f8,UddlmZddlZddlZddlZgdZiZded<ejeZ dZ dudZ idd d d d d dd dddd dddd dd d d dddidddd dddidddd d dd!id"d#d$d d%dd&id'd(d)d d*d+d,d ddd-id.dd/id0dd1iid2d3d4d d5d6d7d d8dd9id:d;dd?d d@d3d4d dAddd dBdCdDd dEdFdGd dHdFdGd dIdJdKd dLdJdKd dMdNdOd dPdQdRd dSdd-idTddUidVdWdXd dWdYd dZd[d dd\id]d^d d_d`d d_d`d dadbd ddciddded dadbd ddfidgdhd didjd dkdld ddmidnZ e e ee k(sJdodpZdqZdvdrZdsZdtZy)w) annotationsN)registryget_filesystem_classdefaultzdict[str, type] _registryfilect|trA|tvr"|dur|t|dk7r%td|d||xs|d|dt|<yy|tvr|durt ||urtd|dy|t |<y) aAdd implementation class to the registry Parameters ---------- name: str Protocol name to associate with the class cls: class or str if a class: fsspec-compliant implementation class (normally inherits from ``fsspec.AbstractFileSystem``, gets added straight to the registry. If a str, the full path to an implementation class like package.module.class, which gets added to known_implementations, so the import is deferred until the filesystem is actually used. clobber: bool (optional) Whether to overwrite a protocol with the same name; if False, will raise instead. errtxt: str (optional) If given, then a failure to import the given class will result in this text being given. FclasszName (z;) already in the known_implementations and clobber is Falsez import failed for protocol r errz.) already in the registry and clobber is FalseN) isinstancestrknown_implementations ValueErrorrr)nameclsclobbererrtxts X/var/lib/jenkins/workspace/mettalog/venv/lib/python3.12/site-packages/fsspec/registry.pyregister_implementationrs(#s ( (W-=+D1':: TF#  KC5(DTF!K+ !$ ' ; 8 5 0c) TF"PQ* "IdOabfszadlfs.AzureBlobFileSystemzBInstall adlfs to access Azure Datalake Gen2 and Azure Blob Storager adlzadlfs.AzureDatalakeFileSystemz+Install adlfs to access Azure Datalake Gen1 arrow_hdfsz-fsspec.implementations.arrow.HadoopFileSystemz2pyarrow and local java libraries required for HDFS asynclocalz&morefs.asyn_local.AsyncLocalFileSystemz:Install 'morefs[asynclocalfs]' to use AsyncLocalFileSystemaz blockcacher z/fsspec.implementations.cached.CachingFileSystemboxzboxfs.BoxFileSystemz,Please install boxfs to access BoxFileSystemcacheddaskz0fsspec.implementations.dask.DaskWorkerFileSystemz5Install dask distributed to access worker file systemdataz*fsspec.implementations.data.DataFileSystemdbfsz0fsspec.implementations.dbfs.DatabricksFileSystemz? ?#H- 1 #HmCL.I J 8 CsJ%);; J  1c%j)q 0 1sA** B3BBzYour installed version of s3fs is very old and known to cause severe performance issues, see also https://github.com/dask/dask/issues/10276 To fix, you should specify a lower version bound on s3fs, or update the current installation. cd|vr|jdd\}}n|jdd\}}|dk(}tj|}|r9|jj dddgkrt j t|j dD]}t||}t|tst|d|S)aKTake a fully-qualified path and return the imported class or identifier. ``fqp`` is of the form "package.module.klass" or "package.module:subobject.klass". Warnings -------- This can import arbitrary modules. Make sure you haven't installed any modules that may execute malicious code at import time. :.s3fs05z is not a class) rsplit importlib import_module __version__splitwarningswarns3_msgrMr type TypeError)fqpmodris_s3parts rrKrKs czJJsA& TJJsA& T 6ME  ! !# &C &&s+sCj8 f 3c4   c4 3%/00 Jrc f|dk(rtjdtt|}|di|S)zInstantiate filesystems for given protocol and arguments ``storage_options`` are specific to the protocol being chosen, and are passed directly to the class. rzfThe 'arrow_hdfs' protocol has been deprecated and will be removed in the future. Specify it as 'hdfs'.)r\r]DeprecationWarningr)rIstorage_optionsrs r filesystemri!s: <  ;  x (C  ! !!rc ttS)zReturn a list of the implemented protocols. Note that any given protocol may require extra packages to be importable. )listrrfrravailable_protocolsrl2s % &&r)FN)rar) __future__rrXtypesr\__all__r__annotations__MappingProxyTyperrrrrksortedrr^rKrirlrfrrrssC"  9 ? "5 ! !) , ("ZY ,S Y  0<  Y@CY9KY" ,S #Y*7MN+Y, &= -Y4 wIJ5Y6 CF 7Y> WB C?Y@ CM AYH GA BIYJ8 (KYX (4 YY` WD EaYb'STcYd G? @eYf &> gYn 1CoYv; IYP @C QYX /? YY` =Q aYh =QiYp C= qYxC=yY@ /FAYHI4IYP gE FQYR wHISYT &; UY^'6 'F QR1 0 (0K L(1L M=C RS;P  >C  ? @(1R S21 :C ? @qYv !"f' < :""'r