Synonym $MapPosition $Disease) (, (fb_synonym! $GeneSymbol $_ $_ $Synonym) (cyto-genetic-seq! $GeneSymbol $_ $_ $MapPosition) (disease_model_annotations! $GeneSymbol $_ $_ $_ $Disease)) ) ;; Query: Associate Gene Expression with Cell Types and Developmental Stages (query-info "Associate gene expression with specific cell types and developmental stages." (gene-expression-cell-types-stages $GeneSymbol $ExpressionValue $CellType $Stage) (, (gene_rpkm_matrix! $GeneSymbol $_ $_ $ExpressionValue) (scRNA-Seq_gene_expression! $_ $_ $_ $_ $Stage $_ $CellType)) ) ;; Query: Link Genomic Clones to Genes, Proteins, and Synonyms (query-info "Link genomic clones to their corresponding genes, proteins, and synonyms." (genomic-clone-gene-protein-synonym $CloneName $GeneSymbol $ProteinAccession $Synonym) (, (genomic_clone! $CloneName $_ $_ $_) (fbgn_NAseq_Uniprot! $GeneSymbol $_ $_ $ProteinAccession) (fb_synonym! $_ $_ $GeneSymbol $Synonym)) ) ;; Query: Relate Gene Snapshots to Disease Models and Human Orthologs (query-info "Relate gene snapshots to disease models and their human orthologs." (gene-snapshots-diseases-orthologs $GeneSymbol $SnapshotText $Disease $HumanOrtholog) (, (gene_snapshots! $GeneSymbol $_ $_ $SnapshotText) (disease_model_annotations! $GeneSymbol $_ $_ $_ $Disease) (dmel_human_orthologs_disease! $GeneSymbol $_ $_ $HumanOrtholog)) ) ;; Query: Connect Genes to Their Enzymatic Functions and Disease Models (query-info "Connect genes to their enzymatic functions and associated disease models." (genes-enzymes-diseases $GeneSymbol $EnzymeFunction $Disease) (, (Dmel_enzyme! $GeneSymbol $_ $_ $_ $EnzymeFunction) (disease_model_annotations! $GeneSymbol $_ $_ $_ $Disease)) ) ;; Query: Associate Pathway Groups with Gene Functions and Physical Interactions (query-info "Associate pathway groups with gene functions and physical interactions." (pathway-gene-function-physical-interaction $Pathway $GeneFunction $PhysicalInteraction) (, (pathway_group! $Pathway $_ $_ $_) (automated_gene_summaries! $_ $GeneFunction) (physical_interactions_mitab! $_ $_ $_ $PhysicalInteraction)) ) ;; Query: Associate Disease Models with Gene Transcripts, Protein Isoforms, Gene Summaries, and Snapshots (query-info "Link disease model annotations with corresponding gene transcripts, unique protein isoforms, the best gene summaries, and gene snapshots." (gene-disease-models-transcripts-proteins-summaries-snapshots $GeneID $GeneSymbol $ProteinID $GeneSummaryID $GeneSnapshotID) (, (disease_model_annotations! $GeneID $_ $_ $_ $_ $_ $_ $_ $_ $_ $_ $_) (fbgn_fbtr_fbpp_expanded! $TranscriptType $TranscriptID $GeneID $GeneSymbol $GeneFullName $AnnotationID $_ $_ $_ $_ $_) (dmel_unique_protein_isoforms! $ProteinID $GeneSymbol $ProteinSymbol $_) (best_gene_summary! $GeneSummaryID $GeneSymbol $SummarySource $SummaryText) (gene_snapshots! $GeneSnapshotID $GeneSymbol $GeneName $Datestamp $SnapshotText)) ) ;; Query: Link Paralogous Genes with Gene Mapping, Transcripts, Protein Isoforms, and Summaries (query-info "Connect paralogous genes to their gene mapping, transcripts, protein isoforms, and gene summaries." (paralogs-gene-mapping-transcripts-proteins-summaries $GeneID $GeneSymbol $ParalogGeneID $MapID $ProteinID) (, (dmel_paralogs! $GeneID $GeneSymbol $Arm $Location $Strand $ParalogGeneID $ParalogGeneSymbol $_ $_ $_ $_) (gene_map_table! $MapID $OrganismAbbreviation $GeneID $RecombinationLoc $CytogeneticLoc $SequenceLoc) (fbgn_fbtr_fbpp_expanded! $TranscriptType $TranscriptID $TranscriptSymbol $MapID $_ $_ $_ $_ $_ $_) (dmel_unique_protein_isoforms! $ProteinID $ProteinSymbol $TranscriptSymbol $_) (best_gene_summary! $GeneSummaryID $ProteinSymbol $SummarySource $SummaryText)) ) ;; Query: Correlate Expanded Gene Transcripts with Protein Isoforms, Paralogs, Gene Mapping, and Synonyms (query-info "Associate expanded gene transcripts with corresponding protein isoforms, paralogs, gene mapping data, and synonyms." (transcripts-proteins-paralogs-mapping-synonyms $GeneID $TranscriptID $ProteinID $ParalogGeneID $MapID) (, (fbgn_fbtr_fbpp_expanded! $GeneID $TranscriptType $TranscriptID $GeneSymbol $GeneFullName $AnnotationID $_ $_ $_ $_ $_) (dmel_unique_protein_isoforms! $ProteinID $ProteinSymbol $TranscriptSymbol $_) (dmel_paralogs! $ParalogGeneID $ProteinSymbol $_ $_ $_ $_ $_ $_ $_ $_ $_) (gene_map_table! $MapID $OrganismAbbreviation $ParalogGeneID $RecombinationLoc $CytogeneticLoc $SequenceLoc) (synonym! $SynonymID $MapID $CurrentSymbol $CurrentFullName $_ $_)) ) !" !(number-of (, (fbgn_fbtr_fbpp_expanded! $GeneID $TranscriptType $TranscriptID $GeneSymbol $GeneFullName $AnnotationID $_ $_ $_ $_ $_) (dmel_unique_protein_isoforms! $ProteinID $ProteinSymbol $TranscriptSymbol $_) (dmel_paralogs! $ParalogGeneID $ProteinSymbol $_ $_ $_ $_ $_ $_ $_ $_ $_) (gene_map_table! $MapID $OrganismAbbreviation $ParalogGeneID $RecombinationLoc $CytogeneticLoc $SequenceLoc) (synonym! $SynonymID $MapID $CurrentSymbol $CurrentFullName $_ $_)) " ;; Query: Connect Gene Mapping with Expanded Transcripts, Protein Isoforms, Gene Summaries, and Basic Transcripts (query-info "Link gene mapping data with expanded transcripts, unique protein isoforms, gene summaries, and basic transcript information." (mapping-transcripts-proteins-summaries $MapID $GeneSymbol $TranscriptID $ProteinID $GeneSummaryID) (, (gene_map_table! $MapID $OrganismAbbreviation $GeneSymbol $RecombinationLoc $CytogeneticLoc $SequenceLoc) (fbgn_fbtr_fbpp_expanded! $TranscriptType $TranscriptID $TranscriptSymbol $OrganismAbbreviation $_ $_ $_ $_ $_ $_) (dmel_unique_protein_isoforms! $ProteinID $ProteinSymbol $TranscriptSymbol $_) (best_gene_summary! $GeneSummaryID $ProteinSymbol $SummarySource $SummaryText) (fbgn_fbtr_fbpp! $GeneSummaryID $_ $_)) ) ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;; Query: Associate Gene Expression with Developmental Stages and Publications (query-info "Link gene expression data to specific developmental stages and corresponding publications." (gene-expression-stages-publications $GeneID $ExpressionValue $Stage $Publication) (, (gene_rpkm_report! $GeneID $ExpressionValue $_ $_ $_ $Stage $_ $_ $_ $_ $_ $_ $_ $_) (fbrf_pmid_pmcid_doi! $_ $Publication $_ $_ $_ $_ $_ $_)) ) ;; Query: Link Gene Functional Data with Enzymatic Activities and Disease Models (query-info "Connect gene functional data with enzymatic activities and their relevance to disease models." (gene-function-enzyme-disease $GeneSymbol $Function $EnzymeActivity $Disease) (, (automated_gene_summaries! $GeneSymbol $Function) (Dmel_enzyme! $GeneSymbol $_ $_ $_ $_ $_ $_ $_ $_ $_ $_) (disease_model_annotations! $_ $GeneSymbol $_ $_ $_ $Disease $_ $_ $_ $_ $_ $_)) ) ;; Query: Relate Genes to Their Allelic Variants and Phenotypic Effects (query-info "Relate genes to their allelic variants and the resulting phenotypic effects." (genes-alleles-phenotypes $GeneSymbol $AlleleSymbol $Phenotype) (, (fbal_to_fbgn! $_ $AlleleSymbol $_ $GeneSymbol) (allele_phenotypic! $AlleleSymbol $_ $Phenotype $_)) ) ;; Query: Correlate Genes with their Physical Interactions and Pathway Involvements (query-info "Correlate genes with their physical interactions and pathway involvements." (genes-physical-interactions-pathways $GeneID $PhysicalInteraction $Pathway) (, (physical_interactions_mitab! $GeneID $_ $_ $PhysicalInteraction $_ $_ $_ $_ $_ $_ $_ $_ $_ $_ $_ $_ $_ $_ $_ $_ $_ $_ $_ $_ $_ $_ $_ $_ $_) (pathway_group! $Pathway $_ $_ $_ $_ $_ $GeneID $_ $_)) ) ;; Query: Connect Genes with Disease Annotations and Relevant Publication Data (query-info "Connect genes with disease annotations and relevant publication data." (genes-disease-annotations-publications $GeneSymbol $DiseaseAnnotation $Publication) (, (disease_model_annotations! $_ $GeneSymbol $_ $_ $_ $DiseaseAnnotation $_ $_ $_ $_ $_ $_ $_ $_) (fbrf_pmid_pmcid_doi! $_ $Publication $_ $_ $_ $_ $_ $_)) ) ;; Query: Associate Gene Sequences with Synonyms and Protein Isoforms (query-info "Associate gene sequences with their synonyms and protein isoforms." (gene-sequences-synonyms-proteins $GeneID $Synonym $ProteinIsoform) (, (dmel_gene_sequence_ontology_annotations! $GeneID $_ $_ $_) (fb_synonym! $_ $_ $GeneID $_ $Synonym $_) (dmel_unique_protein_isoforms! $_ $_ $GeneID $ProteinIsoform $_)) ) ;; Query: Link Genotype Data with Phenotypes and Corresponding References (query-info "Link genotype data with phenotypes and their corresponding references." (genotype-phenotypes-references $GenotypeSymbols $Phenotype $Reference) (, (genotype_phenotype_data! $GenotypeSymbols $_ $Phenotype $_ $_ $_ $_ $Reference $_) (fbrf_pmid_pmcid_doi! $Reference $_ $_ $_ $_ $_ $_ $_)) ) ;; Query: Correlate Gene Snapshots with Their Enzymatic Functions and Disease Models (query-info "Correlate gene snapshots with their enzymatic functions and disease models." (gene-snapshots-enzymes-diseases $GeneSymbol $SnapshotText $EnzymeFunction $Disease) (, (gene_snapshots! $GeneSymbol $_ $_ $SnapshotText $_) (Dmel_enzyme! $GeneSymbol $_ $_ $_ $_ $_ $_ $_ $_) (disease_model_annotations! $_ $GeneSymbol $_ $_ $_ $Disease $_ $_ $_ $_ $_ $_)) ) ;; Query: Associate Genes with Their cDNA Clones and Disease Models (query-info "Associate genes with their cDNA clones and relevant disease models." (genes-cdna-disease-models $GeneSymbol $CloneName $Disease) (, (cDNA_clone! $_ $_ $CloneName $_ $_ $_) (gene_map_table! $_ $GeneSymbol $_ $_ $_ $_ $_) (disease_model_annotations! $_ $GeneSymbol $_ $_ $_ $Disease $_ $_ $_ $_ $_ $_)) ) ;; Query: Connect Genes to Publications and Allelic Interactions (query-info "Connect genes to relevant publications and their allelic interactions." (genes-publications-allelic-interactions $GeneSymbol $Publication $AlleleInteraction) (, (entity_publication! $_ $GeneSymbol $Publication $_) (allele_genetic_interactions! $_ $_ $AlleleInteraction $_ $GeneSymbol)) ) ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;ORs ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;; Query: Identify Genes Either Involved in Physical Interactions or Associated with Specific Diseases (query-info "Find genes that are either involved in physical interactions or associated with specific diseases." (genes-physical-or-disease $GeneSymbol $PhysicalInteraction $Disease) (, (gene_map_table! $GeneSymbol $_ $_ $_ $_ $_) (or (physical_interactions_mitab! $GeneSymbol $_ $_ $PhysicalInteraction $_ $_ $_) (disease_model_annotations! $GeneSymbol $_ $_ $_ $_ $_ $_ $Disease $_ $_ $_))) ) ;; Query: Retrieve Gene Snapshots or Enzymatic Functions for Specific Genes (query-info "Get gene snapshots or enzymatic functions for specific genes." (gene-snapshots-or-enzymes $GeneSymbol $SnapshotText $EnzymeFunction) (, (gene_map_table! $GeneSymbol $_ $_ $_ $_ $_) (or (gene_snapshots! $GeneSymbol $_ $_ $SnapshotText $_) (Dmel_enzyme! $GeneSymbol $_ $_ $_ $EnzymeFunction $_ $_ $_))) ) ;; Query: Find Genes with Either cDNA Clones or Related to Specific Pathways (query-info "Identify genes that have cDNA clones or are related to specific pathways." (genes-cdna-or-pathways $GeneSymbol $CloneName $Pathway) (, (gene_map_table! $GeneSymbol $_ $_ $_ $_ $_) (or (cDNA_clone! $CloneName $_ $GeneSymbol $_ $_) (pathway_group! $GeneSymbol $_ $_ $_ $Pathway $_ $_))) ) ;; Query: Associate Genes with Synonyms or Protein Isoforms (query-info "Associate genes with either their synonyms or protein isoforms." (genes-synonyms-or-proteins $GeneSymbol $Synonym $ProteinIsoform) (, (gene_map_table! $GeneSymbol $_ $_ $_ $_ $_) (or (fb_synonym! $GeneSymbol $_ $_ $Synonym $_) (dmel_unique_protein_isoforms! $GeneSymbol $_ $_ $ProteinIsoform $_))) ) ;; Query: Link Alleles to Phenotypes or Genetic Interactions (query-info "Link alleles to their phenotypes or to their genetic interactions." (alleles-phenotypes-or-interactions $AlleleSymbol $Phenotype $Interaction) (, (fbal_to_fbgn! $AlleleSymbol $_ $_ $_) (or (allele_phenotypic! $AlleleSymbol $_ $Phenotype $_) (allele_genetic_interactions! $AlleleSymbol $_ $Interaction $_))) ) ;; Query: Find Genes Involved in RNA Processing or Gene Regulation (query-info "Find genes involved in RNA processing or gene regulation." (genes-rna-or-regulation $GeneSymbol $RNAProcess $GeneRegulation) (, (gene_map_table! $GeneSymbol $_ $_ $_ $_ $_) (or (gene_rpkm_matrix! $GeneSymbol $_ $_ $RNAProcess $_) (gene_functional_complementation! $GeneSymbol $_ $_ $GeneRegulation $_))) ) ;; Query: Retrieve Publications Related to Genes or Their Allelic Variants (query-info "Retrieve publications related to genes or their allelic variants." (publications-genes-or-alleles $GeneSymbol $Publication $AlleleSymbol) (, (gene_map_table! $GeneSymbol $_ $_ $_ $_ $_) (or (entity_publication! $Publication $_ $GeneSymbol $_) (allele_genetic_interactions! $AlleleSymbol $_ $_ $_ $GeneSymbol))) ) ;; Query: Correlate Genes with Their Expression in Tissues or During Specific Stages (query-info "Correlate genes with their expression in tissues or during specific developmental stages." (genes-expression-tissues-or-stages $GeneSymbol $Tissue $Stage) (, (gene_map_table! $GeneSymbol $_ $_ $_ $_ $_) (or (scRNA-Seq_gene_expression! $_ $_ $_ $_ $Tissue $Stage $_ $_) (gene_rpkm_report! $GeneSymbol $_ $_ $_ $_ $_ $_ $Stage $_))) ) ;; Query: Find Genes Involved in RNA Processing but Not in Gene Regulation (query-info "Identify genes involved in RNA processing but not in gene regulation." (genes-rna-not-regulation $GeneSymbol $RNAProcess) (, (gene_rpkm_matrix! $GeneSymbol $_ $_ $RNAProcess $_) (not (gene_functional_complementation! $GeneSymbol $_ $_ $_ $_ $_))) ) ;; Query: Retrieve Publications Related to Specific Genes but Not Their Allelic Variants (query-info "Retrieve publications related to specific genes but not their allelic variants." (publications-genes-not-alleles $GeneSymbol $Publication) (, (entity_publication! $Publication $_ $GeneSymbol $_) (not (allele_genetic_interactions! $_ $_ $_ $GeneSymbol))) ) ;; Query: Identify Genes with cDNA Clones but Not Involved in Specific Pathways (query-info "Identify genes that have cDNA clones but are not involved in specific pathways." (genes-cdna-not-pathways $GeneSymbol $CloneName) (, (cDNA_clone! $CloneName $_ $GeneSymbol $_ $_ $_) (not (pathway_group! $GeneSymbol $_ $_ $_ $_ $_ $_))) ) ;; Query: Associate Genes with Synonyms but Exclude Certain Protein Isoforms (query-info "Associate genes with their synonyms but exclude certain protein isoforms." (genes-synonyms-not-proteins $GeneSymbol $Synonym) (, (fb_synonym! $GeneSymbol $_ $_ $Synonym $_) (not (dmel_unique_protein_isoforms! $GeneSymbol $_ $_ $_))) ) ;; Query: Link Alleles to Phenotypes but Exclude Specific Genetic Interactions (query-info "Link alleles to their phenotypes but exclude specific genetic interactions." (alleles-phenotypes-not-interactions $AlleleSymbol $Phenotype) (, (allele_phenotypic! $AlleleSymbol $_ $Phenotype $_) (not (allele_genetic_interactions! $AlleleSymbol $_ $_ $_))) ) ;; Query: Find Genes Involved in Physical Interactions but Not Associated with Diseases (query-info "Find genes involved in physical interactions but not associated with specific diseases." (genes-physical-not-disease $GeneSymbol $PhysicalInteraction) (, (physical_interactions_mitab! $GeneSymbol $_ $_ $PhysicalInteraction $_ $_ $_ $_ $_) (not (disease_model_annotations! $GeneSymbol $_ $_ $_ $_ $_ $_ $_ $_ $_))) ) ;; Query: Retrieve Gene Snapshots but Exclude Those Related to Enzymatic Functions (query-info "Retrieve gene snapshots but exclude those related to enzymatic functions." (gene-snapshots-not-enzymes $GeneSymbol $SnapshotText) (, (gene_snapshots! $GeneSymbol $_ $_ $SnapshotText $_) (not (Dmel_enzyme! $GeneSymbol $_ $_ $_ $_ $_ $_ $_))) ) ;; Query: Correlate Genes with Expression in Tissues but Not During Specific Stages (query-info "Correlate genes with their expression in tissues but not during specific developmental stages." (genes-expression-tissues-not-stages $GeneSymbol $Tissue) (, (scRNA-Seq_gene_expression! $_ $_ $_ $_ $Tissue $_ $_ $_ $GeneSymbol $_ $_) (not (gene_rpkm_report! $GeneSymbol $_ $_ $_ $_ $_ $_ $_ $_ $_ $_ $_))) ) ;; Query: Find Genes with Specific Transcripts or Protein Isoforms but Not Involved in Certain Pathways (query-info "Identify genes that have specific transcripts or protein isoforms but are not involved in certain pathways." (genes-transcripts-proteins-not-pathways $GeneSymbol $TranscriptID $ProteinIsoform $ExcludedPathway) (, (gene_map_table! $GeneSymbol $_ $_ $_ $_ $_) (, (or (fbgn_fbtr_fbpp! $GeneSymbol $TranscriptID $_ $_ $_) (dmel_unique_protein_isoforms! $GeneSymbol $_ $ProteinIsoform $_)) (not (pathway_group! $GeneSymbol $_ $_ $_ $ExcludedPathway $_ $_)))) ) ;; Query: Retrieve Gene Snapshots or Allelic Variants but Exclude Genes with Certain Phenotypes (query-info "Retrieve gene snapshots or allelic variants but exclude genes associated with certain phenotypes." (gene-snapshots-alleles-not-phenotypes $GeneSymbol $SnapshotText $AlleleSymbol $ExcludedPhenotype) (, (gene_map_table! $GeneSymbol $_ $_ $_ $_ $_) (, (or (gene_snapshots! $GeneSymbol $_ $SnapshotText $_) (allele_genetic_interactions! $AlleleSymbol $_ $_ $_ $GeneSymbol)) (not (allele_phenotypic! $AlleleSymbol $_ $ExcludedPhenotype $_)))) ) ;; Query: Link Genes to Physical Interactions or Publications but Not to Specific Disease Models (query-info "Link genes to physical interactions or relevant publications but not to specific disease models." (genes-interactions-publications-not-disease $GeneSymbol $PhysicalInteraction $Publication $ExcludedDisease) (, (gene_map_table! $GeneSymbol $_ $_ $_ $_ $_) (, (or (physical_interactions_mitab! $GeneSymbol $_ $_ $PhysicalInteraction $_ $_) (entity_publication! $Publication $_ $GeneSymbol $_)) (not (disease_model_annotations! $GeneSymbol $_ $_ $_ $_ $_ $_ $ExcludedDisease)))) ) ;; Query: Associate Genes with cDNA Clones or Enzymatic Functions but Exclude Certain Synonyms (query-info "Associate genes with cDNA clones or enzymatic functions but exclude certain synonyms." (genes-cdna-enzymes-not-synonyms $GeneSymbol $CloneName $EnzymeFunction $ExcludedSynonym) (, (gene_map_table! $GeneSymbol $_ $_ $_ $_ $_) (, (or (cDNA_clone! $CloneName $_ $GeneSymbol $_) (Dmel_enzyme! $GeneSymbol $_ $_ $EnzymeFunction $_)) (not (fb_synonym! $GeneSymbol $_ $_ $ExcludedSynonym $_)))) ) ;; Query: Find Genes Involved in RNA Processing or Gene Regulation but Not Linked to Specific Protein Accessions (query-info "Find genes involved in RNA processing or gene regulation but not linked to specific protein accessions." (genes-rna-regulation-not-proteins $GeneSymbol $RNAProcess $GeneRegulation $ExcludedProteinAccession) (, (gene_map_table! $GeneSymbol $_ $_ $_ $_ $_) (, (or (gene_rpkm_matrix! $GeneSymbol $_ $_ $RNAProcess $_) (gene_functional_complementation! $GeneSymbol $_ $_ $GeneRegulation $_)) (not (fbgn_NAseq_Uniprot! $GeneSymbol $_ $_ $ExcludedProteinAccession $_ $_ $_))))) !(fb-info!) (: number-of (-> Countable Number)) (= (number-of $query $length) (length! (match &self $query t) $length)) ;; call-nth! is one of our builtins (: nth-pose! (-> Number Atom)) (= (nth-pose! $length $eval) (call-nth! $eval $nth) (=< $nth $length)) (= (do-77-queries) (let $todo (match &self (query-info $English $template $query) (demo-query $English $query $template)) (superpose $todo))) ;; print no more than the first 5 answers (= (demo-query $English $query $template) (println! ($English "=" $query)) (println! (limit! 5 (match &flybase $query $template))) (println! ("time was = " (time! (number-of $query $count)))) (println! ("total of query = " $count))) ;; Rust only: !(mettalog::vspace-main) ;; inside flybase we only see 74 answers !(match &flybase (gene_map_table $Org $Sym $G 3-59 $D $E) ($Sym $G $D $E)) ;; should return no results in &self !(match &self (gene_map_table $Org $Sym $G 3-59 $D $E) ($Sym $G $D $E)) !(get-atoms &flybase (gene_map_table $Org $Sym $G 3-59 $D $E)) ;; our special hack to see into other spaces !(number-of (gene_map_table! $Org $Sym $G 3-59 $D $E)) ;; 74 ;; flybase space answer should be 0 !(number-of (gene_map_table $Org $Sym $G 3-59 $D $E)) ;; 0 ;; use the host system limiter of 5 !(number-of (limit! 5 (gene_map_table! $Org $Sym $G 3-59 $D $E))) ;; 5 ; (gene_map_table! MapID OrganismAbbreviation ParalogGeneID RecombinationLoc CytogeneticLoc SequenceLoc) !(assertEqual (number-of (gene_map_table! $MapID $OrganismAbbreviation $ParalogGeneID 3-59 $CytogeneticLoc $SequenceLoc)) 74) ;; What recombination locations have 74 Paralog Genes? ;; !(, (gene_map_table! $_ $_ $_ $RecombinationLoc $_ $_) (== 74 (number-of (gene_map_table! $_ $_ $ParalogGeneID $RecombinationLoc $_ $_)))) !(do-77-queries)