{f lddlmZddlZddlZddlZddlZddlZddlZddl Z ddl Z ddl Z ddl m Z ddlmZddlmZddlmZe j,rddlmZ ddlZ ddlZeee ejBd ejDjGZ$e$d krd Z%nd Z% dd l(m)Z)ddlm*Z*ddl+m,Z,ddl-m.Z.m/Z/m0Z0ddl1m2Z2m3Z3m4Z4m5Z5m6Z6m7Z7m8Z8m9Z9m:Z:m;Z;ddlZ>ddl?m@Z@e j,rddlAmBZBejeDZEGddZFGddeFZGGddZHGddeFZIe GddeFZJe%r Gdd eFZKGd!d"eFZLd*d#ZMGd$d%ZNGd&d'ejZPGd(d)ePZy#e$rddlZY8wxYw#e$rdZYFwxYw#e&ee'f$rd Z%YwxYw)+) annotationsN)contextmanager) HTTPMessage) HTTPResponse)timeout)BaseHTTPConnectionz^([0-9]+)\.([0-9]+))rFT)util) _TYPE_BODY)HTTPHeaderDict) BaseSSLErrorHTTPConnection HTTPException) BodyNotHttplibCompatible DecodeError HTTPErrorIncompleteReadInvalidChunkLength InvalidHeader ProtocolErrorReadTimeoutErrorResponseNotChunkedSSLError) is_fp_closedis_response_to_head)Retry)HTTPConnectionPoolceZdZddZddZy)ContentDecoderctNNotImplementedErrorselfdatas Y/var/lib/jenkins/workspace/mettalog/venv/lib/python3.12/site-packages/urllib3/response.py decompresszContentDecoder.decompressG !##ctr"r#r&s r(flushzContentDecoder.flushJr*r+Nr'bytesreturnr0r1r0)__name__ __module__ __qualname__r)r.r+r(r r Fs $$r+r c$eZdZddZddZddZy)DeflateDecodercRd|_d|_tj|_y)NTr+) _first_try_datazlib decompressobj_objr-s r(__init__zDeflateDecoder.__init__Os  &&( r+c|s|S|js|jj|S|xj|z c_ |jj|}|rd|_d|_|S#tj $rbd|_t j tj |_ |j|jd|_cYS#d|_wxYwwxYw)NF)r:r>r)r;r<errorr= MAX_WBITS)r&r' decompresseds r(r)zDeflateDecoder.decompressTsK99''- - d  "99//5L"'!  zz "#DO**DNN?;DI "tzz2! T  "s%,A//AC$3C C$ C  C$c6|jjSr"r>r.r-s r(r.zDeflateDecoder.flushjyy  r+Nr1Noner/r2r3r4r5r?r)r.r6r+r(r8r8Ns) ",!r+r8ceZdZdZdZdZy)GzipDecoderStaterrN)r3r4r5 FIRST_MEMBER OTHER_MEMBERS SWALLOW_DATAr6r+r(rKrKnsLMLr+rKc$eZdZddZddZddZy) GzipDecoderctjdtjz|_tj |_yN)r<r=rBr>rKrM_stater-s r(r?zGzipDecoder.__init__us*&&rDNN':; &33 r+c$t}|jtjk(s|s t |S ||j j |z }|j j}|s t |Stj|_tjdtjz|_#tj$rC|j}tj|_|tjk(r t |cYSwxYwrS) bytearrayrUrKrOr0r>r)r<rArN unused_datar=rB)r&r'retprevious_states r(r)zGzipDecoder.decompressysk ;;*77 7t:  tyy++D1199((DSz!*88DK**2+>?DI:: !%.;; !%5%C%CC :% sB99AD Dc6|jjSr"rEr-s r(r.zGzipDecoder.flushrFr+NrGr/r2rIr6r+r(rQrQts4@*!r+rQceZdZddZddZy) BrotliDecoderctj|_t|jdr"t |d|jj yt |d|jj y)Nr))brotli Decompressorr>hasattrsetattrr)processr-s r(r?zBrotliDecoder.__init__sL++-DItyy,/lDII,@,@AlDII,=,=>r+cdt|jdr|jjSy)Nr.r+)rar>r.r-s r(r.zBrotliDecoder.flushs$tyy'*yy((r+NrGr2)r3r4r5r?r.r6r+r(r]r]s  ? r+r]c$eZdZddZddZddZy) ZstdDecodercRtjj|_yr")zstdZstdDecompressorr=r>r-s r(r?zZstdDecoder.__init__s--/==?DIr+c|sy|jj|g}|jjr|jjr|jj}t j j |_|j|jj||jjr|jjrdj|S)Nr+) r>r)eofrXrhrir=appendjoin)r&r' data_partsrXs r(r)zZstdDecoder.decompresss))..t45J))--DII$9$9"ii33  113AAC !!$))"6"6{"CD))--DII$9$988J' 'r+c||jj}|jjs td|S)NzZstandard data is incomplete)r>r.rkr)r&rYs r(r.zZstdDecoder.flushs.))//#C99==!"@AAJr+NrGr/r2rIr6r+r(rfrfs @ ( r+rfc(eZdZdZddZddZddZy) MultiDecodera From RFC7231: If one or more encodings have been applied to a representation, the sender that applied the encodings MUST generate a Content-Encoding header field that lists the content codings in the order in which they were applied. c|jdDcgc]}t|jc}|_ycc}w)N,)split _get_decoderstrip _decoders)r&modesms r(r?zMultiDecoder.__init__s+;@;;s;KLa,qwwy1LLs =c<|jdjSNr)rwr.r-s r(r.zMultiDecoder.flushs~~a &&((r+c\t|jD]}|j|}|Sr")reversedrwr))r&r'ds r(r)zMultiDecoder.decompresss($..)A<<%D* r+N)rxstrr1rHr2r/)r3r4r5__doc__r?r.r)r6r+r(rqrqsM)r+rqcd|vr t|S|dvr tSt|dk(r tStr|dk(r t St S)Nrs)gzipx-gzipbrrh)rqrQr_r]HAS_ZSTDrfr8)modes r(rurusU d{D!! !!} ddlDFN}  r+c8eZdZdZddZd dZd dZd dZd dZy) BytesQueueBuffera Memory-efficient bytes buffer To return decoded data in read() and still follow the BufferedIOBase API, we need a buffer to always return the correct amount of bytes. This buffer should be filled using calls to put() Our maximum memory usage is determined by the sum of the size of: * self.buffer, which contains the full data * the largest chunk that we will copy in get() The worst case scenario is a single chunk, in which case we'll make a full copy of the data inside get(). cDtj|_d|_yr{) collectionsdequebuffer_sizer-s r(r?zBytesQueueBuffer.__init__s+6+<+<+>  r+c|jSr")rr-s r(__len__zBytesQueueBuffer.__len__s zzr+cv|jj||xjt|z c_yr")rrlrlenr%s r(putzBytesQueueBuffer.puts& 4  c$i r+cd|dk(ry|js td|dkr tdd}tj}||kr||z }|jj }t |}||kr\|d|||d}}|j||jj||xj|zc_ |jS|j||xj|zc_ ||z }|js |jS||kr|jS)Nrr+zbuffer is emptyzn should be > 0) r RuntimeError ValueErrorioBytesIOpopleftrwrite appendleftrgetvalue) r&nfetchedrY remainingchunk chunk_length left_chunk right_chunks r(getzBytesQueueBuffer.gets 601 1 U./ /jjlkG IKK'')Eu:L<'*/ *;U9:=NK  *% &&{3 i' ||~ %  l* | #G;;||~%k$||~r+c4|js|jdk(sJytdk(rj}nPt j }|j fdttD|j}d|_|S)Nrr+rc3>K|]}jywr")r).0_rs r( z+BytesQueueBuffer.get_all..&sH6>>+Hs) rrrpoprr writelinesranger)r&resultrYrs @r(get_allzBytesQueueBuffer.get_allsv::? "? v;! ZZ\F**,C NNHU3v;5GH H\\^F  r+NrGr1int)r'r0r1rH)rrr1r0r2) r3r4r5rr?rrrrr6r+r(rrs   < r+rcPeZdZUgdZeedgz Zeredgz ZgdZeejfZ de d<ee ejfz Z ere e jfz Z ddd d!d Zd"d Zed#d Zd$d Zed%d Zej(d&dZed'dZed(dZej(d)dZ d* d+dZ d, d-dZ d. d/dZ d. d+dZd0dZd0dZd0dZd0dZ d1dZd#dZ d2dZ!d3dZ"d4d5dZ#d3dZ$d%d Z%y)6BaseHTTPResponse)rrdeflateNrrh)i-i.i/i3i4ztuple[type[Exception], ...]DECODER_ERROR_CLASSES)headersretriesc~t|tr||_nt||_||_||_||_||_||_d|_||_ ||_ d|_ |jjddj} d| jdD} d| vrd|_ d|_|y)NFztransfer-encodingc3<K|]}|jywr")rv)rencs r(rz,BaseHTTPResponse.__init__..Ws>SSYY[>srschunkedT) isinstancer rstatusversionversion_stringreasondecode_content_has_decoded_content _request_urlrrrlowerrt_decoder) r&rrrrrr request_urlrtr_enc encodingss r(r?zBaseHTTPResponse.__init__;s g~ ."DL)'2DL  , ,$)!(3  !!"5r:@@B>FLL,=>  !DL/3  r+cj|j|jvr|jjdSy)a Should we redirect and where to? :returns: Truthy redirect location string if we got a redirect status code and valid location. ``None`` if redirect status and no location. ``False`` if not a redirect status code. locationF)rREDIRECT_STATUSESrrr-s r(get_redirect_locationz&BaseHTTPResponse.get_redirect_location^s. ;;$00 0<<##J/ /r+ctr"r#r-s r(r'zBaseHTTPResponse.dataj !##r+cb|jjd}tj|S)a Deserializes the body of the HTTP response as a Python object. The body of the HTTP response must be encoded using UTF-8, as per `RFC 8529 Section 8.1 `_. To use a custom JSON decoder pass the result of :attr:`HTTPResponse.data` to your custom decoder instead. If the body of the HTTP response is not decodable to UTF-8, a `UnicodeDecodeError` will be raised. If the body of the HTTP response is not a valid JSON document, a `json.JSONDecodeError` will be raised. Read more :ref:`here `. :returns: The body of the HTTP response as a Python object. zutf-8)r'decode_jsonloadsr%s r(jsonzBaseHTTPResponse.jsonns'$yy({{4  r+ctr"r#r-s r(urlzBaseHTTPResponse.urlrr+ctr"r#r&rs r(rzBaseHTTPResponse.urlrr+ctr"r#r-s r( connectionzBaseHTTPResponse.connectionrr+c|jSr")_retriesr-s r(rzBaseHTTPResponse.retriess }}r+cj|*|jr|jdj|_||_y)N)historyredirect_locationrr)r&rs r(rzBaseHTTPResponse.retriess-  7??r*<CIIK == 4#8#88 ,-= > ((.33C8wwyD$9$99GGI  $01A$BDM ) !s-3B8cf|s|jr td|S |jr"|jj|}d|_|r||jz }|S#|j$r?}|j j ddj}td|z||d}~wwxYw)zN Decode the data passed in and potentially flush the decoder. _Calling read(decode_content=False) is not supported after read(decode_content=True) was called.TrrzEReceived response with content-encoding: %s, but failed to decode it.N) rrrr)rrrrr_flush_decoder)r&r'r flush_decoderrrs r(_decodezBaseHTTPResponse._decodes (("<K }}}}//5,0)  D'') )D )) #||//0BBGMMO ')9:   s.A""B01:B++B0c|jr6|jjd|jjzSy)zk Flushes the decoder. Should only be called if the decoder is actually being used. r+)rr)r.r-s r(rzBaseHTTPResponse._flush_decoders5 ====++C04==3F3F3HH Hr+c|jt|}t|dk(ry||dt|t|Sr{)rr)r&btemps r(readintozBaseHTTPResponse.readintos;yyQ  t9>!AkD Nt9 r+cRtjdtd|jS)Nz|HTTPResponse.getheaders() is deprecated and will be removed in urllib3 v2.1.0. Instead access HTTPResponse.headers directly.rLcategory stacklevel)warningswarnDeprecationWarningrr-s r( getheaderszBaseHTTPResponse.getheaderss&  O'  ||r+crtjdtd|jj ||S)NzHTTPResponse.getheader() is deprecated and will be removed in urllib3 v2.1.0. Instead use HTTPResponse.headers.get(name, default).rLr)rrrrr)r&namedefaults r( getheaderzBaseHTTPResponse.getheader s3  V'  ||g..r+c|jSr")rr-s r(infozBaseHTTPResponse.infos ||r+c|jSr")rr-s r(geturlzBaseHTTPResponse.geturls xxr+)r>typing.Mapping[str, str] | typing.Mapping[bytes, bytes] | Nonerrrrrrr str | Nonerboolrrr Retry | Noner1rH)r1z"str | None | typing.Literal[False]r2)r1z typing.Anyr1r)rrr1rH)r1zBaseHTTPConnection | None)r1r)rrr1rHiN)r int | Noner bool | Noner1typing.Iterator[bytes]NNFrrrrrrr1r0NNrrrrr1r0rG)r'r0rrrrr1r0)rrWr1r)r1r r")r rr rr1r)&r3r4r5rr_rrIOErrorr<rAr__annotations__rh ZstdErrorr?rpropertyr'rrsetterrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr rrr6r+r(rr,sm4 TF"VH$1:A4::9N6N &,,0$..!22 SW!%!*P!* !*  !*  !*!*!* !*!* !*F $$!*$$ ZZ$$$$ ^^  FJ$$7B$ $&*# $ $$$ $  $&*$ $$$  $&*$ $$$ $$$$C&+6GK </r+rceZdZdZ d dfd Zd dZd dZed!dZed"dZ d#dZ d$dZ d%d Z e d&d Z d'd d  d(d Z d'd d  d(dZ d) d*dZ d+ d,dZ d- d.dZd#dZd dZed#dZd$dZd dZd#dZd dZd/dZ d+ d.dZed0dZej<d1dZd2dZxZ S)3ra HTTP Response container. Backwards-compatible with :class:`http.client.HTTPResponse` but the response ``body`` is loaded and decoded on-demand when the ``data`` property is accessed. This class is also compatible with the Python standard library's :mod:`io` module, and can hence be treated as a readable object in the context of that framework. Extra parameters for behaviour not present in :class:`http.client.HTTPResponse`: :param preload_content: If True, the response's body will be preloaded during construction. :param decode_content: If True, will attempt to decode the body based on the 'content-encoding' header. :param original_response: When this HTTPResponse wrapper is generated from an :class:`http.client.HTTPResponse` object, it's convenient to include the original for debug purposes. It's otherwise unused. :param retries: The retries contains the last :class:`~urllib3.util.retry.Retry` that was used during the request. :param enforce_content_length: Enforce content length checking. Body returned by server must match value of Content-Length header, if present. Otherwise, raise error. c t||||||||| ||_||_d|_d|_| |_d|_| |_|rt|ttfr||_| |_ | |_ t|dr||_d|_|j!||_t%|_|r%|js|j)||_yyy)N)rrrrrrrrrrr)superr?enforce_content_length auto_close_body_fp_original_response_fp_bytes_readmsgrrr0_pool _connectionra chunk_left _init_lengthlength_remainingr_decoded_bufferr)r&bodyrrrrrpreload_contentroriginal_responsepoolrr-rr'request_methodrr( __class__s r(r?zHTTPResponse.__init__=s( ))#  '=#$ 04"3 Jtc5\2DJ % 4 DH'+!% 1 1. A 01 4::.ADJ$.?r+c|jr |jsy|jj|jd|_yr")r.r/ _put_connr-s r(rzHTTPResponse.release_conn{s4zz!1!1 T--.r+cd |jy#ttttf$rYywxYw)z Read and discard any remaining HTTP response data in the response connection. Unread data in the HTTPResponse connection blocks the connection from being released back to the pool. N)rrOSErrorrrr-s r(rzHTTPResponse.drain_conns+   IIK7L-@   s //cp|jr |jS|jr|jdSy)NT)r)r)r*rr-s r(r'zHTTPResponse.datas0 ::::  8899490 0r+c|jSr")r/r-s r(rzHTTPResponse.connectionsr+c,t|jSr")rr*r-s r(isclosedzHTTPResponse.isclosedsDHH%%r+c|jS)z Obtain the number of bytes pulled over the wire so far. May differ from the amount of content returned by :meth:``urllib3.response.HTTPResponse.read`` if bytes are encoded on the wire (e.g, compressed). )r,r-s r(tellzHTTPResponse.tells """r+c|jjd}|~|jrtj dy |j dDchc] }t |}}t|dkDrtd|z|j}|dkrd}nd} t |j}|dvsd |cxkrd ksn|d k(rd}|Scc}w#t$rd}YBwxYw#t$rd}Y=wxYw) zM Set initial length value for Response content if available. zcontent-lengthNzReceived response with both Content-Length and Transfer-Encoding set. This is expressly forbidden by RFC 7230 sec 3.3.2. Ignoring Content-Length and attempting to process response as Transfer-Encoding: chunked.rsrz8Content-Length contained multiple unmatching values (%s)r)i0dHEAD) rrrlogwarningrtrrrrrr)r&r8content_lengthvallengthslengthrs r(r1zHTTPResponse._init_lengths &*\\%5%56F%G  %||  " 0>/C/CC/HI3s8IIwJ**++113 ##$$**,&&4+B+B+K+K+M!!#,N&a! S'tzz49JKQRR S-SV;"1+1,&tzz49JKQRR! 3JJ* - qyyj0=C/u5C#C+2!7+ K#&9!$?CJ K**++113 ##$$**,&&4+B+B+K+K+M!!#,N&s_G:BE/BG: E,B55 E,1C22 E,>AEE,E''E,,E//BG77G:Frc|jsJd}|r||kDs||jr|j|kDrtjstj dkr|r|jj |Stj}d}||dk7r_|t||}||z}n|}|jj|}|s |jS|j|~|Y|dk7r_|jS|r7||jj |S|jj S||jj|S|jjS)a_ Read a response with the thought that reading the number of bytes larger than can fit in a 32-bit int at a time via SSL in some known cases leads to an overflow error that has to be prevented if `amt` or `self.length_remaining` indicate that a problem may happen. The known cases: * 3.8 <= CPython < 3.9.7 because of a bug https://github.com/urllib3/urllib3/issues/2513#issuecomment-1152559900. * urllib3 injected with pyOpenSSL-backed SSL-support. * CPython < 3.10 only when `amt` does not fit 32-bit int. i) ir) r*r2r IS_PYOPENSSLsys version_inforrrminrrr)r&rr c_int_maxr max_chunk_amt chunk_amtr's r(_fp_readzHTTPResponse._fp_read!sH&xxx S9_ ))))I5  C$4$4w$>xx~~i00ZZ\F"M+? #C 7I9$C -Ixx}}Y/??$ $ T"+??$ $ *-/488>>#& Otxx~~?O O*-488==% Mdhhmmo Mr+c|jyt|jdd}|j5|s|j||nd}|h|dk7rc|sa|jj |j rv|j j|j dk7r[t|j|j |r9|dk7r|r|j t|k(r|jj dddrH|xjt|z c_|j |xj t|zc_|S#1swYUxYw)z7 Reads `amt` of bytes from the socket. NclosedFrVr+r) r*getattrrUrarr'r2rr,r)r&rr fp_closedr's r( _raw_readzHTTPResponse._raw_readZs$ 88 DHHh6  " !:C4==E=2D3!8D //--9--2))<)S>STT$4+@+@CI+M  = !@    3t9 , $$0%%T2% I ! !s B=EEc.|j| |j}|r|dkrd}n7|5d}t|j|k\r|jj |S|j |}|duxs |dk7xr| }|st|jdk(r|S||j |||}|r||_|S|s|jr td|S|j |||}|jj|t|j|kr\|rZ|j |}|j |||}|jj|t|j|kr|rZ|jj |}|S)aT Similar to :meth:`http.client.HTTPResponse.read`, but with two additional parameters: ``decode_content`` and ``cache_content``. :param amt: How much of the content to read. If specified, caching is skipped because it doesn't make sense to cache partial content as the full response. :param decode_content: If True, will attempt to decode the body based on the 'content-encoding' header. :param cache_content: If True, will save the returned data such that the same result is returned despite of the state of the underlying file object. This is useful if you want the ``.data`` property to continue working after having ``.read()`` the file object. (Overridden if ``amt`` is set.) NrFr) rrrr3rrfrr)rrr)r&rrrr'r decoded_datas r(rzHTTPResponse.reads4   !!00N 37C _!M4''(C/++//44~~c"t >q(=X D001Q6K ;<<nmDD! . )",,&@ <<nmLL  $ $\ 2d**+c1d~~c*#||D.-P $$((6 d**+c1d''++C0D r+cb| |j}|r|dkrd}|jr\|s tdt|jdkDr7||jj S|jj |S|dk(ry|j|d}|r||S|j | }|j|||}|jj||s|rn|jdd}J||jj S|jj |S)a Similar to ``http.client.HTTPResponse.read1`` and documented in :meth:`io.BufferedReader.read1`, but with an additional parameter: ``decode_content``. :param amt: How much of the content to read. :param decode_content: If True, will attempt to decode the body based on the 'content-encoding' header. NrzaCalling read1(decode_content=False) is not supported after read1(decode_content=True) was called.r+TrVi ) rrrrr3rrrfrrr)r&rrr'rrhs r(rzHTTPResponse.read1s?"  !!00N 37C  $ $!"=4''(1,;//7799++//44 !8~~c~.K  $HM<<nmLL  $ $\ 2}>>$d>3D  ;''//1 1##'',,r+c#lK|jr,|jr|j||Ed{yt|jrt |j dkDrI|j||}|r|t|js/t |j dkDrHyy7|w)a_ A generator wrapper for the read() method. A call will block until ``amt`` bytes have been read from the connection or until the connection is closed. :param amt: How much of the content to read. The generator will return up to much data per iteration, but may return less. This is particularly likely when using compressed data. However, the empty string will never be returned. :param decode_content: If True, will attempt to decode the body based on the 'content-encoding' header. r%Nr)rr)rsupports_chunked_readsrrr*rr3r)r&rrr's r(rzHTTPResponse.streams$ <># #7+ !r+c.t|jdS)a Checks if the underlying file-like object looks like a :class:`http.client.HTTPResponse` object. We do this by testing for the fp attribute. If it is present we assume it returns raw chunks as processed by read_chunked(). fp)rar*r-s r(rkz#HTTPResponse.supports_chunked_readsWstxx&&r+c$|jy|jjj}|j ddd} t |d|_y#t $r,|j|r t||dtddwxYw)N;rrrTzResponse ended prematurely) r0r*rvreadlinertrrrrr)r&lines r(_update_chunk_lengthz!HTTPResponse._update_chunk_length`s ?? &xx{{##%zz$"1% L!$mDO L JJL(t4$>$$@AtK Ls A5Bcnd}|K|jj|j}|}|jjdd|_|S|jB||jkr3|jj|}|j|z |_|}|S||jk(rA|jj|}|jjdd|_|}|S|jj|j}|jjdd|_|S)NrL)r* _safe_readr0)r&rreturned_chunkrvalues r( _handle_chunkzHTTPResponse._handle_chunkrs ;HH''8E"N HH   ""DO__ (S4??-BHH'',E"oo3DO"NDOO #HH'',E HH   ""DO"N "XX00AN HH   ""DOr+c#XK|j|js td|js t d|j 5|j r9t|j r$|j j dddy|jj dddy|r|dkrd} |j|jdk(rn,|j|}|j||d}|r|L|r|j}|r||j:|jjj!}|sn|dk(rn |j:|j r|j jdddy#1swYyxYww)a Similar to :meth:`HTTPResponse.read`, but with an additional parameter: ``decode_content``. :param amt: How much of the content to read. If specified, caching is skipped because it doesn't make sense to cache partial content as the full response. :param decode_content: If True, will attempt to decode the body based on the 'content-encoding' header. zHResponse is not chunked. Header 'transfer-encoding: chunked' is missing.zkBody should be http.client.HTTPResponse like. It should have have an fp attribute which returns raw chunks.NrF)rrs )rrrrkrrUr+rrr*rvr{r0rrrry)r&rrrdecodedrzs r(rzHTTPResponse.read_chunkeds ||$B **,*P   ". 0&&+>t?V?V+W''--/ . 0. 0xx{{". 0. 0sQw))+??a'**3/,,.'!M--/!M((&xx{{++-7? ((&&&''--/]. 0. 0. 0s=AF*=F F*F2 F*;B3F/&F F*F'#F*c|jS)z Returns the URL that was the source of this response. If the request that generated this response redirected, this method will return the final redirect location. rr-s r(rzHTTPResponse.urls   r+c||_yr"rrs r(rzHTTPResponse.urls r+c#.Kg}|jdD]d}d|vrM|jd}dj||dzdz|ddD] }|dz |dr|dg}Qg}T|j|f|rdj|yyw)NTr% r+rrr)rrtrmrl)r&rrchunksxs r(__iter__zHTTPResponse.__iter__s [[[5E~U+hhv&2U::"Ae)O&":$Rj\FF e$6 ((6" " sBB)rNrrzHTTP/?NTTNNNNNTNNT)$r4r rrrrrrrrrrr5rrrr6z_HttplibHTTPResponse | Noner7zHTTPConnectionPool | NonerHTTPConnection | Noner-z_HttplibHTTPMessage | Nonerrr'rr8rrrr(rr1rHrGr2)r1r)r1rr)r8rr1r)r1z"typing.Generator[None, None, None]r")rrrrr1r0rrrrr)rrrrr1z#typing.Generator[bytes, None, None])rrr1r0r)rrr1rH)r1r)!r3r4r5rr?rrr!r'rrArCr1rrUrarfrrrrmrrcrsr.rkr{rrrr"r __classcell__)r9s@r(rrsDRV&! $#9=*.,0*. $'+%)"&%<B<BP<B <B  <B  <B<B<B<B7<B(<B*<B(<B<B!%<B #!<B" #<B$%<B& '<B|    &#6p?$?$F7N 7N 7N 7N  7Nv2 2 2 2  2l&*# H H$H H  HX&*4- 4-$4-  4-nFJ7B ,8"   $'L$.EIK0K06AK0 ,K0Z!! 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