from typing import List, Optional, Sequence, Set, Union from torchgen import local from torchgen.api.types import ( ArgName, ArrayCType, ArrayRefCType, BaseCType, BaseTypeToCppMapping, Binding, boolT, ConstRefCType, CType, dimnameListT, intArrayRefT, iTensorListRefT, ListCType, longT, MutRefCType, NamedCType, OptionalCType, optionalIntArrayRefT, optionalSymIntArrayRefT, scalarT, SpecialArgName, symIntArrayRefT, SymIntT, tensorListT, tensorOptionsT, tensorT, TupleCType, VectorCType, voidT, ) from torchgen.model import ( Argument, Arguments, BaseTy, BaseType, FunctionSchema, ListType, NativeFunction, OptionalType, Return, SelfArgument, TensorOptionsArguments, Type, ) from torchgen.utils import assert_never # This file describes the translation of JIT schema to the public C++ # API, which is what people use when they call functions like at::add. # # Prominent characteristics of the C++ API: # # - dtype, layout, device and pin_memory are collected into # a single C++ type TensorOptions (the native functions API # also has this, but tensor options is really most relevant # for the C++ API; it makes calling kwarg factory functions # pleasant) # # - defaulting lives here (in fact, the dispatcher is completely # oblivious of defaults!) # # BTW: policy on name collisions: we try not to have types with # collisions, but functions are fair game to collide def name( func: FunctionSchema, *, faithful_name_for_out_overloads: bool = False, symint_overload: bool = False, ) -> str: name = str( if symint_overload: name += "_symint" if func.is_out_fn(): if faithful_name_for_out_overloads: name += "_outf" else: name += "_out" return name # Translation of "value types" in JIT schema to C++ API type. Value # types look the same no matter if they are argument types or return # types. Returns None if the type in question is not a value type. def valuetype_type( t: Type, *, binds: ArgName, remove_non_owning_ref_types: bool = False, symint: bool = False, ) -> Optional[NamedCType]: if isinstance(t, BaseType): if == BaseTy.Tensor or == BaseTy.Scalar: return None elif str(t) == "SymInt": if symint: return NamedCType(binds, BaseCType(SymIntT)) else: return NamedCType(binds, BaseCType(longT)) if remove_non_owning_ref_types: if == BaseTy.str: raise AssertionError( "string ref->value conversion: not implemented yet" ) # All other BaseType currently map directly to BaseCppTypes. return NamedCType(binds, BaseCType(BaseTypeToCppMapping[])) elif isinstance(t, OptionalType): elem = valuetype_type(t.elem, binds=binds, symint=symint) if elem is None: return None return NamedCType(binds, OptionalCType(elem.type)) elif isinstance(t, ListType): if str(t.elem) == "bool": assert t.size is not None return NamedCType(binds, ArrayCType(BaseCType(boolT), t.size)) else: return None else: raise AssertionError(f"unrecognized type {repr(t)}") # Translation of types occurring in JIT arguments to a C++ argument type. # If remove_non_owning_ref_types is set, we'll guarantee that the outputed CType is not a non-owning reference type. # For example, we'll return std::vector instead of IntArrayRef. # See Note [translation from C++ reference to value types] def argumenttype_type( t: Type, *, mutable: bool, binds: ArgName, remove_non_owning_ref_types: bool = False, symint: bool = False, ) -> NamedCType: # If it's a value type, do the value type translation r = valuetype_type( t, binds=binds, symint=symint, remove_non_owning_ref_types=remove_non_owning_ref_types, ) if r is not None: return r if isinstance(t, BaseType): if == BaseTy.Tensor: if mutable and not local.use_const_ref_for_mutable_tensors(): return NamedCType(binds, MutRefCType(BaseCType(tensorT))) else: return NamedCType(binds, ConstRefCType(BaseCType(tensorT))) elif == BaseTy.Scalar: return NamedCType(binds, ConstRefCType(BaseCType(scalarT))) else: raise AssertionError(f"base type should have been value type {t}") elif isinstance(t, OptionalType): if str(t.elem) == "Tensor": if mutable and not local.use_const_ref_for_mutable_tensors(): return NamedCType( binds, MutRefCType(BaseCType(tensorT)) ) # TODO: fix this discrepancy else: return NamedCType( binds, ConstRefCType(OptionalCType(BaseCType(tensorT))) ) elif str(t.elem) == "Scalar": return NamedCType(binds, ConstRefCType(OptionalCType(BaseCType(scalarT)))) elif isinstance(t.elem, ListType) and str(t.elem.elem) == "int": return NamedCType(binds, BaseCType(optionalIntArrayRefT)) elif isinstance(t.elem, ListType) and str(t.elem.elem) == "SymInt": if symint: return NamedCType(binds, BaseCType(optionalSymIntArrayRefT)) else: return NamedCType(binds, BaseCType(optionalIntArrayRefT)) elem = argumenttype_type(t.elem, mutable=mutable, binds=binds, symint=symint) return NamedCType(binds, OptionalCType(elem.type)) elif isinstance(t, ListType): # TODO: remove these special cases, ArrayRef fallthrough works fine if str(t.elem) == "int": if remove_non_owning_ref_types: return NamedCType(binds, VectorCType(BaseCType(longT))) else: return NamedCType(binds, BaseCType(intArrayRefT)) if str(t.elem) == "SymInt": if remove_non_owning_ref_types: if symint: return NamedCType(binds, VectorCType(BaseCType(SymIntT))) else: return NamedCType(binds, VectorCType(BaseCType(longT))) else: if symint: return NamedCType(binds, BaseCType(symIntArrayRefT)) else: return NamedCType(binds, BaseCType(intArrayRefT)) if str(t.elem) == "Tensor": if local.use_ilistref_for_tensor_lists(): return NamedCType(binds, ConstRefCType(BaseCType(iTensorListRefT))) else: return NamedCType(binds, BaseCType(tensorListT)) elif str(t.elem) == "Scalar": return NamedCType(binds, ArrayRefCType(BaseCType(scalarT))) elif str(t.elem) == "Dimname": return NamedCType(binds, BaseCType(dimnameListT)) elif str(t.elem) == "Tensor?": return NamedCType( binds, ConstRefCType(ListCType(OptionalCType(BaseCType(tensorT)))) ) elem = argumenttype_type(t.elem, mutable=mutable, binds=binds, symint=symint) return NamedCType(binds, ArrayRefCType(elem.type)) else: raise AssertionError(f"unrecognized type {repr(t)}") # Translate a JIT argument into its C++ type def argument_type(a: Argument, *, binds: ArgName, symint: bool = False) -> NamedCType: return argumenttype_type(a.type, mutable=a.is_write, symint=symint, binds=binds) # Translation of a (non-multi) return type from JIT to C++ # N.B: returntype_type returns a CType, not a NamedCType. # This is mostly because of the mismatch between return types and return names. # e.g. a function with a return type of 'void' has 0 return names, # and a function with a return type of 'std::tuple' has >1 return name. def returntype_type(t: Type, *, mutable: bool, symint: bool = False) -> CType: # placeholder is ignored # NB: symint is ALWAYS respected for return types. So symint argument # here is IGNORED r = valuetype_type(t, binds="__placeholder__", symint=True) if r is not None: return r.type if isinstance(t, BaseType): if == BaseTy.Tensor: if mutable: if local.use_const_ref_for_mutable_tensors(): return ConstRefCType(BaseCType(tensorT)) else: return MutRefCType(BaseCType(tensorT)) else: # Note [Tensor Copy Returns] # Currently, we use "Argument.is_write" to determine # whether or not Tensor return types should be copies or references. # If that ever changes, take a look at other locations of this note! return BaseCType(tensorT) elif == BaseTy.Scalar: return BaseCType(scalarT) elif isinstance(t, ListType): assert ( not mutable ), "Native functions should never return a mutable tensor list. They should return void." elem = returntype_type(t.elem, mutable=False) assert t.size is None, f"fixed size list returns not supported: {t}" return VectorCType(elem) elif isinstance(t, OptionalType): elem = returntype_type(t.elem, mutable=mutable) if str(t.elem) == "Tensor": return OptionalCType(elem) raise AssertionError(f"unrecognized return type {t}") # Translation of a single return to its C++ type def return_type(r: Return, *, symint: bool = False) -> CType: return returntype_type(r.type, mutable=r.is_write, symint=symint) # Translation of a full (possibly multi) return from JIT to its C++ type def returns_type(rs: Sequence[Return], *, symint: bool = False) -> CType: if len(rs) == 0: return BaseCType(voidT) elif len(rs) == 1: return return_type(rs[0], symint=symint) else: return TupleCType([return_type(r, symint=symint) for r in rs]) def return_names(f: NativeFunction, *, fallback_name: str = "result") -> Sequence[str]: returns: List[str] = [] for i, r in enumerate(f.func.returns): # If we have an inplace function, the return argument is # implicitly named self. # TODO: Consider incorporating this into the data model if assert i == 0, "illegal inplace function with multiple returns" name = "self" # If we are out function, the name is the name of the # corresponding output function ( will get recorded # in field_name later.) elif f.func.is_out_fn(): name = f.func.arguments.out[i].name # If the return argument is explicitly named... elif name_conflict = any( == for a in f.func.schema_order_arguments() ) if name_conflict and not f.func.is_out_fn(): name = f"{}_return" else: name = # If there is no explicit name and no fallback name was passed in, we just name the output result, # unless it's a multi-return, in which case it's result0, # result1, etc (zero-indexed) else: name = fallback_name if len(f.func.returns) == 1 else f"{fallback_name}{i}" returns.append(name) return returns JIT_TO_CPP_DEFAULT = { "False": "false", "True": "true", "None": "::std::nullopt", # UGH this one is type directed "Mean": "at::Reduction::Mean", "[]": "{}", "contiguous_format": "MemoryFormat::Contiguous", "long": "at::kLong", } # Convert a JIT default into C++ expression representing the default def default_expr(d: str, t: Type, *, symint: bool) -> str: if d == "None" and str(t) == "Tensor?": return "{}" if isinstance(t, BaseType) and is BaseTy.str: # Schema allows single quotes but C++ needs double if len(d) >= 2 and d[0] == "'" and d[-1] == "'": s = "" i = 1 while i + 1 < len(d): if d[i] != "\\": if d[i] == '"': s += '\\"' else: s += d[i] i += 1 else: if d[i + 1] == "'": s += "'" else: s += d[i : i + 2] i += 2 return f'"{s}"' if isinstance(t, OptionalType): if d == "None": return "::std::nullopt" return default_expr(d, t.elem, symint=symint) if isinstance(t, ListType): if d.startswith("[") and d.endswith("]"): return "{" + d[1:-1] + "}" elif symint and d.isdigit() and str(t.elem) == "SymInt": return f"c10::SymInt({d})" elif t.size is None: # NOTE: Sized lists can have scalar defaults raise ValueError(f"Expected a list default '[...]' but found: '{d}'") return JIT_TO_CPP_DEFAULT.get(d, d) # Convert an argument into its C++ API form def argument( a: Union[Argument, TensorOptionsArguments, SelfArgument], *, cpp_no_default_args: Set[str], method: bool, faithful: bool, symint: bool = False, has_tensor_options: bool, ) -> List[Binding]: def sub_argument( a: Union[Argument, TensorOptionsArguments, SelfArgument] ) -> List[Binding]: return argument( a, cpp_no_default_args=cpp_no_default_args, method=method, faithful=faithful, symint=symint, has_tensor_options=has_tensor_options, ) if isinstance(a, Argument): binds: ArgName if == "memory_format" and has_tensor_options: binds = SpecialArgName.possibly_redundant_memory_format else: binds = default: Optional[str] = None if not in cpp_no_default_args and a.default is not None: default = default_expr(a.default, a.type, symint=symint) return [ Binding( nctype=argument_type(a, binds=binds, symint=symint),, default=default, argument=a, ) ] elif isinstance(a, TensorOptionsArguments): if faithful: return ( sub_argument(a.dtype) + sub_argument(a.layout) + sub_argument(a.device) + sub_argument(a.pin_memory) ) else: default = None # Enforced by NativeFunction.__post_init__ assert "options" not in cpp_no_default_args if all(x.default == "None" for x in a.all()): default = "{}" elif a.dtype.default == "long": default = "at::kLong" # TODO: this is wrong return [ Binding( nctype=NamedCType("options", BaseCType(tensorOptionsT)), name="options", default=default, argument=a, ) ] elif isinstance(a, SelfArgument): if method: # Caller is responsible for installing implicit this in context! return [] else: return sub_argument(a.argument) else: assert_never(a) def arguments( arguments: Arguments, *, faithful: bool, symint: bool = False, method: bool, cpp_no_default_args: Set[str], ) -> List[Binding]: args: List[Union[Argument, TensorOptionsArguments, SelfArgument]] = [] if faithful: args.extend(arguments.non_out) args.extend(arguments.out) else: args.extend(arguments.out) args.extend(arguments.non_out) return [ r.no_default() if faithful else r for a in args for r in argument( a, faithful=faithful, symint=symint, method=method, has_tensor_options=arguments.tensor_options is not None, cpp_no_default_args=cpp_no_default_args, ) ]