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WWdiiS!12 3 19>DD#'77<<D#9 4<<   ||arcdj|j|jdg}|dk7rt|jj |yrL)r6rr7NotImplementedErrorrr\)rrlengthr>r`s rtruncatezFUSEr.truncateos? WWdiiS!12 3 Q;% %  brcdj|j|jdg} |jj |dy#t t f$r}tt|d}~wwxYw)Nr$rF) r6rr7rrmOSErrorr8rr)rrr`r?s runlinkz FUSEr.unlinkvs\ WWdiiS!12 3 , GGJJr5 !*+ ,c" + ,sA A/A**A/c ||jvr:|j|}|j|jj|y#t$r}t |Yd}~yd}~wwxYw)Nr)rclosepop Exceptionprint)rrr>rIes rreleasez FUSEr.release}s\ TZZJJrN  r"  !HH sAA A) A$$A)ct|jdrHdj|j|j dg}|jj ||St )Nchmodr$r)hasattrrr6rr7rurfrNs rruz FUSEr.chmodsK 477G $77DIIt{{3'789D77==t, ,!!r)F)N)__name__ __module__ __qualname__rrBrJrMrQrTrXrar]rhrlrsrurrr r sC&8#     ,"rr TFcfd}s/tj|}d|_|j|S |y#t$rYywxYw)amMount stuff in a local directory This uses fusepy to make it appear as if a given path on an fsspec instance is in fact resident within the local file-system. This requires that fusepy by installed, and that FUSE be available on the system (typically requiring a package to be installed with apt, yum, brew, etc.). Parameters ---------- fs: file-system instance From one of the compatible implementations path: str Location on that file-system to regard as the root directory to mount. Note that you typically should include the terminating "/" character. mount_point: str An empty directory on the local file-system where the contents of the remote path will appear. foreground: bool Whether or not calling this function will block. Operation will typically be more stable if True. threads: bool Whether or not to create threads when responding to file operations within the mounter directory. Operation will typically be more stable if False. ready_file: bool Whether the FUSE process is ready. The ``.fuse_ready`` file will exist in the ``mount_point`` directory if True. Debugging purpose. ops_class: FUSEr or Subclass of FUSEr To override the default behavior of FUSEr. For Example, logging to file. c6t S)N)r) nothreads foreground)r)r~r mount_point ops_classrrthreadssrzrun..s!4"dz2+ r)targetTN) threadingThreaddaemonstartKeyboardInterrupt) rrrr~rrrfuncths ``````` rrunrsVX  D    T *      F    sA AAc Gddtj}|dtj}|j ddt |j dt d |j d t d |j d t d |j dddd|j ddt d |j dddd|j dddd|j dddd |j|}i}|jxsgD]}|jd!\}}}|s|jd"|#|j}|jd$rt|d%td$ }n"|jd&r|d%td& d'v}d(|vr*|jd(d)\} } | |vr ||| | <| |i|| <|||<|j rGt#j$t"j&|j d*+Gd,d-t(t*} | } nt(} t-|j.fi|\} }t0j3d.|t |j4t7| |j8|j4|j:|j<|j>| /y%)0aMount filesystem from chained URL to MOUNT_POINT. Examples: python3 -m fsspec.fuse memory /usr/share /tmp/mem python3 -m fsspec.fuse local /tmp/source /tmp/local \ -l /tmp/fsspecfuse.log You can also mount chained-URLs and use special settings: python3 -m fsspec.fuse 'filecache::zip::file://data.zip' \ / /tmp/zip \ -o 'filecache-cache_storage=/tmp/simplecache' You can specify the type of the setting by using `[int]` or `[bool]`, (`true`, `yes`, `1` represents the Boolean value `True`): python3 -m fsspec.fuse 'simplecache::ftp://ftp1.at.proftpd.org' \ /historic/packages/RPMS /tmp/ftp \ -o 'simplecache-cache_storage=/tmp/simplecache' \ -o 'simplecache-check_files=false[bool]' \ -o 'ftp-listings_expiry_time=60[int]' \ -o 'ftp-username=anonymous' \ -o 'ftp-password=xieyanbo' ceZdZfdZxZS)*main..RawDescriptionArgumentParserct|}|jd}|jj |d<dj |S)Nz r-)super format_helpsplit descriptionrr6)rusageparts __class__s rrz6main..RawDescriptionArgumentParser.format_helpsEG')EKK'E''..0E!H;;u% %r)rwrxryr __classcell__)rs@rRawDescriptionArgumentParserrs  & &rrr )progrz --versionversion)actionrurlzfs url)r"help source_pathzsource directory in fsrzlocal directoryz-oz--optionappendz3Any options of protocol included in the chained URL)rrz-lz --log-filez%Logging FUSE debug info (Default: '')z-fz --foreground store_falsez-Running in foreground or not (Default: False)z-tz --threadsz-Running with threads support (Default: False)z-rz --ready-filezZThe `.fuse_ready` file will exist after FUSE is ready. (Debugging purpose, Default: False)=zWrong option: )messagez[int]Nz[bool])1yestrue-r-z%(asctime)s %(message)s)levelfilenameformatc eZdZy)main..LoggingFUSErN)rwrxryrzrr LoggingFUSErr-s rrzMounting %s to %s)r~rrr) argparseArgumentParsermain__doc__ add_argumentr str parse_argsoption partitionerrorlowerendswithintrYrlog_filelogging basicConfigDEBUGr rr rrr5rrrr~rr)argsrparserkwargsitemkeysepvaluevalfs_name setting_namerfuserrurl_paths rrrs8&x'>'>&*}$,, WF  I{K Ch7  C6NO  C6GH   B    l+R   <     <    .    T "D F !r!..-S% LL>$!:L ;kkm << oW ./E \\( #(3x=.)-AAE #:$'IIc1$5 !G\& 05w -#/"7wF3K#"& }}--]],  5, TXX00LB LL$hD4D4D0EF   ?? ??r__main__r-)rrrFr:rr=errnorrfuserrrrfsspecr fsspec.corer getLoggerrr rrrwsysargvrzrrrs  <<!   = )z"Jz"B ;|rj z!"r