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FT)r:itemsr.environr#)r'kvs rset_as_environment_variablesz#DotEnv.set_as_environment_variablesXsXyy{IIK%%'DAqBJJt}}} ! 1 ( r)r<c|j}||vr||S|jr!tjd||jy)z zKey %s not found in %s.N)r:r rrr)r'r<datas rgetz DotEnv.getgsAyy{ $;9  << NN4c4;K;K Lr))NFNTT)__name__ __module__ __qualname__r StrPathrstrboolr(rrr5rr:r r7rCrFr)rrr#s%)"& 'g&'C!' ' 3- '  '' '" "Xbg. " " d3 -. 5xc8C=&8 9:5 d  s x} r)rr key_to_getr!c<t|d|j|S)z Get the value of a given key from the given .env. Returns `None` if the key isn't found or doesn't have a value. T)r r!)rrF)rrNr!s rget_keyrPus +th ? C CJ OOr)r/c#Ktj|jtjd|d5}d} t ||5}||fdddddd!tjj|ytjj|d#1swYVxYw#t $r }|}Yd}~id}~wwxYw#1swYrxYww)NwF)moder!deleter+) pathlibPathtouchtempfileNamedTemporaryFiler1 BaseExceptionshutilmovenamer.unlink)r/r!destrsourceerrs rrewriterbs  LL  $ $# OSW dX. %&tn$ % } DIIt$ $)) % % E  sY>+ &A;O\!!G x 04NVT2<3GHG{{l* 7++223 I4 H,Xcd\!! 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Parameters: dotenv_path: Absolute or relative path to .env file. stream: Text stream (such as `io.StringIO`) with .env content, used if `dotenv_path` is `None`. verbose: Whether to output a warning the .env file is missing. override: Whether to override the system environment variables with the variables from the `.env` file. encoding: Encoding to be used to read the file. Returns: Bool: True if at least one environment variable is set else False If both `dotenv_path` and `stream` are `None`, `find_dotenv()` is used to find the .env file. rrr r"r#r!)rrrC)rrr r#r"r!dotenvs r load_dotenvrAsB0v~!m  F  . . 00r)c\| | t}t||||d|jS)a Parse a .env file and return its content as a dict. The returned dict will have `None` values for keys without values in the .env file. For example, `foo=bar` results in `{"foo": "bar"}` whereas `foo` alone results in `{"foo": None}` Parameters: dotenv_path: Absolute or relative path to the .env file. stream: `StringIO` object with .env content, used if `dotenv_path` is `None`. verbose: Whether to output a warning if the .env file is missing. encoding: Encoding to be used to read the file. If both `dotenv_path` and `stream` are `None`, `find_dotenv()` is used to find the .env file. Tr)rrr:)rrr r"r!s r dotenv_valuesrgs=.v~!m    df r))utf-8)rhFr)rhr)r,FF)NNFFTr)NNFTr)*r3loggingr.rUr[rrX collectionsr contextlibrtypingrrrrr r r r parserrr variablesrrKrJ getLoggerrGrrrrPrbrLrzrr8rrrrrMr)rrs%   #%*& '' (   8 $(7*;@QOOj& P P Psm Pc] P smeBsGRW$%&2% .*.*.*.* .*  .* sm .* 8D>3 #$.*h% !!!!sm !  8D>3  !> U3 -. / S(3-  288 8&%*++"+ + +^&* $% #1'"#1 RW #1#1 #1  #1 sm #1 #1N&* $% ! '"! RW ! !  ! sm !  #x}  ! r)