import functools from typing import List, Union import torch import torch.fx from torch import nn, Tensor from torch._dynamo.utils import is_compile_supported from torch.jit.annotations import BroadcastingList2 from torch.nn.modules.utils import _pair from torchvision.extension import _assert_has_ops, _has_ops from ..utils import _log_api_usage_once from ._utils import check_roi_boxes_shape, convert_boxes_to_roi_format def lazy_compile(**compile_kwargs): """Lazily wrap a function with torch.compile on the first call This avoids eagerly importing dynamo. """ def decorate_fn(fn): @functools.wraps(fn) def compile_hook(*args, **kwargs): compiled_fn = torch.compile(fn, **compile_kwargs) globals()[fn.__name__] = functools.wraps(fn)(compiled_fn) return compiled_fn(*args, **kwargs) return compile_hook return decorate_fn # NB: all inputs are tensors def _bilinear_interpolate( input, # [N, C, H, W] roi_batch_ind, # [K] y, # [K, PH, IY] x, # [K, PW, IX] ymask, # [K, IY] xmask, # [K, IX] ): _, channels, height, width = input.size() # deal with inverse element out of feature map boundary y = y.clamp(min=0) x = x.clamp(min=0) y_low = x_low = y_high = torch.where(y_low >= height - 1, height - 1, y_low + 1) y_low = torch.where(y_low >= height - 1, height - 1, y_low) y = torch.where(y_low >= height - 1,, y) x_high = torch.where(x_low >= width - 1, width - 1, x_low + 1) x_low = torch.where(x_low >= width - 1, width - 1, x_low) x = torch.where(x_low >= width - 1,, x) ly = y - y_low lx = x - x_low hy = 1.0 - ly hx = 1.0 - lx # do bilinear interpolation, but respect the masking! # TODO: It's possible the masking here is unnecessary if y and # x were clamped appropriately; hard to tell def masked_index( y, # [K, PH, IY] x, # [K, PW, IX] ): if ymask is not None: assert xmask is not None y = torch.where(ymask[:, None, :], y, 0) x = torch.where(xmask[:, None, :], x, 0) return input[ roi_batch_ind[:, None, None, None, None, None], torch.arange(channels, device=input.device)[None, :, None, None, None, None], y[:, None, :, None, :, None], # prev [K, PH, IY] x[:, None, None, :, None, :], # prev [K, PW, IX] ] # [K, C, PH, PW, IY, IX] v1 = masked_index(y_low, x_low) v2 = masked_index(y_low, x_high) v3 = masked_index(y_high, x_low) v4 = masked_index(y_high, x_high) # all ws preemptively [K, C, PH, PW, IY, IX] def outer_prod(y, x): return y[:, None, :, None, :, None] * x[:, None, None, :, None, :] w1 = outer_prod(hy, hx) w2 = outer_prod(hy, lx) w3 = outer_prod(ly, hx) w4 = outer_prod(ly, lx) val = w1 * v1 + w2 * v2 + w3 * v3 + w4 * v4 return val # TODO: this doesn't actually cache # TODO: main library should make this easier to do def maybe_cast(tensor): if torch.is_autocast_enabled() and tensor.is_cuda and tensor.dtype != torch.double: return tensor.float() else: return tensor # This is a pure Python and differentiable implementation of roi_align. When # run in eager mode, it uses a lot of memory, but when compiled it has # acceptable memory usage. The main point of this implementation is that # its backwards is deterministic. # It is transcribed directly off of the roi_align CUDA kernel, see # @lazy_compile(dynamic=True) def _roi_align(input, rois, spatial_scale, pooled_height, pooled_width, sampling_ratio, aligned): orig_dtype = input.dtype input = maybe_cast(input) rois = maybe_cast(rois) _, _, height, width = input.size() ph = torch.arange(pooled_height, device=input.device) # [PH] pw = torch.arange(pooled_width, device=input.device) # [PW] # input: [N, C, H, W] # rois: [K, 5] roi_batch_ind = rois[:, 0].int() # [K] offset = 0.5 if aligned else 0.0 roi_start_w = rois[:, 1] * spatial_scale - offset # [K] roi_start_h = rois[:, 2] * spatial_scale - offset # [K] roi_end_w = rois[:, 3] * spatial_scale - offset # [K] roi_end_h = rois[:, 4] * spatial_scale - offset # [K] roi_width = roi_end_w - roi_start_w # [K] roi_height = roi_end_h - roi_start_h # [K] if not aligned: roi_width = torch.clamp(roi_width, min=1.0) # [K] roi_height = torch.clamp(roi_height, min=1.0) # [K] bin_size_h = roi_height / pooled_height # [K] bin_size_w = roi_width / pooled_width # [K] exact_sampling = sampling_ratio > 0 roi_bin_grid_h = sampling_ratio if exact_sampling else torch.ceil(roi_height / pooled_height) # scalar or [K] roi_bin_grid_w = sampling_ratio if exact_sampling else torch.ceil(roi_width / pooled_width) # scalar or [K] """ iy, ix = dims(2) """ if exact_sampling: count = max(roi_bin_grid_h * roi_bin_grid_w, 1) # scalar iy = torch.arange(roi_bin_grid_h, device=input.device) # [IY] ix = torch.arange(roi_bin_grid_w, device=input.device) # [IX] ymask = None xmask = None else: count = torch.clamp(roi_bin_grid_h * roi_bin_grid_w, min=1) # [K] # When doing adaptive sampling, the number of samples we need to do # is data-dependent based on how big the ROIs are. This is a bit # awkward because first-class dims can't actually handle this. # So instead, we inefficiently suppose that we needed to sample ALL # the points and mask out things that turned out to be unnecessary iy = torch.arange(height, device=input.device) # [IY] ix = torch.arange(width, device=input.device) # [IX] ymask = iy[None, :] < roi_bin_grid_h[:, None] # [K, IY] xmask = ix[None, :] < roi_bin_grid_w[:, None] # [K, IX] def from_K(t): return t[:, None, None] y = ( from_K(roi_start_h) + ph[None, :, None] * from_K(bin_size_h) + (iy[None, None, :] + 0.5).to(input.dtype) * from_K(bin_size_h / roi_bin_grid_h) ) # [K, PH, IY] x = ( from_K(roi_start_w) + pw[None, :, None] * from_K(bin_size_w) + (ix[None, None, :] + 0.5).to(input.dtype) * from_K(bin_size_w / roi_bin_grid_w) ) # [K, PW, IX] val = _bilinear_interpolate(input, roi_batch_ind, y, x, ymask, xmask) # [K, C, PH, PW, IY, IX] # Mask out samples that weren't actually adaptively needed if not exact_sampling: val = torch.where(ymask[:, None, None, None, :, None], val, 0) val = torch.where(xmask[:, None, None, None, None, :], val, 0) output = val.sum((-1, -2)) # remove IY, IX ~> [K, C, PH, PW] if isinstance(count, torch.Tensor): output /= count[:, None, None, None] else: output /= count output = return output @torch.fx.wrap def roi_align( input: Tensor, boxes: Union[Tensor, List[Tensor]], output_size: BroadcastingList2[int], spatial_scale: float = 1.0, sampling_ratio: int = -1, aligned: bool = False, ) -> Tensor: """ Performs Region of Interest (RoI) Align operator with average pooling, as described in Mask R-CNN. Args: input (Tensor[N, C, H, W]): The input tensor, i.e. a batch with ``N`` elements. Each element contains ``C`` feature maps of dimensions ``H x W``. If the tensor is quantized, we expect a batch size of ``N == 1``. boxes (Tensor[K, 5] or List[Tensor[L, 4]]): the box coordinates in (x1, y1, x2, y2) format where the regions will be taken from. The coordinate must satisfy ``0 <= x1 < x2`` and ``0 <= y1 < y2``. If a single Tensor is passed, then the first column should contain the index of the corresponding element in the batch, i.e. a number in ``[0, N - 1]``. If a list of Tensors is passed, then each Tensor will correspond to the boxes for an element i in the batch. output_size (int or Tuple[int, int]): the size of the output (in bins or pixels) after the pooling is performed, as (height, width). spatial_scale (float): a scaling factor that maps the box coordinates to the input coordinates. For example, if your boxes are defined on the scale of a 224x224 image and your input is a 112x112 feature map (resulting from a 0.5x scaling of the original image), you'll want to set this to 0.5. Default: 1.0 sampling_ratio (int): number of sampling points in the interpolation grid used to compute the output value of each pooled output bin. If > 0, then exactly ``sampling_ratio x sampling_ratio`` sampling points per bin are used. If <= 0, then an adaptive number of grid points are used (computed as ``ceil(roi_width / output_width)``, and likewise for height). Default: -1 aligned (bool): If False, use the legacy implementation. If True, pixel shift the box coordinates it by -0.5 for a better alignment with the two neighboring pixel indices. This version is used in Detectron2 Returns: Tensor[K, C, output_size[0], output_size[1]]: The pooled RoIs. """ if not torch.jit.is_scripting() and not torch.jit.is_tracing(): _log_api_usage_once(roi_align) check_roi_boxes_shape(boxes) rois = boxes output_size = _pair(output_size) if not isinstance(rois, torch.Tensor): rois = convert_boxes_to_roi_format(rois) if not torch.jit.is_scripting(): if ( not _has_ops() or (torch.are_deterministic_algorithms_enabled() and (input.is_cuda or input.is_mps)) ) and is_compile_supported(input.device.type): return _roi_align(input, rois, spatial_scale, output_size[0], output_size[1], sampling_ratio, aligned) _assert_has_ops() return torch.ops.torchvision.roi_align( input, rois, spatial_scale, output_size[0], output_size[1], sampling_ratio, aligned ) class RoIAlign(nn.Module): """ See :func:`roi_align`. """ def __init__( self, output_size: BroadcastingList2[int], spatial_scale: float, sampling_ratio: int, aligned: bool = False, ): super().__init__() _log_api_usage_once(self) self.output_size = output_size self.spatial_scale = spatial_scale self.sampling_ratio = sampling_ratio self.aligned = aligned def forward(self, input: Tensor, rois: Union[Tensor, List[Tensor]]) -> Tensor: return roi_align(input, rois, self.output_size, self.spatial_scale, self.sampling_ratio, self.aligned) def __repr__(self) -> str: s = ( f"{self.__class__.__name__}(" f"output_size={self.output_size}" f", spatial_scale={self.spatial_scale}" f", sampling_ratio={self.sampling_ratio}" f", aligned={self.aligned}" f")" ) return s