f dZddlmZmZmZddlZddlZddlZejjdZ e fde deejjdejjfdZe d fd ejjdeejjd ede fd Z dd e deeejje fdeej"j$dej"j&fdZy)zDNS E.164 helpers.)IterableOptionalUnionNz e164.arpa.textoriginreturnc|Dcgc]}|js|}}|jtjj dj ||Scc}w)aConvert an E.164 number in textual form into a Name object whose value is the ENUM domain name for that number. Non-digits in the text are ignored, i.e. "16505551212", "+1.650.555.1212" and "1 (650) 555-1212" are all the same. *text*, a ``str``, is an E.164 number in textual form. *origin*, a ``dns.name.Name``, the domain in which the number should be constructed. The default is ``e164.arpa.``. Returns a ``dns.name.Name``. .)r)isdigitreversednsname from_textjoin)rrdpartss Q/var/lib/jenkins/workspace/mettalog/venv/lib/python3.12/site-packages/dns/e164.py from_e164rsO" ,1 Q ,E , MMO 88  chhuof  == -s A!A!Trwant_plus_prefixc||j|}|jDcgc]$}|jst|dk(s#|&}}t|t|jk7rtj j d|jdj|}|rd|z}|jScc}w)aConvert an ENUM domain name into an E.164 number. Note that dnspython does not have any information about preferred number formats within national numbering plans, so all numbers are emitted as a simple string of digits, prefixed by a '+' (unless *want_plus_prefix* is ``False``). *name* is a ``dns.name.Name``, the ENUM domain name. *origin* is a ``dns.name.Name``, a domain containing the ENUM domain name. The name is relativized to this domain before being converted to text. If ``None``, no relativization is done. *want_plus_prefix* is a ``bool``. If True, add a '+' to the beginning of the returned number. Returns a ``str``. z$non-digit labels in ENUM domain name+) relativizelabelsr lenr exception SyntaxErrorr rdecode)rrrrdlabelsrs rto_e164r!4s0v&++EQQ1qEGE 7|s4;;''mm''(NOO OO 88G Dd{ ;;=FsCCCnumberdomainsresolverc|tjj}tjj}|D]e}t |t rtj j|}tjj||} |j|dcS|#tjj$r}||z }Yd}~d}~wwxYw)a~Look for NAPTR RRs for the specified number in the specified domains. e.g. lookup('16505551212', ['e164.dnspython.org.', 'e164.arpa.']) *number*, a ``str`` is the number to look for. *domains* is an iterable containing ``dns.name.Name`` values. *resolver*, a ``dns.resolver.Resolver``, is the resolver to use. If ``None``, the default resolver is used. NNAPTR) r r$get_default_resolverNXDOMAIN isinstancestrrre164rresolve)r"r#r$e_nxdomainqnamees rqueryr1Xs"<<446 << "D fc "XX''/F""662 ##E73 3  J||$$  AID sB++CCC)N)__doc__typingrrr dns.exceptionr dns.name dns.resolverrrpublic_enum_domainr*Namerboolr!r$ResolverAnswerr1rrr=s $,,XX'' 52D> > .>XX]]>0'9!! ((--! SXX]] #!! !N15  eCHHMM3./ 0s||,,- \\ r