from __future__ import annotations from typing import Any from sympy.external.gmpy import GROUND_TYPES from sympy.testing.pytest import raises, warns_deprecated_sympy from sympy.assumptions.ask import Q from sympy.core.function import (Function, WildFunction) from sympy.core.numbers import (AlgebraicNumber, Float, Integer, Rational) from sympy.core.singleton import S from sympy.core.symbol import (Dummy, Symbol, Wild, symbols) from sympy.core.sympify import sympify from sympy.functions.elementary.complexes import Abs from sympy.functions.elementary.miscellaneous import (root, sqrt) from sympy.functions.elementary.trigonometric import sin from sympy.functions.special.delta_functions import Heaviside from sympy.logic.boolalg import (false, true) from sympy.matrices.dense import (Matrix, ones) from sympy.matrices.expressions.matexpr import MatrixSymbol from sympy.matrices.immutable import ImmutableDenseMatrix from sympy.combinatorics import Cycle, Permutation from sympy.core.symbol import Str from sympy.geometry import Point, Ellipse from sympy.printing import srepr from sympy.polys import ring, field, ZZ, QQ, lex, grlex, Poly from sympy.polys.polyclasses import DMP from sympy.polys.agca.extensions import FiniteExtension x, y = symbols('x,y') # eval(srepr(expr)) == expr has to succeed in the right environment. The right # environment is the scope of "from sympy import *" for most cases. ENV: dict[str, Any] = {"Str": Str} exec("from sympy import *", ENV) def sT(expr, string, import_stmt=None, **kwargs): """ sT := sreprTest Tests that srepr delivers the expected string and that the condition eval(srepr(expr))==expr holds. """ if import_stmt is None: ENV2 = ENV else: ENV2 = ENV.copy() exec(import_stmt, ENV2) assert srepr(expr, **kwargs) == string assert eval(string, ENV2) == expr def test_printmethod(): class R(Abs): def _sympyrepr(self, printer): return "foo(%s)" % printer._print(self.args[0]) assert srepr(R(x)) == "foo(Symbol('x'))" def test_Add(): sT(x + y, "Add(Symbol('x'), Symbol('y'))") assert srepr(x**2 + 1, order='lex') == "Add(Pow(Symbol('x'), Integer(2)), Integer(1))" assert srepr(x**2 + 1, order='old') == "Add(Integer(1), Pow(Symbol('x'), Integer(2)))" assert srepr(sympify('x + 3 - 2', evaluate=False), order='none') == "Add(Symbol('x'), Integer(3), Mul(Integer(-1), Integer(2)))" def test_more_than_255_args_issue_10259(): from sympy.core.add import Add from sympy.core.mul import Mul for op in (Add, Mul): expr = op(*symbols('x:256')) assert eval(srepr(expr)) == expr def test_Function(): sT(Function("f")(x), "Function('f')(Symbol('x'))") # test unapplied Function sT(Function('f'), "Function('f')") sT(sin(x), "sin(Symbol('x'))") sT(sin, "sin") def test_Heaviside(): sT(Heaviside(x), "Heaviside(Symbol('x'))") sT(Heaviside(x, 1), "Heaviside(Symbol('x'), Integer(1))") def test_Geometry(): sT(Point(0, 0), "Point2D(Integer(0), Integer(0))") sT(Ellipse(Point(0, 0), 5, 1), "Ellipse(Point2D(Integer(0), Integer(0)), Integer(5), Integer(1))") # TODO more tests def test_Singletons(): sT(S.Catalan, 'Catalan') sT(S.ComplexInfinity, 'zoo') sT(S.EulerGamma, 'EulerGamma') sT(S.Exp1, 'E') sT(S.GoldenRatio, 'GoldenRatio') sT(S.TribonacciConstant, 'TribonacciConstant') sT(S.Half, 'Rational(1, 2)') sT(S.ImaginaryUnit, 'I') sT(S.Infinity, 'oo') sT(S.NaN, 'nan') sT(S.NegativeInfinity, '-oo') sT(S.NegativeOne, 'Integer(-1)') sT(S.One, 'Integer(1)') sT(S.Pi, 'pi') sT(S.Zero, 'Integer(0)') sT(S.Complexes, 'Complexes') sT(S.EmptySequence, 'EmptySequence') sT(S.EmptySet, 'EmptySet') # sT(S.IdentityFunction, 'Lambda(_x, _x)') sT(S.Naturals, 'Naturals') sT(S.Naturals0, 'Naturals0') sT(S.Rationals, 'Rationals') sT(S.Reals, 'Reals') sT(S.UniversalSet, 'UniversalSet') def test_Integer(): sT(Integer(4), "Integer(4)") def test_list(): sT([x, Integer(4)], "[Symbol('x'), Integer(4)]") def test_Matrix(): for cls, name in [(Matrix, "MutableDenseMatrix"), (ImmutableDenseMatrix, "ImmutableDenseMatrix")]: sT(cls([[x**+1, 1], [y, x + y]]), "%s([[Symbol('x'), Integer(1)], [Symbol('y'), Add(Symbol('x'), Symbol('y'))]])" % name) sT(cls(), "%s([])" % name) sT(cls([[x**+1, 1], [y, x + y]]), "%s([[Symbol('x'), Integer(1)], [Symbol('y'), Add(Symbol('x'), Symbol('y'))]])" % name) def test_empty_Matrix(): sT(ones(0, 3), "MutableDenseMatrix(0, 3, [])") sT(ones(4, 0), "MutableDenseMatrix(4, 0, [])") sT(ones(0, 0), "MutableDenseMatrix([])") def test_Rational(): sT(Rational(1, 3), "Rational(1, 3)") sT(Rational(-1, 3), "Rational(-1, 3)") def test_Float(): sT(Float('1.23', dps=3), "Float('1.22998', precision=13)") sT(Float('1.23456789', dps=9), "Float('1.23456788994', precision=33)") sT(Float('1.234567890123456789', dps=19), "Float('1.234567890123456789013', precision=66)") sT(Float('0.60038617995049726', dps=15), "Float('0.60038617995049726', precision=53)") sT(Float('1.23', precision=13), "Float('1.22998', precision=13)") sT(Float('1.23456789', precision=33), "Float('1.23456788994', precision=33)") sT(Float('1.234567890123456789', precision=66), "Float('1.234567890123456789013', precision=66)") sT(Float('0.60038617995049726', precision=53), "Float('0.60038617995049726', precision=53)") sT(Float('0.60038617995049726', 15), "Float('0.60038617995049726', precision=53)") def test_Symbol(): sT(x, "Symbol('x')") sT(y, "Symbol('y')") sT(Symbol('x', negative=True), "Symbol('x', negative=True)") def test_Symbol_two_assumptions(): x = Symbol('x', negative=0, integer=1) # order could vary s1 = "Symbol('x', integer=True, negative=False)" s2 = "Symbol('x', negative=False, integer=True)" assert srepr(x) in (s1, s2) assert eval(srepr(x), ENV) == x def test_Symbol_no_special_commutative_treatment(): sT(Symbol('x'), "Symbol('x')") sT(Symbol('x', commutative=False), "Symbol('x', commutative=False)") sT(Symbol('x', commutative=0), "Symbol('x', commutative=False)") sT(Symbol('x', commutative=True), "Symbol('x', commutative=True)") sT(Symbol('x', commutative=1), "Symbol('x', commutative=True)") def test_Wild(): sT(Wild('x', even=True), "Wild('x', even=True)") def test_Dummy(): d = Dummy('d') sT(d, "Dummy('d', dummy_index=%s)" % str(d.dummy_index)) def test_Dummy_assumption(): d = Dummy('d', nonzero=True) assert d == eval(srepr(d)) s1 = "Dummy('d', dummy_index=%s, nonzero=True)" % str(d.dummy_index) s2 = "Dummy('d', nonzero=True, dummy_index=%s)" % str(d.dummy_index) assert srepr(d) in (s1, s2) def test_Dummy_from_Symbol(): # should not get the full dictionary of assumptions n = Symbol('n', integer=True) d = n.as_dummy() assert srepr(d ) == "Dummy('n', dummy_index=%s)" % str(d.dummy_index) def test_tuple(): sT((x,), "(Symbol('x'),)") sT((x, y), "(Symbol('x'), Symbol('y'))") def test_WildFunction(): sT(WildFunction('w'), "WildFunction('w')") def test_settins(): raises(TypeError, lambda: srepr(x, method="garbage")) def test_Mul(): sT(3*x**3*y, "Mul(Integer(3), Pow(Symbol('x'), Integer(3)), Symbol('y'))") assert srepr(3*x**3*y, order='old') == "Mul(Integer(3), Symbol('y'), Pow(Symbol('x'), Integer(3)))" assert srepr(sympify('(x+4)*2*x*7', evaluate=False), order='none') == "Mul(Add(Symbol('x'), Integer(4)), Integer(2), Symbol('x'), Integer(7))" def test_AlgebraicNumber(): a = AlgebraicNumber(sqrt(2)) sT(a, "AlgebraicNumber(Pow(Integer(2), Rational(1, 2)), [Integer(1), Integer(0)])") a = AlgebraicNumber(root(-2, 3)) sT(a, "AlgebraicNumber(Pow(Integer(-2), Rational(1, 3)), [Integer(1), Integer(0)])") def test_PolyRing(): assert srepr(ring("x", ZZ, lex)[0]) == "PolyRing((Symbol('x'),), ZZ, lex)" assert srepr(ring("x,y", QQ, grlex)[0]) == "PolyRing((Symbol('x'), Symbol('y')), QQ, grlex)" assert srepr(ring("x,y,z", ZZ["t"], lex)[0]) == "PolyRing((Symbol('x'), Symbol('y'), Symbol('z')), ZZ[t], lex)" def test_FracField(): assert srepr(field("x", ZZ, lex)[0]) == "FracField((Symbol('x'),), ZZ, lex)" assert srepr(field("x,y", QQ, grlex)[0]) == "FracField((Symbol('x'), Symbol('y')), QQ, grlex)" assert srepr(field("x,y,z", ZZ["t"], lex)[0]) == "FracField((Symbol('x'), Symbol('y'), Symbol('z')), ZZ[t], lex)" def test_PolyElement(): R, x, y = ring("x,y", ZZ) assert srepr(3*x**2*y + 1) == "PolyElement(PolyRing((Symbol('x'), Symbol('y')), ZZ, lex), [((2, 1), 3), ((0, 0), 1)])" def test_FracElement(): F, x, y = field("x,y", ZZ) assert srepr((3*x**2*y + 1)/(x - y**2)) == "FracElement(FracField((Symbol('x'), Symbol('y')), ZZ, lex), [((2, 1), 3), ((0, 0), 1)], [((1, 0), 1), ((0, 2), -1)])" def test_FractionField(): assert srepr(QQ.frac_field(x)) == \ "FractionField(FracField((Symbol('x'),), QQ, lex))" assert srepr(QQ.frac_field(x, y, order=grlex)) == \ "FractionField(FracField((Symbol('x'), Symbol('y')), QQ, grlex))" def test_PolynomialRingBase(): assert srepr(ZZ.old_poly_ring(x)) == \ "GlobalPolynomialRing(ZZ, Symbol('x'))" assert srepr(ZZ[x].old_poly_ring(y)) == \ "GlobalPolynomialRing(ZZ[x], Symbol('y'))" assert srepr(QQ.frac_field(x).old_poly_ring(y)) == \ "GlobalPolynomialRing(FractionField(FracField((Symbol('x'),), QQ, lex)), Symbol('y'))" def test_DMP(): p1 = DMP([1, 2], ZZ) p2 = ZZ.old_poly_ring(x)([1, 2]) if GROUND_TYPES != 'flint': assert srepr(p1) == "DMP_Python([1, 2], ZZ)" assert srepr(p2) == "DMP_Python([1, 2], ZZ)" else: assert srepr(p1) == "DUP_Flint([1, 2], ZZ)" assert srepr(p2) == "DUP_Flint([1, 2], ZZ)" def test_FiniteExtension(): assert srepr(FiniteExtension(Poly(x**2 + 1, x))) == \ "FiniteExtension(Poly(x**2 + 1, x, domain='ZZ'))" def test_ExtensionElement(): A = FiniteExtension(Poly(x**2 + 1, x)) if GROUND_TYPES != 'flint': ans = "ExtElem(DMP_Python([1, 0], ZZ), FiniteExtension(Poly(x**2 + 1, x, domain='ZZ')))" else: ans = "ExtElem(DUP_Flint([1, 0], ZZ), FiniteExtension(Poly(x**2 + 1, x, domain='ZZ')))" assert srepr(A.generator) == ans def test_BooleanAtom(): assert srepr(true) == "true" assert srepr(false) == "false" def test_Integers(): sT(S.Integers, "Integers") def test_Naturals(): sT(S.Naturals, "Naturals") def test_Naturals0(): sT(S.Naturals0, "Naturals0") def test_Reals(): sT(S.Reals, "Reals") def test_matrix_expressions(): n = symbols('n', integer=True) A = MatrixSymbol("A", n, n) B = MatrixSymbol("B", n, n) sT(A, "MatrixSymbol(Str('A'), Symbol('n', integer=True), Symbol('n', integer=True))") sT(A*B, "MatMul(MatrixSymbol(Str('A'), Symbol('n', integer=True), Symbol('n', integer=True)), MatrixSymbol(Str('B'), Symbol('n', integer=True), Symbol('n', integer=True)))") sT(A + B, "MatAdd(MatrixSymbol(Str('A'), Symbol('n', integer=True), Symbol('n', integer=True)), MatrixSymbol(Str('B'), Symbol('n', integer=True), Symbol('n', integer=True)))") def test_Cycle(): # FIXME: sT fails because Cycle is not immutable and calling srepr(Cycle(1, 2)) # adds keys to the Cycle dict (GH-17661) #import_stmt = "from sympy.combinatorics import Cycle" #sT(Cycle(1, 2), "Cycle(1, 2)", import_stmt) assert srepr(Cycle(1, 2)) == "Cycle(1, 2)" def test_Permutation(): import_stmt = "from sympy.combinatorics import Permutation" sT(Permutation(1, 2)(3, 4), "Permutation([0, 2, 1, 4, 3])", import_stmt, perm_cyclic=False) sT(Permutation(1, 2)(3, 4), "Permutation(1, 2)(3, 4)", import_stmt, perm_cyclic=True) with warns_deprecated_sympy(): old_print_cyclic = Permutation.print_cyclic Permutation.print_cyclic = False sT(Permutation(1, 2)(3, 4), "Permutation([0, 2, 1, 4, 3])", import_stmt) Permutation.print_cyclic = old_print_cyclic def test_dict(): from import x, y, z d = {} assert srepr(d) == "{}" d = {x: y} assert srepr(d) == "{Symbol('x'): Symbol('y')}" d = {x: y, y: z} assert srepr(d) in ( "{Symbol('x'): Symbol('y'), Symbol('y'): Symbol('z')}", "{Symbol('y'): Symbol('z'), Symbol('x'): Symbol('y')}", ) d = {x: {y: z}} assert srepr(d) == "{Symbol('x'): {Symbol('y'): Symbol('z')}}" def test_set(): from import x, y s = set() assert srepr(s) == "set()" s = {x, y} assert srepr(s) in ("{Symbol('x'), Symbol('y')}", "{Symbol('y'), Symbol('x')}") def test_Predicate(): sT(Q.even, "Q.even") def test_AppliedPredicate(): sT(Q.even(Symbol('z')), "AppliedPredicate(Q.even, Symbol('z'))")