/* Part of SWI-Prolog Author: Mike Elston Matt Lilley E-mail: matt.s.lilley@gmail.com WWW: http://www.swi-prolog.org Copyright (c) 2014-2015, Mike Elston, Matt Lilley All rights reserved. Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS "AS IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT OWNER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. */ /* PostgreSQL is a trademark of the PostgreSQL Global Development Group. Microsoft, SQL Server, and Windows are either registered trademarks or trademarks of Microsoft Corporation in the United States and/or other countries. SQLite is a registered trademark of Hipp, Wyrick & Company, Inc in the United States. All other trademarks or registered trademarks are the property of their respective owners. */ :-module(cql, [ cql_execute/1, cql_error/3, cql_data_type/10, cql_get_module_default_schema/2, cql_goal_expansion/3, cql_event_notification_table/2, cql_history_attribute/3, cql_identity/3, cql_odbc_select_statement/4, cql_odbc_state_change_statement/7, cql_portray/2, cql_var_check/1, cql_post_state_change_select_sql/4, cql_pre_state_change_select_sql/7, cql_runtime/7, cql_update_history_hook/14, cql_set_module_default_schema/1, cql_show/2, cql_state_change_statistics_sql/8, cql_statement_location/2, cql_temporary_column_name/4, cql_log/4, cql_normalize_name/3, cql_sql_clause/3, default_schema/1, odbc_execute_with_statistics/4, cql_access_token_to_user_id/2, dbms/2, odbc_data_type/4, attribute_domain/4, database_identity/3, database_key/5, primary_key_column_name/3, statistic_monitored_attribute/3, domain_database_data_type/2, database_attribute/8, database_domain/2, routine_return_type/3, database_constraint/4, in_line_format/4, row_count/2, sql_gripe/3, op(400, xfy, (::)), op(900, fy, exists), op(750, yfx, *==), op(750, yfx, =*=), op(750, yfx, ==*), op(740, yfx, on), op(700, xfx, =~), op(700, xfx, \=~), op(200, fy, #), op(920, fy, ???), op(920, fy, ??), op(920, fy, ?) ]). :-license(swipl). :-use_module(library(chr)). :-use_module(library(dcg/basics)). :-use_module(library(cql/sql_parser)). :-use_module(library(cql/sql_tokenizer)). :-use_module(library(cql/sql_write)). :-use_module(library(cql/sql_keywords)). :-use_module(library(cql/cql_database)). :-reexport(cql_database, [register_database_connection_details/2, cql_transaction/3]). /** CQL - Constraint Query Language Note that CQL is currently in a state of flux. Features may be dropped in future releases, and the generated SQL may change between releases. In particular, _|runtime|_ mode is deprecated. CQL is a Prolog interface to SQL databases. There are two modes: _|fully compiled|_ and _|runtime|_. The _|fully compiled|_ mode should be used if possible due to the far greater compile time checking it provides. ## Warnings from CQL {#cql-warnings} ### CQL Comparisons with NULL {#cql-compare-null} CQLv2 correctly compiles equality comparisons with NULL into the appropriate expression at runtime. In CQLv1, executing == A={null}, {[A], foo :: [a-A]} == would never succeed, regardless of the value of foo.a. This is no longer the case: If A is `{null}` then this will execute as =|SELECT .... WHERE a IS NULL|= and if A is not {null}, it will execute as =|SELECT .... WHERE a = ?|= See the section _|Removing null comparisions|_ for the dealing with the common requirement to ignore comparisons with null. ### Avoid setof/3 and bagof/3 in CQL queries {#cql-and-setof} It is generally not a good idea to wrap CQL inside a setof/3 or a bagof/3 ... unless you are prepared to declare all the CQL variables that are neither bound nor mentioned in the setof/bagof template. If you want to sort, use findall/3 followed by sort/2. Note that sort/2 (like setof/3) removes duplicates. If you don't want to remove duplicates, use msort/2. ## CQL: Retrieved nulls have special logic to handle outer joins {#cql-null-outer-jpin} In the course of executing a select query, the following rules are applied: 1. Any selected attribute that is null does not bind its associated variable. 2. Just before returning from the query any select variables that are still free are bound to {null}. This is so we can handle outer joins. Consider this: == x :: [a-A] *== y :: [a-A] == Assume x.a binds A to a non-null value. If there is no matching row in `y`, then `y.a = null`. If variable `A` was truly shared the query could never succeed. By not binding the variable associated with `y.a` the query can succeed ( rule 1) and `A` will be bound to the value in `x.a`. ## CQL: Getting Started Quickly {#cql-quickstart} Here is a simple example of a SQL SELECT from the table `se_lt_x` == test(A) :- format('About to call CQL with A=~w', [A]), {[], se_lt_x :: [a-A, b-B, c-C]}, format('B=~w, C=~w', [B, C]). == * The CQL is distinguished from the ordinary Prolog by appearing in curly brackets * Prolog variables which are ground when the CQL is executed will appear in the resulting SQL as part of the WHERE clause Comparisons can be done in-line e.g. == [a-'ELSTON_M'] == or with the == operator e.g. == [a-A], A == 'ELSTON_M'. == *|The single = operator means unify, not compare. Use = for unification, not comparison|* FIXME: Unification is deprecated. The operators `=:=` and `\==` are also available for numerical value comparisons (they just translate to SQL `=` and `<>`, so in fact you could use them for string comparisons) ## Debugging CQL queries {#cql-debugging} You can debug CQL using the meta-predicates ?/1, ??/2 and ???/3: == ???{[], se_lt_x :: [a-A, b-_], A == 'ELSTON_M'}. == $ ?/1 : Display a summary form of the generated SQL before and after the goal is called. == [main] CALL SELECT slx_2.b, slx_2.a FROM se_lt_x AS slx_2 WHERE slx_2.a = 'ELSTON_M' [main] EXIT SELECT slx_2.b, slx_2.a FROM se_lt_x AS slx_2 WHERE slx_2.a = 'ELSTON_M' (0.006963s, 0.01cpu, 3,899 inferences) == $ ??/1 : Display the exact query (and results) in a format which can be executed directly by the DBMS (In this case, SQL Server) The generated SQL may be significantly more complicated than expected, and this can be used to debug the CQL compiler itself == [main] CALL DECLARE @P0 VARCHAR(50); SET @P0 = 'ELSTON_M'; SELECT slx_450.b, slx_450.a FROM se_lt_x AS slx_450 WHERE slx_450.a = @P0 AND slx_450.a COLLATE Latin1_General_CS_AS = @P0 Result: se_lt_x.b = {null} se_lt_x.a = 'ELSTON_M' (0.003304s, 0.00cpu, 359 inferences) == $ ???/1 : Display simplified SQL before the goal is called and display the results afterwards == [main] CALL SELECT slx_450.b, slx_450.a FROM se_lt_x AS slx_450 WHERE slx_450.a = 'ELSTON_M' Result: se_lt_x.b = {null} se_lt_x.a = 'ELSTON_M' (0.003304s, 0.00cpu, 359 inferences) == ## Prolog Variables in CQL queries {#cql-prolog-vars} A Prolog variable can be simultaneously a _|SELECT|_ variable, a _|JOIN|_ variable and a _|WHERE|_ variable as A is in the following example: == {[], se_lt_x :: [a-A, c-C] =*= se_lt_y :: [d-A, f-F], A == 'A4'} == which generates the following SQL == SELECT x_192.a, x_192.c, y_73.d, y_73.f FROM se_lt_x x_192 INNER JOIN se_lt_y y_73 ON y_73.d=x_192.a WHERE x_192.a = ? and y_73.d = ? == Note how *|all the variables referenced in the query|* are retrieved in the SELECT. This is done to make the query _|Prolog-like|_. This means the retrieved row should behave like a Prolog fact so that when a query succeeds all the variables become instantiated. There is one notable exception however: *|WHERE variables and JOIN variables are not bound in aggregation selections|* FIXME: Is this still the case? == sum_test :- {[], #se_lt_x :: [a-ValueA, sum(b)-Summation] =*= #se_lt_y :: [e-ValueB], ValueA == ValueB, % Explicit join point group_by([ValueA])}, writeln(ValueA-ValueB-Summation). == == 'ELSTON_M'-_G375971-99450 true ; == ## CQL Special Attributes {#cql-special-attrs} The following attributes are automatically provided i.e if the attribute is present in the table, CQL will automatically fill in the value: 1. *|generation_|* Set to 0 on INSERT and incremented by 1 on each update 2. *|inserted_|* Set to the current time at the time of the INSERT transaction 3. *|inserted_by_|* Set to the user ID corresponding to the access token supplied to the transaction 4. *|updated_|* Set to the current time at the time of the UPDATE transaction. Note that updated_ is also set by an INSERT 5. *|updated_by_|* Set to the user ID corresponding to the access token supplied to the transaction. Note that updated_by_ is also set by an INSERT 6. *|transaction_id_|* Set to the transaction ID All the special attributes can be overridden by supplying the attribute-value pair explicitly. ## CQL Examples {#cql-examples} Rather than provide an abstract description of CQL syntax here is a set of examples that show how to use it. ### CQL Simple INSERT {#cql-insert} == {[], insert(se_lt_x, [a-'A', b-'B', c-100])} == ### CQL Simple INSERT with retrieval of identity of the inserted {#cql-insert2} == {[], insert(se_lt_x, [a-'A', b-'B', c-100]), identity(I)} == ### CQL Simple DELETE {#cql-delete} == {[], delete(se_lt_x, [x_pk-I])} == Note that the WHERE clause is part of the delete/2 term unlike _update_ where the WHERE clause is defined outside the update/2 term. I could have made delete consisent with update, but this would have required the @ alias in the delete WHERE clause to identify the table where the rows are to be deleted). This seems like overkill because a delete can in fact refer to only one table anyway i.e. you can't identify rows to delete via a JOIN. ### CQL Simple SELECT {#cql-select} == {[], se_lt_x :: [a-A, b-B]} == This query will either: * If A is bound, and B are bound, fail if there are no such rows, or succeed (without binding anything) the same number of times as there are matching rows in se_lt_x. * If A is bound and B is unbound, bind B to each of the values in `se_lt_x.b` where `se_lt_x.a = A` * If B is bound and A is unbound, bind A to each of the values in `se_lt_x.a` where `se_lt_x.b = B` * If `A` and `B` are both unbound, bind `A` and `B` to each of the tuples in `se_lt_x` ### CQL Simple UPDATE {#cql-update} == {[], update(se_lt_x, [c-100]), @ :: [a-'A1'], row_count(N)} == This corresponds to =|UPDATE se_lt_x SET c=100 WHERE se_lt_x.a='A1'|=. The '@' is a special alias referring to the table that is being updated. The row_count/1 term gives the number or rows updated. ### CQL WHERE with arithmetic comparison {#cql-where-arith} == {[], se_lt_x :: [a-A, c-C], C > 10} == ### CQL Simple INNER JOIN {#cql-inner-join} == {[], se_lt_x :: [a-J1, c-C] =*= se_lt_y :: [d-J1, f-F]} == The join is `se_lt_x.a = se_lt_y.d` because of the shared variable `J1`. `se_lt_x.c` will be returned in `C` and `se_lt_y.f` will be returned in `F` ### CQL Arithmetic UPDATE with an INNER JOIN and a WHERE restriction {#cql-update-join-where} == {[], update(se_lt_x, [c-(C + 2 * F + 20)]), @ :: [a-A, c-C] =*= se_lt_y :: [d-A, f-F], C < 100} == This joins the table being updated (table `se_lt_x`) on table `se_lt_y` where `se_lt_x.a = se_lt_y.a` and where `se_lt_x.c < 200` then updates each identified row `se_lt_x.c` with the specified expression. ### CQL: Confirm row does not exist {#cql-not-exists} == \+ exists {[], se_lt_x :: [a-'Z']} == ### CQL: Aggregation - Count {#cql-count} == {[], se_lt_x :: [count(c)-C]} == This will count the rows in table se_lt_x ### CQL: Aggregation - Sum {#cql-sum} == {[], se_lt_x :: [sum(c)-C]} == Sum the values of attribute c in table se_lt_x ### CQL: Aggregation - Average {#cql-avg} == {[], se_lt_x :: [avg(c)-C]} == Calculate the mean of the values of attribute c in table se_lt_x ### CQL: Maximum Value {#cql-max} == {[], se_lt_x :: [max(c)-C]} == Calculate the maximum of the values of attribute c in table se_lt_x ### CQL: Minimum Value {#cql-min} == {[], se_lt_x :: [min(c)-C]} == Calculate the minimum of the values of attribute c in table se_lt_x ### CQL: Aggregation requiring GROUP BY {#cql-group-by} == {[], se_lt_z :: [g-G, sum(i)-I], group_by([G])} == This will generate the =|GROUP BY SQL|= and sum `se_lt_z.i` for each value of `se_lt_z.g` ### CQL: INNER JOIN with an aggregation sub-query where the sub-query is constrained by a shared variable from the main query {#cql-agg-subquery} == {[], se_lt_x :: [b-J1, a-A] =*= se_lt_z :: [h-J1, i-I, g-Z], I > min(Y, se_lt_y :: [f-Y, d-Z])} == The main query and the sub-query share variable Z. The generated SQL is: == SELECT x37.a, z4.i, z4.g FROM se_lt_x x37 INNER JOIN se_lt_z z4 ON x37.b=z4.h and z4.h=x37.b WHERE z4.i > (SELECT min(y11.f) FROM se_lt_y y11 WHERE z4.g=y11.d) == ### CQL: INNER JOIN in an aggregation sub-query {#cql-join-subquery} == {[], se_lt_y :: [d-D,f-F], F < sum(I, se_lt_x :: [b-J1] =*= se_lt_z :: [h-J1, i-I])} == ### CQL: Negation {#cql-negation} == {[], se_lt_x :: [a-A, b-B], \+ exists se_lt_y :: [d-A]} == The generated SQL is: == SELECT x39.a, x39.b FROM se_lt_x x39 WHERE NOT EXISTS (SELECT * FROM se_lt_y y13 WHERE x39.a = y13.d) == ### CQL: EXISTS {#cql-exists} An exists restriction translates to a =|WHERE|= sub-query and is used to say that "each row returned in the main query must satisfy some condition expressed by another query". *Example* == {[], se_lt_x :: [a-A, b-B], exists se_lt_y :: [d-A]} == compiles to: == SELECT x.b, x.a FROM se_lt_x x WHERE EXISTS (SELECT * FROM se_lt_y WHERE x.a = y.d) == ### CQL: Left Outer Join {#cql-left-outer-join} == se_lt_x :: [a-J1, b-B] *== se_lt_y :: [d-J1, e-E]} == ### CQL: List-based Restrictions {#cql-list-restrictions} CQL supports query restrictions based on lists. Note that in both cases *|\== [] and == [] are equivalent|* despite the obvious logical inconsistency. FIXME: Can we make this behaviour be controlled by a flag? It IS quite useful, even if it is completely illogical == {[], se_lt_x :: [a-Bar], Bar == []} == and == {[], se_lt_x :: [a-Bar], Bar \== []} == both do *exactly* the same thing - they will not restrict the query based on Bar. The second case seems to be logically consistent - all things are not in the empty list. ### CQL: Compile time in-list constraint {#cql-list-compilation} If your list is bound at compile-time, you can simply use it as the attribute value in CQL, for example: == {[], se_lt_x :: [a-['ELSTON_M', 'LILLEY_N']]} == This does not require the list to be *ground*, merely *bound*. For example, this is not precluded: == foo(V1, V2):- {[], se_lt_x :: [a-[V1, V2]]}. == If, however, your list is not bound at compile-time, you must wrap the variable in list/1: == Bar = [a,b,c], {[], se_lt_x :: [bar-list(Bar)]} == If you write == foo(V1):- {[], se_lt_x :: [a-V1]}. == and at runtime call foo([value1]), you will get a type error. _|Remember:|_ If the list of IN values is _empty_ then no restriction is generated i.e. == {[], se_lt_x :: [a-[], b-B} is the exactly the same as {[], se_lt_x :: [b-B} == ### CQL: Disjunction resulting in OR in WHERE clause {#cql-disjunction} == {[], se_lt_x :: [a-A, b-B, c-C], (C == 10 ; B == 'B2', C < 4)} == The generated SQL is: == SELECT x.a, x.b, x.c FROM se_lt_x x WHERE ((x.b = ? AND x.c < ?) OR x.c = ?) == ### CQL: Disjunction resulting in different joins (implemented as a SQL UNION) {#cql-disj-diff-joins} == {[], se_lt_x :: [a-A, c-C] =*= (se_lt_y :: [d-A] ; se_lt_z :: [g-A])} == The generated SQL is: == SELECT x43.c FROM (se_lt_x x43 INNER JOIN se_lt_z z6 ON x43.a=z6.g AND z6.g=x43.a) UNION SELECT x44.c FROM (se_lt_x x44 INNER JOIN se_lt_y y16 ON x44.a=y16.d AND y16.d=x44.a) == ### CQL: Disjunction resulting in different SELECT attributes (implemented as separate ODBC queries) {#cql-disj-attrs} == {[], (se_lt_x :: [a-A, c-10] ; se_lt_y :: [d-A, f-25])} == The output variable A is bound to the value from two different attributes and so the query is implemented as two separate ODBC queries ### CQL: ORDER BY {#cql-order-by} == {[], se_lt_z :: [g-G, h-H], order_by([-G])} == The order_by specification is a list of "signed" variables. The example above will order by se_lt_z.g descending ### CQL: DISTINCT {#cql-distinct} Use distinct(ListOfVars) to specify which attributes you want to be distinct: == test_distinct :- findall(UserName, {[], se_lt_x :: [a-UserName, c-Key], Key >= 7, distinct([UserName])}, L), length(L, N), format('~w solutions~n', [N]). CALL : user:test_distinct/0 26 solutions EXIT : user:test_distinct/0 (0.098133s, 0.00cpu, 1,488 inferences) == ### CQL: SELECT with NOT NULL restriction {#cql-select-not-null} == {[], se_lt_z :: [i-I, j-J], J \== {null}} == ### CQL: First N {#cql-top} == {[], N = 3, se_lt_z :: [i-I], top(N), order_by([+I])} == This generates a TOP clause in SQL Server, and LIMIT clauses for PostgreSQL and SQLite ### CQL: Self JOIN {#cql-self-join} == {[], se_lt_z :: [h-H, i-I1] =*= se_lt_z :: [h-H, i-I2], I1 \== I2} == ### CQL: Removing null comparisions {#cql-no-null-compare} Use the ignore_if_null wrapper in your CQL to 'filter out' null input values. This is a useful extension for creating user-designed searches. == {[], se_lt_x :: [a-UserName, b-ignore_if_null(SearchKey), ...]} == At runtime, if SearchKey is bound to a value other than {null} then the query will contain =|WHERE ... b = ?|=. If, however, SearchKey is bound to `{null}`, then this comparison will be omitted. *Disjunctions* In general, don't use ignore_if_null in disjunctions. Consider this query: == SearchKey = '%ELSTON%', {[], se_lt_x :: [a-UserName, b-RealName], ( RealName =~ SearchKey ; UserName =~ SearchKey)} == The query means "find a user where the UserName contains ELSTON OR the RealName contain ELSTON". If !SearchKey is {null} then RealName=~ {null} will fail, which is correct. If ignore_if_null was used, the test would _succeed_, which means the disjunction would always succeed i.e. the query would contain no restriction, which is clearly not the intended result. FIXME: Mike, what is this all about? ### CQL: Three table JOIN {#cql-three-table-join} == {[], se_lt_x :: [a-A, c-C] =*= se_lt_y :: [d-A, f-F] =*= se_lt_z :: [i-F, g-G]} == The shared variable A joins `se_lt_x` and `se_lt_y`; the shared variable `F` joins `se_lt_y` and `se_lt_z` ### CQL: Three table JOIN with NOLOCK locking hint {#cql-three-nolock} == {[], se_lt_x :: [a-A, c-C] =*= #se_lt_y :: [d-A, f-F] =*= #se_lt_z :: [i-F, g-G]} == The hash operator indicates the table that should be accessed WITH (NOLOCK) ### CQL: SELECT with LIKE {#cql-like} == {[], se_lt_z :: [g-G, i-I], G =~ 'A_'} == The operator =~ means LIKE. If you are using PostgreSQL, it means ILIKE. ### CQL: Writing exceptions directly to the database {#cql-write} You can write an exception term directly to a varchar-type column in the database. Note that it will be rendered as text using ~p, and truncated if necessary - so you certainly can't read it out again and expect to get an exception! Example code: == catch(process_message(Message), Exception, {[], update(some_table, [status-'ERROR', status_comment-Exception]), @ :: [some_table_primary_key-PrimaryKey]}). == FIXME: This code is specific to my usage of CQL ### CQL: TOP N is Parametric {#cql-top-n-parametric} You can pass the "N" is TOP N as a parameter (Subject to DBMS compatibility. This works in SQL Server 2005 and later, and PostgreSQL 9 (possibly earlier versions) and SQLite3. == N = 3, findall(I, {[], se_lt_z :: [i-I], top(N), order_by([+I])}, L) == ### CQL: Using compile_time_goal/1 {#cql-compile-time-goal} You can include compile_time_goal(Goal) in your CQL. If you specify a module, it will be used, otherwise the goal will be called in the current module. Note that the goal is executed in-order - if you want to use the bindings in your CQL, you must put the compile_time_goal before them. *|Example 1|* == {[], se_lt_x :: [a-UserName, b-RealName, d-FavouriteColour], compile_time_goal(standard_batch_size_for_search(StandardBatchSize)), top(StandardBatchSize), order_by([+UserName]} == *|Example 2|* == excellent_colours(['RED', 'BLUE']). {[], se_lt_x :: [a-UserName, b-RealName, d-FavouriteColour], compile_time_goal(excellent_colours(Colours)), FavouriteColour == Colours} == ### CQL: ON {#cql-on} CQL supports both constant and shared variable join specifications. This is particularly useful when specifying outer joins. *Example* == {[], se_lt_x :: [a-UserNameA, b-RealName, d-FavouriteColour] *== se_lt_x :: [a-UserNameB, e-FavouriteFood] on( UserNameA == UserNameB, FavouriteColour == FavouriteFood, FavouriteFood == 'ORANGE')} == All the CQL comparison operators, =|<, =<, ==, =~, \=~, \==, >=, >|= can be used in ON specifications. For example: == {[], se_lt_z :: [i-J1, k-K] *== se_lt_x :: [c-J1, a-A, b-B] on A \== 'A1'}, == ### CQL: Expressions In Where Restrictions {#cql-expr-in-where} Expressions in WHERE restrictions are supported, for example: == {[], se_lt_n :: [i-I, j-J, k-K], J > 10 * (K / I) + 15}, == ### CQL: Explicitly avoid the "No WHERE restriction" message {#cql-no-where} To avoid accidentally deleting or updating all rows in a table CQL raises an exception if there is no WHERE restriction. Sometimes however you really do need to delete or update all rows in a table. To support this requirement in a disciplined way (and to avoid the creation of "dummy" WHERE restrictions) the keyword *absence_of_where_restriction_is_deliberate* has been added. For example: == {[], update(se_lt_x, [c-10]), @ :: [], absence_of_where_restriction_is_deliberate} == ### CQL: HAVING {#cql-having} HAVING restrictions can be specified. For example: == {[], se_lt_z :: [sum(i)-I, g-G], group_by([G]), having(I > 30)} == For a description of HAVING see http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Having_(SQL) There is one important difference between SQL HAVING and SQL WHERE clauses. The SQL WHERE clause condition is tested against *|each and every|* row of data, while the SQL HAVING clause condition is tested against the _|groups and/or aggregates specified in the SQL GROUP BY clause and/or the SQL SELECT column list|_. ### CQL: INSERT and UPDATE value in-line formatting {#cql-inst-update-value} INSERT and UPDATE values can be formatted in-line at runtime. For example: == Suffix = 'NOGG', cql_transaction(Schema, UserId, {[], insert(se_lt_x, [a-'A', b-'B', c-100, d-format('EGG_~w', [Suffix])])}), == will insert 'EGG_NOGG' into attribute 'd'. ### CQL: Negations in WHERE Clauses {#cql-neg-where} You can specify negations in CQL WHERE clauses e.g. == {[], se_lt_z :: [g-G, h-H, i-I], \+((G == 'A1', H == 'B1' ; G == 'D1', H == 'B3'))}, == Note that, just like in Prolog, \+ is a unary operator hence the "double" brackets in the example above. ### CQL: Predicate-generated Attribute Values {#cql-gen-att-values} It is possible to generate *|compile time|* attribute values by specifying a _predicate_ which is executed when the CQL statement is compiled. The predicate must return the value you want as its last argument. You specify the predicate where you would normally put the attribute value. The predicate is specified _with its output argument missing_. *Example* - Using domain allowed values in a query. In the following CQL statement the predicate cql_domain_allowed_value/3 is called within findall/3 *|at compile time|* to generate a list of domain values that restrict favourite_colour to be 'ORANGE' or 'PINK' or 'BLUE', or 'GREEN'. == colour('ORANGE'). colour('PINK'). colour('BLUE'). colour('GREEN'). {[], se_lt_x :: [d-findall(Value, permissible_colour(Value)), a-UserName]} == Note how findall/3 is actually called by specifying findall/2. There is not much point using predicate-generated attribute values in compile-at-runtime CQL as you can always call the predicate to generate the required values _outside_ the CQL statement. ### CQL: INSERT from SELECT {#cql-insert-from-select} INSERT from SELECT is supported: == Constant = 'MIKE', {[], insert(se_lt_x1, [x_pk-Pk, a-A, b-B, c-C, d-Constant]), se_lt_x :: [x_pk-Pk, a-A, b-B, c-C, as(d)-Constant]} == which generates the following SQL: == INSERT INTO se_lt_x1 (x_pk, a, b, c, d) SELECT se_lt_x_955.x_pk, se_lt_x_955.a, se_lt_x_955.b, se_lt_x_955.c, ? AS d FROM se_lt_x lt_x_955 == Note the use of the `as(d)` construct in the SELECT part of the CQL to make the constant *|'MIKE'|* appear to come from the SELECT thus setting `lt_x1.d` to *|'MIKE'|* in every row inserted. ## CQL: Hooks {#cql-hooks} CQL provides a large number of hooks to fine-tune behaviour and allow for customization. These are: ### CQL: Generated Code Hooks {#cql-code-hooks} * cql:cql_dependency_hook(+EntitySet, +Module) can be defined to be notified when a given Module references a list of database entities. This can be used to manage metadata/code dependency * cql:cql_generated_sql_hook(+Filename, +LineNumber, +Goals) can be defined to examine generated SQL. Use cql_sql_clause(+Goals, -SQL, -Parameters) to examine the goals * cql:cql_index_suggestion_hook(+Index) can be defined if you are interested in proposed indices for your schema. Note that this is not very mature (yet) ### CQL: Data Representation Hooks {#cql-represent-hooks} * cql:cql_atomic_value_check_hook(+Value) can be defined to declare new 'atomic' types (That is, types which can be written directly to the database), such as a representation like boolean(true) for 1. * cql:cql_check_value_hook(+Value) can be used to check that a value is legal * cql:application_value_to_odbc_value_hook(+OdbcDataType, +Schema, +TableName, +ColumnName, +Qualifiers, +ApplicationValue, -OdbcValue). * cql:odbc_value_to_application_value_hook(+OdbcDataType, +Schema, +TableName, +ColumnName, +Domain, +OdbcValue, -ApplicationValue). ### CQL: Application Integration {#cql-appl-hooks} * cql:cql_access_token_hook(+AccessToken, -UserId) can be defined to map the generic 'AccessToken' passed to cql_transaction/3 to a user ID. If not defined, the AccessToken is assumed to be the user ID. This UserID is used in logging. * cql:log_selects can be defined if you want to receive logging information about selects. By default only update, delete and insert are logged * cql:cql_execution_hook(+Statement, +OdbcParameters, +OdbcParameterDataTypes, -Row) can be defined if you want to implement the exeuction yourself (for example, to add extra debugging) * cql:cql_log_hook(+Topics, +Level, +Format, +Args) can be defined to redirect CQL logging. * Levels is one of informational, warning, or error * Topics is a list of topics. Currently the only lists possible are [] and [debug(deadlocks)] * cql:sql_gripe_hook(+Level, +Format, +Args) is called when suspect SQL is found by the SQL parser * cql:cql_normalize_atom_hook(+DBMS, +ApplciationAtom, -DBMSAtom) can be used to create a map for atoms in a specific DBMS. For example, your schema may have arbitrarily long table names, but your DBMS may only allow names up to 64 bytes long. In this case, you can create a scheme for mapping the application-level atom to the DBMS. Other uses include deleting or normalizing illegal characters in names * cql:cql_error_hook(+ErrorId, +Format, +Args) can be defined to generate a specific exception term from the given arguments. If not defined (or if it does not throw an exception, or fails), you will get cql_error(ErrorId, FormattedMessage). * cql:cql_max_db_connections_hook(-Max) can be defined to limit the number of simultaneous connections each thread will attempt to have * cql:odbc_connection_complete_hook(+Schema, +Details, +Connection) can be hooked if you want to know every time a connection is made * cql:cql_transaction_info_hook(+AccessToken, +Connection, +DBMS, +Goal, -Info) can be defined if you want to define any application-defined information on a per-transaction level. This can be recovered via database_transaction_query_info(?ThreadId, ?Goal, ?Info). ### CQL: Inline values {#cql-inline-hooks} * cql:cql_inline_domain_value_hook(+DomainName, +Value) can be defined if you want the given value to be 'inlined' into the CQL (ie not supplied as a parameter). Great care must be taken to avoid SQL injection attacks if this is used. ### CQL: Schema {#cql-shema-hook} These define the schema. You MUST either define them, or include library(cql/cql_autoschema) and add two directives to build the schema automatically: * :-register_database_connection_details(+Schema, +ConnectionInfo). * :-build_schema(+Schema). Otherwise, you need to define at least cql:default_schema/1 and cql:dbms/2, and then as many of the other facts as needed for your schema. * cql:default_schema(-Schema) MUST be defined. CQL autoschema will define this for you if you use it. * cql:dbms(+Schema, -DBMS) MUST be defined for every schema you use. CQL autoschema will define this for you if you use it. DBMS must be one of the following: * 'Microsoft SQL Server' * 'PostgreSQL' * 'SQLite' * cql:odbc_data_type(+Schema, +TableName, +ColumnName, +OdbcDataType). * cql:primary_column_name(+Schema, +Tablename, +ColumnName). * cql:database_attribute(+EntityType:table/view, +Schema:atom, +EntityName:atom, +ColumnName:atom, +DomainOrNativeType:atom, +AllowsNulls:allows_nulls(true/false), +IsIdentity:is_identity(true/false), +ColumnDefault). * cql:database_domain(+DomainName, +OdbcDataType). * cql:routine_return_type(+Schema, +RoutineName, +OdbcDataType). * cql:database_constraint(+Schema, +EntityName, +ConstraintName, +Constraint). ### CQL: Event Processing and History {#cql-events-and-history} CQL provides hooks for maintaining detailed history of data in the database. The hook predicates are: * cql:cql_event_notification_table(+Schema, +TableName) * cql:cql_history_attribute(+Schema, +TableName, +ColumnName) * cql:cql_update_history_hook(+Schema, +TableName, +ColumnName, +PrimaryKeyColumnName, +PrimaryKeyValue, +ApplicationValueBefore, +ApplicationValueAfter, +AccessToken, +TransactionId, +TransactionTimestamp, +ThreadId, +Connection, +Goal). * cql:process_database_events(+Events) Event Processing and History recording can be suppressed for a particular update/insert/delete statement by including the _no_state_change_actions_9 directive. For example == {[], update(se_lt_x, [f-'LILAC'] @ :: [a-'ELSTON_M'], no_state_change_actions, % Don't want history to record this change row_count(RowCount)} == ### CQL: Statistical Hooks {#cql-statistics-hooks} CQL has hooks to enable in-memory statistics to be tracked for database tables. Using this hook, it's possible to monitor the number of rows in a table with a particular value in a particular column. Often the kind of statistics of interest are 'how many rows in this table are in ERROR' or 'how many in this table are at NEW'? While it may be possible to maintain these directly in any code which updates tables, it can be difficult to ensure all cases are accounted for, and requires developers to remember which attributes are tracked. To ensure that all (CQL-originated) updates to statuses are captured, it's possible to use the CQL hook system to update them automatically. Define add a fact like: == cql_statistic_monitored_attribute_hook(my_schema, my_table, my_table_status_column). == This will examine the domain for the column 'my_table_status_column', and generate a statistic for each of my_table::my_table_status_column(xxx), where xxx is each possible allowed value for the domain. Code will be automatically generated to trap updates to this specific column, and maintain the state. This way, if you are interested in the number of rows in my_table which have a status of 'NEW', you can look at my_table::my_table_status_column('NEW'), without having to manage the state directly. CQL update statements which affect the status will automatically maintain the statistics. The calculations are vastly simpler than the history mechanism, so as to keep performance as high as possible. For inserts, there is no cost to monitoring the table (the insert simply increments the statistic if the transaction completes). For deletes, the delete query is first run as a select, aggregating on the monitored columns to find the number of deletes for each domain allowed value. This means that a delete of millions of rows might requires a select returning only a single row for statistics purposes. For updates, the delete code is run, then the insert calculation is done, multiplied by the number of rows affected by the update. In all cases, CQL ends up calling cql_statistic_monitored_attribute_change_hook/5, where the last argument is a signed value indicating the number of changes to that particular statistic. */ :-chr_option(line_numbers, on). :-chr_option(check_guard_bindings, error). :-chr_option(debug, off). :-chr_option(optimize, full). :-chr_option(guard_simplification, off). % Added to stop trail overflowing :-chr_type list(T) ---> [] ; [T|list(T)]. :-chr_type 'AggregationOperator' ---> count ; max ; min ; avg ; sum. :-chr_type 'AggregationVariable' == any. :-chr_type 'ApplicationValue' == any. :-chr_type 'DebugMode' ---> explicit. :-chr_type 'DictinctionType' ---> no_distinction ; distinct_on_specified_attributes ; distinct_on_all_select_attributes. :-chr_type 'Dsn' == any. :-chr_type 'Attribute' ---> attribute('Schema', 'TableAlias', 'AttributeName'). :-chr_type 'AttributeName' == any. :-chr_type 'AttributeNameValuePair' ---> 'AttributeName'-'ApplicationValue'. :-chr_type 'BooleanOperator' ---> and ; or. :-chr_type 'ComparisonOperator' ---> < ; =< ; == ; \== ; >= ; > ; (=~) ; (=\=) ; (=:=). :-chr_type 'CompilationInstruction' ---> if_var('Variable') ; if_not_var('Variable') ; if_null('Variable') ; if_not_null('Variable') ; list('Variable') ; empty('Variable') ; not_empty('Variable') ; compile ; and('CompilationInstruction', 'CompilationInstruction'). :-chr_type 'CompileMode' ---> runtime ; compiletime. :-chr_type 'ConjunctionGoal' == any. :-chr_type 'ConjunctionVariable' == any. :-chr_type 'Connection' == any. :-chr_type 'Constraints' == any. :-chr_type 'ClockTime' == any. :-chr_type 'CpuTime' == any. :-chr_type 'Cql' == any. :-chr_type 'Disposition' ---> top ; where ; having ; join. :-chr_type 'EqualityRestrictionVariableUsed' ---> equality_restriction_variable_used. :-chr_type 'Expression' == any. :-chr_type 'ExternalVariable' == any. :-chr_type 'FileName' == any. :-chr_type 'Format' == any. :-chr_type 'FormatArg' == any. :-chr_type 'Goal' == any. :-chr_type 'Having' == any. :-chr_type 'Identity' == int. :-chr_type 'Inferences' == any. :-chr_type 'InputVariable' == 'Variable'. :-chr_type 'Join' == any. :-chr_type 'JoinTreeNode' == any. :-chr_type 'JoinType' ---> 'INNER JOIN' ; 'LEFT OUTER JOIN' ; 'RIGHT OUTER JOIN'. :-chr_type 'Keep' ---> 1. :-chr_type 'LineNumber' == int. :-chr_type 'N' == int. :-chr_type 'OdbcCachingOption' ---> do_not_cache_odbc_statement ; cache_odbc_statement. :-chr_type 'OdbcDataType' ---> varchar(int) ; decimal(int, int) ; timestamp ; integer ; bit. :-chr_type 'LogicalType' ---> varchar ; decimal ; timestamp ; integer ; boolean. :-chr_type 'OdbcInput' == any. :-chr_type 'OdbcOutput' == any. :-chr_type 'OdbcParameter' ---> odbc_parameter('Schema', 'TableName', 'AttributeName', 'ApplicationValue', 'OdbcParameterUse', 'OdbcDataType') % OdbcDataType unbound if no override required ; odbc_explicit_type_parameter('OdbcDataType', 'ApplicationValue', 'OdbcParameterUse'). :-chr_type 'OdbcParameterUse' ---> insert_value ; update_value ; evaluated_update_attribute ; evaluated_update_parameter ; where_value ; top_value. :-chr_type 'On' == any. :-chr_type 'OrderBy' ---> +('Variable') ; -('Variable'). :-chr_type 'Output' ---> output('Schema', 'TableName', 'AttributeName', 'Variable') ; ignore_output ; count('Variable') ; avg('Variable') ; % PostgreSQL selection_constant('Schema', 'TableName', 'AttributeName', 'Variable'). :-chr_type 'Phase' ---> initial ; distinct ; top ; select_attributes ; from ; where ; group_by ; having ; order_by ; union ; limit. :-chr_type 'PreparedStatement' == any. :-chr_type 'PrimaryKeyAttributeName' == 'AttributeName'. :-chr_type 'PrimaryKeyValue' == any. :-chr_type 'QueryId' == any. :-chr_type 'QueryLevel' ---> top_level_query ; sub_query. :-chr_type 'Reason' == any. :-chr_type 'ResultSpec' == any. :-chr_type 'Resolved' ---> resolved. :-chr_type 'RestrictionExpression' == any. :-chr_type 'RestrictionType' ---> where ; having ; join. :-chr_type 'RestrictionTree' ---> true ; comparison('ApplicationValue', 'ComparisonOperator', 'ApplicationValue') ; sub_query('SubQueryType', list('SqlToken'), 'Tail', list('OdbcParameter')) ; and('RestrictionTree', 'RestrictionTree') ; or('RestrictionTree', 'RestrictionTree'). :-chr_type 'Row' == any. :-chr_type 'StateChangeType' ---> insert ; update ; delete. :-chr_type 'QueryType' ---> insert ; update ; delete ; select. :-chr_type 'Schema' == any. :-chr_type 'SelectAttribute' ---> select_attribute('SelectBindingType', 'Schema', 'TableName', 'TableAlias', 'AttributeName'). :-chr_type 'SelectAttributeWithSize' ---> 'Size'-'SelectAttributeInfo'. :-chr_type 'SelectAttributeInfo' ---> select_info('CompilationInstruction', list('SqlToken'), 'Tail', 'Output'). :-chr_type 'SelectAttributeVariableUsed' ---> select_attribute_variable_used. :-chr_type 'SelectBindingType' ---> plain ; aggregation('AggregationOperator'). :-chr_type 'SelectionType' ---> aggregation_selection ; non_aggregation_selection. :-chr_type 'Side' ---> lhs ; rhs. :-chr_type 'Size' == any. :-chr_type 'SqlToken' == any. :-chr_type 'SqlComparisonOperator' ---> < ; <= ; = ; <> ; >= ; > . :-chr_type 'SubQueryType' ---> exists ; \+ . :-chr_type 'Tail' == any. :-chr_type 'TableAlias' == any. :-chr_type 'TableName' == any. :-chr_type 'Variable' == any. :-chr_type 'VariablePair' ---> 'Variable'-'Variable'. :-chr_type 'When' ---> pre_state_change ; post_state_change. :-chr_constraint absence_of_where_restriction_is_deliberate. :-chr_constraint add_on(-'Join', ?'On'). :-chr_constraint aggregation_sub_query(-'QueryId', ?'TableName', ?'TableAlias', ?list('SqlToken'), ?'Tail', ?list('ApplicationValue')). :-chr_constraint aggregation_variable(-'QueryId', +'AggregationOperator', ?'AggregationVariable'). :-chr_constraint attribute_binding(-'QueryId', ?'Attribute', ?'ApplicationValue'). :-chr_constraint attribute_for_group_by(-'QueryId', ?'TableAlias', +'AttributeName', ?'Variable'). :-chr_constraint attribute_for_order_by(-'QueryId', ?'TableAlias', +'AttributeName', ?'Variable'). :-chr_constraint attribute_to_check(+'Schema', +'TableName', ?'AttributeNameValuePair'). :-chr_constraint attributes_to_check(-'QueryId', +'Schema', +'TableName', ?list('AttributeNameValuePair')). :-chr_constraint call_history_hook(-'QueryId', +'Connection'). :-chr_constraint call_row_change_hooks(-'QueryId', +'Connection'). :-chr_constraint check_for_orphan_distincts. :-chr_constraint check_for_orphan_group_bys. :-chr_constraint check_for_orphan_order_bys. :-chr_constraint check_for_orphan_select_attributes_in_aggregations. :-chr_constraint check_for_orphan_select_variables_in_updates. :-chr_constraint check_for_top_without_order_by. :-chr_constraint check_for_unjoined_tables. :-chr_constraint check_query. :-chr_constraint cleanup_compile. :-chr_constraint cleanup_cql_post_state_change_select_sql(-'QueryId'). :-chr_constraint collect_indices(-'QueryId'). :-chr_constraint collect_runtime_constraints(?'Constraints'). :-chr_constraint collect_select_attributes(-'QueryId', +list('SelectAttributeWithSize')). :-chr_constraint comparison(-'QueryId', ?'ApplicationValue', +'ComparisonOperator', ?'ApplicationValue'). :-chr_constraint compile_mode(+'CompileMode'). :-chr_constraint conjunction_constraints(?'Constraints'). :-chr_constraint conjunction_goal(?'ConjunctionGoal'). :-chr_constraint conjunction_variable(-'QueryId', ?'ExternalVariable', ?'ConjunctionVariable'). :-chr_constraint copy_of_from(-'QueryId', ?list('SqlToken'), ?'Tail', ?list('OdbcParameter')). :-chr_constraint find_copy_of_from(-'QueryId', ?list('SqlToken'), ?'Tail', ?list('OdbcParameter')). :-chr_constraint cql2_variable(-'QueryId', -'Variable', ?'RestrictionTree'). :-chr_constraint cql_execute(+'OdbcCachingOption'). :-chr_constraint cql_fully_compiled. :-chr_constraint cql_identity(-'QueryId', +'Schema', ?'Identity'). :-chr_constraint cql_odbc_select_statement(+'Schema', +'SqlToken', ?list('OdbcParameter'), ?list('Output')). :-chr_constraint cql_odbc_state_change_statement(-'QueryId', +'StateChangeType', +'Schema', +'TableName', +'SqlToken', ?list('OdbcParameter'), ?list('Output')). :-chr_constraint cql_post_state_change_select_sql(-'QueryId', +list('AttributeName'), +'OdbcDataType', +'SqlToken'). :-chr_constraint cql_pre_state_change_select_sql(-'QueryId', +'Schema', +'TableName', +'AttributeName', +'SqlToken', +list('AttributeName'), +list('OdbcParameter')). :-chr_constraint cql_state_change_statistics_sql(-'QueryId', +'Schema', +'TableName', +'StateChangeType', +'SqlToken', +list('AttributeName'), ?list('OdbcParameter'), ?list('OdbcParameter')). :-chr_constraint cql_statement_location(+'FileName', +'LineNumber'). :-chr_constraint create_cql_pre_state_change_select_sql(-'QueryId', +'StateChangeType', +list('SqlToken'), +'TableName', ?list('OdbcParameter')). :-chr_constraint create_cql_state_change_statistics_sql(-'QueryId', +'StateChangeType', +list('SqlToken'), +'TableName', ?list('OdbcParameter')). :-chr_constraint create_in_line_joins. :-chr_constraint create_join_points. :-chr_constraint create_restrictions. :-chr_constraint create_select_bindings. :-chr_constraint debug_after(+'Reason', ?'ResultSpec'). :-chr_constraint debug_before(+'Format', +'Schema', +'FormatArg'). :-chr_constraint debug_statistics(+'CpuTime', +'ClockTime', +'Inferences'). :-chr_constraint delete_row(-'QueryId', +'TableName', ?'TableAlias'). :-chr_constraint determine_select_distinction(-'QueryId'). :-chr_constraint determine_select_distinctions. :-chr_constraint determine_selection_type. :-chr_constraint dictionary_addendum(-'QueryId', ?'ExternalVariable', ?'ConjunctionVariable'). :-chr_constraint dictionary_lookup(-'QueryId', ?'ExternalVariable', ?'ConjunctionVariable'). :-chr_constraint distinct(-'QueryId', -'Variable'). :-chr_constraint distincts(-'QueryId', ?list('Variable')). :-chr_constraint equality_restriction_variable(?'ApplicationValue', ?'EqualityRestrictionVariableUsed'). :-chr_constraint event(-'QueryId'). :-chr_constraint expression_where_restriction_variable(?'Variable'). :-chr_constraint fully_compile. :-chr_constraint generate_sub_query_sql. :-chr_constraint get_conjunction_constraints(?'Constraints'). :-chr_constraint group_by(-'QueryId', -'Variable'). :-chr_constraint group_bys(-'QueryId', ?list('Variable')). :-chr_constraint identify_insert_row(+'StateChangeType', -'QueryId', +'Schema', +'TableName', +'Connection', ?'Identity'). :-chr_constraint identify_post_state_change_values(-'QueryId', +'Connection'). :-chr_constraint identify_pre_state_change_values(-'QueryId', +'StateChangeType', +'Connection'). :-chr_constraint ignore_if_null(?'Variable', ?'Variable'). :-chr_constraint implicit_join(-'QueryId', +'TableAlias', -'QueryId'). % PostgreSQL only :-chr_constraint implicit_join_link(-'QueryId', -'QueryId'). % PostgreSQL only :-chr_constraint implicit_join_sql(-'QueryId', ?list('SqlToken'), ?'Tail'). % PostgreSQL only :-chr_constraint fetch_implicit_join_sql(-'QueryId', ?list('SqlToken'), ?'Tail'). % PostgreSQL only :-chr_constraint in_line_format(-'QueryId', +'Format', ?list('FormatArg'), ?'ApplicationValue'). :-chr_constraint include_select_attribute(-'QueryId', ?'CompilationInstruction', +'Size', +list('SqlToken'), ?'Tail', ?'Output'). :-chr_constraint insert(-'QueryId', +'Schema', +'TableName', +list('AttributeNameValuePair')). :-chr_constraint instantiate_table_aliases. :-chr_constraint join(-'QueryId', -'Join', -'Join', +'JoinType', -'Join'). :-chr_constraint join_alias(-'Join', +'Side', ?'TableAlias'). :-chr_constraint join_leaf(-'Join', ?'TableAlias'). :-chr_constraint join_on(?'TableAlias', +'AttributeName', ?'TableAlias', +'AttributeName'). :-chr_constraint join_pointer(-'QueryId', -'Join'). :-chr_constraint join_tree_node(-'QueryId', -'Join', +'JoinTreeNode'). :-chr_constraint join_tree_nodes(-'QueryId', +list('JoinTreeNode')). :-chr_constraint join_variable(?'Variable'). :-chr_constraint limit(-'QueryId', +'Schema', +'N'). :-chr_constraint log_select(+'SqlToken', +list('OdbcInput')). :-chr_constraint log_state_change(+'SqlToken', +'StateChangeType', +list('OdbcInput')). :-chr_constraint next_group_by_attribute_needs_comma(-'QueryId'). :-chr_constraint next_in_list_value_needs_comma(-'QueryId'). :-chr_constraint next_order_by_attribute_needs_comma(-'QueryId'). :-chr_constraint no_debug. :-chr_constraint no_sql_statement_generated. :-chr_constraint no_state_change_actions(-'QueryId'). :-chr_constraint no_where_restriction(+'StateChangeType'). :-chr_constraint not_a_singleton(+'Variable'). :-chr_constraint nolock(-'QueryId', ?'TableAlias'). :-chr_constraint number_of_rows_affected(-'QueryId', +'Connection', ?'N'). :-chr_constraint odbc_select_disjunction(?'Goal'). %:-chr_meta_predicate(odbc_select_disjunction(0)). :-chr_constraint odbc_select_statement(+'Schema', +'SqlToken', ?list('OdbcParameter'), ?list('Output')). :-chr_constraint on(-'Join', ?'Resolved', ?'On'). :-chr_constraint order_bys(-'QueryId', ?list('OrderBy')). :-chr_constraint original_cql(?'Cql'). :-chr_constraint original_human_query(?'Cql'). :-chr_constraint outer_side_join(-'Join'). :-chr_constraint phase(-'QueryId', +'Phase'). :-chr_constraint post_execute_cleanup. :-chr_constraint post_state_change_select_statement(-'QueryId', +list('AttributeName'), +'OdbcDataType', +'PreparedStatement'). :-chr_constraint postgres_identity(-'QueryId', ?'Identity'). :-chr_constraint prepare_odbc_statements. :-chr_constraint prior_to_execution. :-chr_constraint query(-'QueryId', +'Schema', +'QueryLevel'). :-chr_constraint query_table_alias(-'QueryId', +'Schema', +'TableName', ?'TableAlias'). :-chr_constraint query_type(-'QueryId', +'QueryType'). :-chr_constraint remove_query(-'QueryId', -'QueryId'). :-chr_constraint resolve_join_points(-'Join', ?'On', ?'On'). :-chr_constraint resolve_join_points. :-chr_constraint restriction_leaf(-'QueryId', +'Disposition', ?'RestrictionTree'). :-chr_constraint restriction_tree(-'QueryId', +'Disposition', ?'RestrictionTree'). :-chr_constraint row_count(-'QueryId', ?'N'). :-chr_constraint runtime_constraints(?'Constraints'). :-chr_constraint search_for_join_aliases(-'Join', +'Side', -'Join'). :-chr_constraint select_attribute(-'QueryId', ?'SelectAttribute', ?'Keep', ?'SelectAttributeVariableUsed', ?'Variable'). :-chr_constraint select_attribute_for_disjunction_comparison(-'QueryId', ?'SelectAttribute'). :-chr_constraint select_attribute_written(-'QueryId'). :-chr_constraint select_attributes_for_disjunction_comparison(-'QueryId', ?list('SelectAttribute')). :-chr_constraint select_binding(-'QueryId', ?'SelectBindingType', ?'Attribute', ?'ApplicationValue'). :-chr_constraint select_distinction(-'QueryId', +'DictinctionType'). :-chr_constraint select_for_insert_variable(-'QueryId', ?'Variable', +'TableName'). :-chr_constraint select_for_insert_variables(?list('Variable'), +'TableName'). :-chr_constraint selection_type(-'QueryId', +'SelectionType'). :-chr_constraint show_debug(+'DebugMode'). :-chr_constraint simplify. :-chr_constraint solve. :-chr_constraint sql_not(-'QueryId', -'QueryId'). :-chr_constraint sql_statement(-'QueryId', +list('SqlToken'), ?'Tail', +list('SqlToken'), ?'Tail', +list('SqlToken'), ?'Tail', ?list('OdbcParameter'), ?list('OdbcParameter'), ?list('Output')). :-chr_constraint state_change_query(-'QueryId', +'StateChangeType', +'Schema', +'TableName'). :-chr_constraint state_change_value(-'QueryId', +'StateChangeType', +'When', +'Schema', +'TableName', +'PrimaryKeyAttributeName', +'PrimaryKeyValue', +'AttributeName', +'OdbcOutput'). :-chr_constraint store_equality_restriction_variables(?list('Variable')). :-chr_constraint store_ignore_if_null_variables(?list('VariablePair')). :-chr_constraint sub_query(-'QueryId', ?list('SqlToken'), ?'Tail', ?list('OdbcParameter')). :-chr_constraint sub_query_join_variable(?'Variable'). :-chr_constraint sub_query_restriction(-'QueryId', +'SubQueryType', ?list('SqlToken'), ?'Tail', ?list('OdbcParameter')). :-chr_constraint sub_query_select(-'QueryId'). :-chr_constraint referenced_table(+'TableName'). :-chr_constraint referenced_tables(?list('TableName')). :-chr_constraint representative_attribute(?'Expression', +'Schema', -'TableName', -'AttributeName'). :-chr_constraint runtime_instantiation_check(-'QueryId', -'Variable'). :-chr_constraint tables_to_remove(+'Schema', +list('Identity')). :-chr_constraint temporary_table(+'Schema', +'Identity'). :-chr_constraint temporary_tables(+'Schema', +list('Identity')). :-chr_constraint top(-'QueryId', +'Schema', +'N'). :-chr_constraint unify(?'Variable', ?'Variable'). :-chr_constraint unify_ignore_if_null_variables. :-chr_constraint union_outputs(-'QueryId', ?list('Output'), ?list('Variable')). :-chr_constraint update(-'QueryId', +'Schema', +'TableName', ?'TableAlias', ?list('AttributeNameValuePair')). :-chr_constraint update_table_alias(-'QueryId', +'Schema', -'Join', ?'TableAlias'). :-chr_constraint update_table_key(-'QueryId', +'Schema', ?list('AttributeNameValuePair')). :-chr_constraint updated_row(-'QueryId', +'StateChangeType', +'When', +'Schema', +'TableName', +'PrimaryKeyAttributeName', +'PrimaryKeyValue', +list('AttributeNameValuePair')). :-chr_constraint updated_row_primary_key(-'QueryId', +'StateChangeType', +'Schema', +'TableName', +'PrimaryKeyAttributeName', +'PrimaryKeyValue'). :-chr_constraint updated_rows(-'QueryId', +'StateChangeType', +'When', +'Schema', +'TableName', +'AttributeName', +list('AttributeName'), +list('Row')). :-chr_constraint variables_to_attributes(?'Expression', ?'Expression'). :-chr_constraint where_restriction_variable(?'Variable'). :-chr_constraint write_expression(-'QueryId', +'Schema', +'TableName', +'AttributeName', ?'TableAlias', ?'Expression'). :-chr_constraint write_group_by_attribute(-'QueryId', ?list('SqlToken'), ?'Tail'). :-chr_constraint write_group_bys(-'QueryId'). :-chr_constraint write_in_list(-'QueryId', +'Disposition', +'Schema', +'TableName', +'AttributeName', +list('ApplicationValue')). :-chr_constraint write_insert_attribute_name(-'QueryId', +'AttributeName'). :-chr_constraint write_insert_attribute_names(-'QueryId', +list('AttributeNameValuePair')). :-chr_constraint write_insert_value(-'QueryId', +'Schema', +'TableName', +'AttributeName', ?'ApplicationValue'). :-chr_constraint write_insert_values(-'QueryId', +'Schema', +'TableName', ?list('AttributeNameValuePair')). :-chr_constraint write_join(-'QueryId', -'Join'). :-chr_constraint write_join_ons(-'QueryId', ?'On'). :-chr_constraint write_limit. :-chr_constraint write_lock_hint(-'QueryId', +'Schema', ?'TableAlias'). :-chr_constraint write_order_by(-'QueryId', ?'OrderBy'). :-chr_constraint write_order_by_attribute(-'QueryId', ?list('SqlToken'), ?'Tail'). :-chr_constraint write_order_bys(-'QueryId', ?list('OrderBy')). :-chr_constraint write_query_sql. :-chr_constraint write_restriction(-'QueryId', ?'CompilationInstruction', +'Disposition', ?'ApplicationValue', +'ComparisonOperator', ?'ApplicationValue'). :-chr_constraint write_restriction_1(-'QueryId', ?'CompilationInstruction', +'Disposition', +'OdbcDataType', ?'OdbcDataType', +'Schema', +'TableName', +'AttributeName', ?'RestrictionExpression', +'ComparisonOperator', ?'RestrictionExpression'). :-chr_constraint write_restriction_expression(-'QueryId', ?'CompilationInstruction', +'Disposition', ?'OdbcDataType', +'OdbcDataType', +'Schema', +'TableName', +'AttributeName', ?'RestrictionExpression'). :-chr_constraint write_restriction_tree(-'QueryId', +'Disposition', ?'RestrictionTree'). :-chr_constraint write_select_attribute(-'QueryId', ?'CompilationInstruction', ?list('SqlToken'), ?'Tail', ?'Output'). :-chr_constraint write_select_attribute_1(-'QueryId', ?'CompilationInstruction', ?list('SqlToken'), ?'Tail', ?'Output'). :-chr_constraint write_select_attributes(-'QueryId'). :-chr_constraint write_sql(-'QueryId', ?'CompilationInstruction', +'Disposition', +list('SqlToken'), ?'Tail', ?list('OdbcParameter'), ?list('Output')). :-chr_constraint write_update_attribute(-'QueryId', ?'TableAlias', +'AttributeName', ?'ApplicationValue'). :-chr_constraint write_update_attributes(-'QueryId', ?'TableAlias', ?list('AttributeNameValuePair')). :-op(400, xfy, (::)). % CQL :-op(900, fy, exists). % CQL :-op(750, yfx, *==). % CQL :-op(750, yfx, =*=). % CQL :-op(750, yfx, ==*). % CQL :-op(740, yfx, on). % CQL :-op(700, xfx, =~). % CQL (LIKE) :-op(700, xfx, \=~). % CQL (NOT LIKE) :-op(200, fy, #). % CQL (nolock) :-op(920, fy, ???). % Debugging :-op(920, fy, ??). % Debugging :-op(920, fy, ?). % Debugging %% cql_set_module_default_schema(+Schema). % % Set the Schema for a module :-dynamic module_default_schema/2. cql_set_module_default_schema(Schema) :- % + prolog_load_context(module, Module), set_module_default_schema(Module, Schema). set_module_default_schema(Module, % + Schema) :- % + retractall(module_default_schema(Module, _)), assert(module_default_schema(Module, Schema)). %% cql_get_module_default_schema(+Module, ?ModuleDefaultSchema). cql_get_module_default_schema(Module, % + ModuleDefaultSchema) :- % ? ( module_default_schema(Module, Schema) -> ModuleDefaultSchema = Schema ; default_schema(ModuleDefaultSchema) ). % This lets me control the compiletime checks via an environment variable :-dynamic(do_cql_compiletime_checks/1). do_cql_compiletime_checks:- ( do_cql_compiletime_checks(Status)-> Status == true ; getenv('CQL_COMPILETIME_CHECKS', Atom)-> assert(do_cql_compiletime_checks(Atom)), Atom == true ; otherwise-> assert(do_cql_compiletime_checks(false)), fail ). cql_compiletime_checks(Schema, Goals):- forall(cql_sql_clause(Goals, SQL, Parameters), check_decompilation(Schema, SQL, Parameters)). check_decompilation(Schema, HalfCompiledSql, HalfCompiledOdbcParameters):- dbms(Schema, DBMS), ( fully_compile_sql(HalfCompiledSql, HalfCompiledOdbcParameters, [], Sql, OdbcParameters, _), atom_codes(Sql, SqlCodes), sql_tokens(Tokens, SqlCodes, []), findall(test, ( member(odbc_parameter(_, _, _, _, _, _), OdbcParameters) ; member(odbc_explicit_type_parameter(_, _, _), OdbcParameters) ), Bindings), sql_parse(action(Expression, _Types), _, [dbms(DBMS)], Tokens), with_output_to(atom(Atom), sql_write(current_output, Expression, [dbms(DBMS), parameter_bindings(Bindings), suppress_collations]))-> % Make sure that the COLLATEs are all removed \+sub_atom(Atom, _, _, _, 'COLLATE') ; otherwise-> prolog_load_context(source, FileName), prolog_load_context(term_position, TermPosition), stream_position_data(line_count, TermPosition, LineNumber), format(user_error, 'Could not decompile generated CQL: ~w~n~q~n', [FileName:LineNumber, HalfCompiledSql]) ). %% cql_goal_expansion(?Schema, %% ?Cql, %% ?GoalExpansion). % % Expand at compile time if the first term is a list of unbound input variables % % Expand at runtime if the first term is compile_at_runtime cql_goal_expansion(Schema, Cql, GoalExpansion) :- % {} is also used by clp(r,q) so make sure the CQL looks like CQL nonvar(Cql), Cql = (Arg, _), ( is_list(Arg) ; nonvar(Arg), Arg = compile_at_runtime(_) ), \+current_prolog_flag(xref, true), % Prevent expansion when used by pldoc to prevent spurious CQL compile errors atom(Schema), ( cql_goal_expansion_1(Schema, Cql, GoalExpansion_) -> GoalExpansion = GoalExpansion_ ; throw(format('Cannot expand CQL: Schema = ~w, Cql=(~w)', [Schema, Cql])) ), ( do_cql_compiletime_checks -> setup_call_cleanup(assert(skip_cql_instantiation_check), cql_compiletime_checks(Schema, GoalExpansion), retract(skip_cql_instantiation_check)) ; otherwise-> true ). cql_sql_clause(cql_odbc_state_change_statement(_, _, _, _, SQL, Parameters, _), SQL, Parameters). cql_sql_clause(cql_pre_state_change_select_sql(_, _, _, _, SQL, _, Parameters), SQL, Parameters). cql_sql_clause(cql_post_state_change_select_sql(_, _, Parameter, SQL), SQL, [odbc_explicit_type_parameter(Parameter, _, where_value)]). cql_sql_clause(cql_odbc_select_statement(_, SQL, Parameters, _), SQL, Parameters). cql_sql_clause((A, B), SQL, Parameters):- ( cql_sql_clause(A, SQL, Parameters) ; cql_sql_clause(B, SQL, Parameters) ). :-multifile(cql_dependency_hook/2). :-multifile(cql_generated_sql_hook/3). cql_goal_expansion_1(Schema, (CompilationDirective, CqlA), GoalExpansion) :- ( prolog_load_context(source, FileName), prolog_load_context(term_position, TermPosition), stream_position_data(line_count, TermPosition, LineNumber)-> DynamicallyCreatedCql = boolean(false) ; otherwise -> DynamicallyCreatedCql = boolean(true), FileName = '', LineNumber = 0 ), ( is_list(CompilationDirective), EqualityRestrictionVariables = CompilationDirective, forall(member(EqualityRestrictionVariable, EqualityRestrictionVariables), var(EqualityRestrictionVariable)) -> CqlB = (store_equality_restriction_variables(EqualityRestrictionVariables), original_cql(CqlA), cql_statement_location(FileName, LineNumber), CqlA), translate_to_constraints(Schema, CqlB, InitialConstraints), call(InitialConstraints), compile_mode(compiletime), fully_compile, runtime_constraints(cql_execute(cache_odbc_statement)), collect_runtime_constraints(GoalExpansion), referenced_tables(ReferencedTables), ( ReferencedTables \== [], DynamicallyCreatedCql == boolean(false) -> sort(ReferencedTables, ReferencedTableSet), % Remove duplicates file_base_name(FileName, FileBaseName), file_name_extension(Module, _, FileBaseName), ignore(cql_dependency_hook(ReferencedTableSet, Module)) ; otherwise -> true ), ignore(cql_generated_sql_hook(FileName, LineNumber, GoalExpansion)) ; nonvar(CompilationDirective), CompilationDirective = compile_at_runtime(IgnoreIfNullVariables) -> % Should this be a compile warning? runtime-compilation should now be officially deprecated ( nonvar(IgnoreIfNullVariables) -> variable_map(IgnoreIfNullVariables, CqlA, CqlB, VariableMap) ; otherwise -> true ), GoalExpansion = cql_runtime(Schema, IgnoreIfNullVariables, CqlA, CqlB, VariableMap, FileName, LineNumber) ; otherwise -> throw(error(domain_error(cql_compilation_directive, CompilationDirective), _)) ). %% cql_runtime(+Schema, +IgnoreIfNullVariables, +CqlA, +CqlB, +VariableMap, +FileName, +LineNumber) cql_runtime(Schema, IgnoreIfNullVariables, CqlA, CqlB, VariableMap, FileName, LineNumber) :- catch(cql_runtime_1(Schema, IgnoreIfNullVariables, CqlA, CqlB, VariableMap, FileName, LineNumber), format(Format, Arguments), % Want a backtrace for compile errors in compile_at_runtime statements at runtime cql_error(cql, Format, Arguments)). cql_runtime_1(Schema, IgnoreIfNullVariables, CqlA, CqlB, VariableMap, FileName, LineNumber) :- ( var(VariableMap) -> % Handle the case where IgnoreIfNullVariables is dynamically generated variable_map(IgnoreIfNullVariables, CqlA, CqlB, VariableMap) ; otherwise -> true ), CqlC = (store_ignore_if_null_variables(VariableMap), original_cql(CqlA), cql_statement_location(FileName, LineNumber), CqlB), translate_to_constraints(Schema, CqlC, InitialConstraints), call(InitialConstraints), fully_compile, cql_execute(do_not_cache_odbc_statement), referenced_tables(_). % Clean up variable_map(IgnoreIfNullVariables, CqlA, CqlB, VariableMap) :- copy_term(CqlA, CqlB), term_variables(CqlA, ExternalVariables), term_variables(CqlB, InternalVariables), variable_map_1(ExternalVariables, InternalVariables, IgnoreIfNullVariables, VariableMap). variable_map_1([], [], _, []). variable_map_1([A|As], [B|Bs], IgnoreIfNullVariables, [A-B|VariableMap]) :- select(I, IgnoreIfNullVariables, Rest), I == A, !, variable_map_1(As, Bs, Rest, VariableMap). variable_map_1([V|As], [V|Bs], IgnoreIfNullVariables, VariableMap) :- variable_map_1(As, Bs, IgnoreIfNullVariables, VariableMap). translate_to_constraints(Schema, % + Cql, % + InitialConstraints) :- % ? create_variable_dictionary(Cql, [], CqlGround, Dictionary), findall(QueryId-Conjunction, translate_to_constraints_1(Schema, top_level_query, CqlGround, QueryId, Conjunction), Conjunctions), store_conjunctions(Conjunctions, Dictionary), conjunction_constraints(true), get_conjunction_constraints(InitialConstraints). store_conjunctions([], _). store_conjunctions([QueryId-Conjunction|Conjunctions], Dictionary) :- store_conjunction(Conjunction, QueryId, Dictionary), store_conjunctions(Conjunctions, Dictionary). store_conjunction([], _, _). store_conjunction([Goal|Goals], QueryId, Dictionary) :- create_conjunction_variables(Goal, QueryId, Dictionary, ConjunctionGoal), conjunction_goal(ConjunctionGoal), store_conjunction(Goals, QueryId, Dictionary). collect_conjunction_variables @ conjunction_constraints(Constraints), conjunction_variable(QueryId, ExternalVariable, ConjunctionVariable) <=> conjunction_constraints((conjunction_variable(QueryId, ExternalVariable, ConjunctionVariable), Constraints)). collect_conjunction_goals @ conjunction_constraints(Constraints), conjunction_goal(ConjunctionGoal) <=> conjunction_constraints((ConjunctionGoal, Constraints)). get_conjunction_constraints @ get_conjunction_constraints(Constraints), conjunction_constraints(C) <=> C = Constraints. create_variable_dictionary(Term, % + Dictionary, % + GroundTerm, % ? NewDictionary) :- % ? ( ground(Term) -> GroundTerm = Term, NewDictionary = Dictionary ; var(Term) -> ( member(Variable-GroundTerm, Dictionary), Variable == Term -> NewDictionary = Dictionary ; var_property(Term, fresh(false))-> gensym(cql_stale_var_, UniqueAtom), GroundTerm = '$VAR'(UniqueAtom), NewDictionary = [Term-GroundTerm|Dictionary] ; otherwise-> gensym(cql_var_, UniqueAtom), GroundTerm = '$VAR'(UniqueAtom), NewDictionary = [Term-GroundTerm|Dictionary] ) ; otherwise -> functor(Term, Name, Arity), functor(GroundTerm, Name, Arity), add_args_to_dictionary(Term, Dictionary, 1, Arity, GroundTerm, NewDictionary) ). add_args_to_dictionary(Term, Dictionary, N, Arity, GroundTerm, NewDictionary) :- ( N > Arity -> NewDictionary = Dictionary ; arg(N, Term, Arg), create_variable_dictionary(Arg, Dictionary, GroundArg, DictionaryA), arg(N, GroundTerm, GroundArg), NextN is N + 1, add_args_to_dictionary(Term, DictionaryA, NextN, Arity, GroundTerm, NewDictionary) ). dictionary_lookup @ % This allows us to define new join points and tables as we compile (eep?) dictionary_addendum(QueryId, A, C) \ dictionary_lookup(QueryId, A, B) <=> B = C. failed_to_get_dictionary_addendum @ dictionary_lookup(_,_,_) <=> fail. cql_stale:attr_unify_hook(_,_). create_conjunction_variables(Term, QueryId, Dictionary, TermWithVariables) :- ( var(Term) -> TermWithVariables = Term ; memberchk(ExternalVariable-Term, Dictionary) -> conjunction_variable(QueryId, ExternalVariable, ConjunctionVariable), ( Term = '$VAR'(Key), atom_prefix(Key, cql_stale_var_)-> put_attr(ConjunctionVariable, cql_stale, 1) ; otherwise-> true ), TermWithVariables = ConjunctionVariable ; dictionary_lookup(QueryId, Term, Var)-> TermWithVariables = Var ; atomic(Term) -> TermWithVariables = Term ; otherwise -> functor(Term, Name, Arity), functor(TermWithVariables, Name, Arity), add_arg_variables(Term, QueryId, Dictionary, 1, Arity, TermWithVariables) ). add_arg_variables(Term, QueryId, Dictionary, N, Arity, TermWithVariables) :- ( N > Arity -> true ; arg(N, Term, Arg), create_conjunction_variables(Arg, QueryId, Dictionary, NewArg), arg(N, TermWithVariables, NewArg), NextN is N + 1, add_arg_variables(Term, QueryId, Dictionary, NextN, Arity, TermWithVariables) ). share_conjunction_variable @ conjunction_variable(QueryId, ExternalVariable, ConjunctionVariableA) \ conjunction_variable(QueryId, ExternalVariable, ConjunctionVariableB) <=> ConjunctionVariableA = ConjunctionVariableB. bind_conjunction_variable_if_external_variable_gets_bound @ conjunction_variable(_, ExternalVariable, ConjunctionVariable) <=> nonvar(ExternalVariable) | ConjunctionVariable = ExternalVariable. bind_external_variables_once_fully_compiled @ cql_fully_compiled \ conjunction_variable(_, ExternalVariable, ConjunctionVariable) <=> ExternalVariable = ConjunctionVariable. translate_to_constraints_1(Schema, QueryLevel, Cql, QueryId, CqlConstraints) :- ( translate_to_constraints_2(Schema, QueryLevel, Cql, QueryId, CqlConstraints, []) *-> ( msort(CqlConstraints, SortedCqlConstraints), nextto(state_change_query(_, _, _, _), state_change_query(_, _, _, _), SortedCqlConstraints) -> throw(format('Cannot mix state change queries in a single CQL statement', [])) ; true ) ; throw(format('Cannot translate CQL: ~w~n', [Cql])) ). % translate_to_constraints_2//4 % % QueryId is a variable identifying a query (or sub-query). The % top of the JOIN and WHERE trees is the QueryId translate_to_constraints_2(Schema, QueryLevel, Cql, QueryId) --> translate(Schema, QueryId, QueryId, Cql), [query(QueryId, Schema, QueryLevel), restriction_tree(QueryId, where, true), sql_statement(QueryId, A, A, B, B, C, C, [], [], [])]. % translate//4 translate(_, _, _, compile_time_goal(Goal)) --> !, {(Goal = Module:Goal1 -> true ; otherwise-> prolog_load_context(module, Module), Goal1 = Goal )}, [Module:Goal1]. translate(_, _, _, original_cql(Cql)) --> !, [original_cql(Cql)]. translate(_, _, _, cql_statement_location(FileName, LineNumber)) --> !, [cql_statement_location(FileName, LineNumber)]. translate(_, _, _, store_equality_restriction_variables(EqualityRestrictionVariables)) --> !, [store_equality_restriction_variables(EqualityRestrictionVariables)]. translate(_, _, _, store_ignore_if_null_variables(VariableMap)) --> !, [store_ignore_if_null_variables(VariableMap)]. translate(_, _, _, Term) --> {functor(Term, \+, Arity), Arity \== 1, throw(format('Negation (\\+) is arity one ... add some parentheses: ~w', [Term]))}. translate(Schema, QueryId, ParentJoin, (Lhs ; Rhs)) --> !, % BTP (compile time!) (translate(Schema, QueryId, ParentJoin, Lhs) ; translate(Schema, QueryId, ParentJoin, Rhs)). translate(Schema, QueryId, ParentJoin, (Lhs, Rhs)) --> !, translate(Schema, QueryId, ParentJoin, Lhs), translate(Schema, QueryId, ParentJoin, Rhs). % if we update FROM in postgres, we get an automatic join to the table we're updating % We need to push things from the @ :: [...] into the where clause, and not have them in the join % in fact, we shouldn't even list the table in the join unless we're doing a self-join % (or I guess an outer join). % I think that a right outer join in an update is the same as in inner join for all intents and purposes translate(Schema, QueryId, ParentJoin, JoinTerm) --> {dbms(Schema, 'PostgreSQL')}, { JoinTerm =.. [JoinOperator, Lhs, on(Rhs, On)], (join(JoinOperator, 'INNER JOIN') ; join(JoinOperator, 'RIGHT OUTER JOIN')) }, {Lhs = (@ :: _) ; Rhs = (@ :: _)}, !, translate(Schema, QueryId, ParentJoin, Lhs), translate(Schema, QueryId, ParentJoin, Rhs), translate(Schema, QueryId, ParentJoin, On), [implicit_join(QueryId, @, SubQueryId), implicit_join_link(QueryId, SubQueryId), on(SubQueryId, _, On)]. translate(Schema, QueryId, ParentJoin, JoinTerm) --> {dbms(Schema, 'PostgreSQL')}, { JoinTerm =.. [JoinOperator, Lhs, Rhs], (join(JoinOperator, 'INNER JOIN') ; join(JoinOperator, 'RIGHT OUTER JOIN')) }, {Lhs = (@ :: _) ; Rhs = (@ :: _)}, !, translate(Schema, QueryId, ParentJoin, Lhs), translate(Schema, QueryId, ParentJoin, Rhs), [implicit_join(QueryId, @, _)]. % This gets very very unpleasant. To do a left outer join in the update, we have to first do an inner join the target % and then outer join from THERE to complete. Postgres does NOT support left outer join in the from clause otherwise. % note that FROM in an update is not standard SQL anyway. translate(Schema, QueryId, ParentJoin, JoinTerm) --> {dbms(Schema, 'PostgreSQL')}, { JoinTerm =.. [JoinOperator, Lhs, Rhs], join(JoinOperator, 'LEFT OUTER JOIN') }, {Lhs = (@ :: Conditions)}, % don't allow for the target to be on the right. That doesn't really make a lot of sense anyway !, % Effectively we translate % @ :: [a-A, ...] ==* z :: [z-A, ...] % into % (@ :: [a-A, ..., pk-Pk] =*= @@ :: [pk-Pk]) ==* z :: [z-A, ...] % Where @@ is a symbol to mean 'the same table as the target but a different alias' % The first part of this is dropped as an implicit join % First off, we need to save space for the key. If we don't add this cql_var_X to the % dictionary somehow, it will be translated as if cql_var_X were a literal for the WHERE clause {gensym(cql_var_, KeyInfo), dictionary_addendum(QueryId, KeyInfo, Variable), append(Conditions, KeyInfo, NewConditions)}, [update_table_key(QueryId, Schema, Variable)], translate(Schema, QueryId, ParentJoin, (@ :: KeyInfo =*= ((@@) :: NewConditions)) *== Rhs). translate(Schema, QueryId, ParentJoin, JoinTerm) --> { JoinTerm =.. [JoinOperator, Lhs, on(Rhs, On)], join(JoinOperator, JoinType) }, !, translate(Schema, QueryId, LhsJoin, Lhs), translate(Schema, QueryId, RhsJoin, Rhs), [on(ParentJoin, _, On), join(QueryId, ParentJoin, LhsJoin, JoinType, RhsJoin)]. translate(Schema, QueryId, ParentJoin, JoinTerm) --> { JoinTerm =.. [JoinOperator, Lhs, Rhs], join(JoinOperator, JoinType) }, !, translate(Schema, QueryId, LhsJoin, Lhs), translate(Schema, QueryId, RhsJoin, Rhs), [join(QueryId, ParentJoin, LhsJoin, JoinType, RhsJoin)]. translate(Schema, QueryId, ParentJoin, @ :: AttributeNameValuePairs) --> !, % '@' means the update table [store_attribute_bindings(Schema, QueryId, TableAlias, AttributeNameValuePairs), attributes_to_check(QueryId, Schema, @, AttributeNameValuePairs), update_table_alias(QueryId, Schema, ParentJoin, TableAlias)]. translate(Schema, QueryId, ParentJoin, (@@) :: AttributeNameValuePairs) --> !, % '@@' means a copy of update table [store_attribute_bindings(Schema, QueryId, TableAlias, AttributeNameValuePairs), attributes_to_check(QueryId, Schema, @, AttributeNameValuePairs), query_table_alias(QueryId, Schema, (@@), TableAlias), join_leaf(ParentJoin, TableAlias)]. translate(Schema, QueryId, ParentJoin, #TableName :: AttributeNameValuePairs) --> !, % '#' means nolock translate_select(Schema, QueryId, ParentJoin, TableName, AttributeNameValuePairs, QueryTableAlias), [nolock(QueryId, QueryTableAlias)]. translate(Schema, QueryId, ParentJoin, TableName :: AttributeNameValuePairs) --> !, translate_select(Schema, QueryId, ParentJoin, TableName, AttributeNameValuePairs, _). translate(Schema, QueryId, _, insert(TableName, AttributeNameValuePairs)) --> !, {\+ duplicate_attributes(insert, Schema, TableName, AttributeNameValuePairs)}, [insert(QueryId, Schema, TableName, AttributeNameValuePairs), query_type(QueryId, insert), attributes_to_check(QueryId, Schema, TableName, AttributeNameValuePairs), state_change_query(QueryId, insert, Schema, TableName)]. translate(Schema, QueryId, _, update(TableName, UpdateAttributeNameValuePairs)) --> !, {\+ duplicate_attributes(update, Schema, TableName, UpdateAttributeNameValuePairs)}, [update(QueryId, Schema, TableName, _, UpdateAttributeNameValuePairs), query_type(QueryId, update), attributes_to_check(QueryId, Schema, TableName, UpdateAttributeNameValuePairs), state_change_query(QueryId, update, Schema, TableName)]. translate(Schema, QueryId, ParentJoin, delete(TableName, AttributeNameValuePairs)) --> !, {\+ duplicate_attributes(delete, Schema, TableName, AttributeNameValuePairs)}, [delete_row(QueryId, TableName, TableAlias), query_type(QueryId, delete), attributes_to_check(QueryId, Schema, TableName, AttributeNameValuePairs), store_attribute_bindings(Schema, QueryId, TableAlias, AttributeNameValuePairs), join_leaf(ParentJoin, TableAlias), query_table_alias(QueryId, Schema, TableName, TableAlias), state_change_query(QueryId, delete, Schema, TableName)]. translate(Schema, QueryId, ParentJoin, \+((Lhs, Rhs))) --> !, % De Morgan translate(Schema, QueryId, ParentJoin, (\+Lhs ; \+Rhs)). translate(Schema, QueryId, ParentJoin, \+((Lhs ; Rhs))) --> !, % De Morgan translate(Schema, QueryId, ParentJoin, (\+Lhs, \+Rhs)). translate(Schema, QueryId, _, \+Comparison) --> {simple_comparison(Schema, Comparison, _, InverseOperator, Lhs, Rhs)}, !, translate_comparison(QueryId, Schema, Lhs, InverseOperator, Rhs). translate(Schema, QueryId, _, Comparison) --> {simple_comparison(Schema, Comparison, Operator, _, Lhs, Rhs)}, !, translate_comparison(QueryId, Schema, Lhs, Operator, Rhs). translate(Schema, QueryId, _, \+ exists(Goals)) --> !, translate_sub_query(Schema, QueryId, \+ exists, Goals). translate(Schema, QueryId, _, exists(Goals)) --> !, translate_sub_query(Schema, QueryId, exists, Goals). translate(_, QueryId, _, group_by(GroupBys)) --> !, [group_bys(QueryId, GroupBys)]. translate(_, QueryId, _, order_by(OrderBys)) --> !, [order_bys(QueryId, OrderBys)]. translate(Schema, QueryId, _, having(Having)) --> !, {prolog_term_to_restriction_tree(Schema, Having, RestrictionTree)}, [restriction_tree(QueryId, having, RestrictionTree)]. translate(_, QueryId, _, distinct) --> !, [select_distinction(QueryId, distinct_on_all_select_attributes)]. translate(_, QueryId, _, distinct(Distincts)) --> !, [distincts(QueryId, Distincts)]. translate(Schema, QueryId, _, top(N)) --> !, [top(QueryId, Schema, N)]. translate(Schema, QueryId, _, identity(I)) --> !, [cql_identity(QueryId, Schema, I)]. translate(_, QueryId, _, row_count(N)) --> !, [row_count(QueryId, N)]. translate(_, _, _, absence_of_where_restriction_is_deliberate) --> !, [absence_of_where_restriction_is_deliberate]. translate(_, _, _, A=B) --> !, {(prolog_load_context(source, FileName), prolog_load_context(term_position, TermPosition), stream_position_data(line_count, TermPosition, LineNumber)-> true ; otherwise-> FileName = '', LineNumber = 0 ), print_message(warning, format('Unification in CQL is DEPRECATED (~w:~w)~n', [FileName, LineNumber]))}, [unify(A, B)]. translate(_, _, _, true) --> !, []. translate(_, QueryId, _, no_state_change_actions) --> !, [no_state_change_actions(QueryId)]. translate(_, _, _, Term) --> {throw(format('Cannot translate CQL term: ~w~n', [Term]))}. join(*==, 'LEFT OUTER JOIN'). join(=*=, 'INNER JOIN'). join(==*, 'RIGHT OUTER JOIN'). translate_sub_query(Schema, QueryId, SubQueryType, Goals) --> translate_to_constraints_2(Schema, sub_query, Goals, SubQueryId), !, [sub_query_select(SubQueryId), sub_query_restriction(QueryId, SubQueryType, SubQuerySqlTokens, SubQueryTail, SubQueryInputs), sub_query(SubQueryId, SubQuerySqlTokens, SubQueryTail, SubQueryInputs)]. translate_select(Schema, % + QueryId, % + ParentJoin, % + TableName, % + AttributeNameValuePairs, % + QueryTableAlias) --> % ? [store_attribute_bindings(Schema, QueryId, QueryTableAlias, AttributeNameValuePairs), query_type(QueryId, select), attributes_to_check(QueryId, Schema, TableName, AttributeNameValuePairs), join_leaf(ParentJoin, QueryTableAlias), query_table_alias(QueryId, Schema, TableName, QueryTableAlias)]. simple_comparison(Schema, % + Comparison, % + Operator, % ? InverseOperator, % ? Lhs, % ? Rhs) :- % ? functor(Comparison, Operator, 2), prolog_to_sql_comparison_operator(Schema, Operator, _, InverseOperator), arg(1, Comparison, Lhs), arg(2, Comparison, Rhs). translate_comparison(QueryId, Schema, Lhs, Operator, Rhs) --> translate_expression(Schema, Lhs, LhsResult), translate_expression(Schema, Rhs, RhsResult), [comparison(QueryId, LhsResult, Operator, RhsResult)]. translate_expression(Schema, Goal, aggregation_sub_query_sql(AggregationTableName, AggregationAttributeName, SubQuerySqlTokens, Tail, SubQueryInputs)) --> {functor(Goal, AggregationOperator, 2), aggregation_operator(AggregationOperator), !, arg(1, Goal, AggregationVariable), arg(2, Goal, Goals)}, translate_to_constraints_2(Schema, sub_query, Goals, SubQueryId), [aggregation_variable(SubQueryId, AggregationOperator, AggregationVariable), aggregation_sub_query(SubQueryId, AggregationTableName, AggregationAttributeName, SubQuerySqlTokens, Tail, SubQueryInputs)]. translate_expression(_, Variable, Variable) --> [true]. aggregation_operator(count). aggregation_operator(max). aggregation_operator(min). aggregation_operator(avg). aggregation_operator(sum). prolog_term_to_restriction_tree(Schema, \+(Lhs, Rhs), RestrictionTree) :- !, prolog_term_to_restriction_tree(Schema, (\+Lhs ; \+Rhs), RestrictionTree). prolog_term_to_restriction_tree(Schema, \+(Lhs ; Rhs), RestrictionTree) :- !, prolog_term_to_restriction_tree(Schema, (\+Lhs, \+Rhs), RestrictionTree). prolog_term_to_restriction_tree(Schema, (Lhs, Rhs), and(RestrictionLhs, RestrictionRhs)) :- !, prolog_term_to_restriction_tree(Schema, Lhs, RestrictionLhs), prolog_term_to_restriction_tree(Schema, Rhs, RestrictionRhs). prolog_term_to_restriction_tree(Schema, (Lhs ; Rhs), or(RestrictionLhs, RestrictionRhs)) :- !, prolog_term_to_restriction_tree(Schema, Lhs, RestrictionLhs), prolog_term_to_restriction_tree(Schema, Rhs, RestrictionRhs). prolog_term_to_restriction_tree(Schema, \+Comparison, comparison(RestrictionLhs, InverseOperator, RestrictionRhs)) :- !, simple_comparison(Schema, Comparison, _, InverseOperator, RestrictionLhs, RestrictionRhs). prolog_term_to_restriction_tree(Schema, Comparison, comparison(Lhs, Operator, Rhs)) :- ( simple_comparison(Schema, Comparison, Operator, _, Lhs, Rhs) -> true ; throw(format('Cannot translate restriction term: ~w', [Comparison])) ). equality_restriction_variables_are_unique @ equality_restriction_variable(Variable, _) \ equality_restriction_variable(Variable, _) <=> true. store_equality_restriction_variables @ store_equality_restriction_variables([InputVariable|InputVariables]) <=> equality_restriction_variable(InputVariable, _), store_equality_restriction_variables(InputVariables). cleanup_store_equality_restriction_variables @ store_equality_restriction_variables([]) <=> true. store_ignore_if_null_variables @ store_ignore_if_null_variables([ExternalVariable-InternalVariable|VariableMap]) <=> ignore_if_null(ExternalVariable, InternalVariable), store_ignore_if_null_variables(VariableMap). cleanup_store_ignore_if_null_variables @ store_ignore_if_null_variables([]) <=> true. store_attribute_bindings(Schema, QueryId, TableAlias, AttributeNameValuePairs) :- ( store_attribute_bindings_1(Schema, QueryId, TableAlias, AttributeNameValuePairs) -> true ; throw(format('Bad attribute bindings: ~w', [AttributeNameValuePairs])) ). store_attribute_bindings_1(_, _, _, []). store_attribute_bindings_1(Schema, QueryId, TableAlias, [AttributeNameValuePair|AttributeNameValuePairs]) :- % For INSERT from SELECTs ( AttributeNameValuePair = as(AttributeName)-ApplicationValue -> attribute_binding(QueryId, attribute(Schema, TableAlias, AttributeName), selection_constant(ApplicationValue)) % Normal Name-Value specification ; AttributeNameValuePair = AttributeName-ApplicationValue, atomic_application_value(ApplicationValue) -> attribute_binding(QueryId, attribute(Schema, TableAlias, AttributeName), ApplicationValue) % ignore_if_null ; AttributeNameValuePair = (AttributeName-ignore_if_null(ApplicationValue)), var(ApplicationValue)-> attribute_binding(QueryId, attribute(Schema, TableAlias, AttributeName), AttributeValue), comparison(QueryId, AttributeValue, ==, ignore_if_null(ApplicationValue)) % runtime list ; AttributeNameValuePair = (AttributeName-list(ApplicationValue))-> attribute_binding(QueryId, attribute(Schema, TableAlias, AttributeName), AttributeValue), comparison(QueryId, AttributeValue, ==, list(ApplicationValue)) % Compile-time attribute value ; AttributeNameValuePair = (AttributeName-CompileTimeGoal), callable(CompileTimeGoal), functor(CompileTimeGoal, PredicateName, ArityMinusOne), Arity is ArityMinusOne + 1, current_predicate(user:PredicateName/Arity), user:call(CompileTimeGoal, ApplicationValue) -> attribute_binding(QueryId, attribute(Schema, TableAlias, AttributeName), ApplicationValue) ), store_attribute_bindings_1(Schema, QueryId, TableAlias, AttributeNameValuePairs). atomic_application_value(ApplicationValue) :- % + ( var(ApplicationValue) ; atom(ApplicationValue) ; integer(ApplicationValue) ; rational(ApplicationValue) ; timestamp(ApplicationValue) ; cql_atomic_value_check_hook(ApplicationValue) ; is_list(ApplicationValue) ; ApplicationValue == {null} ; ApplicationValue == {timestamp} ; ApplicationValue == {user_id} ; ApplicationValue == {transaction_id} ), !. timestamp(TS) :- compound(TS), functor(TS, timestamp, 7). ensure_binding_is_on_the_external_variable_so_that_ignore_if_null_works_properly_1 @ ignore_if_null(ExternalVariable, InternalVariable) \ unify(InternalVariable, X) <=> ExternalVariable = X. ensure_binding_is_on_the_external_variable_so_that_ignore_if_null_works_properly_2 @ ignore_if_null(ExternalVariable, InternalVariable) \ unify(X, InternalVariable) <=> ExternalVariable = X. make_unify_unify @ unify(X, Y) <=> X = Y. remove_comparison_involving_ignored_variable @ ignore_if_null(ExternalVariable, InternalVariable) \ comparison(_, Lhs, _, Rhs) <=> ( ExternalVariable == {null}, InternalVariable == Lhs ; ExternalVariable == {null}, InternalVariable == Rhs ; InternalVariable == Lhs, Rhs == {null} ; InternalVariable == Rhs, Lhs == {null} ) | true. fully_compile @ fully_compile <=> no_sql_statement_generated, unify_ignore_if_null_variables, create_in_line_joins, create_join_points, resolve_join_points, determine_select_distinctions, create_select_bindings, determine_selection_type, create_restrictions, generate_sub_query_sql, simplify, ( debugging(cql(compile)) -> with_output_to(codes(Codes), chr_show_store(cql)), debug(cql(compile), '==========~n~s^^^^^^^^^^~n~n', [Codes]) ; true ), check_for_top_without_order_by, write_query_sql, instantiate_table_aliases, write_limit, check_for_orphan_select_attributes_in_aggregations, check_query, check_for_unjoined_tables, check_for_orphan_group_bys, check_for_orphan_order_bys, check_for_orphan_distincts, check_for_orphan_select_variables_in_updates, prepare_odbc_statements, cleanup_compile, cql_fully_compiled. unify_ignore_if_null_variables @ unify_ignore_if_null_variables \ ignore_if_null(ExternalVariable, InternalVariable) <=> nonvar(ExternalVariable), ExternalVariable \== {null} | InternalVariable = ExternalVariable. cleanup_unify_ignore_if_null_variables @ unify_ignore_if_null_variables <=> true. update_atat_table_name @ update(QueryId, Schema, TableName, _, _) \ query_table_alias(QueryId, Schema, (@@), Alias) <=> query_table_alias(QueryId, Schema, TableName, Alias). resolve_update_table_alias @ create_join_points, update(QueryId, Schema, TableName, UpdateTableAlias, _), update_table_alias(QueryId, _, ParentJoin, TableAlias) ==> join_leaf(ParentJoin, TableAlias), query_table_alias(QueryId, Schema, TableName, TableAlias), UpdateTableAlias = TableAlias. where_restriction_variable_not_allowed_to_be_an_outer_join_point @ outer_side_join(Join), join_leaf(Join, TableAlias), attribute_binding(_, attribute(_, TableAlias, _), JoinVariable), join_variable(JoinVariable), where_restriction_variable(JoinVariable) <=> throw(format('A variable used in a WHERE RESTRICTION must not also be a SHARED VARIABLE defining an OUTER JOIN point', [])). deprecated_group_by @ attribute_binding(_, attribute(_, _, group_by(_)), _) <=> throw(format('OBSOLETE group_by format. Use separate group_by([V1, V2, ...])', [])). bad_group_by_specification @ group_bys(_, GroupBys) <=> ( \+ is_list(GroupBys) ; is_list(GroupBys), member(GroupBy, GroupBys), nonvar(GroupBy) ) | throw(format('GROUP BY must specify a LIST of variables', [group_by(GroupBys)])). individual_group_by @ group_bys(QueryId, [GroupBy|GroupBys]) <=> group_by(QueryId, GroupBy), group_bys(QueryId, GroupBys). no_more_group_bys @ group_bys(_, []) <=> true. copy_attribute_for_group_by @ attribute_binding(QueryId, attribute(_, TableAlias, AttributeName), Variable) ==> attribute_for_group_by(QueryId, TableAlias, AttributeName, Variable). ambiguous_group_by_attribute @ group_by(QueryId, GroupBy), attribute_for_group_by(QueryId, TableAliasA, AttributeNameA, GroupBy), attribute_for_group_by(QueryId, TableAliasB, AttributeNameB, GroupBy), query_table_alias(_, _, TableNameA, TableAliasA), query_table_alias(_, _, TableNameB, TableAliasB) <=> throw(format('GROUP BY variable is AMBIGUOUS. It identifies both ~w.~w AND ~w.~w. Use == to specify the join point?', [TableNameA, AttributeNameA, TableNameB, AttributeNameB])). bad_distinct_specification @ distincts(_, Distincts) <=> ( \+ is_list(Distincts) ; is_list(Distincts), member(Distinct, Distincts), nonvar(Distinct) ) | throw(format('DISTINCT must specify a LIST of variables', [distinct(Distincts)])). individual_distinct @ distincts(QueryId, [Distinct|Distincts]) <=> distinct(QueryId, Distinct), distincts(QueryId, Distincts). no_more_distincts @ distincts(QueryId, []) <=> select_distinction(QueryId, distinct_on_specified_attributes). determine_select_distinctions @ query(QueryId, _, _), determine_select_distinctions ==> determine_select_distinction(QueryId). select_distinction_exists @ select_distinction(QueryId, _) \ determine_select_distinction(QueryId) <=> true. no_select_distinction @ determine_select_distinction(QueryId) <=> select_distinction(QueryId, no_distinction). select_binding @ create_select_bindings, attribute_binding(QueryId, attribute(Schema, TableAlias, AttributeName), Variable) ==> selection_variable(Variable) | Attribute = attribute(Schema, TableAlias, AttributeName), select_binding(QueryId, plain, Attribute, Variable). cleanup_create_select_bindings @ create_select_bindings <=> true. selection_variable(V) :- var(V). selection_variable(V) :- \+ ground(V), cql_atomic_value_check_hook(V). selection_variable(selection_constant(_)). select_binding_aggregation @ select_binding(QueryId, plain, attribute(Schema, TableAlias, AggregationTerm), Variable) <=> AggregationTerm =.. [AggregationOperator, AttributeName], aggregation_operator(AggregationOperator) | select_binding(QueryId, aggregation(AggregationOperator), attribute(Schema, TableAlias, AttributeName), Variable). sub_select_binding_aggregation @ aggregation_variable(_, AggregationOperator, AggregationVariable), select_binding(QueryId, plain, Attribute, Variable) <=> AggregationVariable == Variable | select_binding(QueryId, aggregation(AggregationOperator), Attribute, Variable). instantiate_table_aliases @ instantiate_table_aliases, query_table_alias(_, _, TableName, TableAlias) ==> var(TableAlias) | table_alias_crunch(TableName, Crunched), atom_concat(Crunched, '_', Stem), gensym(Stem, Symbol), map_database_atom(Symbol, TableAlias). table_alias_crunch(TableName, Crunched):- atom_codes(TableName, Codes), extract_abbreviation(AbbreviationCodes, [95|Codes], []), atom_codes(Crunched, AbbreviationCodes). extract_abbreviation([])--> []. extract_abbreviation([Code|Codes])--> "_", !, [Code], extract_abbreviation(Codes). extract_abbreviation(Codes)--> [_], extract_abbreviation(Codes). cleanup_instantiate_table_aliases @ instantiate_table_aliases <=> true. check_aggregation_attribute @ select_binding(QueryId, aggregation(_), attribute(Schema, TableAlias, AttributeName), _), query_table_alias(QueryId, _, TableName, TableAlias) <=> \+ cql_data_type(Schema, TableName, AttributeName, _, _, _, _, _, _, _) | throw(format('Unknown SELECT attribute in CQL: ~w', [Schema:TableName:AttributeName])). aggregation_selection @ select_binding(QueryId, aggregation(_), _, _), determine_selection_type ==> selection_type(QueryId, aggregation_selection). non_aggregation_selection @ select_binding(QueryId, SelectBindingType, _, _), determine_selection_type ==> SelectBindingType \= aggregation(_) | selection_type(QueryId, non_aggregation_selection). cleanup_determine_selection_type @ determine_selection_type <=> true. priority @ selection_type(QueryId, aggregation_selection) \ selection_type(QueryId, non_aggregation_selection) <=> true. uniqueness @ selection_type(QueryId, SelectionType) \ selection_type(QueryId, SelectionType) <=> true. get_data_size(Schema, TableName, AttributeName, Size):- cql_data_type(Schema, TableName, AttributeName, _, CharacterMaximumLength, _, _, _, _, _), ( CharacterMaximumLength == max -> % This should be close enough. It just has to be larger than any declared column length, and the max there is 8192 for SQL Server. % For all other DBMS it doesnt matter Size = 65535 ; integer(CharacterMaximumLength) -> Size = CharacterMaximumLength ; otherwise-> Size = 0 ). aggregation_selection @ selection_type(QueryId, aggregation_selection), query_table_alias(QueryId, _, TableName, TableAlias) \ select_binding(QueryId, SelectBindingType, attribute(Schema, TableAlias, AttributeName), Variable) <=> SelectBindingType = aggregation(_) | select_attribute(QueryId, select_attribute(SelectBindingType, Schema, TableName, TableAlias, AttributeName), _, _, Variable). aggregation_group_by_selection @ selection_type(QueryId, aggregation_selection), query_table_alias(QueryId, _, TableName, TableAlias), group_by(QueryId, GroupBy) \ select_binding(QueryId, SelectBindingType, attribute(Schema, TableAlias, AttributeName), GroupBy) <=> select_attribute(QueryId, select_attribute(SelectBindingType, Schema, TableName, TableAlias, AttributeName), _, _, GroupBy). ignore_aggregation_select_binding @ selection_type(QueryId, aggregation_selection), where_restriction_variable(Variable) \ select_binding(QueryId, _, _, Variable) <=> true. selection_type(QueryId, aggregation_selection), join_variable(Variable) \ select_binding(QueryId, _, _, Variable) <=> true. selection_type(QueryId, aggregation_selection), sub_query_join_variable(Variable) \ select_binding(QueryId, _, _, Variable) <=> true. selection_type(QueryId, aggregation_selection), ignore_if_null(_, Variable) \ select_binding(QueryId, _, _, Variable) <=> true. aggregation_select_binding_error @ check_for_orphan_select_attributes_in_aggregations, selection_type(QueryId, aggregation_selection) \ select_binding(QueryId, _, Attribute, _) <=> throw(format('Aggregation refers to an attribute which is not aggregated, not grouped by, not a restriction and not a join point: ~w', [Attribute])). non_aggregation_select_binding @ selection_type(QueryId, non_aggregation_selection), query_table_alias(QueryId, _, TableName, TableAlias) \ select_binding(QueryId, SelectBindingType, attribute(Schema, TableAlias, AttributeName), Variable) <=> select_attribute(QueryId, select_attribute(SelectBindingType, Schema, TableName, TableAlias, AttributeName), _, _, Variable). keep_if_distinct_on_specified_attributes @ select_distinction(QueryId, distinct_on_specified_attributes), select_attribute(QueryId, _, Keep, _, Variable) \ distinct(QueryId, Variable) <=> Keep = 1. keep_if_distinct_on_all_attributes_or_if_there_is_no_distinction @ select_distinction(QueryId, Distinction), select_attribute(QueryId, _, Keep, _, _) ==> ( Distinction == distinct_on_all_select_attributes ; Distinction == no_distinction ) | Keep = 1. copy_select_attribute_for_disjunction_comparison @ select_attribute(QueryId, select_attribute(SelectBindingType, Schema, TableName, TableAlias, AttributeName), _, _, _) ==> select_attribute_for_disjunction_comparison(QueryId, select_attribute(SelectBindingType, Schema, TableName, TableAlias, AttributeName)). bad_order_by_specification @ order_bys(_, OrderBys) <=> ( \+ is_list(OrderBys) ; is_list(OrderBys), member(OrderBy, OrderBys), nonvar(OrderBy), OrderBy \= +(_), OrderBy \= -(_) ) | throw(format('ORDER BY must specify a LIST of +/1 and -/1 terms but found ~w', [order_by(OrderBys)])). copy_attribute_for_order_by @ attribute_binding(QueryId, attribute(_, TableAlias, AttributeName), Variable) ==> attribute_for_order_by(QueryId, TableAlias, AttributeName, Variable). ambiguous_order_by_attribute @ write_order_by(QueryId, OrderBy) \ attribute_for_order_by(QueryId, TableAliasA, AttributeNameA, Variable), attribute_for_order_by(QueryId, TableAliasB, AttributeNameB, Variable), query_table_alias(_, _, TableNameA, TableAliasA), query_table_alias(_, _, TableNameB, TableAliasB) <=> ( OrderBy == +Variable ; OrderBy == -Variable ) | throw(format('ORDER BY variable is AMBIGUOUS. It identifies both ~w.~w AND ~w.~w. Use == to specify the join point?', [TableNameA, AttributeNameA, TableNameB, AttributeNameB])). select_attributes_1 @ selection_type(QueryId, _) ==> select_attributes_for_disjunction_comparison(QueryId, []). select_attributes_2 @ select_attribute_for_disjunction_comparison(QueryId, SelectAttribute), select_attributes_for_disjunction_comparison(QueryId, SelectAttributes) <=> merge_set([SelectAttribute], SelectAttributes, SortedSelectAttributes), select_attributes_for_disjunction_comparison(QueryId, SortedSelectAttributes). check_for_top_without_order_by @ top(QueryId, _, _), order_bys(QueryId, _) \ check_for_top_without_order_by <=> true. top(_, _, _), check_for_top_without_order_by, original_cql(Cql) <=> throw(format('top without order_by in CQL: ~w', [Cql])). check_for_top_without_order_by <=> true. join_tree_nodes @ simplify, query(Join, _, top_level_query) % Only bother doing join_tree for top_level_queries % Solitary join leaf has the QueryId as its parent i.e. Join == QueryId ==> join_pointer(Join, Join), join_tree_nodes(Join, []). identify_join_type_1 @ join(_, _, _, 'LEFT OUTER JOIN', RhsJoin) ==> outer_side_join(RhsJoin). identify_join_type_2 @ join(_, _, LhsJoin, 'RIGHT OUTER JOIN', _) ==> outer_side_join(LhsJoin). every_join_below_an_outer_side_join_is_an_outer_side_join @ outer_side_join(ParentJoin), join(_, ParentJoin, LhsJoin, _, RhsJoin) ==> outer_side_join(LhsJoin), outer_side_join(RhsJoin). walk_join_tree_branch @ join(QueryId, Join, LhsJoin, JoinType, RhsJoin) \ join_pointer(QueryId, Join) <=> join_tree_node(QueryId, Join, branch(JoinType)), join_pointer(QueryId, LhsJoin), join_pointer(QueryId, RhsJoin). walk_join_tree_on_clause @ join_tree_node(QueryId, Join, branch(_)), on(Join, _, On) ==> join_tree_node(QueryId, Join, On). cleanup_join_tree_node_branch @ join_tree_node(_, _, branch(_)) <=> true. walk_join_tree_leaf @ join_leaf(Join, TableAlias), query_table_alias(QueryId, _, _, TableAlias) \ join_pointer(QueryId, Join) <=> join_tree_node(QueryId, Join, table_alias(TableAlias)). accumulate_join_tree_nodes @ join_tree_nodes(QueryId, JoinTreeNodes), join_tree_node(QueryId, _, JoinTreeNode) <=> join_tree_nodes(QueryId, [JoinTreeNode|JoinTreeNodes]). amalgamate_restrictions_if_join_tree_is_the_same @ select_attributes_for_disjunction_comparison(QueryIdA, SelectAttributesA), join_tree_nodes(QueryIdA, JoinTreeNodesA) \ select_attributes_for_disjunction_comparison(QueryIdB, SelectAttributesB), join_tree_nodes(QueryIdB, JoinTreeNodesB), restriction_tree(QueryIdA, RestrictionType, RestrictionTreeA), restriction_tree(QueryIdB, RestrictionType, RestrictionTreeB) <=> unifiable(SelectAttributesA, SelectAttributesB, _), unifiable(JoinTreeNodesA, JoinTreeNodesB, Unifiers) | restriction_tree(QueryIdA, RestrictionType, or(RestrictionTreeA, RestrictionTreeB)), remove_query(QueryIdB, QueryIdA), unify_table_aliases(Unifiers). % We can do this because the ONLY unbound variables in the join tree are table aliases unify_table_aliases([]). unify_table_aliases([TableAliasA=TableAliasB|Unifiers]) :- TableAliasA = TableAliasB, unify_table_aliases(Unifiers). solve_sub_query @ generate_sub_query_sql, query(SubQueryId, _, sub_query) ==> phase(SubQueryId, initial). solve_top_level_query @ write_query_sql, query(QueryId, _, top_level_query) ==> phase(QueryId, initial). ignore_equality_restriction_variable_if_it_becomes_bound @ equality_restriction_variable(Variable, _) <=> nonvar(Variable) | true. add_sub_query_join_where @ query(TopLevelQueryId, _, top_level_query), query(SubQueryId, _, sub_query), attribute_binding(TopLevelQueryId, attribute(_, TopLevelTableAlias, TopLevelAttributeName), Variable), attribute_binding(SubQueryId, attribute(_, SubQueryTableAlias, SubQueryAttributeName), Variable) \ % No longer a SELECT binding in the sub-query; its now part of the sub query WHERE select_binding(SubQueryId, _, _, Variable) <=> not_a_singleton(Variable), sub_query_join_variable(Variable), restriction_leaf(SubQueryId, where, comparison(attribute(_, TopLevelTableAlias, TopLevelAttributeName), ==, attribute(_, SubQueryTableAlias, SubQueryAttributeName))). restriction_from_comparison_of_top_level_query_attribute_to_sub_query_attribute @ % % x :: [a-A, b-B], \+ y :: [b-B, c-C], C > A % query(QueryId, _, top_level_query), query(SubQueryId, _, sub_query), attribute_binding(QueryId, Attribute_1, V1), attribute_binding(SubQueryId, Attribute_2, V2) \ comparison(QueryId, Lhs, Operator, Rhs) <=> ( Lhs == V1, Rhs == V2 -> Comparison = comparison(Attribute_1, Operator, Attribute_2) ; Lhs == V2, Rhs == V1 -> Comparison = comparison(Attribute_2, Operator, Attribute_1) ) | restriction_leaf(SubQueryId, where, Comparison). add_sub_query_restriction @ create_restrictions \ sub_query_restriction(QueryId, SubQueryType, SubQuerySql, SubQueryTail, SubQueryInputs) <=> restriction_leaf(QueryId, where, sub_query(SubQueryType, SubQuerySql, SubQueryTail, SubQueryInputs)). restriction_from_bound_attribute @ % % x :: a-'A1' % x :: a-['A1', 'A2'] % create_restrictions, attribute_binding(QueryId, Attribute, ApplicationValue) ==> ( ground(ApplicationValue) ; is_list(ApplicationValue) ), ApplicationValue \= selection_constant(_) | restriction_leaf(QueryId, where, comparison(Attribute, ==, ApplicationValue)). restriction_from_equality_restriction_variable @ % % {[A], x :: [a-A]} % create_restrictions, attribute_binding(QueryId, Attribute, Variable), equality_restriction_variable(Variable, EqualityRestrictionVariableUsed) ==> EqualityRestrictionVariableUsed = equality_restriction_variable_used, where_restriction_variable(Variable), restriction_leaf(QueryId, where, comparison(Attribute, ==, equality_restriction(Variable))). restriction_from_comparison @ create_restrictions \ comparison(QueryId, Lhs, Operator, Rhs) <=> not_a_singleton(Lhs), not_a_singleton(Rhs), variables_to_attributes(Lhs, MappedLhs), variables_to_attributes(Rhs, MappedRhs), restriction_leaf(QueryId, where, comparison(MappedLhs, Operator, MappedRhs)). cqlv2_1_restriction_from_any_non_fresh_variable @ query_type(QueryId, QueryType), compile_mode(compiletime), attribute_binding(QueryId, attribute(Schema, Alias, AttributeName), Variable) ==> atom(AttributeName), % Exclude aggregates. Is there a more elegant way? var(Variable), get_attr(Variable, cql_stale, 1) | ( ( QueryType == select ; QueryType == insert) -> Comparison = if_not_var(Variable) ; otherwise-> Comparison = equality_restriction(Variable) ), cql2_variable(QueryId, Variable, comparison(attribute(Schema, Alias, AttributeName), ==, Comparison)). /* cqlv2_variable_unique @ cql2_variable(QueryId, _, Variable) \ cql2_variable(QueryId, _, Variable) <=> true. */ cqlv2_1_except_when_restriction_already_exists_1 @ equality_restriction_variable(Variable, _) \ cql2_variable(_, Variable, _) <=> true. cqlv2_1_except_when_restriction_already_exists_2 @ expression_where_restriction_variable(Variable) \ cql2_variable(_, Variable, _) <=> true. cqlv2_1_except_when_restriction_already_exists_3 @ sub_query_join_variable(Variable) \ cql2_variable(_, Variable, _) <=> true. cqlv2_1_except_when_restriction_already_exists_4 @ expression_where_restriction_variable(Variable) \ cql2_variable(_, Variable, _) <=> true. cqlv2_1_except_when_restriction_already_exists_5 @ outer_side_join(Join), join_leaf(Join, TableAlias), attribute_binding(_, attribute(_, TableAlias, _), JoinVariable), join_variable(JoinVariable) \ cql2_variable(_, JoinVariable, _) <=> true. cqlv2_1_except_comparisons @ query_type(QueryId, Type), comparison(QueryId, Lhs, _Operator, Rhs) \ cql2_variable(QueryId, Variable, _) <=> % If you write something like % foo(X):- {[], some_table :: [column-X], X == 'VALUE'} % Then, first of all, you probably made a coding error, since this is unlikely what you meant. % X is not actually selected here, it MUST be part of the where clause. Further, it MUST contain 'VALUE'. % For now, unify X with the target (Value). However, we must do it after the select. Consider: % foo(X):- {[], some_table :: [integer_value-X], X > 500} % This should generate % SELECT .... FROM some_table WHERE integer_value > 500 % What should we actually do with X? If it is bound, then we can make it % SELECT .... FROM some_table WHERE integer_value > 500 AND integer_value = ? % If it is NOT bound, then I think this is actually an instantiation error? % The trouble comes when we have % {[], update(some_table, [...]), @ :: [integer_value-X], X == Y}. % If Y is unbound here, we want a runtime error, but if X is bound, we want an error as well! ( Type == update ; Type == delete ), ( Lhs == Variable ; Rhs == Variable ) | runtime_instantiation_check(QueryId, Variable). cqlv2_variable_is_ok @ create_restrictions \ cql2_variable(QueryId, Variable, Comparison) <=> where_restriction_variable(Variable), restriction_leaf(QueryId, where, Comparison). variables_to_attributes @ attribute_binding(_, A, Variable) \ variables_to_attributes(Variable, Attribute) <=> var(Variable) | Attribute = A, where_restriction_variable(Variable). variables_to_attributes(T1, T2) <=> var(T1) ; ground(T1) | T2 = T1. variables_to_attributes([H1|T1], T3) <=> variables_to_attributes(H1, H2), variables_to_attributes(T1, T2), T3 = [H2|T2]. variables_to_attributes(T1, T4) <=> T1 =.. T2, variables_to_attributes(T2, T3), T4 =.. T3. cleanup_create_restrictions @ create_restrictions <=> true. ignore_comparison_to_empty_list @ restriction_leaf(_, _, comparison(Lhs, ==, Rhs)) <=> ( Lhs == [] ; Rhs == [] ) | true. top_level_restriction_cannot_refer_to_a_sub_query_attribute @ query(TopLevelQueryId, _, top_level_query), query(SubQueryId, _, sub_query), attribute_binding(SubQueryId, attribute(Schema, TableAlias, AttributeName), _) \ restriction_leaf(TopLevelQueryId, _, comparison(Lhs, _, Rhs)) <=> ( cql_path_arg(_, Lhs, SubTerm) ; cql_path_arg(_, Rhs, SubTerm)), SubTerm == attribute(Schema, TableAlias, AttributeName) | throw(format('Top level restriction cannot refer to a sub-query attribute : ~w', [AttributeName])). simplify_or_restriction @ % Trivial "or" conditions can arise out from the simplification of disjunctions restriction_tree(QueryId, RestrictionType, or(Lhs, Rhs)) <=> ( Lhs == true ; Rhs == true ) | restriction_tree(QueryId, RestrictionType, true). simplify_and_restriction @ restriction_tree(QueryId, RestrictionType, and(Lhs, Rhs)) <=> ( Lhs == true -> RestrictionTree = Rhs ; Rhs == true -> RestrictionTree = Lhs ) | restriction_tree(QueryId, RestrictionType, RestrictionTree). add_to_restriction_tree @ restriction_tree(QueryId, RestrictionType, ExistingRestrictionTree), restriction_leaf(QueryId, RestrictionType, Restriction) <=> restriction_tree(QueryId, RestrictionType, and(ExistingRestrictionTree, Restriction)). insert_inserted_ @ insert(QueryId, Schema, TableName, AttributeNameValuePairs) <=> cql_data_type(Schema, TableName, inserted_, _, _, _, _, _, _, _), \+ memberchk(inserted_-_, AttributeNameValuePairs) | insert(QueryId, Schema, TableName, [inserted_-{timestamp}|AttributeNameValuePairs]). insert_inserted_by_ @ insert(QueryId, Schema, TableName, AttributeNameValuePairs) <=> cql_data_type(Schema, TableName, inserted_by_, _, _, _, _, _, _, _), \+ memberchk(inserted_by_-_, AttributeNameValuePairs) | insert(QueryId, Schema, TableName, [inserted_by_-{user_id}|AttributeNameValuePairs]). insert_updated_ @ insert(QueryId, Schema, TableName, AttributeNameValuePairs) <=> cql_data_type(Schema, TableName, updated_, _, _, _, _, _, _, _), \+ memberchk(updated_-_, AttributeNameValuePairs) | insert(QueryId, Schema, TableName, [updated_-{timestamp}|AttributeNameValuePairs]). insert_updated_by_ @ insert(QueryId, Schema, TableName, AttributeNameValuePairs) <=> cql_data_type(Schema, TableName, updated_by_, _, _, _, _, _, _, _), \+ memberchk(updated_by_-_, AttributeNameValuePairs) | insert(QueryId, Schema, TableName, [updated_by_-{user_id}|AttributeNameValuePairs]). update_updated_ @ update(QueryId, Schema, TableName, TableAlias, AttributeNameValuePairs) <=> cql_data_type(Schema, TableName, updated_, _, _, _, _, _, _, _), \+ memberchk(updated_-_, AttributeNameValuePairs) | update(QueryId, Schema, TableName, TableAlias, [updated_-{timestamp}|AttributeNameValuePairs]). update_updated_by_ @ update(QueryId, Schema, TableName, TableAlias, AttributeNameValuePairs) <=> cql_data_type(Schema, TableName, updated_by_, _, _, _, _, _, _, _), \+ memberchk(updated_by_-_, AttributeNameValuePairs) | update(QueryId, Schema, TableName, TableAlias, [updated_by_-{user_id}|AttributeNameValuePairs]). insert_transaction_id_ @ insert(QueryId, Schema, TableName, AttributeNameValuePairs) <=> cql_data_type(Schema, TableName, transaction_id_, _, _, _, _, _, _, _), \+ memberchk(transaction_id_-_, AttributeNameValuePairs) | insert(QueryId, Schema, TableName, [transaction_id_-{transaction_id}|AttributeNameValuePairs]). update_transaction_id_ @ update(QueryId, Schema, TableName, TableAlias, AttributeNameValuePairs) <=> cql_data_type(Schema, TableName, transaction_id_, _, _, _, _, _, _, _), \+ memberchk(transaction_id_-_, AttributeNameValuePairs) | update(QueryId, Schema, TableName, TableAlias, [transaction_id_-{transaction_id}|AttributeNameValuePairs]). insert_generation_ @ insert(QueryId, Schema, TableName, AttributeNameValuePairs) <=> cql_data_type(Schema, TableName, generation_, _, _, _, _, _, _, _), \+ memberchk(generation_-_, AttributeNameValuePairs) | insert(QueryId, Schema, TableName, [generation_-0|AttributeNameValuePairs]). update_generation_ @ update(QueryId, Schema, TableName, TableAlias, AttributeNameValuePairs) <=> cql_data_type(Schema, TableName, generation_, _, _, _, _, _, _, _), \+ memberchk(generation_-_, AttributeNameValuePairs) | update(QueryId, Schema, TableName, TableAlias, [generation_-{increment}|AttributeNameValuePairs]). write_insert_based_on_select @ query_table_alias(QueryId, _, _, _), phase(QueryId, initial) \ insert(QueryId, _, TableName, AttributeNameValuePairs) <=> extract_variables(AttributeNameValuePairs, InsertVariables), select_for_insert_variables(InsertVariables, TableName), write_sql(QueryId, compile, top, ['INSERT INTO ', table_name(TableName), ' ('|T1], T1, [], []), write_insert_attribute_names(QueryId, AttributeNameValuePairs), write_sql(QueryId, compile, top, [') '|T2], T2, [], []). extract_variables([], []). extract_variables([_-V|AttributeNameValuePairs], [V|InsertVariables]) :- var(V), !, extract_variables(AttributeNameValuePairs, InsertVariables). extract_variables([_|AttributeNameValuePairs], InsertVariables) :- extract_variables(AttributeNameValuePairs, InsertVariables). write_insert @ phase(QueryId, initial), insert(QueryId, Schema, TableName, AttributeNameValuePairs) <=> ( AttributeNameValuePairs == []-> write_sql(QueryId, compile, top, ['INSERT INTO ', table_name(TableName), ' DEFAULT VALUES'|T1], T1, [], []) ; write_sql(QueryId, compile, top, ['INSERT INTO ', table_name(TableName), ' ('|T2], T2, [], []), write_insert_attribute_names(QueryId, AttributeNameValuePairs), write_sql(QueryId, compile, top, [') VALUES ('|T3], T3, [], []), write_insert_values(QueryId, Schema, TableName, AttributeNameValuePairs), ( dbms(Schema, 'PostgreSQL'), database_identity(Schema, TableName, PrimaryKey) -> write_sql(QueryId, compile, top, [') RETURNING ', PrimaryKey|T4], T4, [], []) ; otherwise-> write_sql(QueryId, compile, top, [')'|T4], T4, [], []) ) ). write_insert_attribute_names_1 @ write_insert_attribute_names(QueryId, [AttributeName-_]) <=> write_insert_attribute_name(QueryId, AttributeName). write_insert_attribute_names_2 @ write_insert_attribute_names(QueryId, [AttributeName-_|AttributeNameValuePairs]) <=> write_insert_attribute_name(QueryId, AttributeName), write_sql(QueryId, compile, top, [', '|T], T, [], []), write_insert_attribute_names(QueryId, AttributeNameValuePairs). write_insert_attribute_name @ write_insert_attribute_name(QueryId, AttributeName) <=> write_sql(QueryId, compile, top, [attribute_name(AttributeName)|T], T, [], []). write_insert_values_1 @ write_insert_values(QueryId, Schema, TableName, [AttributeName-ApplicationValue]) <=> write_insert_value(QueryId, Schema, TableName, AttributeName, ApplicationValue). write_insert_values_2 @ write_insert_values(QueryId, Schema, TableName, [AttributeName-ApplicationValue|AttributeNameValuePairs]) <=> write_insert_value(QueryId, Schema, TableName, AttributeName, ApplicationValue), write_sql(QueryId, compile, top, [', '|T], T, [], []), write_insert_values(QueryId, Schema, TableName, AttributeNameValuePairs). write_in_line_formatted_insert_value @ write_insert_value(QueryId, Schema, TableName, AttributeName, format(Format, FormatArgs)) <=> in_line_format(QueryId, Format, FormatArgs, ApplicationValue), write_insert_value(QueryId, Schema, TableName, AttributeName, ApplicationValue). write_insert_value @ write_insert_value(QueryId, Schema, TableName, AttributeName, ApplicationValue) <=> write_sql(QueryId, compile, top, [?|T], T, [odbc_parameter(Schema, TableName, AttributeName, ApplicationValue, insert_value, _)], []). write_update @ update(QueryId, Schema, TableName, TableAlias, AttributeNameValuePairs) \ phase(QueryId, initial) <=> ( dbms(Schema, 'Microsoft SQL Server') -> write_sql(QueryId, compile, top, ['UPDATE ', TableAlias, ' SET '|T], T, [], []) ; dbms(Schema, 'PostgreSQL') -> write_sql(QueryId, compile, top, ['UPDATE ', TableName, ' ', TableAlias, ' SET '|T], T, [], []) ; dbms(Schema, 'SQLite') -> % SQLite does not support joins in updates. However, it has an ID for each row, meaning we can put this: % UPDATE SET WHERE rowid IN (SELECT .rowid FROM ) write_sql(QueryId, compile, top, ['UPDATE ', TableName, ' SET '|T], T, [], []) ), write_update_attributes(QueryId, TableAlias, AttributeNameValuePairs), phase(QueryId, from). write_update_attributes_1 @ write_update_attributes(QueryId, TableAlias, [AttributeName-ApplicationValue]) <=> write_update_attribute(QueryId, TableAlias, AttributeName, ApplicationValue). write_update_attributes_2 @ write_update_attributes(QueryId, TableAlias, [AttributeName-ApplicationValue|AttributeNameValuePairs]) <=> write_update_attribute(QueryId, TableAlias, AttributeName, ApplicationValue), write_sql(QueryId, compile, top, [', '|T], T, [], []), write_update_attributes(QueryId, TableAlias, AttributeNameValuePairs). write_update_attributes_3 @ write_update_attributes(_, _, AttributeNameValuePairs) <=> throw(format('Bad UPDATE attributes: ~w', [AttributeNameValuePairs])). write_generation_attribute @ update_table_alias(QueryId, Schema, _, TableAlias) \ write_update_attribute(QueryId, TableAlias, AttributeName, {increment}) <=> AttributeName == generation_ | ( dbms(Schema, 'Microsoft SQL Server') -> write_sql(QueryId, compile, top, [TableAlias, '.', attribute_name(AttributeName), =, TableAlias, '.', attribute_name(AttributeName), +, '1'|T], T, [], []) ; dbms(Schema, 'PostgreSQL') -> write_sql(QueryId, compile, top, [attribute_name(AttributeName), =, TableAlias, '.', attribute_name(AttributeName), +, '1'|T], T, [], []) ; dbms(Schema, 'SQLite') -> write_sql(QueryId, compile, top, [attribute_name(AttributeName), =, attribute_name(AttributeName), +, '1'|T], T, [], []) ). write_update_attribute_copy_sql_server @ query_table_alias(QueryId, Schema, _, TableAlias), select_attribute(QueryId, select_attribute(_, _, _, SelectTableAlias, SelectAttributeName), 1, SelectAttributeVariableUsed, SelectVariable) \ write_update_attribute(QueryId, TableAlias, AttributeName, UpdateVariable) <=> dbms(Schema, 'Microsoft SQL Server'), var(SelectVariable), SelectVariable == UpdateVariable | SelectAttributeVariableUsed = select_attribute_variable_used, write_sql(QueryId, compile, top, [TableAlias, '.', attribute_name(AttributeName), =, SelectTableAlias, '.', attribute_name(SelectAttributeName)|T], T, [], []). write_update_attribute_copy_postgres @ update_table_alias(QueryId, Schema, _, TargetAlias), query_table_alias(QueryId, _, _, TableAlias), select_attribute(QueryId, select_attribute(_, _, _, SelectTableAlias, SelectAttributeName), 1, SelectAttributeVariableUsed, SelectVariable) \ write_update_attribute(QueryId, TableAlias, AttributeName, UpdateVariable) <=> dbms(Schema, 'PostgreSQL'), var(SelectVariable), SelectVariable == UpdateVariable | SelectAttributeVariableUsed = select_attribute_variable_used, ( TargetAlias == TableAlias -> write_sql(QueryId, compile, top, [attribute_name(AttributeName), =, SelectTableAlias, '.', attribute_name(SelectAttributeName)|T], T, [], []) ; otherwise-> write_sql(QueryId, compile, top, [TableAlias, '.', attribute_name(AttributeName), =, SelectTableAlias, '.', attribute_name(SelectAttributeName)|T], T, [], []) ). write_update_attribute_copy_sqlite @ update_table_alias(QueryId, Schema, _, TargetAlias), query_table_alias(QueryId, Schema, TableName, TableAlias), select_attribute(QueryId, select_attribute(_, _, _, SelectTableAlias, SelectAttributeName), 1, SelectAttributeVariableUsed, SelectVariable) \ write_update_attribute(QueryId, TableAlias, AttributeName, UpdateVariable) <=> dbms(Schema, 'SQLite'), var(SelectVariable), SelectVariable == UpdateVariable | SelectAttributeVariableUsed = select_attribute_variable_used, ( TargetAlias == SelectTableAlias-> % This is the simplest case. Otherwise we must write a subquery write_sql(QueryId, compile, top, [attribute_name(AttributeName), =, attribute_name(SelectAttributeName)|T], T, [], []) ; otherwise-> write_sql(QueryId, compile, top, [attribute_name(AttributeName), =, '(SELECT ', SelectTableAlias, '.', attribute_name(SelectAttributeName), ' '|T], T, [], []), Tail = [' AND ', TableAlias, '.rowid = ', TableName, '.rowid)'|T3], write_sql(QueryId, compile, top, X, T3, Parameters, []), find_copy_of_from(QueryId, X, Tail, Parameters) ). write_in_line_formatted_update_attribute @ query_table_alias(QueryId, _, _, TableAlias) \ write_update_attribute(QueryId, TableAlias, AttributeName, format(Format, FormatArgs)) <=> in_line_format(QueryId, Format, FormatArgs, ApplicationValue), write_update_attribute(QueryId, TableAlias, AttributeName, ApplicationValue). :-multifile(cql_atomic_value_check_hook/1). write_atomic_update_attribute @ query_table_alias(QueryId, Schema, TableName, TableAlias) \ write_update_attribute(QueryId, TableAlias, AttributeName, ApplicationValue) <=> ( var(ApplicationValue) ; atom(ApplicationValue) ; integer(ApplicationValue) ; rational(ApplicationValue) ; cql_atomic_value_check_hook(ApplicationValue) ; ApplicationValue == {null} ; ApplicationValue == {timestamp} ; ApplicationValue == {user_id} ; ApplicationValue == {transaction_id} ) | ( dbms(Schema, 'Microsoft SQL Server') -> write_sql(QueryId, compile, top, [TableAlias, '.', attribute_name(AttributeName), =, ?|T], T, [odbc_parameter(Schema, TableName, AttributeName, ApplicationValue, update_value, _)], []) ; dbms(Schema, 'PostgreSQL') -> write_sql(QueryId, compile, top, [attribute_name(AttributeName), =, ?|T], T, [odbc_parameter(Schema, TableName, AttributeName, ApplicationValue, update_value, _)], []) ; dbms(Schema, 'SQLite') -> write_sql(QueryId, compile, top, [attribute_name(AttributeName), =, ?|T], T, [odbc_parameter(Schema, TableName, AttributeName, ApplicationValue, update_value, _)], []) ). write_evaluated_update_attribute @ query_table_alias(QueryId, Schema, TableName, TableAlias) \ write_update_attribute(QueryId, TableAlias, AttributeName, Expression) <=> ( dbms(Schema, 'Microsoft SQL Server') ; dbms(Schema, 'PostgreSQL') ) | ( dbms(Schema, 'Microsoft SQL Server') -> write_sql(QueryId, compile, top, [TableAlias, '.', attribute_name(AttributeName), =|T], T, [odbc_parameter(Schema, TableName, AttributeName, {null}, evaluated_update_attribute, _)], []) ; dbms(Schema, 'PostgreSQL') -> write_sql(QueryId, compile, top, [attribute_name(AttributeName), =|T], T, [odbc_parameter(Schema, TableName, AttributeName, {null}, evaluated_update_attribute, _)], []) ), write_expression(QueryId, Schema, TableName, AttributeName, TableAlias, Expression). write_evaluated_update_attribute_sqlite @ query_table_alias(QueryId, Schema, TableName, TableAlias) \ write_update_attribute(QueryId, TableAlias, AttributeName, Expression) <=> dbms(Schema, 'SQLite') | % SQLite does not support the above method. Instead of Expression, we must actually put the entire FROM/WHERE clause here in a subquery like % attribute_name(AttributeName) = SELECT(Expression FROM .......) write_sql(QueryId, compile, top, [attribute_name(AttributeName), =, '(SELECT '|T], T, [odbc_parameter(Schema, TableName, AttributeName, {null}, evaluated_update_attribute, _)], []), write_expression(QueryId, Schema, TableName, AttributeName, TableAlias, Expression), Tail = [' AND ', TableAlias, '.rowid = ', TableName, '.rowid)'|T3], write_sql(QueryId, compile, top, X, T3, Parameters, []), find_copy_of_from(QueryId, X, Tail, Parameters). write_evaluated_update_binary_expression @ write_expression(QueryId, Schema, TableName, AttributeName, TableAlias, Expression) <=> nonvar(Expression), functor(Expression, Operator, 2), memberchk(Operator, [+, -, *, /]) | arg(1, Expression, Lhs), arg(2, Expression, Rhs), ( dbms(Schema, 'SQLite') -> % SQLite defaults to integer arithmetic. Fix this here write_sql(QueryId, compile, top, ['(1.0*'|T1], T1, [], []) ; otherwise-> write_sql(QueryId, compile, top, ['('|T1], T1, [], []) ), write_expression(QueryId, Schema, TableName, AttributeName, TableAlias, Lhs), write_sql(QueryId, compile, top, [' ', Operator, ' '|T2], T2, [], []), write_expression(QueryId, Schema, TableName, AttributeName, TableAlias, Rhs), ( dbms(Schema, 'SQLite') -> % SQLite defaults to integer arithmetic. write_sql(QueryId, compile, top, ['*1.0)'|T3], T3, [], []) ; otherwise-> write_sql(QueryId, compile, top, [')'|T3], T3, [], []) ). write_evaluated_update_expression_attribute @ select_attribute(QueryId, select_attribute(_, _, _, TableAlias, AttributeName), 1, SelectAttributeVariableUsed, Variable) \ write_expression(QueryId, _, _, _, _, Variable) <=> SelectAttributeVariableUsed = select_attribute_variable_used, write_sql(QueryId, compile, top, [TableAlias, '.', attribute_name(AttributeName)|T], T, [], []). write_evaluated_update_expression_constant @ write_expression(QueryId, _, _, _, _, Constant) <=> integer(Constant) | atom_number(ConstantAtom, Constant), write_sql(QueryId, compile, top, [ConstantAtom|T], T, [], []). write_evaluated_update_expression_parameter @ write_expression(QueryId, Schema, TableName, AttributeName, _, Variable) <=> var(Variable) | write_sql(QueryId, compile, top, [?|T], T, [odbc_parameter(Schema, TableName, AttributeName, Variable, evaluated_update_parameter, _)], []). write_evaluated_update_table_expression_attribute @ write_expression(QueryId, _, _, _, TableAlias, AttributeName) <=> write_sql(QueryId, compile, top, [TableAlias, '.', attribute_name(AttributeName)|T], T, [], []). write_delete_with_no_where_clause @ restriction_tree(QueryId, where, true) \ phase(QueryId, initial), delete_row(QueryId, TableName, _) <=> write_sql(QueryId, compile, top, ['DELETE'|T1], T1, [], []), write_sql(QueryId, compile, join, [' FROM ', table_name(TableName)|T2], T2, [], []), phase(QueryId, where). write_delete_with_where_clause @ phase(QueryId, initial), delete_row(QueryId, TableName, TableAlias) <=> TableAlias = TableName, write_sql(QueryId, compile, top, ['DELETE'|T1], T1, [], []), write_sql(QueryId, compile, join, [' FROM ', TableAlias|T2], T2, [], []), phase(QueryId, where). write_select_keyword @ phase(QueryId, initial) <=> write_sql(QueryId, compile, top, ['SELECT '|T], T, [], []), phase(QueryId, distinct). write_select_distinct @ select_distinction(QueryId, DistinctionType) \ phase(QueryId, distinct) <=> DistinctionType \== no_distinction | write_sql(QueryId, compile, top, ['DISTINCT '|T], T, [], []), phase(QueryId, top). no_distinct @ phase(QueryId, distinct) <=> phase(QueryId, top). should_not_be_any_distinct_constraints_left_over @ check_for_orphan_distincts, distinct(_, Distinct), original_cql(Cql) <=> throw(format('Unused DISTINCT ~w in CQL: ~w', [Distinct, Cql])). select_variable_is_used_if_its_a_where_variable @ select_attribute(_, _, 1, SelectAttributeVariableUsed, Variable), where_restriction_variable(Variable) ==> SelectAttributeVariableUsed = select_attribute_variable_used. select_variable_is_used_if_its_a_join_variable @ select_attribute(_, _, 1, SelectAttributeVariableUsed, Variable), join_variable(Variable) ==> SelectAttributeVariableUsed = select_attribute_variable_used. select_variable_is_used_if_its_a_sub_query_join_variable @ select_attribute(_, _, 1, SelectAttributeVariableUsed, Variable), sub_query_join_variable(Variable) ==> SelectAttributeVariableUsed = select_attribute_variable_used. check_for_orphan_select_variables_in_updates @ check_for_orphan_select_variables_in_updates, query_type(QueryId, update), select_attribute(QueryId, _, 1, SelectAttributeVariableUsed, Variable), original_cql(Cql) <=> var(SelectAttributeVariableUsed) | throw(format('Unused SELECT variable ~w in UPDATE in CQL: ~w', [Variable, Cql])). original_cql_uniqueness @ original_cql(Cql) \ original_cql(Cql) <=> true. statement_location_uniqueness @ cql_statement_location(FileName, LineNumber) \ cql_statement_location(FileName, LineNumber) <=> true. top_n_error @ top(_, _, N), original_cql(Cql) ==> \+ var(N), \+ (integer(N), N >= 0) | throw(format('The N in top(N) must be an integer and not less than zero but found ~w in CQL: ~w', [N, Cql])). write_select_top_n @ phase(QueryId, top), top(QueryId, Schema, N) <=> ( dbms(Schema, 'Microsoft SQL Server') -> ( var(N) -> write_sql(QueryId, compile, top, ['TOP (?) '|T], T, [odbc_explicit_type_parameter(integer, N, top_value)], []) ; otherwise-> write_sql(QueryId, compile, top, ['TOP ', N, ' '|T], T, [], []) ) ; dbms(Schema, 'PostgreSQL') -> limit(QueryId, Schema, N) ; dbms(Schema, 'SQLite') -> limit(QueryId, Schema, N) ), phase(QueryId, select_attributes). no_top @ phase(QueryId, top) <=> phase(QueryId, select_attributes). write_limit @ write_limit, limit(QueryId, Schema, N) <=> ( ( dbms(Schema, 'PostgreSQL') ; dbms(Schema, 'SQLite') )-> (var(N)-> write_sql(QueryId, compile, where, [' LIMIT (?) '|T], T, [odbc_explicit_type_parameter(integer, N, top_value)], []) ; otherwise-> write_sql(QueryId, compile, where, [' LIMIT ', N, ' '|T], T, [], []) ) ; otherwise-> true). no_limit @ write_limit <=> true. write_sub_query_select @ sub_query_select(QueryId) \ phase(QueryId, select_attributes) <=> write_sql(QueryId, compile, top, [*|T], T, [], []), phase(QueryId, from). write_select_for_insert_attributes @ phase(QueryId, select_attributes), query_table_alias(QueryId, _, _, _) \ select_for_insert_variables([Variable|InsertVariables], InsertTableName) <=> select_for_insert_variable(QueryId, Variable, InsertTableName), select_for_insert_variables(InsertVariables, InsertTableName). write_select_for_insert_attributes_complete @ phase(QueryId, select_attributes), select_for_insert_variables([], _) <=> phase(QueryId, from). write_select_for_insert_count @ select_for_insert_variable(QueryId, Variable, _), select_attribute(QueryId, select_attribute(aggregation(count), _, _, TableAlias, AttributeName), 1, _, Variable) <=> write_select_attribute(QueryId, compile, ['count(', TableAlias, '.', attribute_name(AttributeName), ')'|T], T, ignore_output). write_select_for_insert_aggregation @ select_for_insert_variable(QueryId, Variable, _), select_attribute(QueryId, select_attribute(aggregation(AggregationOperator), _, _, TableAlias, AttributeName), 1, _, Variable) <=> % Why did someone try and do this?! %map_database_atom(AggregationOperator, AggregationOperatorUc), write_select_attribute(QueryId, compile, [AggregationOperator, '(', TableAlias, '.', attribute_name(AttributeName), ')'|T], T, ignore_output). write_select_for_insert_select_constant @ select_for_insert_variable(QueryId, Variable, InsertTableName), select_attribute(QueryId, select_attribute(plain, Schema, _, _, AttributeName), 1, _, selection_constant(Variable)) <=> write_select_attribute(QueryId, compile, ['? AS ', attribute_name(AttributeName)|T], T, selection_constant(Schema, InsertTableName, AttributeName, Variable)). write_select_for_insert_plain_attribute @ select_for_insert_variable(QueryId, Variable, _), select_attribute(QueryId, select_attribute(plain, _, _, TableAlias, AttributeName), 1, _, Variable) <=> write_select_attribute(QueryId, compile, [TableAlias, '.', attribute_name(AttributeName)|T], T, ignore_output). write_select_attributes @ select_attribute(QueryId, _, _, _, _) \ phase(QueryId, select_attributes) <=> write_select_attributes(QueryId), phase(QueryId, from). write_do_nothing_select @ phase(QueryId, select_attributes) <=> write_sql(QueryId, compile, top, [0|T], T, [], [ignore_output]), % no human phase(QueryId, from). write_select_count_attribute @ write_select_attributes(QueryId), query_table_alias(QueryId, Schema, TableName, TableAlias) \ select_attribute(QueryId, select_attribute(aggregation(count), Schema, _, TableAlias, AttributeName), 1, _, Variable) <=> get_data_size(Schema, TableName, AttributeName, Size), include_select_attribute(QueryId, compile, Size, ['count(', TableAlias, '.', attribute_name(AttributeName), ')'|T], T, count(Variable)). write_select_avg_attribute_for_postgres @ write_select_attributes(QueryId), query_table_alias(QueryId, Schema, TableName, TableAlias) \ select_attribute(QueryId, select_attribute(aggregation(avg), Schema, _, TableAlias, AttributeName), 1, _, Variable) <=> dbms(Schema, 'PostgreSQL') | %map_database_atom(avg, AggregationOperatorUc), upcase_atom(avg, AggregationOperatorUc), get_data_size(Schema, TableName, AttributeName, Size), include_select_attribute(QueryId, compile, Size, [AggregationOperatorUc, '(', TableAlias, '.', attribute_name(AttributeName), ')'|T], T, avg(Variable)). write_select_aggregation_attribute @ write_select_attributes(QueryId), query_table_alias(QueryId, Schema, TableName, TableAlias) \ select_attribute(QueryId, select_attribute(aggregation(AggregationOperator), Schema, _, TableAlias, AttributeName), 1, _, Variable) <=> get_data_size(Schema, TableName, AttributeName, Size), %map_database_atom(AggregationOperator, AggregationOperatorUc), upcase_atom(AggregationOperator, AggregationOperatorUc), include_select_attribute(QueryId, compile, Size, [AggregationOperatorUc, '(', TableAlias, '.', attribute_name(AttributeName), ')'|T], T, output(Schema, TableName, AttributeName, Variable)). write_top_level_select_attribute @ write_select_attributes(QueryId), query(QueryId, _, top_level_query), query_table_alias(QueryId, Schema, TableName, TableAlias) \ select_attribute(QueryId, select_attribute(plain, Schema, _, TableAlias, AttributeName), 1, _, Variable) <=> get_data_size(Schema, TableName, AttributeName, Size), include_select_attribute(QueryId, if_var(Variable), Size, [TableAlias, '.', attribute_name(AttributeName)|T], T, output(Schema, TableName, AttributeName, Variable)). flush_select_attributes @ write_select_attributes(QueryId) ==> collect_select_attributes(QueryId, Unsorted), keysort(Unsorted, SortedWithKeys), cql_strip_sort_keys(SortedWithKeys, Sorted), actually_write_select_attributes(QueryId, compile, Sorted). collect_select_attributes @ collect_select_attributes(QueryId, Tail), include_select_attribute(QueryId, CompileInstruction, Size, Tokens, TokenTail, Attribute) <=> Tail = [Size-select_info(CompileInstruction, Tokens, TokenTail, Attribute)|NewTail], collect_select_attributes(QueryId, NewTail). finished_collecting_select_attributes @ collect_select_attributes(_, Tail) <=> Tail = []. actually_write_select_attributes(_, _, []). actually_write_select_attributes(QueryId, _PreviousCompileInstruction, [select_info(CompileInstruction, Tokens, Tail, Attribute)|More]):- %instruction_conjunction(PreviousCompileInstruction, CompileInstruction, Conjunction), write_select_attribute(QueryId, CompileInstruction, Tokens, Tail, Attribute), actually_write_select_attributes(QueryId, CompileInstruction, More). write_select_attribute_with_leading_comma @ select_attribute_written(QueryId) \ write_select_attribute(QueryId, CompileInstruction, SqlTokens, Tail, Output) <=> write_sql(QueryId, CompileInstruction, top, [', '|T], T, [], []), write_select_attribute_1(QueryId, CompileInstruction, SqlTokens, Tail, Output). write_select_attribute_without_leading_comma @ write_select_attribute(QueryId, _CompileInstruction, SqlTokens, Tail, Output) <=> write_select_attribute_1(QueryId, compile, SqlTokens, Tail, Output), select_attribute_written(QueryId). write_select_attribute_1a @ write_select_attribute_1(QueryId, CompileInstruction, SqlTokens, Tail, selection_constant(Schema, TableName, AttributeName, ApplicationValue)) <=> write_sql(QueryId, CompileInstruction, top, SqlTokens, Tail, [odbc_parameter(Schema, TableName, AttributeName, ApplicationValue, insert_value, _)], [ignore_output]). write_select_attribute_1c @ write_select_attribute_1(QueryId, CompileInstruction, SqlTokens, Tail, Output) <=> write_sql(QueryId, CompileInstruction, top, SqlTokens, Tail, [], [Output]). in_line_join_on @ create_in_line_joins, attribute_binding(QueryId, attribute(Schema, TableAliasA, AttributeNameA), JoinVariableA), attribute_binding(QueryId, attribute(Schema, TableAliasB, AttributeNameB), JoinVariableB) ==> dbms(Schema, 'Microsoft SQL Server'), var(JoinVariableA), JoinVariableA == JoinVariableB, TableAliasA \== TableAliasB | join_variable(JoinVariableA), join_variable(JoinVariableB), join_on(TableAliasA, AttributeNameA, TableAliasB, AttributeNameB). in_line_join_on @ create_in_line_joins, attribute_binding(QueryId, attribute(Schema, TableAliasA, AttributeNameA), JoinVariableA), attribute_binding(QueryId, attribute(Schema, TableAliasB, AttributeNameB), JoinVariableB) ==> dbms(Schema, 'SQLite'), var(JoinVariableA), JoinVariableA == JoinVariableB, TableAliasA \== TableAliasB | join_variable(JoinVariableA), join_variable(JoinVariableB), join_on(TableAliasA, AttributeNameA, TableAliasB, AttributeNameB). /* We can end up with selects mixed in with other types because of how translate_select ends up getting called to parse the where clauses of other types of query. In this case, we can simply delete all the selects. */ a_query_cannot_be_select_and_something_else @ query_type(QueryId, _) \ query_type(QueryId, select) <=> true. in_line_join_on_postgres_select_insert_or_delete @ create_in_line_joins, query_type(QueryId, QueryType), attribute_binding(QueryId, attribute(Schema, TableAliasA, AttributeNameA), JoinVariableA), attribute_binding(QueryId, attribute(Schema, TableAliasB, AttributeNameB), JoinVariableB) ==> dbms(Schema, 'PostgreSQL'), memberchk(QueryType, [select, insert, delete]), var(JoinVariableA), JoinVariableA == JoinVariableB, TableAliasA \== TableAliasB | join_variable(JoinVariableA), join_variable(JoinVariableB), join_on(TableAliasA, AttributeNameA, TableAliasB, AttributeNameB). in_line_join_on_postgres_update_but_not_target @ create_in_line_joins, attribute_binding(QueryId, attribute(Schema, TableAliasA, AttributeNameA), JoinVariableA), attribute_binding(QueryId, attribute(Schema, TableAliasB, AttributeNameB), JoinVariableB), update_table_alias(QueryId, _, _, TargetAlias) ==> dbms(Schema, 'PostgreSQL'), var(JoinVariableA), JoinVariableA == JoinVariableB, TableAliasA \== TableAliasB, TableAliasA \== TargetAlias, TableAliasB \== TargetAlias | join_variable(JoinVariableA), join_variable(JoinVariableB), join_on(TableAliasA, AttributeNameA, TableAliasB, AttributeNameB). in_line_join_on_postgres_and_is_target @ create_in_line_joins, attribute_binding(QueryId, attribute(Schema, TableAliasA, AttributeNameA), JoinVariableA), attribute_binding(QueryId, attribute(Schema, TableAliasB, AttributeNameB), JoinVariableB), update_table_alias(QueryId, _, _, TargetAlias) ==> dbms(Schema, 'PostgreSQL'), var(JoinVariableA), JoinVariableA == JoinVariableB, TableAliasA \== TableAliasB, ( TableAliasA == TargetAlias ; TableAliasB == TargetAlias) | join_variable(JoinVariableA), join_variable(JoinVariableB), comparison(QueryId, attribute(Schema, TableAliasA, AttributeNameA), ==, attribute(Schema, TableAliasB, AttributeNameB)), join_on(TableAliasA, AttributeNameA, TableAliasB, AttributeNameB). cleanup_create_in_line_joins @ create_in_line_joins <=> true. explicit_join_on_postgres_update @ create_join_points, update_table_alias(QueryId, _, _, TargetAlias), attribute_binding(QueryId, attribute(Schema, TableAliasA, AttributeNameA), JoinVariableA), attribute_binding(QueryId, attribute(Schema, TableAliasB, AttributeNameB), JoinVariableB) \ % Use up the comparison/4 as we don't want it in the WHERE clause comparison(QueryId, JoinVariableA, ==, JoinVariableB) <=> dbms(Schema, 'PostgreSQL'), var(JoinVariableA), var(JoinVariableB), TableAliasA \== TableAliasB, TableAliasA \== TargetAlias, TableAliasB \== TargetAlias | join_variable(JoinVariableA), join_variable(JoinVariableB), join_on(TableAliasA, AttributeNameA, TableAliasB, AttributeNameB). explicit_join_on_postgres_other @ create_join_points, query_type(QueryId, Type), attribute_binding(QueryId, attribute(Schema, TableAliasA, AttributeNameA), JoinVariableA), attribute_binding(QueryId, attribute(Schema, TableAliasB, AttributeNameB), JoinVariableB) \ % Use up the comparison/4 as we don't want it in the WHERE clause comparison(QueryId, JoinVariableA, ==, JoinVariableB) <=> dbms(Schema, 'PostgreSQL'), memberchk(Type, [select, insert, delete]), var(JoinVariableA), var(JoinVariableB), TableAliasA \== TableAliasB | join_variable(JoinVariableA), join_variable(JoinVariableB), join_on(TableAliasA, AttributeNameA, TableAliasB, AttributeNameB). explicit_join_on @ create_join_points, attribute_binding(QueryId, attribute(Schema, TableAliasA, AttributeNameA), JoinVariableA), attribute_binding(QueryId, attribute(Schema, TableAliasB, AttributeNameB), JoinVariableB) \ % Use up the comparison/4 as we don't want it in the WHERE clause comparison(QueryId, JoinVariableA, ==, JoinVariableB) <=> dbms(Schema, 'Microsoft SQL Server'), var(JoinVariableA), var(JoinVariableB), TableAliasA \== TableAliasB | join_variable(JoinVariableA), join_variable(JoinVariableB), join_on(TableAliasA, AttributeNameA, TableAliasB, AttributeNameB). explicit_join_on @ create_join_points, attribute_binding(QueryId, attribute(Schema, TableAliasA, AttributeNameA), JoinVariableA), attribute_binding(QueryId, attribute(Schema, TableAliasB, AttributeNameB), JoinVariableB) \ % Use up the comparison/4 as we don't want it in the WHERE clause comparison(QueryId, JoinVariableA, ==, JoinVariableB) <=> dbms(Schema, 'SQLite'), var(JoinVariableA), var(JoinVariableB), TableAliasA \== TableAliasB | join_variable(JoinVariableA), join_variable(JoinVariableB), join_on(TableAliasA, AttributeNameA, TableAliasB, AttributeNameB). avoid_duplicate_join_ons @ join_on(TableAliasA, AttributeNameA, TableAliasB, AttributeNameB) \ join_on(TableAliasB, AttributeNameB, TableAliasA, AttributeNameA) <=> true. search_for_join_aliases_0 @ join(_, Join, LhsJoin, _, RhsJoin) ==> search_for_join_aliases(Join, lhs, LhsJoin), search_for_join_aliases(Join, rhs, RhsJoin). search_for_join_aliases_1 @ join_leaf(Join, TableAlias), search_for_join_aliases(JoinParent, Side, Join) ==> join_alias(JoinParent, Side, TableAlias). search_for_join_aliases_2 @ join(_, Join, LhsJoin, _, _), search_for_join_aliases(JoinParent, Side, Join) ==> search_for_join_aliases(JoinParent, Side, LhsJoin). search_for_join_aliases_3 @ join(_, Join, _, _, RhsJoin), search_for_join_aliases(JoinParent, Side, Join) ==> search_for_join_aliases(JoinParent, Side, RhsJoin). % This is for PostgreSQL % If we have an implicit join in some query QueryId, we get the join for free. % However, to do the pre-state-change stuff, we still have to build the join in memory % and capture the ON clause. This formula creates the two join points in SubQueryId % which is where the on/4 term goes and implicit_join_sql/3 looks. % Note that this is only used for explicit on clauses. search_for_join_aliases_4 @ implicit_join(QueryId, _, SubQueryId), update_table_alias(QueryId, _Schema, _TableName, TableAlias) ==> join_alias(SubQueryId, lhs, TableAlias), search_for_join_aliases(SubQueryId, rhs, QueryId). add_on_from_join_on @ resolve_join_points, join_alias(Join, lhs, TableAliasLhs), join_alias(Join, rhs, TableAliasRhs) \ join_on(TableAliasA, AttributeNameA, TableAliasB, AttributeNameB) <=> ( TableAliasLhs == TableAliasA, TableAliasRhs == TableAliasB ; TableAliasLhs == TableAliasB, TableAliasRhs == TableAliasA ) | add_on(Join, TableAliasA-AttributeNameA==TableAliasB-AttributeNameB). add_ons @ on(Join, Resolved, On), add_on(Join, ExistingOn) <=> on(Join, Resolved, (ExistingOn, On)). add_on @ add_on(Join, ExistingOn) <=> on(Join, _, ExistingOn). resolve_join_points @ resolve_join_points \ on(Join, Resolved, On) <=> var(Resolved) | resolve_join_points(Join, On, NewOn), on(Join, resolved, NewOn). cleanup_resolve_join_points @ resolve_join_points <=> true. resolve_join_points_1 @ resolve_join_points(Join, (Lhs, Rhs), NewOn) <=> resolve_join_points(Join, Lhs, NewLhs), resolve_join_points(Join, Rhs, NewRhs), NewOn = (NewLhs, NewRhs). resolve_join_points_2 @ resolve_join_points(Join, (Lhs ; Rhs), NewOn) <=> resolve_join_points(Join, Lhs, NewLhs), resolve_join_points(Join, Rhs, NewRhs), NewOn = (NewLhs ; NewRhs). resolve_join_points_3 @ % Ihese come from in-line (shared varoabel) joins and explicit where-style restrictions resolve_join_points(_, TableAliasLhs-AttributeNameLhs==TableAliasRhs-AttributeNameRhs, NewOn) <=> NewOn = (TableAliasLhs-AttributeNameLhs==TableAliasRhs-AttributeNameRhs). resolve_join_points_4 @ % These come from on clauses attribute_binding(QueryId, attribute(Schema, TableAliasLhs, AttributeNameLhs), JoinVariableA), attribute_binding(QueryId, attribute(Schema, TableAliasRhs, AttributeNameRhs), JoinVariableB), join_alias(Join, lhs, TableAliasLhs), join_alias(Join, rhs, TableAliasRhs) \ resolve_join_points(Join, A==B, NewOn) <=> var(A), var(B), ( (A==B) == (JoinVariableA==JoinVariableB) ; (B==A) == (JoinVariableA==JoinVariableB) ) | not_a_singleton(JoinVariableA), not_a_singleton(JoinVariableB), join_variable(JoinVariableA), join_variable(JoinVariableB), NewOn = (TableAliasLhs-AttributeNameLhs==TableAliasRhs-AttributeNameRhs). resolve_join_points_5 @ attribute_binding(_, attribute(_, TableAlias, _), JoinVariable), join_alias(Join, _, TableAlias) \ resolve_join_points(Join, On, NewOn) <=> On =.. [Operator, V, Rhs], JoinVariable == V | not_a_singleton(JoinVariable), join_variable(JoinVariable), NewOn =.. [Operator, TableAlias-JoinVariable, Rhs]. resolve_join_points_6 @ attribute_binding(_, attribute(_, TableAlias, _), JoinVariable), join_alias(Join, _, TableAlias) \ resolve_join_points(Join, On, NewOn) <=> On =.. [Operator, Lhs, V], JoinVariable == V | not_a_singleton(JoinVariable), join_variable(JoinVariable), NewOn =.. [Operator, Lhs, TableAlias-JoinVariable]. resolve_join_points_7 @ resolve_join_points(_, On, _) <=> throw(format('Cannot translate ON specification: ~w', [On])). join_variable_must_be_a_variable @ join_variable(Variable) <=> nonvar(Variable) | true. join_variable_is_unique @ join_variable(Variable) \ join_variable(Variable) <=> true. update_not_from_source @ query_table_alias(QueryId, _, _, TableAlias), update_table_alias(QueryId, Schema, _, TargetAlias) \ phase(QueryId, Phase) <=> dbms(Schema, 'PostgreSQL'), Phase == from, TableAlias \== TargetAlias | write_sql(QueryId, compile, top, [' FROM '|T], T, [], []), write_join(QueryId, QueryId), phase(QueryId, where). update_from_source @ query_table_alias(QueryId, _, _, _), update_table_alias(QueryId, Schema, _, _) \ phase(QueryId, from) <=> dbms(Schema, 'PostgreSQL') | phase(QueryId, where). select_from @ query_table_alias(QueryId, _, _, _) \ phase(QueryId, from) <=> write_sql(QueryId, compile, join, [' FROM '|T], T, [], []), write_join(QueryId, QueryId), phase(QueryId, where). no_from_statement @ phase(QueryId, from) <=> phase(QueryId, where). % The inclusion of the target alias is implied in Postgres UPDATE ... FROM write_join_leaf_unless_target @ join_leaf(Join, TableAlias), query_table_alias(QueryId, _, TableName, TableAlias), update_table_alias(QueryId, Schema, _, TargetAlias) \ write_join(QueryId, Join) <=> dbms(Schema, 'PostgreSQL'), TargetAlias \== TableAlias | write_sql(QueryId, compile, join, [table_name(TableName), ' ', TableAlias|T], T, [], []). write_join_leaf @ join_leaf(Join, TableAlias), query_table_alias(QueryId, Schema, TableName, TableAlias) \ write_join(QueryId, Join) <=> write_sql(QueryId, compile, join, [table_name(TableName), ' ', TableAlias|T], T, [], []), write_lock_hint(QueryId, Schema, TableAlias). write_lock_hint @ write_lock_hint(QueryId, Schema, TableAlias), nolock(QueryId, TableAlias) <=> dbms(Schema, 'Microsoft SQL Server') | write_sql(QueryId, compile, join, [' WITH (NOLOCK)'|T], T, [], []). % Ignored for PostgreSQL and SQLite cleanup_write_lock_hint @ write_lock_hint(_, _, _) <=> true. write_join_clause @ query(QueryId, Schema, _) \ join(QueryId, Join, LhsJoin, JoinType, RhsJoin), write_join(QueryId, Join), on(Join, _, On) <=> write_sql(QueryId, compile, join, ['('|T1], T1, [], []), write_join(QueryId, LhsJoin), write_sql(QueryId, compile, join, [' ', JoinType, ' '|T2], T2, [], []), write_join(QueryId, RhsJoin), write_sql(QueryId, compile, join, [' ON '|T3], T3, [], []), write_join_ons(QueryId, On), write_sql(QueryId, compile, join, [')'|T4], T4, [], []), ( debugging(index_suggestions) -> on_to_where(Schema, On, RestrictionTree), cql_suggest_indices(RestrictionTree, QueryId) ; otherwise -> true ). write_join_on_conjunction @ write_join_ons(QueryId, (Lhs, Rhs)) <=> write_join_ons(QueryId, Lhs), write_sql(QueryId, compile, join, [' AND '|T], T, [], []), write_join_ons(QueryId, Rhs). write_join_on_disjunction @ write_join_ons(QueryId, (Lhs ; Rhs)) <=> write_sql(QueryId, compile, join, ['('|T1], T1, [], []), write_join_ons(QueryId, Lhs), write_sql(QueryId, compile, join, [' OR '|T2], T2, [], []), write_join_ons(QueryId, Rhs), write_sql(QueryId, compile, join, [')'|T3], T3, [], []). write_join_on_attributes @ write_join_ons(QueryId, TableAliasLhs-AttributeNameLhs==TableAliasRhs-AttributeNameRhs) <=> write_sql(QueryId, compile, join, [TableAliasLhs, '.', attribute_name(AttributeNameLhs), =, TableAliasRhs, '.', attribute_name(AttributeNameRhs)|T], T, [], []). write_join_on_lhs @ attribute_binding(_, attribute(Schema, TableAlias, AttributeName), Variable) \ write_join_ons(QueryId, On) <=> var(Variable), On =.. [ComparisonOperator, ApplicationValue, Rhs], error_on_comparison_operator(Schema, ComparisonOperator), Rhs == TableAlias-Variable | write_restriction(QueryId, compile, join, ApplicationValue, ComparisonOperator, attribute(Schema, TableAlias, AttributeName)). write_join_on_rhs @ attribute_binding(_, attribute(Schema, TableAlias, AttributeName), Variable) \ write_join_ons(QueryId, On) <=> var(Variable), On =.. [ComparisonOperator, Lhs, ApplicationValue], error_on_comparison_operator(Schema, ComparisonOperator), Lhs == TableAlias-Variable | write_restriction(QueryId, compile, join, attribute(Schema, TableAlias, AttributeName), ComparisonOperator, ApplicationValue). error_on_comparison_operator(Schema, ComparisonOperator) :- ( ground(ComparisonOperator), prolog_to_sql_comparison_operator(Schema, ComparisonOperator, _, _) -> true ; throw(format('Invalid comparison operator in JOIN ON: ~w', [ComparisonOperator])) ). query_table_alias_no_duplicates @ query_table_alias(QueryId, Schema, TableName, TableAlias) \ query_table_alias(QueryId, Schema, TableName, TableAlias) <=> true. check_update_where_restriction @ phase(QueryId, where), restriction_tree(QueryId, where, true), state_change_query(QueryId, StateChangeType, _, _) ==> ( StateChangeType == delete ; StateChangeType == update ) | no_where_restriction(StateChangeType). no_where_restriction_permitted @ no_where_restriction(_), absence_of_where_restriction_is_deliberate <=> true. deletes_and_updates_must_have_a_where_restriction @ no_where_restriction(StateChangeType) <=> upcase_atom(StateChangeType, StateChangeTypeUc), throw(format('~w has no WHERE restriction - check RESTRICTION variables declared', [StateChangeTypeUc])). remove_empty_restriction_tree @ phase(QueryId, where) \ restriction_tree(QueryId, where, true) <=> true. where_restriction_clause @ phase(QueryId, where), restriction_tree(QueryId, where, RestrictionTree) <=> collect_indices(QueryId), write_sql(QueryId, compile, where, [' WHERE '|T], T, [], []), write_restriction_tree(QueryId, where, RestrictionTree), phase(QueryId, group_by). sqlite_must_have_where @ % This is because we add to the WHERE clause programmatically to compute subqueries for update expressions query(QueryId, Schema, _) \ phase(QueryId, where) <=> dbms(Schema, 'SQLite') | write_sql(QueryId, compile, where, [' WHERE 1=1 '|T], T, [], []), phase(QueryId, group_by). no_where_restriction_clause @ phase(QueryId, where) <=> phase(QueryId, group_by). having_restriction_clause @ phase(QueryId, having), restriction_tree(QueryId, having, RestrictionTree) <=> write_sql(QueryId, compile, having, [' HAVING '|T], T, [], []), write_restriction_tree(QueryId, having, RestrictionTree), phase(QueryId, order_by). no_having_restriction_clause @ phase(QueryId, having) <=> phase(QueryId, order_by). suggest_indices @ write_restriction_tree(QueryId, _, RestrictionTree) \ collect_indices(QueryId) <=> ( debugging(index_suggestions) -> cql_suggest_indices(RestrictionTree, QueryId) ; otherwise -> true ). write_restriction_clause @ write_restriction_tree(QueryId, RestrictionType, RestrictionTree) <=> ( RestrictionTree = or(Lhs, Rhs) -> Operator = 'OR' ; RestrictionTree = and(Lhs, Rhs) -> Operator = 'AND' ) | write_sql(QueryId, compile, where, ['('|T1], T1, [], []), write_restriction_tree(QueryId, RestrictionType, Lhs), write_sql(QueryId, compile, where, [' ', Operator, ' '|T2], T2, [], []), write_restriction_tree(QueryId, RestrictionType, Rhs), write_sql(QueryId, compile, where, [')'|T3], T3, [], []). write_restriction_leaf_for_ignore_if_null_on_rhs @ query_table_alias(_, Schema, _TableName, TableAlias) \ write_restriction_tree(QueryId, RestrictionType, comparison(attribute(Schema, TableAlias, AttributeName), Operator, ignore_if_null(Variable))) <=> write_restriction(QueryId, if_not_null(Variable), RestrictionType, attribute(Schema, TableAlias, AttributeName), Operator, Variable), write_sql(QueryId, if_null(Variable), RestrictionType, ['1 = 1'|T], T, [], []). write_restriction_leaf_for_ignore_if_null_on_lhs @ query_table_alias(_, Schema, _TableName, TableAlias) \ write_restriction_tree(QueryId, RestrictionType, comparison(ignore_if_null(Variable), Operator, attribute(Schema, TableAlias, AttributeName))) <=> write_restriction(QueryId, if_not_null(Variable), RestrictionType, Variable, Operator, attribute(Schema, TableAlias, AttributeName)), write_sql(QueryId, if_null(Variable), RestrictionType, ['1 = 1'|T], T, [], []). write_restriction_leaf_for_if_not_var_on_rhs @ write_restriction_tree(QueryId, RestrictionType, comparison(Attribute, ==, if_not_var(Variable))) <=> write_restriction(QueryId, if_not_var(Variable), RestrictionType, Attribute, ==, if_not_var(Variable)), write_sql(QueryId, if_var(Variable), RestrictionType, ['1 = 1'|T], T, [], []). write_restriction_leaf @ write_restriction_tree(QueryId, RestrictionType, comparison(Lhs, Operator, Rhs)) <=> write_restriction(QueryId, compile, RestrictionType, Lhs, Operator, Rhs). write_restriction_between_attribute_and_ignore_if_null @ query_table_alias(_, Schema, TableName, TableAlias) \ write_restriction(QueryId, CompileInstruction, RestrictionType, attribute(Schema, TableAlias, AttributeName), Operator, ignore_if_null(ApplicationValue)) <=> odbc_data_type(Schema, TableName, AttributeName, OdbcDataType) | write_restriction_1(QueryId, CompileInstruction, RestrictionType, OdbcDataType, _, Schema, TableName, AttributeName, attribute(Schema, TableAlias, AttributeName), Operator, ignore_if_null(TableAlias, ApplicationValue)). write_restriction_between_attribute_and_if_not_var @ query_table_alias(_, Schema, TableName, TableAlias) \ write_restriction(QueryId, CompileInstruction, RestrictionType, attribute(Schema, TableAlias, AttributeName), Operator, if_not_var(Variable)) <=> atom(AttributeName), odbc_data_type(Schema, TableName, AttributeName, OdbcDataType) | write_restriction_1(QueryId, CompileInstruction, RestrictionType, OdbcDataType, _, Schema, TableName, AttributeName, attribute(Schema, TableAlias, AttributeName), Operator, if_not_var(Variable)). not_in_list_comparison_with_no_elements @ write_restriction(QueryId, CompileInstruction, RestrictionType, _, (\==), []) <=> true | write_sql(QueryId, CompileInstruction, RestrictionType, ['1 = 1'|T], T, [], []). write_list_comparison_with_collation @ query_table_alias(_, Schema, TableName, TableAlias) \ write_restriction(QueryId, _CompileInstruction, RestrictionType, attribute(Schema, TableAlias, AttributeName), Operator, List) <=> is_list(List), odbc_data_type(Schema, TableName, AttributeName, OdbcDataType), collatable_odbc_data_type(OdbcDataType), ( Operator == (==) -> ListOperator = 'IN' ; Operator == (\==) -> ListOperator = 'NOT IN' ) | % Duplicate the restriction to avoid the index scan that would result from % using the collation comparison alone % but only for SQL Server ( collation(Schema, Collation)-> write_sql(QueryId, compile, RestrictionType, [TableAlias, '.', attribute_name(AttributeName)|T1], T1, [], []), write_sql(QueryId, compile, RestrictionType, [' ', Collation, ' ', ListOperator, ' ('|T2], T2, [], []), write_in_list(QueryId, RestrictionType, Schema, TableName, AttributeName, List), write_sql(QueryId, compile, RestrictionType, [') AND '|T3], T3, [], []) ; otherwise-> true ), write_sql(QueryId, compile, RestrictionType, [TableAlias, '.', attribute_name(AttributeName)|T4], T4, [], []), write_sql(QueryId, compile, RestrictionType, [' ', ListOperator, ' ('|T5], T5, [], []), write_in_list(QueryId, RestrictionType, Schema, TableName, AttributeName, List), write_sql(QueryId, compile, RestrictionType, [')'|T6], T6, [], []). write_list_comparison_without_collation @ query_table_alias(_, Schema, TableName, TableAlias) \ write_restriction(QueryId, _CompileInstruction, RestrictionType, attribute(Schema, TableAlias, AttributeName), Operator, List) <=> is_list(List), ( Operator == (==) -> ListOperator = 'IN' ; Operator == (\==) -> ListOperator = 'NOT IN' ) | write_sql(QueryId, compile, RestrictionType, [TableAlias, '.', attribute_name(AttributeName)|T1], T1, [], []), write_sql(QueryId, compile, RestrictionType, [' ', ListOperator, ' ('|T2], T2, [], []), write_in_list(QueryId, RestrictionType, Schema, TableName, AttributeName, List), write_sql(QueryId, compile, RestrictionType, [')'|T3], T3, [], []). write_runtime_list @ query_table_alias(_, Schema, TableName, TableAlias) \ write_restriction(QueryId, _CompileInstruction, RestrictionType, attribute(Schema, TableAlias, AttributeName), Operator, list(List)) <=> SubInstruction = not_empty(List), OtherInstruction = empty(List), ( Operator == (==) -> ListOperator = 'IN' ; Operator == (\==) -> ListOperator = 'NOT IN' ), odbc_data_type(Schema, TableName, AttributeName, OdbcDataType), ( collatable_odbc_data_type(OdbcDataType), collation(Schema, Collation)-> true ; Collation = '' ), write_sql(QueryId, SubInstruction, RestrictionType, [TableAlias, '.', attribute_name(AttributeName)|T1], T1, [], []), write_sql(QueryId, SubInstruction, RestrictionType, [' ', Collation, ' ', ListOperator, ' ('|T2], T2, [], []), write_sql(QueryId, list(List), RestrictionType, [?|T3], T3, [odbc_parameter(Schema, TableName, AttributeName, _, where_value, _)], []), write_sql(QueryId, SubInstruction, RestrictionType, [')'|T4], T4, [], []), write_sql(QueryId, OtherInstruction, RestrictionType, ['1=1'|T5], T5, [], []). write_rhs_null_comparison @ write_restriction(QueryId, _CompileInstruction, RestrictionType, attribute(_, TableAlias, AttributeName), Operator, {null}) <=> null_comparison_keywords(Operator, Keywords, Tail) | write_sql(QueryId, compile, RestrictionType, [TableAlias, '.', attribute_name(AttributeName)|Keywords], Tail, [], []). write_lhs_null_comparison @ write_restriction(QueryId, _CompileInstruction, RestrictionType, {null}, Operator, attribute(_, TableAlias, AttributeName)) <=> null_comparison_keywords(Operator, Keywords, Tail) | write_sql(QueryId, compile, RestrictionType, [TableAlias, '.', attribute_name(AttributeName)|Keywords], Tail, [], []). null_comparison_keywords(==, [' IS NULL'|T], T). null_comparison_keywords(\==, [' IS NOT NULL'|T], T). write_restriction_between_attributes @ query_table_alias(_, _, TableNameLhs, TableAliasLhs) \ write_restriction(QueryId, CompileInstruction, RestrictionType, attribute(_, TableAliasLhs, AttributeNameLhs), Operator, attribute(_, TableAliasRhs, AttributeNameRhs)) <=> odbc_data_type(Schema, TableNameLhs, AttributeNameLhs, OdbcDataType) | write_restriction_1(QueryId, CompileInstruction, RestrictionType, OdbcDataType, _, Schema, TableNameLhs, AttributeNameLhs, attribute(_, TableAliasLhs, AttributeNameLhs), Operator, attribute(_, TableAliasRhs, AttributeNameRhs)). write_restriction_between_attribute_and_aggregation_sub_select @ query_table_alias(_, _, TableName, TableAlias) \ write_restriction(QueryId, CompileInstruction, RestrictionType, attribute(Schema, TableAlias, AttributeName), Operator, aggregation_sub_query_sql(AggregationTableName, AggregationAttributeName, Sql, Tail, Inputs)) <=> odbc_data_type(Schema, AggregationTableName, AggregationAttributeName, OdbcDataType) | Tail = [')'|NewTail], write_restriction_1(QueryId, CompileInstruction, RestrictionType, OdbcDataType, _, Schema, TableName, AttributeName, attribute(Schema, TableAlias, AttributeName), Operator, tokens_and_parameters(['('|Sql], NewTail, Inputs)). write_restriction_between_aggregation_sub_select_and_attribute @ query_table_alias(_, _, TableName, TableAlias) \ write_restriction(QueryId, CompileInstruction, RestrictionType, aggregation_sub_query_sql(AggregationTableName, AggregationAttributeName, Sql, Tail, Inputs), Operator, attribute(Schema, TableAlias, AttributeName)) <=> odbc_data_type(Schema, AggregationTableName, AggregationAttributeName, OdbcDataType) | Tail = [')'], write_restriction_1(QueryId, CompileInstruction, RestrictionType, OdbcDataType, _, Schema, TableName, AttributeName, ['('|Sql]-Inputs, Operator, attribute(Schema, TableAlias, AttributeName)). write_restriction_between_expression_and_aggregation_sub_select @ write_restriction(QueryId, CompileInstruction, RestrictionType, Expression, Operator, aggregation_sub_query_sql(AggregationTableName, AggregationAttributeName, Sql, Tail, Inputs)) <=> odbc_data_type(Schema, AggregationTableName, AggregationAttributeName, OdbcDataType) | Tail = [')'|NewTail], write_restriction_1(QueryId, CompileInstruction, RestrictionType, OdbcDataType, _, Schema, AggregationTableName, AggregationAttributeName, Expression, Operator, tokens_and_parameters(['('|Sql], NewTail, Inputs)). write_restriction_between_aggregation_sub_select_and_expression @ write_restriction(QueryId, CompileInstruction, RestrictionType, aggregation_sub_query_sql(AggregationTableName, AggregationAttributeName, Sql, Tail, Inputs), Operator, Expression) <=> odbc_data_type(Schema, AggregationTableName, AggregationAttributeName, OdbcDataType) | Tail = [')'|NewTail], write_restriction_1(QueryId, CompileInstruction, RestrictionType, OdbcDataType, _, Schema, AggregationTableName, AggregationAttributeName, tokens_and_parameters(['('|Sql], NewTail, Inputs), Operator, Expression). write_restriction_between_expressions @ write_restriction(QueryId, CompileInstruction, RestrictionType, LhsExpression, Operator, RhsExpression) <=> RestrictionType \== having % Could be an aggregation e.g. sum(x) - leave those for the HAVING phase | ( representative_attribute(LhsExpression+RhsExpression, Schema, TableName, AttributeName) -> true ; otherwise -> throw(format('Cannot find attribute to determine expression data type in ~w or in ~w', [LhsExpression, RhsExpression])) ), ( odbc_data_type(Schema, TableName, AttributeName, OdbcDataType)-> true ; otherwise-> throw(format('Could not determine the type of ~w.~w', [TableName, AttributeName])) ), write_restriction_1(QueryId, CompileInstruction, RestrictionType, OdbcDataType, _, Schema, TableName, AttributeName, LhsExpression, Operator, RhsExpression). representative_attribute_1 @ % Find an attribute to determine the data type of Expression query_table_alias(_, Schema, TableName, TableAlias) \ representative_attribute(attribute(Schema, TableAlias, AttributeName), RepresentativeSchema, RepresentativeTableName, RepresentativeAttributeName) <=> RepresentativeSchema = Schema, RepresentativeTableName = TableName, RepresentativeAttributeName = AttributeName. representative_attribute_2 @ representative_attribute(Expression, Schema, TableName, AttributeName) <=> nonvar(Expression), Expression =.. [_|L], ( L = [Lhs, Rhs] -> ( representative_attribute(Lhs, Schema, TableName, AttributeName) ; representative_attribute(Rhs, Schema, TableName, AttributeName) ) ; L = [Expr] -> representative_attribute(Expr, Schema, TableName, AttributeName) ). write_having_comparison_between_aggregation_and_null @ query_table_alias(QueryId, Schema, _, TableAlias), attribute_binding(QueryId, attribute(Schema, TableAlias, Aggregation), Variable) \ write_restriction(QueryId, CompileInstruction, RestrictionType, Variable, Operator, {null}) <=> not_a_singleton(Variable), null_comparison_keywords(Operator, Keywords, Tail), functor(Aggregation, Functor, 1), aggregation_operator(Functor), arg(1, Aggregation, AttributeName) | write_sql(QueryId, CompileInstruction, RestrictionType, [Functor, '(', TableAlias, '.', attribute_name(AttributeName), ')'|Keywords], Tail, [], []). write_having_comparison_between_null_and_aggregation @ query_table_alias(QueryId, Schema, _, TableAlias), attribute_binding(QueryId, attribute(Schema, TableAlias, Aggregation), Variable) \ write_restriction(QueryId, CompileInstruction, RestrictionType, {null}, Operator, Variable) <=> not_a_singleton(Variable), null_comparison_keywords(Operator, Keywords, Tail), functor(Aggregation, Functor, 1), aggregation_operator(Functor), arg(1, Aggregation, AttributeName) | write_sql(QueryId, CompileInstruction, RestrictionType, [Functor, '(', TableAlias, '.', attribute_name(AttributeName), ')'|Keywords], Tail, [], []). write_having_comparison_between_aggregation_and_expression @ query_table_alias(QueryId, Schema, TableName, TableAlias), attribute_binding(QueryId, attribute(Schema, TableAlias, Aggregation), Variable) \ write_restriction(QueryId, CompileInstruction, RestrictionType, Variable, Operator, Expression) <=> not_a_singleton(Variable), functor(Aggregation, Functor, 1), aggregation_operator(Functor), arg(1, Aggregation, AttributeName), ( nonvar(Expression), Expression = ignore_if_null(ApplicationValue) -> IgnoreExpression =.. [Functor, TableAlias, AttributeName], E = ignore_if_null(IgnoreExpression, ApplicationValue) ; otherwise -> E = Expression ), odbc_data_type(Schema, TableName, AttributeName, OdbcDataType), ( Functor == count -> OdbcDataTypeOverride = integer ; otherwise -> true ) | write_restriction_1(QueryId, CompileInstruction, RestrictionType, OdbcDataType, OdbcDataTypeOverride, Schema, TableName, AttributeName, tokens_and_parameters([Functor, '(', TableAlias, '.', attribute_name(AttributeName), ')'|Tail], Tail, []), Operator, E). write_having_comparison_between_expression_and_aggregation @ query_table_alias(QueryId, Schema, TableName, TableAlias), attribute_binding(QueryId, attribute(Schema, TableAlias, Aggregation), Variable) \ write_restriction(QueryId, CompileInstruction, RestrictionType, Expression, Operator, Variable) <=> functor(Aggregation, Functor, 1), aggregation_operator(Functor), arg(1, Aggregation, AttributeName), ( nonvar(Expression), Expression = ignore_if_null(ApplicationValue) -> IgnoreExpression =.. [Functor, TableAlias, AttributeName], E = ignore_if_null(IgnoreExpression, ApplicationValue) ; otherwise -> E = Expression ), odbc_data_type(Schema, TableName, AttributeName, OdbcDataType), ( Functor == count -> OdbcDataTypeOverride = integer ; otherwise -> true ) | write_restriction_1(QueryId, CompileInstruction, RestrictionType, OdbcDataType, OdbcDataTypeOverride, Schema, TableName, AttributeName, E, Operator, tokens_and_parameters([Functor, '(', TableAlias, '.', attribute_name(AttributeName), ')'|Tail], Tail, [])). write_restriction_with_collation @ % Prolog-style atom matching i.e. case-sensitive write_restriction_1(QueryId, CompileInstruction, RestrictionType, OdbcDataType, OdbcDataTypeOverride, Schema, TableName, AttributeName, Lhs, ComparisonOperator, Rhs) <=> ( nonvar(OdbcDataTypeOverride) -> collatable_odbc_data_type(OdbcDataTypeOverride) ; collatable_odbc_data_type(OdbcDataType) -> true ), collatable_operator(ComparisonOperator), prolog_to_sql_comparison_operator(Schema, ComparisonOperator, BaseSqlOperator, _) | % Need to duplicate the restriction to avoid the index scan that would result from % using the collation comparison alone % But only in SQL Server ( RestrictionType == where -> instruction_conjunction(CompileInstruction, if_not_null(Variable), C1) ; otherwise-> C1 = CompileInstruction ), instruction_conjunction(CompileInstruction, if_null(Variable), C2), ( collation(Schema, Collation)-> atomic_list_concat([Collation, ' ', BaseSqlOperator], SqlOperator), write_restriction_expression(QueryId, CompileInstruction, RestrictionType, OdbcDataType, OdbcDataTypeOverride, Schema, TableName, AttributeName, Lhs), ( ( var(Rhs)-> Variable = Rhs ; Rhs = if_not_var(Variable)-> true ; Rhs = equality_restriction(Variable) -> true )-> % Either "= RHS" or " IS NULL" if RHS is {null} at runtime write_sql(QueryId, C1, RestrictionType, [' ', SqlOperator, ' '|T1], T1, [], []), write_restriction_expression(QueryId, C1, RestrictionType, OdbcDataType, OdbcDataTypeOverride, Schema, TableName, AttributeName, Rhs), ( RestrictionType == where -> write_sql(QueryId, C2, RestrictionType, [' IS NULL'|T2], T2, [], []) ; otherwise-> true ) ; otherwise-> write_sql(QueryId, CompileInstruction, RestrictionType, [' ', SqlOperator, ' '|T3], T3, [], []), write_restriction_expression(QueryId, CompileInstruction, RestrictionType, OdbcDataType, OdbcDataTypeOverride, Schema, TableName, AttributeName, Rhs) ), write_sql(QueryId, CompileInstruction, RestrictionType, [' AND '|T4], T4, [], []) ; otherwise-> true ), write_restriction_expression(QueryId, CompileInstruction, RestrictionType, OdbcDataType, OdbcDataTypeOverride, Schema, TableName, AttributeName, Lhs), ( ( var(Rhs)-> Variable = Rhs ; Rhs = if_not_var(Variable)-> true ; Rhs = equality_restriction(Variable) -> true )-> % Either "= RHS" or " IS NULL" if RHS is {null} at runtime write_sql(QueryId, C1, RestrictionType, [' ', BaseSqlOperator, ' '|T5], T5, [], []), write_restriction_expression(QueryId, C1, RestrictionType, OdbcDataType, OdbcDataTypeOverride, Schema, TableName, AttributeName, Rhs), ( RestrictionType == where -> write_sql(QueryId, C2, RestrictionType, [' IS NULL'|T6], T6, [], []) ; otherwise-> true ) ; otherwise-> write_sql(QueryId, CompileInstruction, RestrictionType, [' ', BaseSqlOperator, ' '|T7], T7, [], []), write_restriction_expression(QueryId, CompileInstruction, RestrictionType, OdbcDataType, OdbcDataTypeOverride, Schema, TableName, AttributeName, Rhs) ). write_restriction_without_collation @ write_restriction_1(QueryId, CompileInstruction, RestrictionType, OdbcDataType, OdbcDataTypeOverride, Schema, TableName, AttributeName, Lhs, ComparisonOperator, Rhs) <=> prolog_to_sql_comparison_operator(Schema, ComparisonOperator, SqlOperator, _) | write_restriction_expression(QueryId, CompileInstruction, RestrictionType, OdbcDataType, OdbcDataTypeOverride, Schema, TableName, AttributeName, Lhs), % This sets the RHS to be a 'LikeParameter'. We can undo this later if we discover the RHS is an expression ( is_like_operator(ComparisonOperator, LikeOdbcDataType) -> OdbcDataTypeOverride = LikeOdbcDataType ; otherwise -> true ), ( ( var(Rhs)-> Variable = Rhs ; Rhs = if_not_var(Variable)-> true ; Rhs = equality_restriction(Variable) -> true )-> ( RestrictionType == where -> instruction_conjunction(CompileInstruction, if_not_null(Variable), C1) ; otherwise-> C1 = CompileInstruction ), instruction_conjunction(CompileInstruction, if_null(Variable), C2), write_sql(QueryId, C1, RestrictionType, [' ', SqlOperator, ' '|T1], T1, [], []), write_restriction_expression(QueryId, C1, RestrictionType, OdbcDataType, OdbcDataTypeOverride, Schema, TableName, AttributeName, Rhs), ( RestrictionType == where -> write_sql(QueryId, C2, RestrictionType, [' IS NULL'|T2], T2, [], []) ; otherwise-> true ) ; otherwise-> write_sql(QueryId, CompileInstruction, RestrictionType, [' ', SqlOperator, ' '|T3], T3, [], []), write_restriction_expression(QueryId, CompileInstruction, RestrictionType, OdbcDataType, OdbcDataTypeOverride, Schema, TableName, AttributeName, Rhs) ). % prolog_to_sql_comparison_operator(Schema, % ComparisonOperator, % SqlOperator, % InverseComparisonOperator) prolog_to_sql_comparison_operator(_, <, <, >=). prolog_to_sql_comparison_operator(_, =<, <=, >). prolog_to_sql_comparison_operator(_, ==, =, \==). prolog_to_sql_comparison_operator(_, =:=, =, =\=). prolog_to_sql_comparison_operator(Schema, =~, Operator, \=~):- (dbms(Schema, 'Microsoft SQL Server')-> Operator = 'LIKE' ; dbms(Schema, 'SQLite')-> Operator = 'LIKE' ; dbms(Schema, 'PostgreSQL')-> Operator = 'ILIKE' ). prolog_to_sql_comparison_operator(Schema, \=~, Operator, =~):- ( dbms(Schema, 'Microsoft SQL Server')-> Operator = 'NOT LIKE' ; dbms(Schema, 'SQLite')-> Operator = 'NOT LIKE' ; dbms(Schema, 'PostgreSQL')-> Operator = 'NOT ILIKE' ). prolog_to_sql_comparison_operator(_, \==, <>, ==). prolog_to_sql_comparison_operator(_, =\=, <>, =:=). prolog_to_sql_comparison_operator(_, >=, >=, <). prolog_to_sql_comparison_operator(_, >, >, =<). collatable_odbc_data_type(char(_)). collatable_odbc_data_type(varchar(_)). collatable_odbc_data_type(longvarchar). collatable_operator(Operator):- Operator \== (=~). is_like_operator((=~), varchar(128)). collation(Schema, 'COLLATE Latin1_General_CS_AS'):- % Make CQL case-sensitive dbms(Schema, 'Microsoft SQL Server'). collation(Schema, _):- ( dbms(Schema, 'PostgreSQL')-> fail ; dbms(Schema, 'SQLite')-> fail ). write_restriction_expression_1 @ write_restriction_expression(QueryId, CompileInstruction, RestrictionType, _, _, _, _, _, tokens_and_parameters(Tokens, Tail, OdbcParameters)) <=> write_sql(QueryId, CompileInstruction, RestrictionType, Tokens, Tail, OdbcParameters, []). write_restriction_expression_2 @ write_restriction_expression(QueryId, CompileInstruction, RestrictionType, _, _, _, _, _, attribute(_, TableAlias, AttributeName)) <=> write_sql(QueryId, CompileInstruction, RestrictionType, [TableAlias, '.', attribute_name(AttributeName)|T], T, [], []). write_restriction_expression_3 @ write_restriction_expression(QueryId, CompileInstruction, RestrictionType, _, OdbcDataTypeOverride, Schema, TableName, AttributeName, equality_restriction(Variable)) <=> write_sql(QueryId, CompileInstruction, RestrictionType, [?|T], T, [odbc_parameter(Schema, TableName, AttributeName, Variable, where_value, OdbcDataTypeOverride)], []). % This is a ignore_if_null against an aggregation write_restriction_expression_4a @ write_restriction_expression(QueryId, CompileInstruction, RestrictionType, _, OdbcDataTypeOverride, Schema, TableName, AttributeName, ignore_if_null(Aggregation, Variable)) <=> functor(Aggregation, Functor, 2), aggregation_operator(Functor) | arg(1, Aggregation, TableAlias), arg(2, Aggregation, AttributeName), write_sql(QueryId, CompileInstruction, RestrictionType, ['COALESCE(?, ', Functor, '(', TableAlias, '.', attribute_name(AttributeName), '))'|T], T, [odbc_parameter(Schema, TableName, AttributeName, Variable, where_value, OdbcDataTypeOverride)], []). write_restriction_expression_4 @ write_restriction_expression(QueryId, CompileInstruction, RestrictionType, _, OdbcDataTypeOverride, Schema, TableName, AttributeName, ignore_if_null(TableAlias, Variable)) <=> write_sql(QueryId, CompileInstruction, RestrictionType, ['COALESCE(?, ', TableAlias, '.', attribute_name(AttributeName), ')'|T], T, [odbc_parameter(Schema, TableName, AttributeName, Variable, where_value, OdbcDataTypeOverride)], []). write_restriction_expression_5 @ attribute_binding(QueryId, Attribute, Variable) \ write_restriction_expression(QueryId, CompileInstruction, RestrictionType, OdbcDataType, OdbcDataTypeOverride, Schema, TableName, AttributeName, Variable) <=> var(Variable) | where_restriction_variable(Variable), write_restriction_expression(QueryId, CompileInstruction, RestrictionType, OdbcDataType, OdbcDataTypeOverride, Schema, TableName, AttributeName, Attribute). write_restriction_expression_6 @ write_restriction_expression(QueryId, CompileInstruction, RestrictionType, _, OdbcDataTypeOverride, Schema, TableName, AttributeName, Variable) <=> atomic_application_value(Variable) | write_sql(QueryId, CompileInstruction, RestrictionType, [?|T], T, [odbc_parameter(Schema, TableName, AttributeName, Variable, where_value, OdbcDataTypeOverride)], []). write_restriction_expression_7 @ write_restriction_expression(QueryId, CompileInstruction, RestrictionType, OdbcDataType, OdbcDataTypeOverride, Schema, TableName, AttributeName, Expression) <=> Expression =.. [Operator, Rhs], restriction_prefix_operator(Operator) | write_sql(QueryId, CompileInstruction, RestrictionType, [Operator|T], T, [], []), % We unset the OdbcDataTypeOverride here write_restriction_expression(QueryId, CompileInstruction, RestrictionType, OdbcDataType, OdbcDataTypeOverride, Schema, TableName, AttributeName, Rhs). write_restriction_expression_8 @ write_restriction_expression(QueryId, CompileInstruction, RestrictionType, OdbcDataType, OdbcDataTypeOverride, Schema, TableName, AttributeName, Expression) <=> Expression =.. [Operator, Lhs, Rhs], restriction_expression_operator(Operator) | ( dbms(Schema, 'SQLite') -> write_sql(QueryId, CompileInstruction, RestrictionType, ['(1.0*'|T1], T1, [], []) ; otherwise-> write_sql(QueryId, CompileInstruction, RestrictionType, ['('|T1], T1, [], []) ), % We unset the OdbcDataTypeOverride here write_restriction_expression(QueryId, CompileInstruction, RestrictionType, OdbcDataType, OdbcDataTypeOverride, Schema, TableName, AttributeName, Lhs), write_sql(QueryId, CompileInstruction, RestrictionType, [')'|T2], T2, [], []), write_sql(QueryId, CompileInstruction, RestrictionType, [Operator|T3], T3, [], []), ( dbms(Schema, 'SQLite') -> write_sql(QueryId, CompileInstruction, RestrictionType, ['(1.0*'|T4], T4, [], []) ; otherwise-> write_sql(QueryId, CompileInstruction, RestrictionType, ['('|T4], T4, [], []) ), % We unset the OdbcDataTypeOverride here write_restriction_expression(QueryId, CompileInstruction, RestrictionType, OdbcDataType, OdbcDataTypeOverride, Schema, TableName, AttributeName, Rhs), write_sql(QueryId, CompileInstruction, RestrictionType, [')'|T5], T5, [], []). write_restriction_expression_9 @ write_restriction_expression(QueryId, CompileInstruction, RestrictionType, _OdbcDataType, OdbcDataTypeOverride, Schema, TableName, AttributeName, if_not_var(Var)) <=> instruction_conjunction(CompileInstruction, if_not_var(Var), NewInstruction), write_sql(QueryId, NewInstruction, RestrictionType, [?|T], T, [odbc_parameter(Schema, TableName, AttributeName, Var, where_value, OdbcDataTypeOverride)], []). write_restriction_expression_10 @ write_restriction_expression(_, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, Expression) <=> throw(format('Bad restriction expression: ~w', [Expression])). restriction_prefix_operator(+). restriction_prefix_operator(-). restriction_expression_operator(+). restriction_expression_operator(-). restriction_expression_operator(/). restriction_expression_operator(*). write_sub_query @ write_restriction_tree(QueryId, RestrictionType, sub_query(SubQueryType, Sql, SqlTail, SubQueryInputs)) <=> ( SubQueryType == exists -> Token = 'EXISTS' ; SubQueryType == (\+ exists) -> Token = 'NOT EXISTS' ) | SqlTail = [')'|T], write_sql(QueryId, compile, RestrictionType, [Token, ' ('|Sql], T, SubQueryInputs, []). write_in_list_1 @ next_in_list_value_needs_comma(QueryId) \ write_in_list(QueryId, RestrictionType, Schema, TableName, AttributeName, [ApplicationValue|ApplicationValues]) <=> write_sql(QueryId, compile, RestrictionType, [', ?'|T], T, [odbc_parameter(Schema, TableName, AttributeName, ApplicationValue, where_value, _)], []), write_in_list(QueryId, RestrictionType, Schema, TableName, AttributeName, ApplicationValues). write_in_list_2 @ write_in_list(QueryId, RestrictionType, Schema, TableName, AttributeName, [ApplicationValue|ApplicationValues]) <=> write_sql(QueryId, compile, RestrictionType, [?|T], T, [odbc_parameter(Schema, TableName, AttributeName, ApplicationValue, where_value, _)], []), next_in_list_value_needs_comma(QueryId), write_in_list(QueryId, RestrictionType, Schema, TableName, AttributeName, ApplicationValues). write_in_list_3 @ write_in_list(QueryId, _, _, _, _, []), next_in_list_value_needs_comma(QueryId) <=> true. write_group_by @ group_by(QueryId, _) \ phase(QueryId, group_by) <=> write_sql(QueryId, compile, having, [' GROUP BY '|T], T, [], []), write_group_bys(QueryId), phase(QueryId, having). no_group_by @ phase(QueryId, group_by) <=> phase(QueryId, having). write_group_bys @ write_group_bys(QueryId) \ attribute_for_group_by(QueryId, TableAlias, AttributeName, GroupBy), group_by(QueryId, GroupBy) <=> write_group_by_attribute(QueryId, [TableAlias, '.', AttributeName|T], T). write_group_by_attribute_with_trailing_comma @ next_group_by_attribute_needs_comma(QueryId) \ write_group_by_attribute(QueryId, SqlTokens, Tail) <=> write_sql(QueryId, compile, having, [', '|SqlTokens], Tail, [], []). write_group_by_attribute_without_trailing_comma @ write_group_by_attribute(QueryId, SqlTokens, Tail) <=> write_sql(QueryId, compile, having, SqlTokens, Tail, [], []), next_group_by_attribute_needs_comma(QueryId). should_not_be_any_group_by_constraints_left_over @ check_for_orphan_group_bys, group_by(_, GroupBy), original_cql(Cql) <=> throw(format('Unused GROUP BY ~w in CQL: ~w', [GroupBy, Cql])). write_order_by @ order_bys(QueryId, OrderBys) \ phase(QueryId, order_by) <=> OrderBys \== [] | write_sql(QueryId, compile, having, [' ORDER BY '|T], T, [], []), write_order_bys(QueryId, OrderBys), phase(QueryId, union). no_order_by @ phase(QueryId, order_by) <=> phase(QueryId, union). write_order_bys @ write_order_bys(QueryId, [OrderBy|OrderBys]) <=> write_order_by(QueryId, OrderBy), write_order_bys(QueryId, OrderBys). clean_up_write_order_bys @ write_order_bys(_, []) <=> true. write_order_by_aggregate @ write_order_by(QueryId, OrderBy), attribute_for_order_by(QueryId, TableAlias, AggregationTerm, Variable) <=> AggregationTerm =.. [AggregationOperator, AttributeName], aggregation_operator(AggregationOperator), ( OrderBy == +(Variable) -> Direction = 'ASC' ; OrderBy == -(Variable) -> Direction = 'DESC' ), %map_database_atom(AggregationOperator, AggregationOperatorUc) upcase_atom(AggregationOperator, AggregationOperatorUc) | not_a_singleton(Variable), write_order_by_attribute(QueryId, [AggregationOperatorUc, '(', TableAlias, '.', attribute_name(AttributeName), ') ', Direction|T], T). write_order_by @ write_order_by(QueryId, OrderBy), attribute_for_order_by(QueryId, TableAlias, AttributeName, Variable) <=> ( OrderBy == +(Variable) -> Direction = 'ASC' ; OrderBy == -(Variable) -> Direction = 'DESC' ) | not_a_singleton(Variable), write_order_by_attribute(QueryId, [TableAlias, '.', attribute_name(AttributeName), ' ', Direction|T], T). write_order_by_attribute_with_trailing_comma @ next_order_by_attribute_needs_comma(QueryId) \ write_order_by_attribute(QueryId, SqlTokens, Tail) <=> write_sql(QueryId, compile, having, [', '|SqlTokens], Tail, [], []). write_order_by_attribute_without_trailing_comma @ write_order_by_attribute(QueryId, SqlTokens, Tail) <=> write_sql(QueryId, compile, having, SqlTokens, Tail, [], []), next_order_by_attribute_needs_comma(QueryId). should_not_be_any_write_order_by_constraints_left_over @ check_for_orphan_order_bys, write_order_by(_, OrderBy), original_cql(Cql) <=> throw(format('Unused ORDER BY ~w in CQL: ~w', [OrderBy, Cql])). in_line_formats @ prior_to_execution \ in_line_format(_, Format, FormatArgs, ApplicationValue) <=> format(atom(ApplicationValue), Format, FormatArgs). prior_to_execution <=> true. postgres_identity @ number_of_rows_affected(QueryId, _, _) \ postgres_identity(QueryId, ReturnedIdentity), cql_identity(QueryId, _, Identity) <=> Identity = ReturnedIdentity. ignored_postgres_identity @ number_of_rows_affected(QueryId, _, _) \ postgres_identity(QueryId, _) <=> true. identity_sql_server @ number_of_rows_affected(QueryId, Connection, _), cql_statement_location(FileName, LineNumber) \ cql_identity(QueryId, Schema, Identity) <=> dbms(Schema, 'Microsoft SQL Server'), odbc_query(Connection, 'SELECT CAST(@@IDENTITY AS INTEGER)', row(ScopeIdentity)) | ( integer(ScopeIdentity) -> Identity = ScopeIdentity, get_transaction_context(TransactionId, _, AccessToken, _, _), cql_access_token_to_user_id(AccessToken, UserId), cql_log([], informational, 'CQL\t~w\t~w\t Inserted row has identity ~w\t(~w:~w)', [UserId, TransactionId, Identity, FileName, LineNumber]) ; otherwise -> cql_error(bad_identity, 'Integer identity value expected but got ~q', [ScopeIdentity]) ). identity_sqlite @ number_of_rows_affected(QueryId, Connection, _), cql_statement_location(FileName, LineNumber) \ cql_identity(QueryId, Schema, Identity) <=> dbms(Schema, 'SQLite'), odbc_query(Connection, 'SELECT CAST(last_insert_rowid() AS INTEGER)', row(ScopeIdentity)) | ( integer(ScopeIdentity) -> Identity = ScopeIdentity, get_transaction_context(TransactionId, _, AccessToken, _, _), cql_access_token_to_user_id(AccessToken, UserId), cql_log([], informational, 'CQL\t~w\t~w\t Inserted row has identity ~w\t(~w:~w)', [UserId, TransactionId, Identity, FileName, LineNumber]) ; otherwise -> cql_error(bad_identity, 'Integer identity value expected but got ~q', [ScopeIdentity]) ). rows_affected @ number_of_rows_affected(QueryId, _, N) \ row_count(QueryId, RowCount) <=> RowCount = N. post_state_change_statistics @ number_of_rows_affected(QueryId, _, N) \ cql_state_change_statistics_sql(QueryId, Schema, TableName, update, _, StateChangeAttributeNames, OdbcParameters, _) <=> process_statistics_post_state_changes(Schema, TableName, StateChangeAttributeNames, OdbcParameters, N). number_of_rows_affected_cleanup @ number_of_rows_affected(QueryId, _, _), cql_state_change_statistics_sql(QueryId, _, _, _, _, _, _, _) <=> true. number_of_rows_affected(_, _, _) <=> true. write_sql @ sql_statement(QueryId, TokensSoFar, TokensTail, FromTokensSoFar, FromTail, RestrictionTokensSoFar, RestrictionTail, ExistingOdbcParameters, ExistingFromParameters, ExistingOutputs), write_sql(QueryId, CompileInstruction, Position, AddTokens, AddTail, OdbcParameters, Outputs) <=> ( CompileInstruction == compile-> Addition = AddTokens, AdditionTail = AddTail, ( Position \== top-> append(ExistingFromParameters, OdbcParameters, NewFromParameters), NewOdbcParameters = ExistingOdbcParameters ; otherwise-> ( var(OdbcParameters)-> append(ExistingOdbcParameters, [compile:OdbcParameters], NewOdbcParameters) ; otherwise-> append(ExistingOdbcParameters, OdbcParameters, NewOdbcParameters) ), NewFromParameters = ExistingFromParameters ) ; otherwise-> % FIXME: This is where to keep the tail around so we can flatten quickly at runtime Addition = [CompileInstruction:AddTokens|AdditionTail], AddTail = [], ( OdbcParameters == []-> NewOdbcParameters = ExistingOdbcParameters, NewFromParameters = ExistingFromParameters ; otherwise-> ( Position \== top-> append(ExistingFromParameters, [CompileInstruction:OdbcParameters], NewFromParameters), NewOdbcParameters = ExistingOdbcParameters ; otherwise-> append(ExistingOdbcParameters, [CompileInstruction:OdbcParameters], NewOdbcParameters), NewFromParameters = ExistingFromParameters ) ) ), ( Position == join -> FromTail = Addition, NewFromTail = AdditionTail, NewTokensTail = TokensTail, NewRestrictionTail = RestrictionTail ; Position == top -> TokensTail = Addition, NewTokensTail = AdditionTail, NewFromTail = FromTail, NewRestrictionTail = RestrictionTail ; otherwise-> NewRestrictionTail = AdditionTail, RestrictionTail = Addition, NewTokensTail = TokensTail, NewFromTail = FromTail ), ( CompileInstruction == compile -> append(ExistingOutputs, Outputs, NewOutputs) ; Outputs == []-> NewOutputs = ExistingOutputs ; otherwise-> append(ExistingOutputs, [CompileInstruction:Outputs], NewOutputs) ), sql_statement(QueryId, TokensSoFar, NewTokensTail, FromTokensSoFar, NewFromTail, RestrictionTokensSoFar, NewRestrictionTail, NewOdbcParameters, NewFromParameters, NewOutputs). instantiate_aggregation_sub_query @ query(SubQueryId, _, sub_query) \ phase(SubQueryId, union), sql_statement(SubQueryId, SqlTokens, TokensTail, SqlFromTokens, FromTail, SqlRestrictionTokens, RestrictionTail, OdbcParameters, FromParameters, [output(_, TableName, AttributeName, _)]), aggregation_sub_query(SubQueryId, AggregationTableName, AggregationAttributeName, SubQuerySqlTokens, SubQueryTail, SubQueryOdbcParameters) <=> AggregationTableName = TableName, AggregationAttributeName = AttributeName, TokensTail = SqlFromTokens, FromTail = SqlRestrictionTokens, SubQueryTail = RestrictionTail, SubQuerySqlTokens = SqlTokens, append(OdbcParameters, FromParameters, SubQueryOdbcParameters). instantiate_sub_query @ query(QueryId, _, sub_query) \ phase(QueryId, union), sql_statement(QueryId, SqlTokens, TokensTail, SqlFromTokens, FromTail, SqlRestrictionTokens, RestrictionTail, OdbcParameters, FromParameters, _), sub_query(QueryId, SubQuerySqlTokens, SubQuerySqlTail, SubQueryOdbcParameters) <=> TokensTail = SqlFromTokens, FromTail = SqlRestrictionTokens, SubQuerySqlTail = RestrictionTail, SubQuerySqlTokens = SqlTokens, append(OdbcParameters, FromParameters, SubQueryOdbcParameters). orphan_write_restriction @ check_query, write_restriction(_, _, _, ApplicationValueLhs, Operator, ApplicationValueRhs), original_cql(Cql) <=> throw(format('Unused restriction: ~w ~w ~w in CQL: ~w', [ApplicationValueLhs, Operator, ApplicationValueRhs, Cql])). % Ignore any join_on which comes for free in PostgreSQL % (if we do an UPDATE ... FROM) we get a free join to the target % NB: We can only get implicit_join/2 if dbms is PostgreSQL ignore_implicit_joins @ implicit_join(QueryId, Ignore, SubQueryId) \ join_on(TableAliasA, AttributeNameA, TableAliasB, AttributeNameB) <=> ( Ignore == TableAliasA ; Ignore == TableAliasB) | add_on(SubQueryId, TableAliasA-AttributeNameA==TableAliasB-AttributeNameB), implicit_join_link(QueryId, SubQueryId). remove_duplicate_implicit_join_links @ implicit_join_link(QueryId, SubQueryId) \ implicit_join_link(QueryId, SubQueryId) <=> true. recover_implicit_join_for_update @ implicit_join_sql(QueryId, Sql, Tail), implicit_join_link(QueryId, SubQueryId), on(SubQueryId, _, On) <=> sql_statement(SubQueryId, A, A, B, B, C, C, [], [], []), write_join_ons(SubQueryId, On), fetch_implicit_join_sql(SubQueryId, Sql, Tail). fetch_implicit_join_sql @ fetch_implicit_join_sql(SubQueryId, Sql, Tail), sql_statement(SubQueryId, SqlTokens, TokensTail, SqlFromTokens, FromTail, SqlRestrictionTokens, RestrictionTail, _, _, _) <=> TokensTail = SqlFromTokens, FromTail = SqlRestrictionTokens, Tail = RestrictionTail, Sql = SqlTokens. check_for_joins @ check_query, join_on(TableAliasA, AttributeNameA, TableAliasB, AttributeNameB), original_cql(Cql) <=> throw(format('Unused JOIN point ~w (check join operator present) in CQL: ~w', [join_on(TableAliasA, AttributeNameA, TableAliasB, AttributeNameB), Cql])). check_for_unused_select_bindings @ % Select bindings should have either been translated into select attributes (i.e. will appear in % the SELECT clause) or been explicitly discarded. Any left behind indicate a problem. check_query, select_binding(_, X, Attribute, _), original_cql(Cql) <=> throw(format('Unused SELECT binding (missing GROUP BY?): ~n~w ~n~n~w~n~nin CQL: ~w', [X, Attribute, Cql])). check_for_unused_join_on_comparisons @ check_query, write_join_ons(_, On), original_cql(Cql) <=> throw(format('Unused join ON comparison <~w> in CQL: ~w', [On, Cql])). check_for_unused_comparisons @ check_query, comparison(_, Lhs, ComparisonOperator, Rhs), original_cql(Cql) <=> throw(format('Unused comparison: ~w ~w ~w in CQL: ~w', [Lhs, ComparisonOperator, Rhs, Cql])). cleanup_check_query @ check_query <=> true. odbc_state_change_statement_update @ prepare_odbc_statements, sql_statement(QueryId, SqlTokens, TokensTail, SqlFromTokens, FromTail, SqlRestrictionTokens, RestrictionTail, SelectOdbcParameters, FromParameters, Outputs), state_change_query(QueryId, StateChangeType, Schema, TableName) <=> dbms(Schema, 'Microsoft SQL Server'), StateChangeType == update | TokensTail = SqlFromTokens, FromTail = SqlRestrictionTokens, RestrictionTail = [], AllSqlTokens = SqlTokens, append(SelectOdbcParameters, FromParameters, OdbcParameters), create_cql_pre_state_change_select_sql(QueryId, StateChangeType, SqlFromTokens, TableName, OdbcParameters), create_cql_state_change_statistics_sql(QueryId, StateChangeType, SqlFromTokens, TableName, OdbcParameters), compile_tokens(AllSqlTokens, Sql), cql_odbc_state_change_statement(QueryId, StateChangeType, Schema, TableName, Sql, OdbcParameters, Outputs). duplicate_from_clause @ copy_of_from(QueryId, Tokens, Tail, Parameters) \ find_copy_of_from(QueryId, NewTokens, NewTail, NewParameters) <=> Parameters = NewParameters, swap_tail(Tokens, Tail, NewTail, NewTokens). remove_cycles([], []):- !. remove_cycles([compile:_|As], [Bs]):- !, remove_cycles(As, Bs). remove_cycles([A|As], [A|Bs]):- !, remove_cycles(As, Bs). remove_cycles([_|As], Bs):- remove_cycles(As, Bs). odbc_state_change_statement_update_sqlite_1 @ update_table_alias(QueryId, _, _, TargetAlias) \ prepare_odbc_statements, sql_statement(QueryId, SqlTokens, TokensTail, SqlFromTokens, FromTail, SqlRestrictionTokens, RestrictionTail, SelectOdbcParameters, FromParameters, Outputs), state_change_query(QueryId, StateChangeType, Schema, TableName) <=> dbms(Schema, 'SQLite'), StateChangeType == update | TokensTail = [' WHERE rowid IN (SELECT ', TargetAlias, '.rowid '|SqlFromTokens], FromTail = SqlRestrictionTokens, AllSqlTokens = SqlTokens, % Yikes. Initially I used copy_term here but the variables need to be shared (except the tail, of course) swap_tail(SqlFromTokens, RestrictionTail, [], StateChangeSelectTokens), swap_tail(SqlFromTokens, RestrictionTail, CopyFromTail, CopyFrom), copy_of_from(QueryId, CopyFrom, CopyFromTail, FromParameters), RestrictionTail = [')'], append(SelectOdbcParameters, FromParameters, OdbcParameters), create_cql_pre_state_change_select_sql(QueryId, StateChangeType, StateChangeSelectTokens, TableName, OdbcParameters), create_cql_state_change_statistics_sql(QueryId, StateChangeType, StateChangeSelectTokens, TableName, OdbcParameters), compile_tokens(AllSqlTokens, Sql), cql_odbc_state_change_statement(QueryId, StateChangeType, Schema, TableName, Sql, OdbcParameters, Outputs). swap_tail(Var, RestrictionTail, Tail, Tail):- RestrictionTail == Var, !. swap_tail([A|As], Tail, X, [A|Bs]):- swap_tail(As, Tail, X, Bs). odbc_state_change_statement_update @ query_table_alias(QueryId, _, _, TableAlias), update_table_alias(QueryId, _, _, TargetAlias) \ prepare_odbc_statements, sql_statement(QueryId, SqlTokens, TokensTail, SqlFromTokens, FromTail, SqlRestrictionTokens, RestrictionTail, SelectOdbcParameters, FromParameters, Outputs), state_change_query(QueryId, StateChangeType, Schema, UpdateTableName) <=> dbms(Schema, 'PostgreSQL'), implicit_join_sql(QueryId, ImplicitJoinSQL, [')'|ImplicitJoinTail]), % If there is any query_table_alias which is NOT the same as the update_table_alias then the % SqlRestrictionTokens will already contain a FROM TableAlias \== TargetAlias, StateChangeType == update | append(SelectOdbcParameters, FromParameters, OdbcParameters), % This is full of nasty traps. We must build up two very similar but not identical queries. Take care not to instantiate too much before the copy_term/2! RestrictionTail = [], ImplicitJoinTail = SqlRestrictionTokens, copy_term([' FROM '|SqlFromTokens]:FromTail, SqlPreFromTokens:[' INNER JOIN ', UpdateTableName, ' ', TargetAlias, ' ON ('|ImplicitJoinSQL]), TokensTail = SqlFromTokens, FromTail = SqlRestrictionTokens, AllSqlTokens = SqlTokens, create_cql_pre_state_change_select_sql(QueryId, StateChangeType, SqlPreFromTokens, UpdateTableName, OdbcParameters), create_cql_state_change_statistics_sql(QueryId, StateChangeType, SqlPreFromTokens, UpdateTableName, OdbcParameters), % Inject the implicit join here % ImplicitJoin = [' INNER JOIN ', TableName, ' ', TableAlias, ' ON ', '(1=1)'], compile_tokens(AllSqlTokens, Sql), cql_odbc_state_change_statement(QueryId, StateChangeType, Schema, UpdateTableName, Sql, OdbcParameters, Outputs). odbc_state_change_statement_update @ query_table_alias(QueryId, _, TableName, TableAlias) \ prepare_odbc_statements, sql_statement(QueryId, SqlTokens, TokensTail, SqlFromTokens, FromTail, SqlRestrictionTokens, RestrictionTail, SelectOdbcParameters, FromParameters, Outputs), state_change_query(QueryId, StateChangeType, Schema, TableName) <=> dbms(Schema, 'PostgreSQL'), StateChangeType == update | append(SelectOdbcParameters, FromParameters, OdbcParameters), % If there is no query_table_alias which is NOT the same as the update_table_alias then the % SqlRestrictionTokens will NOT contain a FROM, so we must add one TokensTail = SqlFromTokens, FromTail = SqlRestrictionTokens, RestrictionTail = [], AllSqlTokens = SqlTokens, % This case is much simpler than the above create_cql_pre_state_change_select_sql(QueryId, StateChangeType, [' FROM ', TableName, ' ', TableAlias, ' '|SqlRestrictionTokens], TableName, OdbcParameters), create_cql_state_change_statistics_sql(QueryId, StateChangeType, [' FROM ', TableName, ' ', TableAlias, ' '|SqlRestrictionTokens], TableName, OdbcParameters), compile_tokens(AllSqlTokens, Sql), cql_odbc_state_change_statement(QueryId, StateChangeType, Schema, TableName, Sql, OdbcParameters, Outputs). odbc_state_change_statement_not_update @ prepare_odbc_statements, sql_statement(QueryId, SqlTokens, TokensTail, SqlFromTokens, FromTail, SqlRestrictionTokens, RestrictionTail, SelectOdbcParameters, FromParameters, Outputs), state_change_query(QueryId, StateChangeType, Schema, TableName) <=> TokensTail = SqlFromTokens, FromTail = SqlRestrictionTokens, RestrictionTail = [], AllSqlTokens = SqlTokens, append(SelectOdbcParameters, FromParameters, OdbcParameters), create_cql_pre_state_change_select_sql(QueryId, StateChangeType, SqlFromTokens, TableName, OdbcParameters), ( StateChangeType == delete -> create_cql_state_change_statistics_sql(QueryId, StateChangeType, SqlFromTokens, TableName, OdbcParameters) ; otherwise-> true ), compile_tokens(AllSqlTokens, Sql), cql_odbc_state_change_statement(QueryId, StateChangeType, Schema, TableName, Sql, OdbcParameters, Outputs). execute_state_change_query @ cql_statement_location(FileName, LineNumber) \ cql_execute(OdbcCachingOption), cql_odbc_state_change_statement(QueryId, StateChangeType, Schema, TableName, HalfCompiledSql, HalfCompiledOdbcParameters, _) <=> fully_compile_sql(HalfCompiledSql, HalfCompiledOdbcParameters, [], Sql, OdbcParameters, _), get_transaction_context(TransactionId, _, AccessToken, _, Connection), execute_on_connection(Schema, Connection, ( debug_before(Sql, Schema, OdbcParameters), identify_pre_state_change_values(QueryId, StateChangeType, Connection), cql_access_token_to_user_id(AccessToken, UserId), ( StateChangeType == insert, statistic_monitored_attribute(Schema, TableName, _) -> forall((statistic_monitored_attribute(Schema, TableName, MonitoredAttribute), memberchk(odbc_parameter(Schema, TableName, MonitoredAttribute, ApplicationValue, insert_value, _), OdbcParameters)), statistic_monitored_attribute_change(Schema, TableName, MonitoredAttribute, ApplicationValue, 1)) ; otherwise -> true ), odbc_data_types_and_inputs(OdbcParameters, OdbcDataTypes, OdbcInputs), log_state_change(Sql, StateChangeType, OdbcInputs), ( odbc_prepare_and_execute(OdbcCachingOption, Connection, FileName, LineNumber, Sql, OdbcDataTypes, OdbcInputs, Result)-> true ; otherwise-> % Some drivers may return SQL_NO_DATA_FOUND if an UPDATE or DELETE affects no rows. In fact, % even Microsoft says they are supposed to do this: % "If SQLExecute executes a searched update, insert, or delete statement that does not % affect any rows at the data source, the call to SQLExecute returns SQL_NO_DATA." % from http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/windows/desktop/ms713584(v=vs.85).aspx Result = affected(0) ), ( Result = affected(N) -> number_of_rows_affected(QueryId, Connection, N), cql_log([], informational, 'CQL\t~w\t~w\t ~w row(s) affected\t(~w:~w)', [UserId, TransactionId, N, FileName, LineNumber]), ( N > 0 -> identify_insert_row(StateChangeType, QueryId, Schema, TableName, Connection, Identity), ( StateChangeType == insert-> DebugResult = identity(Identity) ; otherwise-> DebugResult = Result ), identify_post_state_change_values(QueryId, Connection), call_row_change_hooks(QueryId, Connection) ; otherwise-> DebugResult = Result, cleanup_cql_post_state_change_select_sql(QueryId) ) ; Result = row(Identity), dbms(Schema, 'PostgreSQL')-> postgres_identity(QueryId, Identity), identify_insert_row(StateChangeType, QueryId, Schema, TableName, Connection, _), number_of_rows_affected(QueryId, Connection, 1), cql_log([], informational, 'CQL\t~w\t~w\t Row inserted. Identity ~w\t(~w:~w)', [UserId, TransactionId, Identity, FileName, LineNumber]), identify_post_state_change_values(QueryId, Connection), call_row_change_hooks(QueryId, Connection), DebugResult = identity(Identity) ), debug_after(exit, DebugResult))). collect_external_variables @ phase(QueryId, union), sql_statement(QueryId, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, HalfCompiledOutputs) ==> strip_compile_instructions(HalfCompiledOutputs, Outputs), union_outputs(QueryId, Outputs, []). strip_compile_instructions([], []):-!. strip_compile_instructions([_:Outputs|More], Result):- !, append(Outputs, O1, Result), strip_compile_instructions(More, O1). strip_compile_instructions([Output|O1], [Output|O2]):- strip_compile_instructions(O1, O2). collect_external_variables_1 @ conjunction_variable(_, ExternalVariable, ConjunctionVariable) \ union_outputs(QueryId, [output(_, _, _, ConjunctionVariable)|Outputs], ExternalVariables) <=> union_outputs(QueryId, Outputs, [ExternalVariable|ExternalVariables]). do_not_create_a_union_if_there_is_an_order_by @ phase(QueryId, union), order_bys(QueryId, _) <=> true. union_if_external_variables_the_same_and_there_is_no_order_by @ phase(QueryIdA, union) \ sql_statement(QueryIdA, SqlTokensA, TokensTailA, SqlFromTokensA, FromTailA, SqlRestrictionTokensA, RestrictionTailA, SelectOdbcParametersA, FromOdbcParametersA, Outputs), union_outputs(QueryIdA, [], ExternalVariables), phase(QueryIdB, union), sql_statement(QueryIdB, SqlTokensB, TokensTailB, SqlFromTokensB, FromTailB, SqlRestrictionTokensB, RestrictionTailB, SelectOdbcParametersB, FromOdbcParametersB, _), union_outputs(QueryIdB, [], ExternalVariables) <=> append(SelectOdbcParametersA, SelectOdbcParametersB, SelectOdbcParameters), append(FromOdbcParametersA, FromOdbcParametersB, FromOdbcParameters), TokensTailA = SqlFromTokensA, FromTailA = SqlRestrictionTokensA, RestrictionTailA = [' UNION '|SqlTokensB], TokensTailB = SqlFromTokensB, FromTailB = SqlRestrictionTokensB, RestrictionTailB = NewTail, UnionSqlTokens = SqlTokensA, sql_statement(QueryIdA, UnionSqlTokens, NewTail, A, A, B, B, SelectOdbcParameters, FromOdbcParameters, Outputs), remove_query(QueryIdB, QueryIdA), ( debugging(cql(union)) -> prolog_load_context(source, FileName), prolog_load_context(term_position, TermPosition), stream_position_data(line_count, TermPosition, LineNumber), debug(cql(union), 'UNION created ~w:~w~n', [FileName, LineNumber]) ; true ). join_has_no_on_clause @ check_for_unjoined_tables, write_join(_, _), original_cql(Cql) <=> throw(format('Generated SQL has a JOIN with no ON clause. Ensure each table shares a variable with a preceding table: ~w', [Cql])). update_join_has_no_source_table @ check_for_unjoined_tables, update(_, _, _, TableAlias, _) <=> var(TableAlias) | throw(format('UPDATE join has no source table', [])). odbc_select_statement @ prepare_odbc_statements \ query(QueryId, Schema, top_level_query), sql_statement(QueryId, SqlTokens, TokensTail, SqlFromTokens, FromTail, SqlRestrictionTokens, RestrictionTail, SelectOdbcParameters, FromOdbcParameters, Outputs) <=> TokensTail = SqlFromTokens, FromTail = SqlRestrictionTokens, RestrictionTail = [], AllSqlTokens = SqlTokens, compile_tokens(AllSqlTokens, Sql), append(SelectOdbcParameters, FromOdbcParameters, OdbcParameters), odbc_select_statement(Schema, Sql, OdbcParameters, Outputs). odbc_select_disjunction_1 @ prepare_odbc_statements \ odbc_select_disjunction(Goals), odbc_select_statement(Schema, Sql, OdbcParameters, Outputs) <=> odbc_select_disjunction(cql_odbc_select_statement(Schema, Sql, OdbcParameters, Outputs) ; Goals). odbc_select_disjunction_2 @ prepare_odbc_statements \ odbc_select_statement(Schema, Sql, OdbcParameters, Outputs) <=> odbc_select_disjunction(cql_odbc_select_statement(Schema, Sql, OdbcParameters, Outputs)). cleanup_prepare_odbc_statements @ prepare_odbc_statements <=> true. select_statements_from_disjunctions @ % CQL runtime needs this. In compile-time CQL the disjunction is expanded at compile time cql_execute(_) \ odbc_select_disjunction(Goals) % Goals is a disjunction of odbc_select_statement/4's and cql_human_readable_sql/4's <=> call(Goals). execute_select_queries @ cql_statement_location(FileName, LineNumber) \ cql_execute(OdbcCachingOption), cql_odbc_select_statement(Schema, HalfCompiledSql, HalfCompiledOdbcParameters, HalfCompiledOutputs) <=> fully_compile_sql(HalfCompiledSql, HalfCompiledOdbcParameters, HalfCompiledOutputs, Sql, OdbcParameters, Outputs), ( transaction_active -> get_transaction_context(_, _, _, _, Connection), execute_on_connection(Schema, Connection, execute_select(Schema, Connection, OdbcCachingOption, FileName, LineNumber, Sql, OdbcParameters, Outputs)) ; otherwise -> odbc_connection_call(Schema, Connection, execute_on_connection(Schema, Connection, execute_select(Schema, Connection, OdbcCachingOption, FileName, LineNumber, Sql, OdbcParameters, Outputs))) ). execute_select(Schema, Connection, OdbcCachingOption, FileName, LineNumber, Sql, OdbcParameters, Outputs) :- inline(Sql, OdbcParameters, FinalSql, FinalOdbcParameters), %Sql = FinalSql, %OdbcParameters = FinalOdbcParameters, debug_before(Sql, Schema, OdbcParameters), odbc_data_types_and_inputs(FinalOdbcParameters, OdbcDataTypes, OdbcInputs), log_select(FinalSql, OdbcInputs), setup_call_catcher_cleanup(true, complete_execution(OdbcCachingOption, Connection, FileName, LineNumber, FinalSql, OdbcDataTypes, OdbcInputs, Outputs), Reason, debug_after(Reason, Outputs)), % This handles fail ok, but not exceptions ( var(Reason) -> debug_after(exit, Outputs) ; otherwise -> true ). complete_execution(OdbcCachingOption, Connection, FileName, LineNumber, Sql, OdbcDataTypes, OdbcInputs, Outputs) :- odbc_prepare_and_execute(OdbcCachingOption, Connection, FileName, LineNumber, Sql, OdbcDataTypes, OdbcInputs, Result), % BTP Result =.. [row|OdbcOutputs], bind_application_values(Outputs, OdbcOutputs), bind_variables_to_nulls(Outputs). %% execute_on_connection(+Schema, +Connection, +Goal) % % Execute Goal on Connection % % Use odbc_connection_call/3 when you want a connection _|allocated|_. :-meta_predicate execute_on_connection(+, +, 0). execute_on_connection(_Schema, _Connection, Goal) :- prior_to_execution, Goal, post_execute_cleanup. %% cql_temporary_column_name(?Schema, ?DataType, ?ColumnName, ?Type) cql_temporary_column_name(_, integer, value_integer, int). cql_temporary_column_name(_, decimal(_, _), value_decimal, decimal(30,30)). cql_temporary_column_name(_, varchar(_), value_varchar, varchar(8000)). cql_temporary_column_name(_, timestamp, value_time, timestamp). cql_temporary_column_name(Schema, bit, value_bit, bit):-dbms(Schema, 'Microsoft SQL Server'). cql_temporary_column_name(Schema, bit, value_bit, smallint):-dbms(Schema, 'PostgreSQL'). post_execute_cleanup @ post_execute_cleanup, cql_statement_location(_, _) <=> true. % Convert any remaining variables to nulls e.g. in % % x :: [a-A] *== (y :: [a-A, b-B] =*= z :: [b-B]) % % B will still be free if x and y don't join bind_variables_to_nulls([]). bind_variables_to_nulls([Output|Outputs]) :- ( Output = output(_, _, _, Variable), var(Variable) -> Variable = {null} ; true ), bind_variables_to_nulls(Outputs). sanity_check_to_confirm_something_got_generated @ cql_odbc_state_change_statement(_, _, _, _, _, _, _) \ no_sql_statement_generated <=> true. odbc_select_disjunction(_) \ no_sql_statement_generated <=> true. no_sql_statement_generated, cql_fully_compiled, original_cql(Cql) <=> throw(format('No SQL statement generated: {~w}', [Cql])). error_on_unused_equality_restriction_variable @ cql_fully_compiled, equality_restriction_variable(Variable, EqualityRestrictionVariableUsed), original_cql(Cql) <=> var(EqualityRestrictionVariableUsed) | throw(format('Unused EQUALITY RESTRICTION variable ~w in CQL: ~w', [Variable, Cql])). cleanup_original_cql @ cql_fully_compiled \ original_cql(_) <=> true. cql_fully_compiled <=> true. %! odbc_prepare_and_execute(+OdbcCachingOption, +Connection, +FileName, +LineNumber, +Sql, +OdbcDataTypes, +OdbcInputs, -Result) is det. odbc_prepare_and_execute(do_not_cache_odbc_statement, Connection, _, _, Sql, OdbcDataTypes, OdbcInputs, Result) :- setup_call_cleanup(odbc_prepare(Connection, Sql, OdbcDataTypes, Statement), odbc_execute_with_statistics(Statement, OdbcInputs, OdbcDataTypes, Result), odbc_free_statement(Statement)). odbc_prepare_and_execute(cache_odbc_statement, Connection, FileName, LineNumber, Sql, OdbcDataTypes, OdbcInputs, Result) :- odbc_execute_with_statement_cache(Connection, FileName, LineNumber, Sql, OdbcInputs, OdbcDataTypes, Result). %% inline(+Sql:atom, +OdbcParameters:list, -FinalSql:atom, -FinalOdbcParameters:list) % % SQL Server optimises queries when odbc_prepare/4 is called, not when the query is executed. This is % fine for restrictions where the optimiser can determine an invariant good strategy e.g. select on % a primary key. However it can be sub-optimal for restrictions based on columns which have a small number % of allowed values e.g. status values like NEW, PROCESSING, PROCESSED as the query plan relies on knowing % the statistical distribution of these values. If the specific restriction is not known because the % restriction value is a parameter, performance-destroying, table-locking table scans can be the result. To avoid % this we move allowed value restictions into the SQL statement and drop the parameter. This will result in more % compiled statements, but hopefully better overall performance. inline(Sql, OdbcParameters, FinalSql, FinalOdbcParameters) :- ( atom_codes(Sql, SqlCodes), inline_1(SqlCodes, OdbcParameters, FinalOdbcParameters, FinalSqlCodes, []), OdbcParameters \== FinalOdbcParameters -> % to hide debug for queries where nothing changed atom_codes(FinalSql, FinalSqlCodes), debug(cql(inline), '~w (~w)', [FinalSql, FinalOdbcParameters]) ; otherwise -> FinalSql = Sql, FinalOdbcParameters = OdbcParameters ). inline_1([], _, []) --> !, []. inline_1([0'?|Codes], [OdbcParameter|OdbcParameters], FinalOdbcParameters) --> % ' {( OdbcParameter = odbc_explicit_type_parameter(_, ApplicationValue, where_value) ; OdbcParameter = odbc_parameter(_, _, _, ApplicationValue, where_value, _) ), atom(ApplicationValue), cql_domain_allowed_value(_, ApplicationValue), !, atom_codes(ApplicationValue, ApplicationValueCodes)}, "'", sql_constant(ApplicationValueCodes), "'", inline_1(Codes, OdbcParameters, FinalOdbcParameters). inline_1([0'?|Codes], [OdbcParameter|OdbcParameters], [OdbcParameter|FinalOdbcParameters]) --> % ' !, [0'?], %' inline_1(Codes, OdbcParameters, FinalOdbcParameters). inline_1([Code|Codes], OdbcParameters, FinalOdbcParameters) --> [Code], inline_1(Codes, OdbcParameters, FinalOdbcParameters). sql_constant([]) --> []. sql_constant([0''|Codes]) --> !, "''", sql_constant(Codes). sql_constant([Code|Codes]) --> [Code], sql_constant(Codes). odbc_data_types_and_inputs(OdbcParameters, OdbcDataTypes, OdbcInputs) :- ( transaction_active -> get_transaction_context(TransactionId, _, AccessToken, TransactionTimestamp, _), cql_access_token_to_user_id(AccessToken, UserId) ; otherwise -> UserId = {null}, TransactionId = {null}, TransactionTimestamp = {null} ), odbc_data_types_and_inputs_1(OdbcParameters, UserId, TransactionId, TransactionTimestamp, OdbcDataTypes, OdbcInputs). odbc_data_types_and_inputs_1([], _, _, _, [], []). odbc_data_types_and_inputs_1([OdbcParameter|OdbcParameters], UserId, TransactionId, TransactionTimestamp, [OdbcDataType|OdbcDataTypes], [OdbcInput|OdbcInputs]) :- odbc_data_type_and_input(OdbcParameter, UserId, TransactionId, TransactionTimestamp, OdbcDataType, OdbcInput), !, odbc_data_types_and_inputs_1(OdbcParameters, UserId, TransactionId, TransactionTimestamp, OdbcDataTypes, OdbcInputs). odbc_data_types_and_inputs_1([OdbcParameter|OdbcParameters], UserId, TransactionId, TransactionTimestamp, OdbcDataTypes, OdbcInputs) :- ( OdbcParameter = odbc_parameter(_, _, _, _, OdbcParameterUse, _), OdbcParameterUse == evaluated_update_attribute -> true ; OdbcParameter = odbc_explicit_type_parameter(_, _, OdbcParameterUse), OdbcParameterUse == evaluated_update_attribute -> true ; otherwise -> throw(error(domain_error(odbc_parameter, OdbcParameter), _)) ), odbc_data_types_and_inputs_1(OdbcParameters, UserId, TransactionId, TransactionTimestamp, OdbcDataTypes, OdbcInputs). %% odbc_data_type_and_input(+OdbcParameter, +UserId, +TransactionId, +TransactionTimestamp, -OdbcDataType, -OdbcInput) % % This predicate is called at *runtime* odbc_data_type_and_input(OdbcParameter, UserId, TransactionId, TransactionTimestamp, OdbcDataType, OdbcInput) :- ( OdbcParameter = odbc_parameter(Schema, TableName, AttributeName, ApplicationValue, OdbcParameterUse, OdbcDataTypeOverride) -> ( nonvar(OdbcDataTypeOverride) -> OdbcDataType_1 = OdbcDataTypeOverride % Used for count(a.x) : the type of count is integer, not the type of the attribute a.x being counted ; otherwise -> odbc_data_type(Schema, TableName, AttributeName, OdbcDataType_0), sql_odbc_datatype(OdbcDataType_0, OdbcDataType_1) ) ; OdbcParameter = odbc_explicit_type_parameter(ExplicitOdbcDataType, ApplicationValue, OdbcParameterUse) -> OdbcDataType_1 = ExplicitOdbcDataType, Schema = {null}, TableName = {null}, AttributeName = {null} ), ( OdbcDataType_1 == timestamp -> % t7/7's are sent to the database as text to allow millisecond time resolution. Such resolution % is not quite achievable with SQL Server data type datetime (see http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ms187819.aspx) % but is with datetime2 OdbcDataType = varchar(128) ; OdbcParameterUse == evaluated_update_parameter -> % Accordining to http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/aa258832(SQL.80).aspx maximum precision in SQL Server is 38. % Allowing 20 decimal places means numbers up to 10**18 (a million trillion) can be handled. OdbcDataType = decimal(38, 20) ; otherwise -> OdbcDataType = OdbcDataType_1 ), ( OdbcParameterUse == insert_value ; OdbcParameterUse == update_value ; OdbcParameterUse == where_value ; OdbcParameterUse == top_value ; OdbcParameterUse == evaluated_update_parameter ), ( atom(ApplicationValue) -> Qualifiers = [check_length_if_atom] ; otherwise -> Qualifiers = [] ), ( ( AttributeName == inserted_ ; AttributeName == updated_ ), ApplicationValue == {timestamp} -> % FIXME: This discards a lot of possibly useful information stamp_date_time(TransactionTimestamp, date(Year, Month, Day, Hour, Minute, Seconds, _Offset, _Timezone, _DST), local), Sec is integer(float_integer_part(Seconds)), MilliSec is integer(float_fractional_part(Seconds)*1000), timestamp_to_unambiguous_atom(timestamp(Year, Month, Day, Hour, Minute, Sec, MilliSec), OdbcInput) ; AttributeName == transaction_id_, ApplicationValue == {transaction_id} -> OdbcInput = TransactionId ; ( AttributeName == inserted_by_ ; AttributeName == updated_by_ ), ApplicationValue == {user_id} -> OdbcInput = UserId ; ground(ApplicationValue) -> application_value_to_odbc_value(ApplicationValue, OdbcDataType, Schema, TableName, AttributeName, Qualifiers, OdbcInput) ; nonvar(ApplicationValue), ApplicationValue = error(_, _) -> application_value_to_odbc_value(ApplicationValue, OdbcDataType, Schema, TableName, AttributeName, Qualifiers, OdbcInput) ; nonvar(ApplicationValue), ApplicationValue = application_error(_, _, _) -> application_value_to_odbc_value(ApplicationValue, OdbcDataType, Schema, TableName, AttributeName, Qualifiers, OdbcInput) ; otherwise -> % Definitely a runtime exception (so use throw_exception to get full backtrace) cql_error(application_value_unmappable, 'The value /~w/ being written to ~w.~w.~w cannot be mapped to a term compatible with the ODBC interface', [ApplicationValue, Schema, TableName, AttributeName]) ). sql_odbc_datatype('timestamp without time zone', timestamp) :- !. sql_odbc_datatype(Type, Type). bind_application_values([], []). bind_application_values([ignore_output|Outputs], [_|OdbcOutputs]) :- !, bind_application_values(Outputs, OdbcOutputs). bind_application_values([count(Count)|Outputs], [Count|OdbcOutputs]) :- !, bind_application_values(Outputs, OdbcOutputs). bind_application_values([avg(Avg)|Outputs], [AvgAtom|OdbcOutputs]) :- !, atom_to_term(AvgAtom, AvgFloat, _), rationalize(AvgFloat, Avg), bind_application_values(Outputs, OdbcOutputs). bind_application_values([Output|Outputs], [OdbcOutput|OdbcOutputs]) :- !, ( OdbcOutput == {null} -> % Treat nulls as variables so that outer joins like: % % x :: [a-A] *== y :: [a-A] % % can succeed. If there was no matching row in y, then SQL would return y.a = null which would bind A % to null ... so the query could never succeed unless a.a was null as well. true ; Output = output(Schema, TableName, AttributeName, ApplicationValue)-> odbc_value_to_application_value(Schema, TableName, AttributeName, OdbcOutput, V), ( rational(V), rational(ApplicationValue) -> ApplicationValue =:= V ; ApplicationValue = V ) ), bind_application_values(Outputs, OdbcOutputs). :- if(current_prolog_flag(bounded, false)). rationalize(Float, Rat) :- Rat is rationalize(Float). :- else. rationalize(Float, Float). :- endif. determine_update_table_name_in_implicit_join @ update_table_alias(QueryId, Schema, _, SourceAlias) \ implicit_join(QueryId, @, SubQueryId) <=> dbms(Schema, 'PostgreSQL'), % Don't try and translate it until we can! SourceAlias \== (@) | implicit_join(QueryId, SourceAlias, SubQueryId). determine_update_table_name @ update(QueryId, Schema, TableName, _, _) \ attributes_to_check(QueryId, Schema, @, AttributeNameValuePairs) <=> attributes_to_check(QueryId, Schema, TableName, AttributeNameValuePairs). determine_update_table_name_again @ update(QueryId, Schema, TableName, _, _) \ attributes_to_check(QueryId, Schema, (@@), AttributeNameValuePairs) <=> attributes_to_check(QueryId, Schema, TableName, AttributeNameValuePairs). determine_update_table_key @ update(QueryId, Schema, TableName, _, _) \ update_table_key(QueryId, Schema, Key) <=> % Try and locate a key. First, use the primary key, if possible % Failing that, try any unique key % Failing that, try an identity % Failing that, throw an exception ( database_key(Schema, TableName, _, InvolvedColumns, 'primary key')-> true ; database_key(Schema, TableName, _, InvolvedColumns, unique)-> true ; database_key(Schema, TableName, _, InvolvedColumns, identity)-> true ; database_identity(Schema, TableName, InvolvedColumn)-> InvolvedColumns = [InvolvedColumn] ; otherwise-> cql_error(cannot_join, 'Table ~w does not contain any keys. To do a LEFT OUTER JOIN in an update in PostgreSQL, you must add a key to the table you are trying to update', [TableName]) ), findall(InvolvedColumn-_, member(InvolvedColumn, InvolvedColumns), Key). duplicate_attributes(StateChangeType, % + Schema, % + TableName, % + AttributeNameValuePairs) :- % + attribute_names(AttributeNameValuePairs, AttributeNames), cql_duplicates(AttributeNames, Duplicates), Duplicates \== [], throw(format('Duplicate attributes in CQL ~w: ~w', [StateChangeType, Schema:TableName:Duplicates])). attribute_names([], []). attribute_names([AttributeName-_|AttributeNameValuePairs], [AttributeName|AttributeNames]) :- attribute_names(AttributeNameValuePairs, AttributeNames). check_attributes_1 @ attributes_to_check(_, Schema, TableName, AttributeNameValuePairs) <=> \+ is_list(AttributeNameValuePairs) | throw(format('Attribute LIST expected in CQL: ~w', [Schema:TableName:AttributeNameValuePairs])). check_attributes_2 @ attributes_to_check(QueryId, Schema, TableName, [AttributeNameValuePair|AttributeNameValuePairs]) <=> attribute_to_check(Schema, TableName, AttributeNameValuePair), attributes_to_check(QueryId, Schema, TableName, AttributeNameValuePairs). check_attributes_3 @ attributes_to_check(_, _, _, []) <=> true. check_attribute_1 @ attribute_to_check(Schema, TableName, AttributeNameValuePair) <=> var(AttributeNameValuePair) | throw(format('Variable found in CQL attribute list: ~w', [Schema:TableName:AttributeNameValuePair])). check_attribute_2 @ attribute_to_check(Schema, TableName, AttributeNameValuePair) <=> AttributeNameValuePair \= _-_ | throw(format('Name-value pair expected in CQL attribute list: ~w', [Schema:TableName:AttributeNameValuePair])). check_attribute_3 @ attribute_to_check(Schema, TableName, AttributeName-_) <=> atom(AttributeName), % Don't care about aggregations for this test \+ cql_data_type(Schema, TableName, AttributeName, _, _, _, _, _, _, _) | throw(format('Unknown attribute in CQL attribute list: ~w', [Schema:TableName:AttributeName])). :-multifile(cql_check_value_hook/1). check_attribute_4 @ attribute_to_check(_, _, _-Value) <=> ground(Value), cql_check_value_hook(Value) | throw(format('Invalid constant: ~w', [Value])). check_attribute_5 @ attribute_to_check(_, _, _) <=> true. log_select @ cql_statement_location(FileName, LineNumber) \ log_select(Sql, OdbcInputs) <=> log_selects, atomic_list_concat(CqlAtoms, ?, Sql), embed_odbc_inputs(CqlAtoms, OdbcInputs, SqlAtoms, []), atomic_list_concat(SqlAtoms, SqlWithEmbeddedInputs) | cql_log([], informational, 'CQL\t\t~w\t(~w:~w)', [SqlWithEmbeddedInputs, FileName, LineNumber]). cleanup_log_select @ log_select(_, _) <=> true. embed_odbc_inputs([Atom], []) --> !, [Atom]. embed_odbc_inputs([Atom|Atoms], [OdbcInput|OdbcInputs]) --> [Atom], odbc_input_atom(OdbcInput), embed_odbc_inputs(Atoms, OdbcInputs). % FIXME: This obviously just discards a lot of information! odbc_input_atom(date(Year, Month, Day, Hour, Minute, Seconds, _Offset, _Timezone, _DST)) --> !, {Sec is integer(float_integer_part(Seconds)), MilliSec is integer(float_fractional_part(Seconds)*1000), timestamp_to_unambiguous_atom(timestamp(Year, Month, Day, Hour, Minute, Sec, MilliSec), TimeStampAtom)}, ['\'', TimeStampAtom, '\'']. odbc_input_atom(Atom) --> % This handle decimals as well, which at this point are atoms e.g. '10.000' {atom(Atom), !, atomic_list_concat(SubAtoms, '\'', Atom), atomic_list_concat(SubAtoms, '\'\'', EscapedAtom)}, ['\'', EscapedAtom, '\'']. odbc_input_atom(boolean(true)) --> !, ['1']. odbc_input_atom(boolean(false)) --> !, ['0']. odbc_input_atom({null}) --> !, [null]. odbc_input_atom(Integer) --> [Integer]. log_state_change @ cql_statement_location(FileName, LineNumber) \ log_state_change(Sql, _, OdbcInputs) <=> get_transaction_context(TransactionId, _, AccessToken, _, _), cql_access_token_to_user_id(AccessToken, UserId), cql_log([], informational, 'CQL\t~w\t~w\t ~w\t~q\t(~w:~w)', [UserId, TransactionId, Sql, OdbcInputs, FileName, LineNumber]). no_state_change_actions @ no_state_change_actions(QueryId) \ create_cql_pre_state_change_select_sql(QueryId, _, _, _, _) <=> true. no_statistics_change_actions @ no_state_change_actions(QueryId) \ create_cql_state_change_statistics_sql(QueryId, _, _, _, _) <=> true. update_attributes([], []). update_attributes([odbc_parameter(Schema, TableName, AttributeName, _, update_value, _)|In], [[Schema, TableName, AttributeName]|Out]):- !, update_attributes(In, Out). update_attributes([_|In], Out):- update_attributes(In, Out). create_cql_state_change_statistics_sql @ query_table_alias(QueryId, Schema, TableName, TableAlias) \ create_cql_state_change_statistics_sql(QueryId, StateChangeType, SqlFromTokens, TableName, OdbcParameters) <=> % For an update, the value is only changed if it is included in the update list ( StateChangeType == update -> update_attributes(OdbcParameters, UpdateAttributes), findall(AttributeName, ( member([Schema, TableName, AttributeName], UpdateAttributes), statistic_monitored_attribute(Schema, TableName, AttributeName)), Attributes) ; otherwise-> % For deletes and inserts, it is ALWAYS changed! findall(AttributeName, statistic_monitored_attribute(Schema, TableName, AttributeName), Attributes) ), Attributes \== [] | sql_to_statistic_values_pre_state_change(StateChangeType, Attributes, TableAlias, SelectSql, SqlFromTokens), sql_restriction_parameters(OdbcParameters, OdbcRestrictionParameters), cql_state_change_statistics_sql(QueryId, Schema, TableName, StateChangeType, SelectSql, Attributes, OdbcParameters, OdbcRestrictionParameters). sql_restriction_parameters([], []). sql_restriction_parameters([CompileInstruction:List|T1], [CompileInstruction:L1|T2]):- !, sql_restriction_parameters(List, L1), sql_restriction_parameters(T1, T2). sql_restriction_parameters([H|T1], [H|T2]) :- ( H = odbc_parameter(_, _, _, _, where_value, _) % See CHR type 'OdbcParameter' ; H = odbc_explicit_type_parameter(_, _, where_value) % See CHR type 'OdbcParameter' ), !, sql_restriction_parameters(T1, T2). sql_restriction_parameters([_|T1], T2) :- sql_restriction_parameters(T1, T2). no_statistics_changes @ create_cql_state_change_statistics_sql(_, _, _, _, _) <=> true. create_cql_pre_state_change_select_sql_for_deletes @ query_table_alias(QueryId, Schema, TableName, TableAlias) \ create_cql_pre_state_change_select_sql(QueryId, StateChangeType, SqlFromTokens, TableName, OdbcParametersA) <=> StateChangeType == delete, cql_event_notification_table(Schema, TableName), get_primary_key_attribute_name(Schema, TableName, PrimaryKeyAttributeName) | OdbcParametersB = [odbc_parameter(Schema, TableName, PrimaryKeyAttributeName, _, update_value, _)|OdbcParametersA], sql_to_select_values_pre_state_change(StateChangeType, OdbcParametersB, StateChangeAttributeNames, TableAlias, OdbcRestrictionParameters, SelectSql, SqlFromTokens), cql_pre_state_change_select_sql(QueryId, Schema, TableName, PrimaryKeyAttributeName, SelectSql, StateChangeAttributeNames, OdbcRestrictionParameters). create_state_change_select_sql_for_updates @ update_table_alias(QueryId, Schema, _, TableAlias) \ create_cql_pre_state_change_select_sql(QueryId, StateChangeType, SqlFromTokens, TableName, OdbcParametersA) <=> StateChangeType == update, is_state_change_attribute(StateChangeType, Schema, TableName, _), get_primary_key_attribute_name(Schema, TableName, PrimaryKeyAttributeName) | % Add primary key to list of attributes to be selected if its not already there ( memberchk(odbc_parameter(Schema, TableName, PrimaryKeyAttributeName, _, update_value, _), OdbcParametersA) -> OdbcParametersB = OdbcParametersA ; memberchk(_:odbc_parameter(Schema, TableName, PrimaryKeyAttributeName, _, update_value, _), OdbcParametersA) -> OdbcParametersB = OdbcParametersA ; OdbcParametersB = [odbc_parameter(Schema, TableName, PrimaryKeyAttributeName, _, update_value, _)|OdbcParametersA] ), sql_to_select_values_pre_state_change(StateChangeType, OdbcParametersB, StateChangeAttributeNames, TableAlias, OdbcRestrictionParameters, SelectSql, SqlFromTokens), sql_to_select_values_post_state_change(TableName, StateChangeAttributeNames, PrimaryKeyAttributeName, PostUpdateSelectSql), odbc_data_type(Schema, TableName, PrimaryKeyAttributeName, PrimaryKeyOdbcDataType), cql_pre_state_change_select_sql(QueryId, Schema, TableName, PrimaryKeyAttributeName, SelectSql, StateChangeAttributeNames, OdbcRestrictionParameters), cql_post_state_change_select_sql(QueryId, StateChangeAttributeNames, PrimaryKeyOdbcDataType, PostUpdateSelectSql). identify_row_arising_from_insert_postgres @ postgres_identity(QueryId, Identity) \ identify_insert_row(StateChangeType, QueryId, Schema, TableName, _, Value) <=> StateChangeType == insert, cql_event_notification_table(Schema, TableName), get_primary_key_attribute_name(Schema, TableName, PrimaryKeyAttributeName) | Value = Identity, updated_row_primary_key(QueryId, StateChangeType, Schema, TableName, PrimaryKeyAttributeName, Identity). identify_row_arising_from_insert_mssql @ identify_insert_row(StateChangeType, QueryId, Schema, TableName, Connection, Identity) <=> dbms(Schema, 'Microsoft SQL Server'), StateChangeType == insert, cql_event_notification_table(Schema, TableName), get_primary_key_attribute_name(Schema, TableName, PrimaryKeyAttributeName) | compile_tokens(['SELECT CAST(@@IDENTITY AS INTEGER), COLUMNPROPERTY(OBJECT_ID(\'', table_name(TableName), '\'),\'', attribute_name(PrimaryKeyAttributeName), '\',\'IsIdentity\')'], HalfCompiledSql), fully_compile_sql(HalfCompiledSql, [], [], Sql, _, _), odbc_query(Connection, Sql, row(Identity, IsIdentity)), ( IsIdentity == 1 -> true ; throw(format('~w.~w.~w is not an IDENTITY attribute', [Schema, TableName, PrimaryKeyAttributeName])) ), updated_row_primary_key(QueryId, StateChangeType, Schema, TableName, PrimaryKeyAttributeName, Identity). % FIXME: SQLite cleanup_identify_insert_row @ identify_insert_row(_, _, _, _, _, _) <=> true. pre_state_change_select_statement @ identify_pre_state_change_values(QueryId, StateChangeType, Connection), cql_pre_state_change_select_sql(QueryId, Schema, TableName, PrimaryKeyAttributeName, HalfCompiledSelectSql, StateChangeAttributeNames, HalfCompiledOdbcRestrictionParameters) <=> fully_compile_sql(HalfCompiledSelectSql, HalfCompiledOdbcRestrictionParameters, [], SelectSql, OdbcRestrictionParameters, _), odbc_data_types_and_inputs(OdbcRestrictionParameters, OdbcDataTypes, OdbcInputs), findall(Row, setup_call_cleanup(odbc_prepare(Connection, SelectSql, OdbcDataTypes, PreparedStatement), odbc_execute_with_statistics(PreparedStatement, OdbcInputs, OdbcDataTypes, Row), odbc_free_statement(PreparedStatement)), Rows), updated_rows(QueryId, StateChangeType, pre_state_change, Schema, TableName, PrimaryKeyAttributeName, StateChangeAttributeNames, Rows). pre_state_change_statistics_statement @ identify_pre_state_change_values(QueryId, _, Connection), cql_state_change_statistics_sql(QueryId, Schema, TableName, _, HalfCompiledSelectSql, StateChangeAttributeNames, _, HalfCompiledOdbcRestrictionParameters) ==> % In case statistics are not enabled, do not run this query. This is the only really expensive step. flag(cql_statistics, 1, 1) | fully_compile_sql(HalfCompiledSelectSql, HalfCompiledOdbcRestrictionParameters, [], SelectSql, OdbcRestrictionParameters, _), odbc_data_types_and_inputs(OdbcRestrictionParameters, OdbcDataTypes, OdbcInputs), forall(setup_call_cleanup(odbc_prepare(Connection, SelectSql, OdbcDataTypes, PreparedStatement), odbc_execute_with_statistics(PreparedStatement, OdbcInputs, OdbcDataTypes, Row), odbc_free_statement(PreparedStatement)), process_statistics_pre_state_changes(StateChangeAttributeNames, Schema, TableName, Row)). process_statistics_post_state_changes(_, _, [], _, _). process_statistics_post_state_changes(Schema, TableName, [AttributeName|AttributeNames], Values, N):- memberchk(odbc_parameter(Schema, TableName, AttributeName, Value, update_value, _), Values), statistic_monitored_attribute_change(Schema, TableName, AttributeName, Value, N), process_statistics_post_state_changes(Schema, TableName, AttributeNames, Values, N). process_statistics_pre_state_changes(StateChangeAttributeNames, Schema, TableName, Row):- Row =.. [row|Args], process_statistics_pre_state_changes_1(StateChangeAttributeNames, Schema, TableName, Args). process_statistics_pre_state_changes_1([], _, _, []):- !. process_statistics_pre_state_changes_1([MonitoredAttribute|Attributes], Schema, TableName, [Status, Count|Args]):- statistic_monitored_attribute_change(Schema, TableName, MonitoredAttribute, Status, -Count), process_statistics_pre_state_changes_1(Attributes, Schema, TableName, Args). cleanup_identify_pre_state_change_values @ identify_pre_state_change_values(_, _, _) <=> true. updated_rows @ updated_rows(QueryId, StateChangeType, % delete ; update When, Schema, TableName, PrimaryKeyAttributeName, StateChangeAttributeNames, [Row|Rows]) <=> Row =.. [row|OdbcOutputs], label_odbc_outputs(StateChangeAttributeNames, OdbcOutputs, Nvps), select(PrimaryKeyAttributeName-PrimaryKeyValue, Nvps, LabelledOdbcOutputs), ( When == pre_state_change -> updated_row_primary_key(QueryId, StateChangeType, Schema, TableName, PrimaryKeyAttributeName, PrimaryKeyValue) ; true ), updated_row(QueryId, StateChangeType, When, Schema, TableName, PrimaryKeyAttributeName, PrimaryKeyValue, LabelledOdbcOutputs), updated_rows(QueryId, StateChangeType, When, Schema, TableName, PrimaryKeyAttributeName, StateChangeAttributeNames, Rows). cleanup_updated_rows @ updated_rows(_, _, _, _, _, _, _, []) <=> true. state_change_value_from_updated_row @ updated_row(QueryId, StateChangeType, When, Schema, TableName, PrimaryKeyAttributeName, PrimaryKeyValue, [AttributeName-OdbcOutput|LabelledOdbcOutputs]) <=> state_change_value(QueryId, StateChangeType, When, Schema, TableName, PrimaryKeyAttributeName, PrimaryKeyValue, AttributeName, OdbcOutput), updated_row(QueryId, StateChangeType, When, Schema, TableName, PrimaryKeyAttributeName, PrimaryKeyValue, LabelledOdbcOutputs). cleanup_updated_row @ % Should get here only for deletes (because no attributes are changed in a delete) updated_row(_, _, _, _, _, _, _, _) <=> true. sql_to_statistic_values_pre_state_change(StateChangeType, StateChangeAttributeNames, TableAlias, SelectSql, SqlTokens):- sql_to_statistic_values_pre_state_change_1(StateChangeType, StateChangeAttributeNames, StateChangeAttributeNames, TableAlias, SelectSqlTokens, SqlTokens), group_by_clause(StateChangeType, StateChangeAttributeNames, TableAlias, GroupSqlTokens, []), append([SelectSqlTokens, GroupSqlTokens], QueryTokens), compile_tokens(QueryTokens, SelectSql). group_by_clause(StateChangeType, StateChangeAttributeNames, TableAlias)--> [' GROUP BY '], state_change_select_statistic_sql_group(StateChangeType, StateChangeAttributeNames, TableAlias). sql_to_statistic_values_pre_state_change_1(StateChangeType, StateChangeAttributeNames, StateChangeAttributeNames, TableAlias) --> ['SELECT '], state_change_select_statistic_sql(StateChangeType, StateChangeAttributeNames, TableAlias). sql_to_select_values_pre_state_change(StateChangeType, OdbcParameters, StateChangeAttributeNames, TableAlias, OdbcRestrictionParameters, SelectSql, SqlTokens) :- sql_to_select_values_pre_state_change_1(StateChangeType, OdbcParameters, StateChangeAttributeNames, TableAlias, OdbcRestrictionParameters, SelectSqlTokens, SqlTokens), compile_tokens(SelectSqlTokens, SelectSql). sql_to_select_values_pre_state_change_1(delete, OdbcParameters, [PrimaryKeyAttributeName], _, OdbcRestrictionParameters) --> !, {odbc_parameters_for_state_change(OdbcParameters, delete, [_-PrimaryKeyAttributeName], OdbcRestrictionParameters, [])}, ['SELECT ', attribute_name(PrimaryKeyAttributeName)]. sql_to_select_values_pre_state_change_1(update, OdbcParameters, StateChangeAttributeNames, TableAlias, OdbcRestrictionParameters) --> {odbc_parameters_for_state_change(OdbcParameters, update, KeyedStateChangeAttributeNames, OdbcRestrictionParameters, []), keysort(KeyedStateChangeAttributeNames, SortedKeyedStateChangeAttributeNames), cql_strip_sort_keys(SortedKeyedStateChangeAttributeNames, StateChangeAttributeNames)}, ['SELECT '], state_change_select_select_sql(StateChangeAttributeNames, TableAlias). odbc_parameters_for_state_change([], _, [], Tail, Tail). odbc_parameters_for_state_change([CompileInstruction:ListOfInstructions|Parameters], StateChangeType, AttributeNames, Output, Tail):- % Preserve the compile instructions !, odbc_parameters_for_state_change(ListOfInstructions, StateChangeType, AttributeNames, NewList, []), ( NewList == [] -> Output = T1 ; otherwise-> Output = [CompileInstruction:NewList|T1] ), odbc_parameters_for_state_change(Parameters, StateChangeType, AttributeNames, T1, Tail). odbc_parameters_for_state_change([odbc_parameter(Schema, TableName, AttributeName, _, OdbcParameterUse, _)|OdbcParameters], % + StateChangeType, % + [SortKey-AttributeName|AttributeNames], % ? OdbcRestrictionParameters, % ? Tail) :- % ? ( OdbcParameterUse == update_value ; OdbcParameterUse == evaluated_update_attribute ), ( is_state_change_attribute(StateChangeType, Schema, TableName, AttributeName) ; primary_key_column_name(Schema, TableName, AttributeName) ), !, cql_data_type(Schema, TableName, AttributeName, _, CharacterMaximumLength, _, _, _, _, _), % Get this so we can select longest fields last and so avoid the INVALID DESCRIPTOR INDEX bug ( integer(CharacterMaximumLength) -> SortKey = CharacterMaximumLength ; CharacterMaximumLength == max-> SortKey = 65535 ; otherwise-> SortKey = 0 ), odbc_parameters_for_state_change(OdbcParameters, StateChangeType, AttributeNames, OdbcRestrictionParameters, Tail). odbc_parameters_for_state_change([odbc_parameter(Schema, TableName, AttributeName, ApplicationValue, where_value, OdbcDataTypeOverride)|OdbcParameters], StateChangeType, StateChangeAttributeNames, [odbc_parameter(Schema, TableName, AttributeName, ApplicationValue, where_value, OdbcDataTypeOverride)|OdbcRestrictionParameters], Tail) :- !, odbc_parameters_for_state_change(OdbcParameters, StateChangeType, StateChangeAttributeNames, OdbcRestrictionParameters, Tail). odbc_parameters_for_state_change([odbc_explicit_type_parameter(Type, ApplicationValue, where_value)|OdbcParameters], StateChangeType, StateChangeAttributeNames, [odbc_explicit_type_parameter(Type, ApplicationValue, where_value)|OdbcRestrictionParameters], Tail) :- !, odbc_parameters_for_state_change(OdbcParameters, StateChangeType, StateChangeAttributeNames, OdbcRestrictionParameters, Tail). odbc_parameters_for_state_change([_|OdbcParameters], StateChangeType, StateChangeAttributeNames, OdbcRestrictionParameters, Tail) :- odbc_parameters_for_state_change(OdbcParameters, StateChangeType, StateChangeAttributeNames, OdbcRestrictionParameters, Tail). state_change_select_select_sql([AttributeName], TableAlias) --> !, [TableAlias, '.', attribute_name(AttributeName)]. state_change_select_select_sql([AttributeName|Outputs], TableAlias) --> [TableAlias, '.', attribute_name(AttributeName), ', '], state_change_select_select_sql(Outputs, TableAlias). state_change_select_statistic_sql(update, [AttributeName], TableAlias) --> !, [TableAlias, '.', attribute_name(AttributeName), ', count(', TableAlias, '.', attribute_name(AttributeName), ')']. state_change_select_statistic_sql(update, [AttributeName|Outputs], TableAlias) --> [TableAlias, '.', attribute_name(AttributeName), ', count(', TableAlias, '.', attribute_name(AttributeName), '), '], state_change_select_statistic_sql(update, Outputs, TableAlias). state_change_select_statistic_sql(delete, [AttributeName], _) --> !, [attribute_name(AttributeName), ', count(', attribute_name(AttributeName), ')']. state_change_select_statistic_sql(delete, [AttributeName|Outputs], TableAlias) --> [attribute_name(AttributeName), ', count(', attribute_name(AttributeName), '), '], state_change_select_statistic_sql(delete, Outputs, TableAlias). state_change_select_statistic_sql_group(update, [AttributeName], TableAlias) --> !, [TableAlias, '.', attribute_name(AttributeName)]. state_change_select_statistic_sql_group(update, [AttributeName|Outputs], TableAlias) --> [TableAlias, '.', attribute_name(AttributeName), ', '], state_change_select_statistic_sql_group(update, Outputs, TableAlias). state_change_select_statistic_sql_group(delete, [AttributeName], _) --> !, [attribute_name(AttributeName)]. state_change_select_statistic_sql_group(delete, [AttributeName|Outputs], TableAlias) --> [attribute_name(AttributeName), ', '], state_change_select_statistic_sql_group(delete, Outputs, TableAlias). get_primary_key_attribute_name(Schema, TableName, PrimaryKeyAttributeName) :- ( primary_key_column_name(Schema, TableName, PrimaryKeyAttributeName) -> true ; throw(format('No primary key attribute defined for ~w', [Schema:TableName])) ). label_odbc_outputs([], [], []). label_odbc_outputs([AttributeName|AttributeNames], [OdbcOutput|OdbcOutputs], [AttributeName-OdbcOutput|LabelledOdbcOutputs]) :- label_odbc_outputs(AttributeNames, OdbcOutputs, LabelledOdbcOutputs). sql_to_select_values_post_state_change(TableName, StateChangeAttributeNames, PrimaryKeyAttributeName, PostUpdateSelectSql) :- sql_to_select_values_post_state_change_1(TableName, StateChangeAttributeNames, PrimaryKeyAttributeName, PostUpdateSelectSqlTokens, []), compile_tokens(PostUpdateSelectSqlTokens, PostUpdateSelectSql). sql_to_select_values_post_state_change_1(TableName, StateChangeAttributeNames, PrimaryKeyAttributeName) --> ['SELECT '], state_change_select_attributes(StateChangeAttributeNames), [' FROM ', table_name(TableName)], [' WHERE '], [attribute_name(PrimaryKeyAttributeName), '= ?']. state_change_select_attributes([AttributeName]) --> !, state_change_select_attribute(AttributeName). state_change_select_attributes([AttributeName|AttributeNames]) --> state_change_select_attribute(AttributeName), [', '], state_change_select_attributes(AttributeNames). state_change_select_attribute(AttributeName) --> [attribute_name(AttributeName)]. post_state_change_select_statement @ identify_post_state_change_values(QueryId, Connection), cql_post_state_change_select_sql(QueryId, StateChangeAttributeNames, PrimaryKeyOdbcDataType, HalfCompiledPostUpdateSelectSql) <=> fully_compile_sql(HalfCompiledPostUpdateSelectSql, [], [], PostUpdateSelectSql, _, _), odbc_prepare(Connection, PostUpdateSelectSql, [PrimaryKeyOdbcDataType], PreparedStatement), post_state_change_select_statement(QueryId, StateChangeAttributeNames, PrimaryKeyOdbcDataType, PreparedStatement). cleanup_cql_post_state_change_select_sql @ cleanup_cql_post_state_change_select_sql(QueryId), cql_post_state_change_select_sql(QueryId, _, _, _) <=> true. cleanup_identify_post_state_change_values @ identify_post_state_change_values(_, _) <=> true. cleanup_cleanup_cql_post_state_change_select_sql @ cleanup_cql_post_state_change_select_sql(_) <=> true. post_state_change_values @ post_state_change_select_statement(QueryId, StateChangeAttributeNames, PrimaryKeyOdbcDataType, PreparedStatement), updated_row_primary_key(QueryId, StateChangeType, Schema, TableName, PrimaryKeyAttributeName, PrimaryKeyValue) ==> odbc_execute_with_statistics(PreparedStatement, [PrimaryKeyValue], [PrimaryKeyOdbcDataType], Row), updated_rows(QueryId, StateChangeType, post_state_change, Schema, TableName, PrimaryKeyAttributeName, StateChangeAttributeNames, [Row]). cleanup_post_state_change_select_statement @ post_state_change_select_statement(_, _, _, PreparedStatement) <=> odbc_free_statement(PreparedStatement). is_state_change_attribute(StateChangeType, % + Schema, % + TableName, % + AttributeName) :- % + once(( cql_event_notification_table(Schema, TableName) ; StateChangeType == update, cql_history_attribute(Schema, TableName, AttributeName) )). call_row_change_hooks @ call_row_change_hooks(QueryId, Connection) <=> call_history_hook(QueryId, Connection), event(QueryId). debug_state_change_value @ state_change_value(QueryId, StateChangeType, When, Schema, TableName, PrimaryKeyAttributeName, PrimaryKeyValue, AttributeName, OdbcOutput) ==> debug(cql(history), '~w', [state_change_value(QueryId, StateChangeType, When, Schema, TableName, PrimaryKeyAttributeName, PrimaryKeyValue, AttributeName, OdbcOutput)]). call_history_hook @ call_history_hook(QueryId, Connection) \ state_change_value(QueryId, update, pre_state_change, Schema, TableName, PrimaryKeyAttributeName, PrimaryKeyValue, AttributeName, OdbcValueBefore), state_change_value(QueryId, update, post_state_change, Schema, TableName, PrimaryKeyAttributeName, PrimaryKeyValue, AttributeName, OdbcValueAfter) <=> debug(cql(history), '(1): ~w, ~w, ~w, ~w, ~w', [Schema, TableName, PrimaryKeyAttributeName, PrimaryKeyValue, AttributeName]), \+ memberchk(AttributeName, [PrimaryKeyAttributeName, inserted_, updated_, transaction_id_, generation_]), debug(cql(history), '(2): ~w, ~w, ~w, ~w, ~w', [Schema, TableName, PrimaryKeyAttributeName, PrimaryKeyValue, AttributeName]), get_transaction_context(TransactionId, _, AccessToken, TransactionTimestamp, _), thread_self(ThreadId), database_transaction_query_info(ThreadId, Goal, Info), debug(cql(history), '(3): ~w, ~w, ~w, ~w, ~w', [Schema, TableName, PrimaryKeyAttributeName, PrimaryKeyValue, AttributeName]), odbc_value_to_application_value(Schema, TableName, AttributeName, OdbcValueBefore, ApplicationValueBefore), odbc_value_to_application_value(Schema, TableName, AttributeName, OdbcValueAfter, ApplicationValueAfter), debug(cql(history), '(4): ~w, ~w, ~w, ~w, ~w', [Schema, TableName, PrimaryKeyAttributeName, PrimaryKeyValue, AttributeName]), ignore(catch(history_hook(Schema, TableName, AttributeName, PrimaryKeyAttributeName, PrimaryKeyValue, ApplicationValueBefore, ApplicationValueAfter, AccessToken, Info, TransactionId, TransactionTimestamp, ThreadId, Connection, Goal), E, cql_log([], error, 'Error in history hook: ~p', [E]))), fail ; true. history_hook(Schema, % + TableName, % + AttributeName, % + PrimaryKeyAttributeName, % + PrimaryKeyValue, % + ApplicationValueBefore, % + ApplicationValueAfter, % + AccessToken, % + Info, % + TransactionId, % + TransactionTimestamp, % + ThreadId, % + Connection, % + Goal) :- % + % Need this because CHR rule call_history_hook is also called for attributes % identified in pql_event_notification_table/2. We don't necessarily want these % turning up in history cql_history_attribute(Schema, TableName, AttributeName), % Call the actual hook update_history(Schema, TableName, AttributeName, PrimaryKeyAttributeName, PrimaryKeyValue, ApplicationValueBefore, ApplicationValueAfter, AccessToken, Info, TransactionId, TransactionTimestamp, ThreadId, Connection, Goal). cleanup_call_history_hook @ call_history_hook(_, _) <=> true. call_event_hook @ event(QueryId) \ updated_row_primary_key(QueryId, StateChangeType, Schema, TableName, PrimaryKeyAttributeName, PrimaryKeyValue) <=> get_transaction_context(_, _, AccessToken, _, _), save_database_event(AccessToken, StateChangeType, % insert ; update ; delete Schema, TableName, PrimaryKeyAttributeName, PrimaryKeyValue), fail ; true. cleanup_event @ event(_) <=> true. %tokens_to_atom(Tokens, Sql) :- % tokens_to_atoms(Tokens, Atoms), % atomic_list_concat(Atoms, Sql). compile_tokens(Tokens, CompiledTokens):- tokens_to_atoms(Tokens, CompiledTokens). tokens_to_atoms([], []). tokens_to_atoms([Condition:List|Tokens], [Condition:CompiledList|Atoms]) :- !, tokens_to_atoms(List, CompiledList), tokens_to_atoms(Tokens, Atoms). tokens_to_atoms([attribute_name(AttributeName)|Tokens], [AttributeNameUc|Atoms]) :- !, map_database_atom(AttributeName, AttributeNameUc), tokens_to_atoms(Tokens, Atoms). tokens_to_atoms([table_name(TableName)|Tokens], [TableNameUc|Atoms]) :- !, map_database_atom(TableName, TableNameUc), tokens_to_atoms(Tokens, Atoms). tokens_to_atoms([Atom|Tokens], [Atom|Atoms]) :- tokens_to_atoms(Tokens, Atoms). % The formatting of the output needs to be kept in sync with std:show_result/9 debug_before @ show_debug(Mode) \ debug_before(Sql, Schema, Parameters) <=> dbms(Schema, DBMS), ( atom_codes(Sql, SqlCodes), sql_tokens(Tokens, SqlCodes, []), sql_parse(action(Expression, _Types), _, [dbms(DBMS)], Tokens)-> ( ( Mode == full ; Mode == minimal ; DBMS == 'PostgreSQL')-> % Postgresql does not support the DECLARE .... stuff, so just print it out using full mode findall(Binding, ( member(odbc_parameter(_, _, _, Binding, Disposition, _), Parameters), Disposition \== evaluated_update_attribute ), Bindings), ( with_output_to(atom(HSql), sql_write(current_output, Expression, [dbms(DBMS), parameter_bindings(Bindings), suppress_collations, suppress_trivial_conditions]))-> true ; otherwise-> HSql = '' ) ; Mode == explicit -> Counter = counter(0), aggregate_all(r(bag(Declaration), bag(Assignment), bag(ParameterName)), ( member(odbc_parameter(Schema, TableName, AttributeName, Binding, Disposition, _), Parameters), arg(1, Counter, I), II is I + 1, nb_setarg(1, Counter, II), Disposition \== evaluated_update_attribute, once(declaration_sql(Schema, TableName, AttributeName, Binding, I, Declaration, Assignment, ParameterName)) ), r(Declarations, Assignments, Bindings)), atomic_list_concat(Declarations, ', ', H1), atomic_list_concat(Assignments, '\n', H2), ( with_output_to(atom(H3), sql_write(current_output, Expression, [dbms(DBMS), parameter_bindings(Bindings), suppress_collations, suppress_trivial_conditions]))-> atomic_list_concat([H1, H2, H3], '\n', HSql) ; otherwise-> HSql = '' ) )-> true ; otherwise-> HSql = '' ), HBindings = [], thread_self(ThreadId), cql_port_label(call, PortName, Colour), ( Mode == full -> format(atom(HumanSql), HSql, HBindings), ansi_format([], '[~w] ~|', [ThreadId]), ansi_format([fg(Colour), bold], '~w', [PortName]), ansi_format([], '~n~w~n', [HumanSql]) ; Mode == minimal -> format(atom(VerboseHumanSql), HSql, HBindings), remove_newlines_and_truncate(VerboseHumanSql, HumanSql), ansi_format([], '[~w] ~|', [ThreadId]), ansi_format([fg(Colour), bold], '~w', [PortName]), ansi_format([], '~w~n', [HumanSql]) ; Mode == explicit -> format(atom(HumanSql), HSql, HBindings), ansi_format([], '[~w] ~|', [ThreadId]), ansi_format([fg(Colour), bold], '~w', [PortName]), ansi_format([], '~n~w~n', [HumanSql]) ), original_human_query(HumanSql). declaration_sql(Schema, TableName, AttributeName, Binding, I, Declaration, Assignment, Parameter):- format(atom(ParameterName), '@P~w', [I]), attribute_domain(Schema, TableName, AttributeName, Domain), domain_database_data_type(Domain, Type), format(atom(Declaration), 'DECLARE ~w ~w', [ParameterName, Type]), format(atom(Assignment), 'SET ~w = ~C', [ParameterName, Binding]), Parameter = parameter(ParameterName). debug_after @ show_debug(Mode), debug_statistics(C1, T1, I1), original_human_query(HumanSql) \ debug_after(Reason, Outputs) <=> statistics(inferences, I2), cql_perf_time(T2), statistics(cputime, C2), ElapsedTime is T2 - T1, CpuTime is C2 - C1, Inferences is I2 - I1 - 5, % ? How many to subtract for CHR?! functor(Reason, Port, _), thread_self(ThreadId), cql_port_label(Port, PortName, Colour), ( memberchk(Port, [!, exit]) -> ( Outputs == [ignore_output] -> ansi_format([], '[~w] ~|', [ThreadId]), ansi_format([fg(Colour), bold], '~w', [PortName]), ansi_format([], '~w', [HumanSql]), ansi_format([], ' (~6fs, ~2fcpu, ~D inferences)~n', [ElapsedTime, CpuTime, Inferences]) ; otherwise -> ( Mode == minimal -> ansi_format([], '[~w] ~|', [ThreadId]), ansi_format([fg(Colour), bold], '~w', [PortName]), ansi_format([], '~w', [HumanSql]), ansi_format([], ' (~6fs, ~2fcpu, ~D inferences)~n', [ElapsedTime, CpuTime, Inferences]) ; Outputs = affected(N)-> ansi_format([], '[~w] ~|', [ThreadId]), ansi_format([fg(Colour), bold], 'Number of rows affected: ', []), ansi_format([], '~w~n', [N]), ansi_format([], ' (~6fs, ~2fcpu, ~D inferences)~n', [ElapsedTime, CpuTime, Inferences]) ; Outputs = identity(N)-> ansi_format([], '[~w] ~|', [ThreadId]), ansi_format([fg(Colour), bold], 'Identity of inserted row: ', []), ansi_format([], '~w~n', [N]), ansi_format([], ' (~6fs, ~2fcpu, ~D inferences)~n', [ElapsedTime, CpuTime, Inferences]) ; otherwise -> selection_results(Outputs, Results), atomic_list_concat(Results, '\n ', Debug), ansi_format([], '[~w] ~|', [ThreadId]), ansi_format([fg(Colour), bold], 'Result: ', []), ansi_format([], '~w~n', [Debug]), ansi_format([], ' (~6fs, ~2fcpu, ~D inferences)~n', [ElapsedTime, CpuTime, Inferences]) ) ) ; Port == fail -> ( Mode == minimal -> ansi_format([], '[~w] ~|', [ThreadId]), ansi_format([fg(Colour), bold], '~w', [PortName]), ansi_format([], '~w', [HumanSql]) ; otherwise -> ansi_format([], '[~w] ~|', [ThreadId]), ansi_format([fg(Colour), bold], '~w', [PortName]) ), ansi_format([], ' (~6fs, ~2fcpu, ~D inferences)~n', [ElapsedTime, CpuTime, Inferences]) ). no_debug_before @ debug_before(_, _, _) <=> true. no_debug_after @ debug_after(_, _) <=> true. cleanup_compile \ absence_of_where_restriction_is_deliberate <=> true. cleanup_compile \ attribute_binding(_, _, _) <=> true. cleanup_compile \ attribute_for_group_by(_, _, _, _) <=> true. cleanup_compile \ attribute_for_order_by(_, _, _, _) <=> true. cleanup_compile \ attributes_to_check(_, _, _, _) <=> true. cleanup_compile \ check_for_orphan_distincts <=> true. cleanup_compile \ check_for_orphan_group_bys <=> true. cleanup_compile \ check_for_orphan_order_bys <=> true. cleanup_compile \ check_for_orphan_select_attributes_in_aggregations <=> true. cleanup_compile \ check_for_orphan_select_variables_in_updates <=> true. cleanup_compile \ check_for_unjoined_tables <=> true. cleanup_compile \ comparison(_, _, _, _) <=> true. cleanup_compile \ compile_mode(_) <=> true. cleanup_compile \ copy_of_from(_, _, _, _) <=> true. cleanup_compile \ create_join_points <=> true. cleanup_compile \ create_cql_pre_state_change_select_sql(_, _, _, _, _) <=> true. cleanup_compile \ determine_select_distinctions <=> true. cleanup_compile \ generate_sub_query_sql <=> true. cleanup_compile \ ignore_if_null(_, _) <=> true. cleanup_compile \ implicit_join(_, _, _) <=> true. cleanup_compile \ join_alias(_, _, _) <=> true. cleanup_compile \ join_leaf(_, _) <=> true. cleanup_compile \ join_pointer(_, _) <=> true. cleanup_compile \ join_tree_nodes(_, _) <=> true. cleanup_compile \ join_variable(_) <=> true. cleanup_compile \ limit(_, _, _) <=> true. cleanup_compile \ next_group_by_attribute_needs_comma(_) <=> true. cleanup_compile \ next_order_by_attribute_needs_comma(_) <=> true. cleanup_compile \ next_in_list_value_needs_comma(_) <=> true. cleanup_compile \ no_state_change_actions(_) <=> true. cleanup_compile \ nolock(_, _) <=> true. cleanup_compile \ on(_, _, _) <=> true. cleanup_compile \ order_bys(_, _) <=> true. cleanup_compile \ outer_side_join(_) <=> true. cleanup_compile \ phase(_, _) <=> true. cleanup_compile \ query(_, _, _) <=> true. cleanup_compile \ query_table_alias(_, _, _, _) <=> true. cleanup_compile \ query_type(_, _) <=> true. cleanup_compile \ restriction_tree(_, _, _) <=> true. cleanup_compile \ equality_restriction_variable(_, equality_restriction_variable_used) <=> true. cleanup_compile \ search_for_join_aliases(_, _, _) <=> true. cleanup_compile \ select_attribute(_, _, _, _, _) <=> true. cleanup_compile \ select_attribute_written(_) <=> true. cleanup_compile \ select_attributes_for_disjunction_comparison(_, _) <=> true. cleanup_compile \ select_binding(_, _, _, _) <=> true. cleanup_compile \ select_distinction(_, _) <=> true. cleanup_compile \ selection_type(_, _) <=> true. cleanup_compile \ simplify <=> true. cleanup_compile \ state_change_query(_, _, _, _) <=> true. cleanup_compile \ sql_statement(_, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _) <=> true. cleanup_compile \ sub_query_join_variable(_) <=> true. cleanup_compile \ sub_query_select(_) <=> true. cleanup_compile \ top(_, _, _) <=> true. cleanup_compile \ union_outputs(_, _, _) <=> true. cleanup_compile \ update(_, _, _, _, _) <=> true. cleanup_compile \ update_table_alias(_, _, _, _) <=> true. cleanup_compile \ where_restriction_variable(_) <=> true. cleanup_compile \ write_group_bys(_) <=> true. cleanup_compile \ write_in_list(_, _, _, _, _, _) <=> true. cleanup_compile \ write_join_ons(_, _) <=> true. cleanup_compile \ write_query_sql <=> true. cleanup_compile \ write_restriction_tree(_, _, _) <=> true. cleanup_compile \ write_select_attributes(_) <=> true. cleanup_compile \ write_sql(_, _, _, _, _, _, _) <=> true. cleanup_compile <=> true. no_duplicate_where_restriction_variable @ where_restriction_variable(Variable) \ where_restriction_variable(Variable) <=> true. share_variables_with_removed_query @ remove_query(RemovedQueryId, ReplacementQueryId), conjunction_variable(RemovedQueryId, ExternalVariable, OldWhereRestrictionVariable), conjunction_variable(ReplacementQueryId, ExternalVariable, NewWhereRestrictionVariable) ==> OldWhereRestrictionVariable = NewWhereRestrictionVariable. remove_query(QueryId, _) \ aggregation_sub_query(QueryId, _, _, _, _, _) <=> true. remove_query(QueryId, _) \ aggregation_variable(QueryId, _, _) <=> true. remove_query(QueryId, _) \ attribute_binding(QueryId, _, _) <=> true. remove_query(QueryId, _) \ attribute_for_group_by(QueryId, _, _, _) <=> true. remove_query(QueryId, _) \ attribute_for_order_by(QueryId, _, _, _) <=> true. remove_query(QueryId, _) \ attributes_to_check(QueryId, _, _, _) <=> true. remove_query(QueryId, _) \ comparison(QueryId, _, _, _) <=> true. remove_query(QueryId, _) \ create_cql_pre_state_change_select_sql(QueryId, _, _, _, _) <=> true. remove_query(QueryId, _) \ distinct(QueryId, _) <=> true. remove_query(QueryId, _) \ group_by(QueryId, _) <=> true. remove_query(QueryId, _) \ join(QueryId, _, _, _, _) <=> true. remove_query(QueryId, _) \ join_alias(QueryId, _, _) <=> true. remove_query(QueryId, _) \ join_leaf(QueryId, _) <=> true. remove_query(QueryId, _) \ join_pointer(QueryId, _) <=> true. remove_query(QueryId, _) \ join_tree_node(QueryId, _, _) <=> true. remove_query(QueryId, _) \ join_tree_nodes(QueryId, _) <=> true. remove_query(QueryId, _) \ next_group_by_attribute_needs_comma(QueryId) <=> true. remove_query(QueryId, _) \ phase(QueryId, _) <=> true. remove_query(QueryId, _) \ query(QueryId, _, _) <=> true. remove_query(QueryId, _) \ query_type(QueryId, _) <=> true. remove_query(QueryId, _) \ restriction_tree(QueryId, _, _) <=> true. remove_query(QueryId, _) \ search_for_join_aliases(QueryId, _, _) <=> true. remove_query(QueryId, _) \ select_attribute(QueryId, _, _, _, _) <=> true. remove_query(QueryId, _) \ select_attribute_written(QueryId) <=> true. remove_query(QueryId, _) \ select_attributes_for_disjunction_comparison(QueryId, _) <=> true. remove_query(QueryId, _) \ select_binding(QueryId, _, _, _) <=> true. remove_query(QueryId, _) \ select_distinction(QueryId, _) <=> true. remove_query(QueryId, _) \ selection_type(QueryId, _) <=> true. remove_query(QueryId, _) \ sql_not(QueryId, _) <=> true. remove_query(QueryId, _) \ sql_statement(QueryId, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _) <=> true. remove_query(QueryId, _) \ sub_query(QueryId, _, _, _) <=> true. remove_query(QueryId, _) \ sub_query_select(QueryId) <=> true. remove_query(QueryId, _) \ union_outputs(QueryId, _, _) <=> true. remove_query(QueryId, _) \ update(QueryId, _, _, _, _) <=> true. remove_query(QueryId, _) \ update_table_alias(QueryId, _, _, _) <=> true. remove_query(QueryId, _) \ write_group_bys(QueryId) <=> true. remove_query(QueryId, _) \ write_join(QueryId, _) <=> true. remove_query(QueryId, _) \ write_join_ons(QueryId, _) <=> true. remove_query(QueryId, _) \ write_restriction_tree(QueryId, _, _) <=> true. remove_query(QueryId, _) \ write_select_attributes(QueryId) <=> true. remove_query(QueryId, _) \ write_sql(QueryId, _, _, _, _, _, _) <=> true. remove_query(_, _) <=> true. nonvar_is_never_singleton @ not_a_singleton(Value) <=> nonvar(Value) | true. collect_constraints_that_must_be_recreated_for_use_at_runtime @ collect_runtime_constraints(RuntimeConstraints), runtime_constraints(Constraints) <=> RuntimeConstraints = Constraints. cn01 @ conjunction_variable(A, B, C), runtime_constraints(Constraints) <=> runtime_constraints((conjunction_variable(A, B, C), Constraints)). cn02 @ odbc_select_disjunction(A), runtime_constraints(Constraints) <=> runtime_constraints((A, Constraints)). % Make the disjunction visible to the Prolog compiler (compile-time CQL) cn03 @ cql_odbc_state_change_statement(A, B, C, D, E, F, G), runtime_constraints(Constraints) <=> runtime_constraints((cql_odbc_state_change_statement(A, B, C, D, E, F, G), Constraints)). cn04 @ cql_identity(A, B, C), runtime_constraints(Constraints) <=> runtime_constraints((cql_identity(A, B, C), Constraints)). cn05 @ cql_pre_state_change_select_sql(A, B, C, D, E, F, G), runtime_constraints(Constraints) <=> runtime_constraints((cql_pre_state_change_select_sql(A, B, C, D, E, F, G), Constraints)). cn06 @ cql_post_state_change_select_sql(A, B, C, D), runtime_constraints(Constraints) <=> runtime_constraints((cql_post_state_change_select_sql(A, B, C, D), Constraints)). cn07 @ row_count(A, B), runtime_constraints(Constraints) <=> runtime_constraints((row_count(A, B), Constraints)). cn08 @ cql_statement_location(A, B), runtime_constraints(Constraints) <=> runtime_constraints((cql_statement_location(A, B), Constraints)). cn09 @ in_line_format(A, B, C, D), runtime_constraints(Constraints) <=> runtime_constraints((in_line_format(A, B, C, D), Constraints)). cn12 @ cql_state_change_statistics_sql(A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H), runtime_constraints(Constraints) <=> runtime_constraints((cql_state_change_statistics_sql(A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H), Constraints)). cn13 @ runtime_instantiation_check(_, Variable), runtime_constraints(Constraints) <=> runtime_constraints((cql_var_check(Variable), Constraints)). cn14 @ not_a_singleton(Variable), runtime_constraints(Constraints) <=> runtime_constraints((Variable=Variable, Constraints)). clean_up_statistics @ no_debug \ debug_statistics(_,_,_) <=> true. clean_up_hsql @ no_debug \ original_human_query(_) <=> true. finish_debug @ show_debug(_), no_debug <=> true. %% cql_show(:Goal, +Mode) % % Called when ?/1, ??/1, and ???/1 applied to CQL % % @param Goal goal term % @param Mode minimal ; explicit ; full :-meta_predicate cql_show(0, +). cql_show(Goal, Mode):- statistics(cputime, C1), cql_perf_time(T1), statistics(inferences, I1), debug_statistics(C1, T1, I1), show_debug(Mode), Goal, no_debug. selection_results([], []):- !. selection_results([output(_Schema, TableName, ColumnName, Value)|Selections], [Result|Results]):- format(atom(Result), '~w.~w = ~q', [TableName, ColumnName, Value]), selection_results(Selections, Results). generic_type(decimal(_,_), decimal):-!. generic_type(varchar(_), varchar):-!. generic_type(X, X):-!. remove_newlines_and_truncate(VerboseHumanSql, HumanSql):- atom_codes(VerboseHumanSql, Codes), replace_newlines_with_spaces(Codes, Codes1), length(Codes2, 77), (append(Codes2, _, Codes1)-> format(atom(HumanSql), '~s ...', [Codes2]) ; otherwise-> format(atom(HumanSql), '~s', [Codes1]) ). replace_newlines_with_spaces([], []). replace_newlines_with_spaces([32, 32|X], Y):- !, replace_newlines_with_spaces([32|X], Y). replace_newlines_with_spaces([13, 10|X], Y):- !, replace_newlines_with_spaces([32|X], Y). replace_newlines_with_spaces([13|X], Y):- !, replace_newlines_with_spaces([32|X], Y). replace_newlines_with_spaces([10|X], Y):- !, replace_newlines_with_spaces([32|X], Y). replace_newlines_with_spaces([X|Xs], [X|Y]):- !, replace_newlines_with_spaces(Xs, Y). record_referenced_tables @ query_table_alias(_, _, TableName, _) ==> referenced_table(TableName). no_duplicate_referenced_table @ referenced_table(TableName) \ referenced_table(TableName) <=> true. get_referenced_tables @ referenced_tables(ReferencedTables), referenced_table(TableName) <=> ReferencedTables = [TableName|T], referenced_tables(T). referenced_tables(Parameters) <=> Parameters = []. % FreeTDS does not like decimal for types; it really wants decimal(x,y). If you specify decimal, you get decimal(0) which is % impossible. According to http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ms187746.aspx: % * The default precision is 18 % * The default scale is 0 max_decimal(decimal(18, 0)). %! on_to_where(+Schema, +On, -Where) % % Convert ON terms to WHERE terms so we can use cql_suggest_indices/2 for joins on_to_where(Schema, (A, B), and(C, D)) :- !, on_to_where(Schema, A, C), on_to_where(Schema, B, D). on_to_where(Schema, (A ; B), or(C, D)) :- !, on_to_where(Schema, A, C), on_to_where(Schema, B, D). on_to_where(Schema, On, comparison(C, Op, D)) :- On =.. [Op, A, B], prolog_to_sql_comparison_operator(Schema, Op, _, _), on_to_where_1(Schema, A, C), on_to_where_1(Schema, B, D), !. on_to_where(_, On, _) :- throw(format('Unexpected ON : ~q', [On])). on_to_where_1(_Schema, AttributeVar, Attribute) :- var(AttributeVar), !, ( attribute(AttributeVar, Attribute) -> true ; otherwise -> Attribute = AttributeVar ). on_to_where_1(Schema, TableAlias-AttributeName, attribute(Schema, TableAlias, AttributeName)) :- atom(AttributeName), !. on_to_where_1(_, _-AttributeVar, Attribute) :- attribute(AttributeVar, Attribute), !. on_to_where_1(_, Expr, Expr). :-chr_constraint attribute(-'ApplicationValue', ?'Attribute'). attribute @ attribute_binding(_, Attribute_1, AttributeVar) \ attribute(AttributeVar, Attribute) <=> Attribute = Attribute_1. attribute(_, _) <=> fail. %! cql_suggest_indices(+RestrictionTree, +QueryId) is det. % % Warn of any restrictions without corresponding indexes on the query identified by QueryId. :-multifile(cql_index_suggestion_hook/1). cql_suggest_indices(RestrictionTree, QueryId) :- phrase(conjunction(RestrictionTree, QueryId), Conjunction), % Each solution is a different conjunction ignore(cql_index_suggestion_hook(Conjunction)). conjunction(or(LHS, RHS), QueryId) --> !, ( conjunction(LHS, QueryId) ; conjunction(RHS, QueryId) ). conjunction(and(LHS, RHS), QueryId) --> !, conjunction(LHS, QueryId), conjunction(RHS, QueryId). conjunction(comparison(LHS, Op, RHS), QueryId) --> {( Op == == ; Op == =:= )}, !, where_attribute(LHS, QueryId), where_attribute(RHS, QueryId). conjunction(_, _) --> []. where_attribute(Attribute, QueryId) --> {nonvar(Attribute), Attribute = attribute(_, TableAlias, AttributeName), table_name(QueryId, TableAlias, TableName)}, !, [TableName-AttributeName]. where_attribute(_, _) --> []. :-chr_constraint table_name(-'QueryId', -'TableAlias', ?'TableName'). table_name @ query_table_alias(QueryId, _, TableName_1, TableAlias) \ table_name(QueryId, TableAlias, TableName) <=> TableName = TableName_1. table_name(_, _, _) <=> fail. fully_compile_sql(HalfCompiledSql, HalfCompiledOdbcParameters, HalfCompiledOutputs, Sql, OdbcParameters, Outputs):- fully_compile_list(HalfCompiledSql, SqlTokens), atomic_list_concat(SqlTokens, Sql), fully_compile_list(HalfCompiledOdbcParameters, OdbcParameters), fully_compile_list(HalfCompiledOutputs, Outputs), %writeln(sql=Sql), %writeln(params=OdbcParameters), true. :-thread_local skip_cql_instantiation_check/0. % We are decompiling for a test. To be consistent, instantiate: % All if_null or if_not_null variables to {null} % All if_empty or not_empty variables to [] instantiate_test_values(if_null({null})):-!. instantiate_test_values(if_not_null({null})):-!. instantiate_test_values(if_empty([])):-!. instantiate_test_values(not_empty([])):-!. instantiate_test_values(list(_)):- !. instantiate_test_values(if_var({null})):- !. instantiate_test_values(if_not_var({null})):- !. instantiate_test_values(and(A, B)):- !, instantiate_test_values(A), instantiate_test_values(B). % Also, the test values may already be (partly) instantiated. In this case, just accept anything. instantiate_test_values(_T):- !. % ground(T). fully_compile_list([], []):- !. fully_compile_list([Condition:List|More], Sql):- % Note that this will instantiate condition if unbound. This likely indicates a mistake: If the list is not bound at runtime, % the developer has forgotten something. list(X) is instantiated with X = [], ie the restriction is ignored if unbound. % Note that the CQL decompiler tester can get into this situation, because it does not /execute/ the CQL, just tries to parse the generated % output. !, ( skip_cql_instantiation_check-> instantiate_test_values(Condition) ; Condition = if_null(Var), var(Var)-> throw(instantiation_error(Var)) ; Condition = if_not_null(Var), var(Var)-> throw(instantiation_error(Var)) ; Condition = empty(Var), var(Var)-> throw(instantiation_error(Var)) ; Condition = not_empty(Var), var(Var)-> throw(instantiation_error(Var)) ; otherwise-> true ), ( Condition = list(Items)-> fully_compile_list_expansion(List, Items, X), append(X, Tail, Sql), fully_compile_list(More, Tail) ; check_compile_condition(Condition)-> append(List, Tail, Sql), fully_compile_list(More, Tail) ; otherwise-> fully_compile_list(More, Sql) ). fully_compile_list([Atom|More], [Atom|Sql]):- fully_compile_list(More, Sql). instruction_conjunction(compile, X, X):- !. instruction_conjunction(X, compile, X):- !. instruction_conjunction(Existing, New, Existing):- instruction_is_subsumed(Existing, New), !. instruction_conjunction(A, B, and(A,B)):- !. instruction_is_subsumed(A, B):- A == B, !. instruction_is_subsumed(and(A, C), B):- ( instruction_is_subsumed(A, B)-> true ; instruction_is_subsumed(C, B)-> true ). check_compile_condition(and(A, B)):- !, check_compile_condition(A), check_compile_condition(B). check_compile_condition(Condition):- ( Condition = if_null({null})-> true ; Condition = if_null(_)-> fail ; Condition = if_var(V)-> var(V) ; Condition = if_not_var(V)-> \+var(V) ; Condition = if_not_null({null})-> fail ; Condition = if_not_null(_)-> true ; Condition = not_empty([]) -> fail ; Condition = not_empty(_) -> true ; Condition = empty([]) -> true ; Condition = empty(_) -> fail ; Condition == compile -> true ; otherwise-> cql_error(bad_cql_compile_instruction, '~w', [Condition]) ). % Handle case where list is empty fully_compile_list_expansion([_], [], []):- !. fully_compile_list_expansion([?], [_], [?]):- !. fully_compile_list_expansion([?], [_|Items], ['?, '|More]):- !, fully_compile_list_expansion([?], Items, More). fully_compile_list_expansion([odbc_parameter(Schema, TableName, AttributeName, _, Disposition, Override)], [Value], [odbc_parameter(Schema, TableName, AttributeName, Value, Disposition, Override)]):- !. fully_compile_list_expansion([odbc_parameter(Schema, TableName, AttributeName, _, Disposition, Override)], [Value|Values], [odbc_parameter(Schema, TableName, AttributeName, Value, Disposition, Override)|More]):- !, fully_compile_list_expansion([odbc_parameter(Schema, TableName, AttributeName, _, Disposition, Override)], Values, More). % This is a much better place for this than portray, since it would otherwise make portray depend on sql_write now :-format_predicate('C', cql_portray(_, _Term)). cql_portray(_, Term):- (nonvar(Term)-> ( Term = t7(_,_,_,_,_,_,_)-> format(current_output, '\'~p\'', [Term]) ; Term == boolean(true)-> format(current_output, '1', []) ; Term == boolean(false)-> format(current_output, '0', []) ; atom(Term)-> atom_codes(Term, Codes), sql_quote_codes(Quoted, Codes, []), format(current_output, '\'~s\'', [Quoted]) ; otherwise-> format(current_output, '~q', [Term]) ) ; otherwise-> format(current_output, '~q', [Term]) ). cql_var_check(Var):- ( var(Var)-> true ; otherwise-> throw(uninstantiation_error(Var)) ). cql_duplicates(List, SortedDuplicates):- msort(List, SortedList), cql_duplicates(SortedList, [], Duplicates), sort(Duplicates, SortedDuplicates). cql_duplicates([], Duplicates, Duplicates) :- !. cql_duplicates([_], Duplicates, Duplicates) :- !. cql_duplicates([A, B|T1], Duplicates, T2) :- A == B, !, ( memberchk(A, Duplicates) -> cql_duplicates(T1, Duplicates, T2) ; otherwise-> cql_duplicates(T1, [A|Duplicates], T2) ). cql_duplicates([_|T1], Duplicates, T2) :- cql_duplicates(T1, Duplicates, T2). map_database_atom(Keyword, Mapped):- reserved_sql_keyword(Keyword), !, format(atom(Mapped), '"~w"', [Keyword]). map_database_atom(Atom, Atom). cql_strip_sort_keys([], []). cql_strip_sort_keys([_-Detail|T1], [Detail|T2]) :- cql_strip_sort_keys(T1, T2). cql_path_arg([], Term, Term). cql_path_arg([Index|Indices], Term, SubTerm) :- compound(Term), arg(Index, Term, Arg), cql_path_arg(Indices, Arg, SubTerm). :-multifile(cql_access_token_hook/2). cql_access_token_to_user_id(X, Y):- ( cql_access_token_hook(X, Y)-> true ; otherwise-> Y = X ). % If log_selects succeeds, selects will be logged via cql_log/4. :-multifile(log_selects/0). % default_schema/1 needs to be defined by the application :-multifile(cql:default_schema/1). user:term_expansion(:-cql_option(default_schema(Schema)), cql:default_schema(Schema)). user:term_expansion(:-cql_option(max_db_connections(N)), cql_database:max_db_connections_hook(N)). %% statistic_monitored_attribute(+Schema, +TableName, +ColumnName). :-multifile(cql_statistic_monitored_attribute_hook/3). statistic_monitored_attribute(Schema, TableName, ColumnName):- cql_statistic_monitored_attribute_hook(Schema, TableName, ColumnName). %% statistic_monitored_attribute_change(+Schema, +TableName, +ColumnName, +Value, +Delta). % Called when a statistic_monitored_attribute changes. % Delta is the (signed) change in the number of rows in the table where TableName.ColumnName == Value :-multifile(cql_statistic_monitored_attribute_change_hook/5). statistic_monitored_attribute_change(Schema, TableName, ColumnName, Value, Delta):- ignore(cql_statistic_monitored_attribute_change_hook(Schema, TableName, ColumnName, Value, Delta)). %% dbms(+Schema, -DBMSName). % Determine the DBMS for a given Schema. % Can be autoconfigured. :-multifile(dbms/2). %% odbc_data_type(+Schema, +TableSpec, +ColumnName, ?OdbcDataType) % OdbcDataType must be a native SQL datatype, such as varchar(30) or decimal(10, 5) % Can be autoconfigured. :-multifile(odbc_data_type/4). %% primary_key_column_name(+Schema, +TableName, -PrimaryKeyAttributeName). % Can be autoconfigured. :-multifile(primary_key_column_name/3). %% database_attribute(?EntityType:table/view, ?Schema:atom, ?EntityName:atom, ?ColumnName:atom, ?DomainOrNativeType:atom, ?AllowsNulls:allows_nulls(true/false), ?IsIdentity:is_identity(true/false), ?ColumnDefault) is nondet. % Can be autoconfigured. :-multifile(database_attribute/8). %% database_attribute(?DomainName:atom, ?OdbcDataType) is nondet. % Can be autoconfigured. :-multifile(database_domain/2). %% routine_return_type(?Schema:atom, ?EntityName:atom, ?OdbcType). % Can be autoconfigured :-multifile(routine_return_type/3). %% database_constraint(?Schema:atom, ?EntityName:atom, ?ConstraintName:atom, ?Constraint) is nondet. % Constraint is one of: % * primary_key(ColumnNames:list) % * foreign_key(ForeignTableName:atom, ForeignColumnNames:list, ColumnNames:list) % * unique(ColumnNames:list) % * check(CheckClause) % In theory this can be autoconfigured too, but I have not written the code for it yet :-multifile(cql:database_constraint/4). user:goal_expansion(Schema:{Cql}, GoalExpansion) :- atom(Schema), !, cql_goal_expansion(Schema, Cql, GoalExpansion). user:goal_expansion({Cql}, GoalExpansion) :- !, default_schema(Schema), cql_goal_expansion(Schema, Cql, GoalExpansion). user:goal_expansion(?(Goal), cql_show(Goal, minimal)):- nonvar(Goal), ( Goal = {_} ; Goal = _:{_} ). user:goal_expansion(??(Goal), cql_show(Goal, explicit)):- nonvar(Goal), ( Goal = {_} ; Goal = _:{_} ). user:goal_expansion(???(Goal), cql_show(Goal, full)):- nonvar(Goal), ( Goal = {_} ; Goal = _:{_} ). :-multifile(cql_execution_hook/4). odbc_execute_with_statistics(Statement, OdbcParameters, OdbcParameterDataTypes, Row):- ( cql_execution_hook(Statement, OdbcParameters, OdbcParameterDataTypes, Row) *-> true ; otherwise-> odbc_execute(Statement, OdbcParameters, Row) ). :-multifile(cql_log_hook/4). cql_log(Targets, Level, Format, Args):- ( cql_log_hook(Targets, Level, Format, Args)-> true ; otherwise-> debug(cql(logging), Format, Args) ). %% attribute_domain(+Schema, +TableName, +ColumnName, -Domain). attribute_domain(Schema, TableName, ColumnName, Domain):- %odbc_data_type(Schema, TableName, ColumnName, Domain). % CHECKME: Above or below? database_attribute(_, Schema, TableName, ColumnName, domain(Domain), _, _, _). %% database_identity(?Schema:atom, ?EntityName:atom, ?ColumnName:atom) database_identity(Schema, EntityName, ColumnName) :- database_attribute(_, Schema, EntityName, ColumnName, _, _, is_identity(true), _). domain_database_data_type(Domain, Type) :- checked_domain(Domain, _, _, _, _, _, Type). %% database_key(?Schema:atom, ?EntityName:atom, ?ConstraintName:atom, ?KeyColumnNames:list, ?KeyType) % % @param KeyColumnNames list of _|atom|_ in database-supplied order % @param KeyType _|identity|_ ; _|'primary key'|_ ; _|unique|_ database_key(Schema, EntityName, ConstraintName, KeyColumnNames, 'primary key') :- database_constraint(Schema, EntityName, ConstraintName, primary_key(KeyColumnNames)). database_key(Schema, EntityName, ConstraintName, KeyColumnNames, unique) :- database_constraint(Schema, EntityName, ConstraintName, unique(KeyColumnNames)). database_key(Schema, EntityName, identity, [ColumnName], identity) :- database_identity(Schema, EntityName, ColumnName). checked_domain(Domain, _, _, _, _, _, DataType):- database_domain(Domain, DataType). cql_data_type(Schema, % + TableSpec, % + ColumnName, % ? DatabaseDataType, % ? CharacterMaximumLength, % ? NumericPrecision, % ? NumericScale, % ? Domain, % ? OrdinalPosition, % ? Nullability) :- cached_data_type(Schema, TableSpec, ColumnName, DatabaseDataType, CharacterMaximumLength, NumericPrecision, NumericScale, Domain, OrdinalPosition, Nullability, _, % IsIdentity _). cached_data_type(Schema, EntityName, ColumnName, DatabaseDataType, MaximumLength, NumericPrecision, NumericScale, Domain, _, boolean(AllowsNullsTrueFalse), boolean(IsIdentityTrueFalse), ColumnDefault) :- database_attribute(_, Schema, EntityName, ColumnName, domain(Domain), allows_nulls(AllowsNullsTrueFalse), is_identity(IsIdentityTrueFalse), ColumnDefault), checked_domain(Domain, _, _, _, _, _, DataType), data_type_length_precision_scale(DataType, DatabaseDataType, MaximumLength, NumericPrecision, NumericScale). cached_data_type(Schema, EntityName, ColumnName, DatabaseDataType, MaximumLength, NumericPrecision, NumericScale, {null}, _, boolean(AllowsNullsTrueFalse), boolean(IsIdentityTrueFalse), ColumnDefault) :- database_attribute(_, Schema, EntityName, ColumnName, native_type(DataType), allows_nulls(AllowsNullsTrueFalse), is_identity(IsIdentityTrueFalse), ColumnDefault), data_type_length_precision_scale(DataType, DatabaseDataType, MaximumLength, NumericPrecision, NumericScale). data_type_length_precision_scale(DataType, DatabaseDataType, MaximumLength, NumericPrecision, NumericScale) :- once(data_type_length_precision_scale_1(DataType, DatabaseDataType, MaximumLength, NumericPrecision, NumericScale)). data_type_length_precision_scale_1(varchar(MaximumLength), varchar, MaximumLength, {null}, {null}). data_type_length_precision_scale_1(nvarchar(MaximumLength), nvarchar, MaximumLength, {null}, {null}). data_type_length_precision_scale_1(varbinary(MaximumLength), varbinary, MaximumLength, {null}, {null}). data_type_length_precision_scale_1(decimal(NumericPrecision, NumericScale), decimal, {null}, NumericPrecision, NumericScale). data_type_length_precision_scale_1(int, integer, 10, {null}, {null}). data_type_length_precision_scale_1(DataType, DataType, {null}, {null}, {null}). cql_port_label(unify, 'CALL ', green). cql_port_label(call, 'CALL ', cyan). cql_port_label(pending, 'EXIT ', yellow). cql_port_label(exit, 'EXIT ', white). cql_port_label(!, 'EXIT !', white). cql_port_label(fail, 'FAIL ', magenta). cql_port_label(exception, 'ERROR ', red). cql_port_label(external_exception, 'ERROR ', red). %% cql_update_history_hook(+Schema, %% +TableName, %% +AttributeName, %% +PrimaryKeyAttributeName, %% +PrimaryKeyValue, %% +ApplicationValueBefore, %% +ApplicationValueAfter, %% +AccessToken, %% +TransactionId, %% +TransactionTimestamp, %% +ThreadId, %% +Connection, %% +Goal). % % Use this hook predicate to actually record database attribute value changes. % % You are free to let this predicate fail or raise an exception - the % database layer will ignore both of these eventualities. % % @param Schema % @param TableName (lower case) % @param AttributeName (lower case) % @param PrimaryKeyAttributeName (lower case) % @param PrimaryKeyValue % @param ApplicationValueBefore % @param ApplicationValueAfter % @param AccessToken % @param Info (Arbitrary information determined by cql:cql_transaction_info_hook/5) % @param TransactionId % @param TransactionTimestamp % @param ThreadId % @param Connection % @param Goal The goal passed to pri_db_trans :-multifile(cql_update_history_hook/14). %% cql_event_notification_table(+Schema, %% +TableName). :-multifile(cql_event_notification_table/2). %% cql_history_attribute(+Schema, %% +TableName, %% +ColumnName). :-multifile(cql_history_attribute/3). %% sql_gripe_hook(+Level, %% +Format, %% +Args). % Called when something dubious is found by the SQL parser. :-multifile(sql_gripe_hook/3). sql_gripe(Level, Format, Args):- ignore(sql_gripe_hook(Level, Format, Args)). timestamp_to_unambiguous_atom(timestamp(Y, M, D, H, Min, S, Ms), Atom):- format(atom(Atom), '~`0t~w~4+-~`0t~w~3+-~`0t~w~3+ ~`0t~w~3+:~`0t~w~3+:~`0t~w~3+.~`0t~w~4+', [Y, M, D, H, Min, S, Ms]). :-multifile(cql_inline_domain_value_hook/2). cql_domain_allowed_value(Domain, Value):- cql_inline_domain_value_hook(Domain, Value). % FIXME: Clean up everything below this line cql_perf_time(T):- get_time(T). % This needs to do something else for Windows because get_time/1 has insufficient granularity. Jan suggests a windows_perf_counter/1 predicate % Tests to add: % Can I do anything about the ugly compile: list of attributes in sqlite? % Sqlite seems to handle longvarchar and varchar(max) and text as different types to varchar(N). The type conversion fails and we end up inserting NULLs trime(Goal):- setup_call_catcher_cleanup(format('CALL ~q~n', [Goal]), Goal, Catcher, ( Catcher == ! -> format('CUT ~q~n', [Goal]) ; Catcher == fail-> format('FAIL ~q~n', [Goal]) ; Catcher == exit-> format('EXIT ~q~n', [Goal]) ; Catcher = error(E)-> format('ERROR ~q~n~w~n', [Goal, E]) )), ( var(Catcher)-> format('PEND ~q~n', [Goal]) ; otherwise-> true ). %% cql_normalize_name(+DBMS, +Name, -NormalizedName). % Normalize a name which is potentially longer than the DBMS allows to a unique truncation :-multifile(cql_normalize_atom_hook/3). cql_normalize_name(DBMS, CQLName, DBMSName):- ( cql_normalize_atom_hook(DBMS, CQLName, DBMSName)-> true ; CQLName = DBMSName ). :-multifile(cql_error_hook/3). cql_error(ErrorId, Format, Arguments):- cql_error_hook(ErrorId, Format, Arguments). cql_error(ErrorId, Format, Arguments):- format(atom(Message), Format, Arguments), throw(cql_error(ErrorId, Message)).