import ast import inspect import re import sys import warnings import os import textwrap from typing import Any, Callable, Dict, Optional, Tuple, Type, Union from .. import language from .._C.libtriton import ir from ..language import constexpr, tensor, str_to_ty from ..runtime.jit import _normalize_ty # ideally we wouldn't need any runtime component from ..runtime import JITFunction from .errors import (CompilationError, CompileTimeAssertionFailure, UnsupportedLanguageConstruct) from types import ModuleType def mangle_ty(ty): if ty.is_ptr(): return 'P' + mangle_ty(ty.element_ty) if ty.is_int(): SIGNED = language.dtype.SIGNEDNESS.SIGNED prefix = 'i' if ty.int_signedness == SIGNED else 'u' return prefix + str(ty.int_bitwidth) if ty.is_floating(): return str(ty) if ty.is_block(): elt = mangle_ty(ty.scalar) shape = '_'.join(map(str, ty.shape)) return f'{elt}S{shape}S' if ty.is_void(): return 'V' assert False, "Unsupported type" def mangle_fn(name, arg_tys, constants): # doesn't mangle ret type, which must be a function of arg tys mangled_arg_names = '_'.join([mangle_ty(ty) for ty in arg_tys]) mangled_constants = '_'.join([f'{i}c{repr(constants[i])}' for i in sorted(constants)]) mangled_constants = mangled_constants.replace('.', '_d_') mangled_constants = mangled_constants.replace("'", '_sq_') # [ and ] are not allowed in LLVM identifiers mangled_constants = mangled_constants.replace('[', '_').replace(']', '_') ret = f'{name}__{mangled_arg_names}__{mangled_constants}' return ret def _is_triton_tensor(o: Any) -> bool: return isinstance(o, tensor) def _is_constexpr(o: Any) -> bool: return isinstance(o, constexpr) def _is_triton_scalar(o: Any) -> bool: return _is_triton_tensor(o) and (not o.type.is_block() or o.type.numel == 1) def _is_list_like(o: Any) -> bool: return isinstance(o, (list, tuple)) def _unwrap_if_constexpr(o: Any): return o.value if isinstance(o, constexpr) else o def _check_fn_args(node, fn, args): if fn.noinline: for idx, arg in enumerate(args): if not _is_constexpr(arg) and not _is_triton_scalar(arg): raise UnsupportedLanguageConstruct( fn.src, node, f'Function {fn.__name__} is marked noinline, but was called with non-scalar argument {fn.arg_names[idx]}:{arg}' ) def _get_fn_file_line(fn): base_fn = fn while not isinstance(base_fn, JITFunction): base_fn = base_fn.fn file_name = base_fn.fn.__code__.co_filename lines, begin_line = inspect.getsourcelines(base_fn.fn) # Match the following pattern: # @triton.autotune(...) <- foo.__code__.co_firstlineno # @triton.heuristics(...) # @triton.jit # def foo(...): <- this line is the first line for idx, line in enumerate(lines): if line.strip().startswith("def "): begin_line += idx break return file_name, begin_line _condition_types = {bool, int, type(None)} # Python types accepted for conditionals inside kernels class enter_sub_region: def __init__(self, generator): self.generator = generator def __enter__(self): # record lscope & local_defs in the parent scope self.liveins = self.generator.lscope.copy() self.prev_defs = self.generator.local_defs.copy() self.generator.local_defs = {} self.insert_block = self.generator.builder.get_insertion_block() self.insert_point = self.generator.builder.get_insertion_point() return self.liveins, self.insert_block def __exit__(self, *args, **kwargs): self.generator.builder.restore_insertion_point(self.insert_point) self.generator.lscope = self.liveins self.generator.local_defs = self.prev_defs # Check if the given syntax node has an "early" return class ContainsReturnChecker(ast.NodeVisitor): def __init__(self, gscope): self.gscope = gscope def _visit_stmts(self, body) -> bool: for s in body: if self.visit(s): return True return False def _visit_function(self, fn) -> bool: # Currently we only support JITFunctions defined in the global scope if isinstance(fn, JITFunction) and not fn.noinline: fn_node = fn.parse() return ContainsReturnChecker(self.gscope).visit(fn_node) return False def generic_visit(self, node) -> bool: ret = False for _, value in ast.iter_fields(node): if isinstance(value, list): for item in value: if isinstance(item, ast.AST): ret = ret or self.visit(item) elif isinstance(value, ast.AST): ret = ret or self.visit(value) return ret def visit_Attribute(self, node: ast.Attribute) -> bool: # If the left part is a name, it's possible that # we call triton native function or a jit function from another module. # If the left part is not a name, it must return a tensor or a constexpr # whose methods do not contain return statements # e.g., (tl.load(x)).to(y) # So we only check if the expressions within value have return or not if isinstance(node.value, ast.Name): if in self.gscope: value = self.gscope[] fn = getattr(value, node.attr) return self._visit_function(fn) return False return self.visit(node.value) def visit_Name(self, node: ast.Name) -> bool: if type(node.ctx) == ast.Store: return False if in self.gscope: fn = self.gscope[] return self._visit_function(fn) return False def visit_Return(self, node: ast.Return) -> bool: return True def visit_Assign(self, node: ast.Assign) -> bool: # There couldn't be an early return # x = ... return False def visit_AugAssign(self, node: ast.AugAssign) -> bool: # There couldn't be an early return # x += ... return False def visit_Module(self, node: ast.Module) -> bool: return self._visit_stmts(node.body) def visit_FunctionDef(self, node: ast.FunctionDef) -> bool: return self._visit_stmts(node.body) def visit_If(self, node: ast.If) -> bool: # TODO: optimize the following case in which we actually don't have # a return when static_cond is false: # if dynamic_cond # if static_cond # func_with_return # else # func_without_return ret = self._visit_stmts(node.body) if node.orelse: ret = ret or self._visit_stmts(node.orelse) return ret def visit_IfExp(self, node: ast.IfExp) -> bool: return self.visit(node.body) or self.visit(node.orelse) def visit_Call(self, node: ast.Call) -> bool: return self.visit(node.func) class CodeGenerator(ast.NodeVisitor): def __init__(self, context, prototype, gscope, attributes, constants, function_name, jit_fn: JITFunction, options, codegen_fns, debug=None, module=None, is_kernel=False, function_types: Optional[Dict] = None, noinline=False, file_name: Optional[str] = None, begin_line=0): self.context = context self.builder = ir.builder(context) self.file_name = file_name # node.lineno starts from 1, so we need to subtract 1 self.begin_line = begin_line - 1 self.builder.set_loc(file_name, begin_line, 0) self.builder.options = options # dict of functions provided by the backend. Below are the list of possible functions: # Convert custom types not natively supported on HW. # convert_custom_types(intput_tensor, dtype, fp_downcast_rounding=None, _builder=None) self.builder.codegen_fns = codegen_fns self.module = self.builder.create_module() if module is None else module self.function_ret_types = {} if function_types is None else function_types self.prototype = prototype self.gscope = gscope self.lscope = dict() self.attributes = attributes self.constants = constants self.jit_fn = jit_fn self.function_name = function_name self.is_kernel = is_kernel self.cur_node = None self.debug = options.debug if debug is None else debug self.noinline = noinline self.scf_stack = [] self.ret_type = None # SSA-construction # name => language.tensor self.local_defs: Dict[str, tensor] = {} self.dereference_name: Callable[[str], Any] = self._define_name_lookup() self.fn = None # Are we currently visiting an ast.arg's default value? These have some # special handling. self.visiting_arg_default_value = False builtin_namespace: Dict[str, Any] = {_.__name__: _ for _ in (len, list, range, float, int, isinstance, getattr)} builtin_namespace.update(( ('print', language.core.device_print), ('min', language.minimum), ('max', language.maximum), )) def _unsupported(self, node, message): return UnsupportedLanguageConstruct(self.jit_fn.src, node, message) def _is_constexpr_global(self, name): absent_marker = object() val = self.gscope.get(name, absent_marker) if val is absent_marker: return False if _is_constexpr(val): return True if a := self.gscope.get("__annotations__", {}).get(name): return _normalize_ty(a) == "constexpr" return False def _define_name_lookup(self): def local_lookup(name: str, absent): # this needs to be re-fetched from `self` every time, because it gets switched occasionally return self.lscope.get(name, absent) def global_lookup(name: str, absent): val = self.gscope.get(name, absent) # The high-level rule is that only constexpr globals are allowed. # But actually a bunch of other things, such as module imports, are # technically Python globals. We have to allow these too! if (val is absent # or name in self.builtin_namespace # or type(val) == ModuleType # or isinstance(val, JITFunction) # or getattr(val, "__triton_builtin__", False) # or getattr(val, "__module__", "").startswith("triton.language") # or isinstance(val, language.dtype) # or self._is_constexpr_global(name) # # Allow accesses to globals while visiting an ast.arg # because you should be able to do # @triton.jit def fn(x: tl.constexpr = GLOBAL): ... or self.visiting_arg_default_value # or os.environ.get("TRITON_ALLOW_NON_CONSTEXPR_GLOBALS", "0") == "1"): return val raise NameError( textwrap.dedent(f"""\ Cannot access global variable {name} from within @jit'ed function. Triton kernels can only access global variables that are annotated as constexpr (`x: triton.language.constexpr = 42` or `x = triton.language.constexpr(42)`). Alternatively, set the envvar TRITON_ALLOW_NON_CONSTEXPR_GLOBALS=1, but we do not promise to support this forever.""").replace("\n", " ")) absent_marker = object() def name_lookup(name: str) -> Any: absent = absent_marker for lookup_function in local_lookup, global_lookup, self.builtin_namespace.get: value = lookup_function(name, absent) if value is not absent: return value raise NameError(f'{name} is not defined') return name_lookup def set_value(self, name: str, value: Union[tensor, constexpr]) -> None: ''' This function: called by visit_Assign() & visit_FunctionDef() to store left value (lvalue) 1. record local defined name (FIXME: should consider control flow) 2. store tensor in self.lvalue ''' self.lscope[name] = value self.local_defs[name] = value def _get_insertion_point_and_loc(self): # XXX: this is a hack to get the location of the insertion point. # The insertion point's location could be invalid sometimes, # so we need to explicitly set the location loc = self.builder.get_loc() ip = self.builder.get_insertion_point() return ip, loc def _set_insertion_point_and_loc(self, ip, loc): self.builder.restore_insertion_point(ip) self.builder.set_loc(loc) # # AST visitor # def visit_compound_statement(self, stmts): # Ensure that stmts is iterable if not _is_list_like(stmts): stmts = [stmts] for stmt in stmts: self.visit(stmt) # Stop parsing as soon as we hit a `return` statement; everything # after this is dead code. if isinstance(stmt, ast.Return): break def visit_Module(self, node): ast.NodeVisitor.generic_visit(self, node) def visit_List(self, node): ctx = self.visit(node.ctx) assert ctx is None elts = [self.visit(elt) for elt in node.elts] return elts # By design, only non-kernel functions can return def visit_Return(self, node): ret_value = self.visit(node.value) # ret_block = self.builder.create_block() # post_ret_block = self.builder.create_block() # self.builder.create_branch(ret_block) # self.builder.set_insertion_point_to_end(ret_block) if ret_value is None: self.builder.ret([]) ret_ty = language.void elif isinstance(ret_value, tuple): ret_values = [language.core._to_tensor(v, self.builder) for v in ret_value] ret_types = [v.type for v in ret_values] self.builder.ret([v.handle for v in ret_values]) ret_ty = tuple(ret_types) else: ret = language.core._to_tensor(ret_value, self.builder) self.builder.ret([ret.handle]) ret_ty = ret.type # self.builder.create_branch(post_ret_block) # self.builder.set_insertion_point_to_end(post_ret_block) if self.ret_type is None: self.ret_type = ret_ty elif self.ret_type != ret_ty: raise TypeError(f'Inconsistent return types: {self.ret_type} and {ret_ty}') def visit_FunctionDef(self, node): arg_names, kwarg_names = self.visit(node.args) if self.fn: raise self._unsupported(node, "nested function definition is not supported.") # initialize defaults for i, default_value in enumerate(node.args.defaults): arg_node = node.args.args[-i - 1] annotation = arg_node.annotation name = arg_node.arg st_target = ast.Name(id=name, ctx=ast.Store()) if annotation is None: init_node = ast.Assign(targets=[st_target], value=default_value) else: init_node = ast.AnnAssign(target=st_target, value=default_value, annotation=annotation) try: assert not self.visiting_arg_default_value self.visiting_arg_default_value = True self.visit(init_node) finally: self.visiting_arg_default_value = False # initialize function visibility = "public" if self.is_kernel else "private" self.fn = self.builder.get_or_insert_function(self.module, self.function_name, self.prototype.to_ir(self.builder), visibility, self.noinline) self.module.push_back(self.fn) entry = self.fn.add_entry_block() arg_values = [] idx = 0 for i, arg_name in enumerate(arg_names): if i in self.constants: cst = self.constants[i] if not _is_constexpr(cst): cst = constexpr(self.constants[i]) arg_values.append(cst) continue else: if i in self.attributes: for name, value in self.attributes[i]: self.fn.set_arg_attr(idx, name, value) arg_values.append(tensor(self.fn.args(idx), self.prototype.param_types[idx])) idx += 1 insert_pt = self.builder.get_insertion_block() for arg_name, arg_value in zip(arg_names, arg_values): self.set_value(arg_name, arg_value) self.builder.set_insertion_point_to_start(entry) # visit function body self.visit_compound_statement(node.body) # finalize function if self.ret_type is None or self.ret_type == language.void: self.ret_type = language.void self.builder.ret([]) else: # update return type if isinstance(self.ret_type, tuple): self.prototype.ret_types = list(self.ret_type) self.fn.reset_type(self.prototype.to_ir(self.builder)) else: self.prototype.ret_types = [self.ret_type] self.fn.reset_type(self.prototype.to_ir(self.builder)) if insert_pt: self.builder.set_insertion_point_to_end(insert_pt) # Remove dead code self.fn.finalize() def visit_arguments(self, node): arg_names = [] for arg in node.args: arg_names += [self.visit(arg)] kwarg_names = self.visit(node.kwarg) return arg_names, kwarg_names def visit_arg(self, node): ast.NodeVisitor.generic_visit(self, node) return node.arg def visit_AnnAssign(self, node): # extract attributes annotation = self.visit(node.annotation) target = self.visit( value = self.visit(node.value) # constexpr if annotation == constexpr: if target in self.lscope: raise ValueError(f'{target} is already defined.' f' constexpr cannot be reassigned.') if not _is_constexpr(value): value = constexpr(value) self.lscope[target] = value return self.lscope[target] # default: call visit_Assign return self.visit_Assign(node) def visit_Assign(self, node): _names = [] for target in node.targets: _names += [self.visit(target)] if len(_names) > 1: raise self._unsupported(node, "simultaneous multiple assignment is not supported.") names = _names[0] values = self.visit(node.value) if not _is_list_like(names): names = [names] if not _is_list_like(values): values = [values] native_nontensor_types = (language.dtype, ) for name, value in zip(names, values): # by default, constexpr are assigned into python variable value = _unwrap_if_constexpr(value) if value is not None and \ not _is_triton_tensor(value) and \ not isinstance(value, native_nontensor_types): value = language.core._to_tensor(value, self.builder) self.set_value(name, value) def visit_AugAssign(self, node): name = lhs = ast.Name(id=name, ctx=ast.Load()) rhs = ast.BinOp(lhs, node.op, node.value) assign = ast.Assign(targets=[], value=rhs) self.visit(assign) return self.dereference_name(name) def visit_Name(self, node): if type(node.ctx) == ast.Store: return return self.dereference_name( def visit_Store(self, node): ast.NodeVisitor.generic_visit(self, node) def visit_Load(self, node): ast.NodeVisitor.generic_visit(self, node) def visit_Tuple(self, node): args = [self.visit(x) for x in node.elts] return tuple(args) def _apply_binary_method(self, method_name, lhs, rhs): # TODO: raise something meaningful if getattr fails below, esp for reverse method if _is_triton_tensor(lhs): return getattr(lhs, method_name)(rhs, _builder=self.builder) if _is_triton_tensor(rhs): reverse_method_name = re.sub(r"__(.*)__", r"__r\1__", method_name) return getattr(rhs, reverse_method_name)(lhs, _builder=self.builder) return getattr(lhs, method_name)(rhs) def visit_BinOp(self, node): lhs = self.visit(node.left) rhs = self.visit(node.right) method_name = self._method_name_for_bin_op.get(type(node.op)) if method_name is None: raise self._unsupported(node, "AST binary operator '{}' is not (currently) implemented.".format(node.op.__name__)) return self._apply_binary_method(method_name, lhs, rhs) _method_name_for_bin_op: Dict[Type[ast.operator], str] = { ast.Add: '__add__', ast.Sub: '__sub__', ast.Mult: '__mul__', ast.Div: '__truediv__', ast.FloorDiv: '__floordiv__', ast.Mod: '__mod__', ast.Pow: '__pow__', ast.LShift: '__lshift__', ast.RShift: '__rshift__', ast.BitAnd: '__and__', ast.BitOr: '__or__', ast.BitXor: '__xor__', } def visit_then_else_blocks(self, node, liveins, then_block, else_block): # then block self.builder.set_insertion_point_to_start(then_block) self.visit_compound_statement(node.body) then_block = self.builder.get_insertion_block() then_defs = self.local_defs.copy() # else block else_defs = {} if node.orelse: self.builder.set_insertion_point_to_start(else_block) self.lscope = liveins.copy() self.local_defs = {} self.visit_compound_statement(node.orelse) else_defs = self.local_defs.copy() else_block = self.builder.get_insertion_block() # update block arguments names = [] ret_types = [] ir_ret_types = [] # variables in livein whose value is updated in `if` for name in liveins: # check type for defs, block_name in [(then_defs, 'then'), (else_defs, 'else')]: if name in defs: assert defs[name].type == liveins[name].type, \ f'initial value for `{name}` is of type {liveins[name].type}, '\ f'but the {block_name} block redefines it as {defs[name].type}' if name in then_defs or name in else_defs: names.append(name) ret_types.append(then_defs[name].type if name in then_defs else else_defs[name].type) ir_ret_types.append(then_defs[name].handle.get_type() if name in then_defs else else_defs[name].handle.get_type()) # variable defined in then but not in else if name in then_defs and name not in else_defs: else_defs[name] = liveins[name] # variable defined in else but not in then if name in else_defs and name not in then_defs: then_defs[name] = liveins[name] # variables that are both in then and else but not in liveins # TODO: could probably be cleaned up for name in then_defs.keys() & else_defs.keys(): if name in names: continue then_ty = then_defs[name].type else_ty = else_defs[name].type assert then_ty == else_ty, \ f'mismatched type for {name} between then block ({then_ty}) '\ f'and else block ({else_ty})' names.append(name) ret_types.append(then_ty) ir_ret_types.append(then_defs[name].handle.get_type()) return then_defs, else_defs, then_block, else_block, names, ret_types, ir_ret_types def visit_if_top_level(self, cond, node): has_endif_block = True with enter_sub_region(self) as sr: liveins, ip_block = sr then_block = self.builder.create_block() else_block = self.builder.create_block() # create basic-block after conditional endif_block = self.builder.create_block() # create branch self.builder.set_insertion_point_to_end(ip_block) self.builder.create_cond_branch(cond.handle, then_block, else_block) # visit then and else blocks then_defs, else_defs, then_block, else_block, names, ret_types, ir_ret_types = \ self.visit_then_else_blocks(node, liveins, then_block, else_block) # then terminator self.builder.set_insertion_point_to_end(then_block) if then_block.has_return() and else_block.has_return(): has_endif_block = False endif_block.erase() if not then_block.has_terminator() and has_endif_block: self.builder.create_branch(endif_block, [then_defs[n].handle for n in names]) # else terminator self.builder.set_insertion_point_to_end(else_block) if not else_block.has_terminator() and has_endif_block: self.builder.create_branch(endif_block, [else_defs[n].handle for n in names]) if has_endif_block: for ty in ir_ret_types: endif_block.add_argument(ty) if has_endif_block: # change block self.builder.set_insertion_point_to_start(endif_block) # update value for i, name in enumerate(names): new_tensor = language.core.tensor(endif_block.arg(i), ret_types[i]) self.set_value(name, new_tensor) # TODO: refactor def visit_if_scf(self, cond, node): with enter_sub_region(self) as sr: liveins, _ = sr ip, last_loc = self._get_insertion_point_and_loc() then_block = self.builder.create_block() else_block = self.builder.create_block() if node.orelse else None then_defs, else_defs, then_block, else_block, names, ret_types, _ = \ self.visit_then_else_blocks(node, liveins, then_block, else_block) # create if op self._set_insertion_point_and_loc(ip, last_loc) if_op = self.builder.create_if_op([ty.to_ir(self.builder) for ty in ret_types], cond.handle, True) then_block.merge_block_before(if_op.get_then_block()) self.builder.set_insertion_point_to_end(if_op.get_then_block()) if len(names) > 0: self.builder.create_yield_op([then_defs[n].handle for n in names]) if not node.orelse: else_block = if_op.get_else_block() else: else_block.merge_block_before(if_op.get_else_block()) self.builder.set_insertion_point_to_end(if_op.get_else_block()) if len(names) > 0: self.builder.create_yield_op([else_defs[n].handle for n in names]) # update values for i, name in enumerate(names): new_tensor = language.core.tensor(if_op.get_result(i), ret_types[i]) self.set_value(name, new_tensor) def visit_If(self, node): cond = self.visit(node.test) if _is_triton_tensor(cond): cond =, _builder=self.builder) contains_return = ContainsReturnChecker(self.gscope).visit(node) if self.scf_stack and contains_return: raise self._unsupported( node, "Cannot have `return` statements inside `while` or `for` statements in triton " "(note that this also applies to `return` statements that are inside functions " "transitively called from within `while`/`for` statements)") elif self.scf_stack or not contains_return: self.visit_if_scf(cond, node) else: self.visit_if_top_level(cond, node) else: cond = _unwrap_if_constexpr(cond) # not isinstance - we insist the real thing, no subclasses and no ducks if type(cond) not in _condition_types: raise self._unsupported( node, "`if` conditionals can only accept values of type {{{}}}, not objects of type {}".format( ', '.join(_.__name__ for _ in _condition_types), type(cond).__name__)) if cond: self.visit_compound_statement(node.body) else: self.visit_compound_statement(node.orelse) def visit_IfExp(self, node): cond = self.visit(node.test) if _is_triton_tensor(cond): cond =, _builder=self.builder) # TODO: Deal w/ more complicated return types (e.g tuple) with enter_sub_region(self): ip, last_loc = self._get_insertion_point_and_loc() then_block = self.builder.create_block() self.builder.set_insertion_point_to_start(then_block) then_val = language.core._to_tensor(self.visit(node.body), self.builder) then_block = self.builder.get_insertion_block() else_block = self.builder.create_block() self.builder.set_insertion_point_to_start(else_block) # do not need to reset lscope since # ternary expressions cannot define new variables else_val = language.core._to_tensor(self.visit(node.orelse), self.builder) else_block = self.builder.get_insertion_block() self._set_insertion_point_and_loc(ip, last_loc) assert then_val.type == else_val.type, \ f'ternary expression with dynamic condition has inconsistent types {then_val.type} and {else_val.type}' ret_type = then_val.type ret_type_ir = [ret_type.to_ir(self.builder)] if ret_type != language.void else [] if_op = self.builder.create_if_op(ret_type_ir, cond.handle, True) then_block.merge_block_before(if_op.get_then_block()) if ret_type_ir: self.builder.set_insertion_point_to_end(if_op.get_then_block()) self.builder.create_yield_op([then_val.handle]) self.builder.set_insertion_point_to_end(if_op.get_then_block()) else_block.merge_block_before(if_op.get_else_block()) if ret_type_ir: self.builder.set_insertion_point_to_end(if_op.get_else_block()) self.builder.create_yield_op([else_val.handle]) return language.core.tensor(if_op.get_result(0), ret_type) if ret_type_ir else None else: cond = _unwrap_if_constexpr(cond) # not isinstance - we insist the real thing, no subclasses and no ducks if type(cond) not in _condition_types: raise self._unsupported( node, "`if` conditionals can only accept values of type {{{}}}, not objects of type {}".format( ', '.join(_.__name__ for _ in _condition_types), type(cond).__name__)) if cond: return self.visit(node.body) else: return self.visit(node.orelse) def visit_Pass(self, node): pass def visit_Compare(self, node): if not (len(node.comparators) == 1 and len(node.ops) == 1): raise self._unsupported(node, "simultaneous multiple comparison is not supported") lhs = self.visit(node.left) rhs = self.visit(node.comparators[0]) lhs_value = _unwrap_if_constexpr(lhs) rhs_value = _unwrap_if_constexpr(rhs) if type(node.ops[0]) == ast.Is: return constexpr(lhs_value is rhs_value) if type(node.ops[0]) == ast.IsNot: return constexpr(lhs_value is not rhs_value) method_name = self._method_name_for_comp_op.get(type(node.ops[0])) if method_name is None: raise self._unsupported( node, "AST comparison operator '{}' is not (currently) implemented.".format(node.ops[0].__name__)) return self._apply_binary_method(method_name, lhs, rhs) _method_name_for_comp_op: Dict[Type[ast.cmpop], str] = { ast.Eq: '__eq__', ast.NotEq: '__ne__', ast.Lt: '__lt__', ast.LtE: '__le__', ast.Gt: '__gt__', ast.GtE: '__ge__' } def visit_UnaryOp(self, node): operand = self.visit(node.operand) fn = self._method_name_for_unary_op.get(type(node.op)) if fn is None: raise self._unsupported(node, f"AST unary operator '{node.op.__name__}' is not (currently) implemented.") if _is_triton_tensor(operand): return getattr(operand, fn)(_builder=self.builder) try: return getattr(operand, fn)() except AttributeError: raise self._unsupported( node, f"AST unary operator '{fn}' is not (currently) implemented on type {type(operand).__name__}") _method_name_for_unary_op: Dict[Type[ast.unaryop], str] = { ast.USub: '__neg__', ast.UAdd: '__pos__', ast.Not: '__not__', ast.Invert: '__invert__' } def visit_While(self, node): with enter_sub_region(self) as sr: liveins, insert_block = sr ip, last_loc = self._get_insertion_point_and_loc() # loop body (the after region) # loop_block = self.builder.create_block() dummy = self.builder.create_block() self.builder.set_insertion_point_to_start(dummy) self.scf_stack.append(node) self.visit_compound_statement(node.body) self.scf_stack.pop() loop_defs = self.local_defs dummy.erase() # collect loop-carried values names = [] ret_types = [] init_args = [] for name in loop_defs: if name in liveins: # We should not def new constexpr assert _is_triton_tensor(loop_defs[name]), f'cannot reassign constxpr {name} in the loop' assert _is_triton_tensor(liveins[name]), f'cannot reasign constexpr {name} in the loop' assert loop_defs[name].type == liveins[name].type, \ f'Loop-carried variable {name} has initial type {liveins[name].type} '\ f'but is re-assigned to {loop_defs[name].type} in loop! '\ f'Please make sure that the type stays consistent.' # these are loop-carried values names.append(name) ret_types.append(loop_defs[name].type) init_args.append(liveins[name]) self._set_insertion_point_and_loc(ip, last_loc) while_op = self.builder.create_while_op([ty.to_ir(self.builder) for ty in ret_types], [arg.handle for arg in init_args]) # merge the condition region before_block = self.builder.create_block_with_parent(while_op.get_before(), [ty.to_ir(self.builder) for ty in ret_types]) self.builder.set_insertion_point_to_start(before_block) for i, name in enumerate(names): self.lscope[name] = language.core.tensor(before_block.arg(i), ret_types[i]) self.local_defs[name] = self.lscope[name] cond = self.visit(node.test) self.builder.set_insertion_point_to_end(before_block) # create ConditionOp: e.g., scf.condition(%cond) %arg0, %arg1, ... self.builder.create_condition_op(cond.handle, [before_block.arg(i) for i in range(len(init_args))]) # merge the loop body after_block = self.builder.create_block_with_parent(while_op.get_after(), [ty.to_ir(self.builder) for ty in ret_types]) # generate loop body self.builder.set_insertion_point_to_start(after_block) for i, name in enumerate(names): self.lscope[name] = language.core.tensor(after_block.arg(i), ret_types[i]) self.local_defs[name] = self.lscope[name] self.scf_stack.append(node) self.visit_compound_statement(node.body) self.scf_stack.pop() loop_defs = self.local_defs yields = [] for name in loop_defs: if name in liveins: yields.append(loop_defs[name]) self.builder.create_yield_op([y.handle for y in yields]) # WhileOp defines new values, update the symbol table (lscope, local_defs) for i, name in enumerate(names): new_def = language.core.tensor(while_op.get_result(i), ret_types[i]) self.lscope[name] = new_def self.local_defs[name] = new_def for stmt in node.orelse: assert False, "Not implemented" ast.NodeVisitor.generic_visit(self, stmt) def visit_Subscript(self, node): assert node.ctx.__class__.__name__ == "Load" lhs = self.visit(node.value) slices = self.visit(node.slice) if _is_triton_tensor(lhs): return lhs.__getitem__(slices, _builder=self.builder) return lhs[slices] def visit_ExtSlice(self, node): return [self.visit(dim) for dim in node.dims] def visit_For(self, node): IteratorClass = self.visit(node.iter.func) iter_args = [self.visit(arg) for arg in node.iter.args] iter_kwargs = dict(self.visit(keyword) for keyword in node.iter.keywords) if IteratorClass == language.static_range: iterator = IteratorClass(*iter_args, **iter_kwargs) static_range = range(iterator.start.value, iterator.end.value, iterator.step.value) for i in static_range: self.lscope[] = constexpr(i) self.visit_compound_statement(node.body) for stmt in node.orelse: ast.NodeVisitor.generic_visit(self, stmt) return num_stages = None if IteratorClass is language.range: iterator = IteratorClass(*iter_args, **iter_kwargs) # visit iterator arguments # note: only `range` iterator is supported now # collect lower bound (lb), upper bound (ub), and step lb = iterator.start ub = iterator.end step = iterator.step num_stages = iterator.num_stages elif IteratorClass is range: # visit iterator arguments # note: only `range` iterator is supported now # collect lower bound (lb), upper bound (ub), and step lb = iter_args[0] if len(iter_args) > 1 else self.visit(ast.Num(0)) ub = iter_args[1] if len(iter_args) > 1 else self.visit(node.iter.args[0]) step = iter_args[2] if len(iter_args) > 2 else self.visit(ast.Num(1)) else: raise RuntimeError('Only `range` and `static_range` iterators are currently supported') # handle negative constant step (not supported by scf.for in MLIR) negative_step = False if _is_constexpr(step) and step.value < 0: step = constexpr(-step.value) negative_step = True lb, ub = ub, lb lb = language.core._to_tensor(lb, self.builder) ub = language.core._to_tensor(ub, self.builder) step = language.core._to_tensor(step, self.builder) # induction variable type if not lb.dtype.is_int() or not ub.dtype.is_int() or not step.dtype.is_int(): raise TypeError(f"For loop bounds and step must all be ints, are ({lb.dtype}, {ub.dtype}, {step.dtype})") iv_type = language.semantic.integer_promote_impl(lb.dtype, ub.dtype) iv_type = language.semantic.integer_promote_impl(iv_type, step.dtype) iv_ir_type = iv_type.to_ir(self.builder) iv_is_signed = iv_type.int_signedness == language.core.dtype.SIGNEDNESS.SIGNED # lb/ub/step might be constexpr, we need to cast them to tensor lb = lb.handle ub = ub.handle step = step.handle # ForOp can only accept IndexType as lb/ub/step. Cast integer to Index lb = self.builder.create_int_cast(lb, iv_ir_type, iv_is_signed) ub = self.builder.create_int_cast(ub, iv_ir_type, iv_is_signed) step = self.builder.create_int_cast(step, iv_ir_type, iv_is_signed) # Create placeholder for the loop induction variable iv = self.builder.create_undef(iv_ir_type) self.set_value(, language.core.tensor(iv, iv_type)) with enter_sub_region(self) as sr: liveins, insert_block = sr ip, last_loc = self._get_insertion_point_and_loc() # create loop body block block = self.builder.create_block() self.builder.set_insertion_point_to_start(block) # dry visit loop body self.scf_stack.append(node) self.visit_compound_statement(node.body) self.scf_stack.pop() block.erase() # If a variable (name) is defined in both its parent & itself, then it's # a loop-carried variable. (They must be of the same type) init_args = [] yields = [] names = [] for name in self.local_defs: if name in liveins: assert _is_triton_tensor(self.local_defs[name]), f'{name} is not tensor' assert _is_triton_tensor(liveins[name]) assert self.local_defs[name].type == liveins[name].type, \ f'Loop-carried variable {name} has initial type {liveins[name].type} '\ f'but is re-assigned to {self.local_defs[name].type} in loop! '\ f'Please make sure that the type stays consistent.' names.append(name) init_args.append(language.core._to_tensor(liveins[name], self.builder)) yields.append(language.core._to_tensor(self.local_defs[name], self.builder)) # create ForOp self._set_insertion_point_and_loc(ip, last_loc) for_op = self.builder.create_for_op(lb, ub, step, [arg.handle for arg in init_args]) if num_stages is not None: for_op.set_attr("tt.num_stages", self.builder.get_int32_attr(num_stages)) self.scf_stack.append(node) self.builder.set_insertion_point_to_start(for_op.get_body(0)) # reset local scope to not pick up local defs from the previous dry run. self.lscope = liveins.copy() self.local_defs = {} for i, name in enumerate(names): self.set_value(name, language.core.tensor(for_op.get_body(0).arg(i + 1), yields[i].type)) self.visit_compound_statement(node.body) self.scf_stack.pop() yields = [] for name in self.local_defs: if name in liveins: yields.append(language.core._to_tensor(self.local_defs[name], self.builder)) # create YieldOp if len(yields) > 0: self.builder.create_yield_op([y.handle for y in yields]) for_op_region = for_op.get_body(0).get_parent() assert for_op_region.size() == 1, "We use SCF, so the loop body should only have one block" # update induction variable with actual value, and replace all uses self.builder.set_insertion_point_to_start(for_op.get_body(0)) iv = for_op.get_induction_var() if negative_step: iv = self.builder.create_sub(ub, iv) iv = self.builder.create_add(iv, lb) self.lscope[].handle.replace_all_uses_with(iv) self.set_value(, language.core.tensor(iv, iv_type)) # update lscope & local_defs (ForOp defines new values) for i, name in enumerate(names): self.set_value(name, language.core.tensor(for_op.get_result(i), yields[i].type)) for stmt in node.orelse: assert False, "Don't know what to do with else after for" ast.NodeVisitor.generic_visit(self, stmt) def visit_Slice(self, node): lower = self.visit(node.lower) upper = self.visit(node.upper) step = self.visit(node.step) return slice(lower, upper, step) def visit_Index(self, node): return self.visit(node.value) def visit_keyword(self, node) -> Tuple[str, Any]: return node.arg, self.visit(node.value) def visit_Assert(self, node) -> Any: if not self.debug: return test = self.visit(node.test) msg = self.visit(node.msg) if node.msg is not None else "" # Convert assert to triton's device_assert which happens on the device return language.core.device_assert(test, msg, _builder=self.builder) def call_JitFunction(self, fn: JITFunction, args, kwargs): args = inspect.getcallargs(fn.fn, *args, **kwargs) args = [args[name] for name in fn.arg_names] args = [arg if _is_triton_tensor(arg) else constexpr(arg) for arg in args] # generate function def attributes = dict() constexprs = [i for i, arg in enumerate(args) if _is_constexpr(arg)] constants = {i: args[i] for i in constexprs} # generate call args = [None if i in constexprs else arg for i, arg in enumerate(args)] arg_vals = [arg.handle for arg in args if arg is not None] arg_types = [arg.type for arg in args if arg is not None] fn_name = mangle_fn(fn.__name__, arg_types, constants) # generate function def if necessary if not self.module.has_function(fn_name): prototype = language.function_type([], arg_types) gscope = fn.__globals__ # If the callee is not set, we use the same debug setting as the caller file_name, begin_line = _get_fn_file_line(fn) debug = self.debug if fn.debug is None else fn.debug generator = CodeGenerator(self.context, prototype, gscope, attributes, constants, module=self.module, jit_fn=fn, function_name=fn_name, function_types=self.function_ret_types, noinline=fn.noinline, file_name=file_name, begin_line=begin_line, options=self.builder.options, codegen_fns=self.builder.codegen_fns, debug=debug) try: generator.visit(fn.parse()) except Exception as e: # Wrap the error in the callee with the location of the call. raise CompilationError(self.jit_fn.src, self.cur_node, None) from e callee_ret_type = generator.ret_type self.function_ret_types[fn_name] = callee_ret_type else: callee_ret_type = self.function_ret_types[fn_name] symbol = self.module.get_function(fn_name) call_op =, arg_vals) if call_op.get_num_results() == 0 or callee_ret_type is None: return None elif call_op.get_num_results() == 1: return tensor(call_op.get_result(0), callee_ret_type) else: # should return a tuple of tl.tensor results = [] for i in range(call_op.get_num_results()): results.append(tensor(call_op.get_result(i), callee_ret_type[i])) return tuple(results) def visit_Call(self, node): fn = _unwrap_if_constexpr(self.visit(node.func)) static_implementation = self.statically_implemented_functions.get(fn) if static_implementation is not None: return static_implementation(self, node) kws = dict(self.visit(keyword) for keyword in node.keywords) args = [self.visit(arg) for arg in node.args] if fn is language.core.device_assert: # TODO: this should not be so hardcoded if not self.debug: return if isinstance(fn, JITFunction): _check_fn_args(node, fn, args) return self.call_JitFunction(fn, args, kws) if (hasattr(fn, '__self__') and _is_triton_tensor(fn.__self__)) or language.core.is_builtin(fn): extra_kwargs = dict(_builder=self.builder) sig = inspect.signature(fn) if '_generator' in sig.parameters: extra_kwargs['_generator'] = self try: return fn(*args, **extra_kwargs, **kws) except Exception as e: # Normally when we raise a CompilationError, we raise it as # `from None`, because the original fileline from the exception # is not relevant (and often points into # itself). But when calling a function, we raise as `from e` to # preserve the traceback of the original error, which may e.g. # be in raise CompilationError(self.jit_fn.src, node, None) from e if fn in self.builtin_namespace.values(): args = map(_unwrap_if_constexpr, args) return fn(*args, **kws) def visit_Constant(self, node): return constexpr(node.value) def visit_BoolOp(self, node: ast.BoolOp): if len(node.values) != 2: raise self._unsupported( node, "chained boolean operators (A or B or C) are not supported; use parentheses to split the chain.") lhs = self.visit(node.values[0]) rhs = self.visit(node.values[1]) method_name = self._method_name_for_bool_op.get(type(node.op)) if method_name is None: raise self._unsupported( node, "AST boolean operator '{}' is not (currently) implemented.".format(node.op.__name__)) return self._apply_binary_method(method_name, lhs, rhs) _method_name_for_bool_op: Dict[Type[ast.boolop], str] = {ast.And: 'logical_and', ast.Or: 'logical_or'} if sys.version_info < (3, 8): def visit_NameConstant(self, node): return constexpr(node.value) def visit_Num(self, node): return constexpr(node.n) def visit_Str(self, node): return constexpr(ast.literal_eval(node)) def visit_Attribute(self, node): lhs = self.visit(node.value) if _is_triton_tensor(lhs): if node.attr == "T": return language.semantic.permute(lhs, (1, 0), builder=self.builder) return getattr(lhs, node.attr) def visit_Expr(self, node): ast.NodeVisitor.generic_visit(self, node) def visit_NoneType(self, node): return None def visit_JoinedStr(self, node): values = list(node.values) for i, value in enumerate(values): if isinstance(value, ast.Constant): values[i] = str(value.value) elif isinstance(value, ast.FormattedValue): conversion_code = value.conversion evaluated = self.visit(value.value) if not _is_constexpr(evaluated): raise self._unsupported( node, "Cannot evaluate f-string containing non-constexpr conversion values, found conversion of type " + str(type(evaluated))) values[i] = ("{}" if conversion_code < 0 else "{!" + chr(conversion_code) + "}").format(evaluated.value) else: raise AssertionError("encountered unexpected node of type {} in a JoinedStr node".format(type(value))) return ''.join(values) def visit(self, node): if node is None: return with warnings.catch_warnings(): # The ast library added visit_Constant and deprecated some other # methods but we can't move to that without breaking Python 3.6 and 3.7. warnings.simplefilter("ignore", DeprecationWarning) # python 3.9 warnings.simplefilter("ignore", PendingDeprecationWarning) # python 3.8 last_node = self.cur_node last_loc = self.builder.get_loc() self.cur_node = node if hasattr(node, 'lineno') and hasattr(node, 'col_offset'): self.builder.set_loc(self.file_name, self.begin_line + node.lineno, node.col_offset) last_loc = self.builder.get_loc() try: ret = super().visit(node) except CompilationError: raise except Exception as e: # Wrap the error in a CompilationError which contains the source # of the @jit function. raise CompilationError(self.jit_fn.src, self.cur_node, repr(e)) from None # Reset the location to the last one before the visit if last_loc: self.cur_node = last_node self.builder.set_loc(last_loc) return ret def generic_visit(self, node): raise self._unsupported(node, "unsupported AST node type: {}".format(type(node).__name__)) def execute_static_assert(self, node: ast.Call) -> None: arg_count = len(node.args) if not (0 < arg_count <= 2) or len(node.keywords): raise TypeError("`static_assert` requires one or two positional arguments only") passed = _unwrap_if_constexpr(self.visit(node.args[0])) if not isinstance(passed, bool): raise NotImplementedError( "Assertion condition could not be determined at compile-time. Make sure that it depends only on `constexpr` values" ) if not passed: if arg_count == 1: message = "" else: try: message = self.visit(node.args[1]) except Exception as e: message = "" raise CompileTimeAssertionFailure(self.jit_fn.src, node, _unwrap_if_constexpr(message)) return None def static_executor(python_fn): def ret(self, node: ast.Call): kws = { name: _unwrap_if_constexpr(value) for name, value in (self.visit(keyword) for keyword in node.keywords) } args = [_unwrap_if_constexpr(self.visit(arg)) for arg in node.args] return constexpr(python_fn(*args, **kws)) return ret statically_implemented_functions: Dict[object, Callable[[ast.Call], Any]] = { language.core.static_assert: execute_static_assert, language.core.static_print: static_executor(print), int: static_executor(int), len: static_executor(len), } def kernel_suffix(signature, specialization): # suffix format: # <'c' if equal to 1><'d' if divisible by 16><'e' if divisible by 8> suffix = '' for i, _ in enumerate(signature): suffix += str(i) if i in specialization.equal_to_1: suffix += 'c' if i in specialization.divisible_by_16: suffix += 'd' return suffix def ast_to_ttir(fn, specialization, context, options, codegen_fns): attrs = specialization.attrs # create kernel prototype cst_key = lambda i: fn.arg_names.index(i) if isinstance(i, str) else i constants = {cst_key(key): value for key, value in specialization.constants.items()} # visit kernel AST gscope = fn.__globals__.copy() function_name = fn.repr(specialization) tys = list(specialization.signature.values()) new_constants = {k: True if k in tys and tys[k] == "i1" else 1 for k in attrs.equal_to_1} new_attrs = {k: [("tt.divisibility", 16)] for k in attrs.divisible_by_16} all_constants = constants.copy() all_constants.update(new_constants) arg_types = [str_to_ty(v) for k, v in specialization.signature.items() if k not in specialization.constants] file_name, begin_line = _get_fn_file_line(fn) prototype = language.function_type([], arg_types) generator = CodeGenerator(context, prototype, gscope=gscope, constants=all_constants, function_name=function_name, jit_fn=fn, attributes=new_attrs, is_kernel=True, file_name=file_name, begin_line=begin_line, options=options, codegen_fns=codegen_fns) generator.visit(fn.parse()) ret = generator.module # module takes ownership of the context ret.context = context return ret