from __future__ import annotations import os import sys import shutil import tarfile import platform import subprocess from typing import TYPE_CHECKING, List from pathlib import Path from argparse import ArgumentParser import httpx from .._errors import CLIError, SilentCLIError from .._models import BaseModel if TYPE_CHECKING: from argparse import _SubParsersAction def register(subparser: _SubParsersAction[ArgumentParser]) -> None: sub = subparser.add_parser("migrate") sub.set_defaults(func=migrate, args_model=MigrateArgs, allow_unknown_args=True) sub = subparser.add_parser("grit") sub.set_defaults(func=grit, args_model=GritArgs, allow_unknown_args=True) class GritArgs(BaseModel): # internal unknown_args: List[str] = [] def grit(args: GritArgs) -> None: grit_path = install() try: subprocess.check_call([grit_path, *args.unknown_args]) except subprocess.CalledProcessError: # stdout and stderr are forwarded by subprocess so an error will already # have been displayed raise SilentCLIError() from None class MigrateArgs(BaseModel): # internal unknown_args: List[str] = [] def migrate(args: MigrateArgs) -> None: grit_path = install() try: subprocess.check_call([grit_path, "apply", "openai", *args.unknown_args]) except subprocess.CalledProcessError: # stdout and stderr are forwarded by subprocess so an error will already # have been displayed raise SilentCLIError() from None # handles downloading the Grit CLI until they provide their own PyPi package KEYGEN_ACCOUNT = "custodian-dev" def _cache_dir() -> Path: xdg = os.environ.get("XDG_CACHE_HOME") if xdg is not None: return Path(xdg) return Path.home() / ".cache" def _debug(message: str) -> None: if not os.environ.get("DEBUG"): return sys.stdout.write(f"[DEBUG]: {message}\n") def install() -> Path: """Installs the Grit CLI and returns the location of the binary""" if sys.platform == "win32": raise CLIError("Windows is not supported yet in the migration CLI") _debug("Using Grit installer from GitHub") platform = "apple-darwin" if sys.platform == "darwin" else "unknown-linux-gnu" dir_name = _cache_dir() / "openai-python" install_dir = dir_name / ".install" target_dir = install_dir / "bin" target_path = target_dir / "marzano" temp_file = target_dir / "marzano.tmp" if target_path.exists(): _debug(f"{target_path} already exists") sys.stdout.flush() return target_path _debug(f"Using Grit CLI path: {target_path}") target_dir.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True) if temp_file.exists(): temp_file.unlink() arch = _get_arch() _debug(f"Using architecture {arch}") file_name = f"marzano-{arch}-{platform}" download_url = f"{file_name}.tar.gz" sys.stdout.write(f"Downloading Grit CLI from {download_url}\n") with httpx.Client() as client: download_response = client.get(download_url, follow_redirects=True) if download_response.status_code != 200: raise CLIError(f"Failed to download Grit CLI from {download_url}") with open(temp_file, "wb") as file: for chunk in download_response.iter_bytes(): file.write(chunk) unpacked_dir = target_dir / "cli-bin" unpacked_dir.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True) with, "r:gz") as archive: if sys.version_info >= (3, 12): archive.extractall(unpacked_dir, filter="data") else: archive.extractall(unpacked_dir) _move_files_recursively(unpacked_dir, target_dir) shutil.rmtree(unpacked_dir) os.remove(temp_file) os.chmod(target_path, 0o755) sys.stdout.flush() return target_path def _move_files_recursively(source_dir: Path, target_dir: Path) -> None: for item in source_dir.iterdir(): if item.is_file(): item.rename(target_dir / elif item.is_dir(): _move_files_recursively(item, target_dir) def _get_arch() -> str: architecture = platform.machine().lower() # Map the architecture names to Grit equivalents arch_map = { "x86_64": "x86_64", "amd64": "x86_64", "armv7l": "aarch64", "arm64": "aarch64", } return arch_map.get(architecture, architecture)