r"""Activation dynamics for musclotendon models. Musculotendon models are able to produce active force when they are activated, which is when a chemical process has taken place within the muscle fibers causing them to voluntarily contract. Biologically this chemical process (the diffusion of :math:`\textrm{Ca}^{2+}` ions) is not the input in the system, electrical signals from the nervous system are. These are termed excitations. Activation dynamics, which relates the normalized excitation level to the normalized activation level, can be modeled by the models present in this module. """ from abc import ABC, abstractmethod from functools import cached_property from sympy.core.symbol import Symbol from sympy.core.numbers import Float, Integer, Rational from sympy.functions.elementary.hyperbolic import tanh from sympy.matrices.dense import MutableDenseMatrix as Matrix, zeros from sympy.physics.biomechanics._mixin import _NamedMixin from sympy.physics.mechanics import dynamicsymbols __all__ = [ 'ActivationBase', 'FirstOrderActivationDeGroote2016', 'ZerothOrderActivation', ] class ActivationBase(ABC, _NamedMixin): """Abstract base class for all activation dynamics classes to inherit from. Notes ===== Instances of this class cannot be directly instantiated by users. However, it can be used to created custom activation dynamics types through subclassing. """ def __init__(self, name): """Initializer for ``ActivationBase``.""" self.name = str(name) # Symbols self._e = dynamicsymbols(f"e_{name}") self._a = dynamicsymbols(f"a_{name}") @classmethod @abstractmethod def with_defaults(cls, name): """Alternate constructor that provides recommended defaults for constants.""" pass @property def excitation(self): """Dynamic symbol representing excitation. Explanation =========== The alias ``e`` can also be used to access the same attribute. """ return self._e @property def e(self): """Dynamic symbol representing excitation. Explanation =========== The alias ``excitation`` can also be used to access the same attribute. """ return self._e @property def activation(self): """Dynamic symbol representing activation. Explanation =========== The alias ``a`` can also be used to access the same attribute. """ return self._a @property def a(self): """Dynamic symbol representing activation. Explanation =========== The alias ``activation`` can also be used to access the same attribute. """ return self._a @property @abstractmethod def order(self): """Order of the (differential) equation governing activation.""" pass @property @abstractmethod def state_vars(self): """Ordered column matrix of functions of time that represent the state variables. Explanation =========== The alias ``x`` can also be used to access the same attribute. """ pass @property @abstractmethod def x(self): """Ordered column matrix of functions of time that represent the state variables. Explanation =========== The alias ``state_vars`` can also be used to access the same attribute. """ pass @property @abstractmethod def input_vars(self): """Ordered column matrix of functions of time that represent the input variables. Explanation =========== The alias ``r`` can also be used to access the same attribute. """ pass @property @abstractmethod def r(self): """Ordered column matrix of functions of time that represent the input variables. Explanation =========== The alias ``input_vars`` can also be used to access the same attribute. """ pass @property @abstractmethod def constants(self): """Ordered column matrix of non-time varying symbols present in ``M`` and ``F``. Only symbolic constants are returned. If a numeric type (e.g. ``Float``) has been used instead of ``Symbol`` for a constant then that attribute will not be included in the matrix returned by this property. This is because the primary use of this property attribute is to provide an ordered sequence of the still-free symbols that require numeric values during code generation. Explanation =========== The alias ``p`` can also be used to access the same attribute. """ pass @property @abstractmethod def p(self): """Ordered column matrix of non-time varying symbols present in ``M`` and ``F``. Only symbolic constants are returned. If a numeric type (e.g. ``Float``) has been used instead of ``Symbol`` for a constant then that attribute will not be included in the matrix returned by this property. This is because the primary use of this property attribute is to provide an ordered sequence of the still-free symbols that require numeric values during code generation. Explanation =========== The alias ``constants`` can also be used to access the same attribute. """ pass @property @abstractmethod def M(self): """Ordered square matrix of coefficients on the LHS of ``M x' = F``. Explanation =========== The square matrix that forms part of the LHS of the linear system of ordinary differential equations governing the activation dynamics: ``M(x, r, t, p) x' = F(x, r, t, p)``. """ pass @property @abstractmethod def F(self): """Ordered column matrix of equations on the RHS of ``M x' = F``. Explanation =========== The column matrix that forms the RHS of the linear system of ordinary differential equations governing the activation dynamics: ``M(x, r, t, p) x' = F(x, r, t, p)``. """ pass @abstractmethod def rhs(self): """ Explanation =========== The solution to the linear system of ordinary differential equations governing the activation dynamics: ``M(x, r, t, p) x' = F(x, r, t, p)``. """ pass def __eq__(self, other): """Equality check for activation dynamics.""" if type(self) != type(other): return False if self.name != other.name: return False return True def __repr__(self): """Default representation of activation dynamics.""" return f'{self.__class__.__name__}({self.name!r})' class ZerothOrderActivation(ActivationBase): """Simple zeroth-order activation dynamics mapping excitation to activation. Explanation =========== Zeroth-order activation dynamics are useful in instances where you want to reduce the complexity of your musculotendon dynamics as they simple map exictation to activation. As a result, no additional state equations are introduced to your system. They also remove a potential source of delay between the input and dynamics of your system as no (ordinary) differential equations are involed. """ def __init__(self, name): """Initializer for ``ZerothOrderActivation``. Parameters ========== name : str The name identifier associated with the instance. Must be a string of length at least 1. """ super().__init__(name) # Zeroth-order activation dynamics has activation equal excitation so # overwrite the symbol for activation with the excitation symbol. self._a = self._e @classmethod def with_defaults(cls, name): """Alternate constructor that provides recommended defaults for constants. Explanation =========== As this concrete class doesn't implement any constants associated with its dynamics, this ``classmethod`` simply creates a standard instance of ``ZerothOrderActivation``. An implementation is provided to ensure a consistent interface between all ``ActivationBase`` concrete classes. """ return cls(name) @property def order(self): """Order of the (differential) equation governing activation.""" return 0 @property def state_vars(self): """Ordered column matrix of functions of time that represent the state variables. Explanation =========== As zeroth-order activation dynamics simply maps excitation to activation, this class has no associated state variables and so this property return an empty column ``Matrix`` with shape (0, 1). The alias ``x`` can also be used to access the same attribute. """ return zeros(0, 1) @property def x(self): """Ordered column matrix of functions of time that represent the state variables. Explanation =========== As zeroth-order activation dynamics simply maps excitation to activation, this class has no associated state variables and so this property return an empty column ``Matrix`` with shape (0, 1). The alias ``state_vars`` can also be used to access the same attribute. """ return zeros(0, 1) @property def input_vars(self): """Ordered column matrix of functions of time that represent the input variables. Explanation =========== Excitation is the only input in zeroth-order activation dynamics and so this property returns a column ``Matrix`` with one entry, ``e``, and shape (1, 1). The alias ``r`` can also be used to access the same attribute. """ return Matrix([self._e]) @property def r(self): """Ordered column matrix of functions of time that represent the input variables. Explanation =========== Excitation is the only input in zeroth-order activation dynamics and so this property returns a column ``Matrix`` with one entry, ``e``, and shape (1, 1). The alias ``input_vars`` can also be used to access the same attribute. """ return Matrix([self._e]) @property def constants(self): """Ordered column matrix of non-time varying symbols present in ``M`` and ``F``. Only symbolic constants are returned. If a numeric type (e.g. ``Float``) has been used instead of ``Symbol`` for a constant then that attribute will not be included in the matrix returned by this property. This is because the primary use of this property attribute is to provide an ordered sequence of the still-free symbols that require numeric values during code generation. Explanation =========== As zeroth-order activation dynamics simply maps excitation to activation, this class has no associated constants and so this property return an empty column ``Matrix`` with shape (0, 1). The alias ``p`` can also be used to access the same attribute. """ return zeros(0, 1) @property def p(self): """Ordered column matrix of non-time varying symbols present in ``M`` and ``F``. Only symbolic constants are returned. If a numeric type (e.g. ``Float``) has been used instead of ``Symbol`` for a constant then that attribute will not be included in the matrix returned by this property. This is because the primary use of this property attribute is to provide an ordered sequence of the still-free symbols that require numeric values during code generation. Explanation =========== As zeroth-order activation dynamics simply maps excitation to activation, this class has no associated constants and so this property return an empty column ``Matrix`` with shape (0, 1). The alias ``constants`` can also be used to access the same attribute. """ return zeros(0, 1) @property def M(self): """Ordered square matrix of coefficients on the LHS of ``M x' = F``. Explanation =========== The square matrix that forms part of the LHS of the linear system of ordinary differential equations governing the activation dynamics: ``M(x, r, t, p) x' = F(x, r, t, p)``. As zeroth-order activation dynamics have no state variables, this linear system has dimension 0 and therefore ``M`` is an empty square ``Matrix`` with shape (0, 0). """ return Matrix([]) @property def F(self): """Ordered column matrix of equations on the RHS of ``M x' = F``. Explanation =========== The column matrix that forms the RHS of the linear system of ordinary differential equations governing the activation dynamics: ``M(x, r, t, p) x' = F(x, r, t, p)``. As zeroth-order activation dynamics have no state variables, this linear system has dimension 0 and therefore ``F`` is an empty column ``Matrix`` with shape (0, 1). """ return zeros(0, 1) def rhs(self): """Ordered column matrix of equations for the solution of ``M x' = F``. Explanation =========== The solution to the linear system of ordinary differential equations governing the activation dynamics: ``M(x, r, t, p) x' = F(x, r, t, p)``. As zeroth-order activation dynamics have no state variables, this linear has dimension 0 and therefore this method returns an empty column ``Matrix`` with shape (0, 1). """ return zeros(0, 1) class FirstOrderActivationDeGroote2016(ActivationBase): r"""First-order activation dynamics based on De Groote et al., 2016 [1]_. Explanation =========== Gives the first-order activation dynamics equation for the rate of change of activation with respect to time as a function of excitation and activation. The function is defined by the equation: .. math:: \frac{da}{dt} = \left(\frac{\frac{1}{2} + a0}{\tau_a \left(\frac{1}{2} + \frac{3a}{2}\right)} + \frac{\left(\frac{1}{2} + \frac{3a}{2}\right) \left(\frac{1}{2} - a0\right)}{\tau_d}\right) \left(e - a\right) where .. math:: a0 = \frac{\tanh{\left(b \left(e - a\right) \right)}}{2} with constant values of :math:`tau_a = 0.015`, :math:`tau_d = 0.060`, and :math:`b = 10`. References ========== .. [1] De Groote, F., Kinney, A. L., Rao, A. V., & Fregly, B. J., Evaluation of direct collocation optimal control problem formulations for solving the muscle redundancy problem, Annals of biomedical engineering, 44(10), (2016) pp. 2922-2936 """ def __init__(self, name, activation_time_constant=None, deactivation_time_constant=None, smoothing_rate=None, ): """Initializer for ``FirstOrderActivationDeGroote2016``. Parameters ========== activation time constant : Symbol | Number | None The value of the activation time constant governing the delay between excitation and activation when excitation exceeds activation. deactivation time constant : Symbol | Number | None The value of the deactivation time constant governing the delay between excitation and activation when activation exceeds excitation. smoothing_rate : Symbol | Number | None The slope of the hyperbolic tangent function used to smooth between the switching of the equations where excitation exceed activation and where activation exceeds excitation. The recommended value to use is ``10``, but values between ``0.1`` and ``100`` can be used. """ super().__init__(name) # Symbols self.activation_time_constant = activation_time_constant self.deactivation_time_constant = deactivation_time_constant self.smoothing_rate = smoothing_rate @classmethod def with_defaults(cls, name): r"""Alternate constructor that will use the published constants. Explanation =========== Returns an instance of ``FirstOrderActivationDeGroote2016`` using the three constant values specified in the original publication. These have the values: :math:`tau_a = 0.015` :math:`tau_d = 0.060` :math:`b = 10` """ tau_a = Float('0.015') tau_d = Float('0.060') b = Float('10.0') return cls(name, tau_a, tau_d, b) @property def activation_time_constant(self): """Delay constant for activation. Explanation =========== The alias ```tau_a`` can also be used to access the same attribute. """ return self._tau_a @activation_time_constant.setter def activation_time_constant(self, tau_a): if hasattr(self, '_tau_a'): msg = ( f'Can\'t set attribute `activation_time_constant` to ' f'{repr(tau_a)} as it is immutable and already has value ' f'{self._tau_a}.' ) raise AttributeError(msg) self._tau_a = Symbol(f'tau_a_{self.name}') if tau_a is None else tau_a @property def tau_a(self): """Delay constant for activation. Explanation =========== The alias ``activation_time_constant`` can also be used to access the same attribute. """ return self._tau_a @property def deactivation_time_constant(self): """Delay constant for deactivation. Explanation =========== The alias ``tau_d`` can also be used to access the same attribute. """ return self._tau_d @deactivation_time_constant.setter def deactivation_time_constant(self, tau_d): if hasattr(self, '_tau_d'): msg = ( f'Can\'t set attribute `deactivation_time_constant` to ' f'{repr(tau_d)} as it is immutable and already has value ' f'{self._tau_d}.' ) raise AttributeError(msg) self._tau_d = Symbol(f'tau_d_{self.name}') if tau_d is None else tau_d @property def tau_d(self): """Delay constant for deactivation. Explanation =========== The alias ``deactivation_time_constant`` can also be used to access the same attribute. """ return self._tau_d @property def smoothing_rate(self): """Smoothing constant for the hyperbolic tangent term. Explanation =========== The alias ``b`` can also be used to access the same attribute. """ return self._b @smoothing_rate.setter def smoothing_rate(self, b): if hasattr(self, '_b'): msg = ( f'Can\'t set attribute `smoothing_rate` to {b!r} as it is ' f'immutable and already has value {self._b!r}.' ) raise AttributeError(msg) self._b = Symbol(f'b_{self.name}') if b is None else b @property def b(self): """Smoothing constant for the hyperbolic tangent term. Explanation =========== The alias ``smoothing_rate`` can also be used to access the same attribute. """ return self._b @property def order(self): """Order of the (differential) equation governing activation.""" return 1 @property def state_vars(self): """Ordered column matrix of functions of time that represent the state variables. Explanation =========== The alias ``x`` can also be used to access the same attribute. """ return Matrix([self._a]) @property def x(self): """Ordered column matrix of functions of time that represent the state variables. Explanation =========== The alias ``state_vars`` can also be used to access the same attribute. """ return Matrix([self._a]) @property def input_vars(self): """Ordered column matrix of functions of time that represent the input variables. Explanation =========== The alias ``r`` can also be used to access the same attribute. """ return Matrix([self._e]) @property def r(self): """Ordered column matrix of functions of time that represent the input variables. Explanation =========== The alias ``input_vars`` can also be used to access the same attribute. """ return Matrix([self._e]) @property def constants(self): """Ordered column matrix of non-time varying symbols present in ``M`` and ``F``. Only symbolic constants are returned. If a numeric type (e.g. ``Float``) has been used instead of ``Symbol`` for a constant then that attribute will not be included in the matrix returned by this property. This is because the primary use of this property attribute is to provide an ordered sequence of the still-free symbols that require numeric values during code generation. Explanation =========== The alias ``p`` can also be used to access the same attribute. """ constants = [self._tau_a, self._tau_d, self._b] symbolic_constants = [c for c in constants if not c.is_number] return Matrix(symbolic_constants) if symbolic_constants else zeros(0, 1) @property def p(self): """Ordered column matrix of non-time varying symbols present in ``M`` and ``F``. Explanation =========== Only symbolic constants are returned. If a numeric type (e.g. ``Float``) has been used instead of ``Symbol`` for a constant then that attribute will not be included in the matrix returned by this property. This is because the primary use of this property attribute is to provide an ordered sequence of the still-free symbols that require numeric values during code generation. The alias ``constants`` can also be used to access the same attribute. """ constants = [self._tau_a, self._tau_d, self._b] symbolic_constants = [c for c in constants if not c.is_number] return Matrix(symbolic_constants) if symbolic_constants else zeros(0, 1) @property def M(self): """Ordered square matrix of coefficients on the LHS of ``M x' = F``. Explanation =========== The square matrix that forms part of the LHS of the linear system of ordinary differential equations governing the activation dynamics: ``M(x, r, t, p) x' = F(x, r, t, p)``. """ return Matrix([Integer(1)]) @property def F(self): """Ordered column matrix of equations on the RHS of ``M x' = F``. Explanation =========== The column matrix that forms the RHS of the linear system of ordinary differential equations governing the activation dynamics: ``M(x, r, t, p) x' = F(x, r, t, p)``. """ return Matrix([self._da_eqn]) def rhs(self): """Ordered column matrix of equations for the solution of ``M x' = F``. Explanation =========== The solution to the linear system of ordinary differential equations governing the activation dynamics: ``M(x, r, t, p) x' = F(x, r, t, p)``. """ return Matrix([self._da_eqn]) @cached_property def _da_eqn(self): HALF = Rational(1, 2) a0 = HALF * tanh(self._b * (self._e - self._a)) a1 = (HALF + Rational(3, 2) * self._a) a2 = (HALF + a0) / (self._tau_a * a1) a3 = a1 * (HALF - a0) / self._tau_d activation_dynamics_equation = (a2 + a3) * (self._e - self._a) return activation_dynamics_equation def __eq__(self, other): """Equality check for ``FirstOrderActivationDeGroote2016``.""" if type(self) != type(other): return False self_attrs = (self.name, self.tau_a, self.tau_d, self.b) other_attrs = (other.name, other.tau_a, other.tau_d, other.b) if self_attrs == other_attrs: return True return False def __repr__(self): """Representation of ``FirstOrderActivationDeGroote2016``.""" return ( f'{self.__class__.__name__}({self.name!r}, ' f'activation_time_constant={self.tau_a!r}, ' f'deactivation_time_constant={self.tau_d!r}, ' f'smoothing_rate={self.b!r})' )